J'IIIXTIXG. HICKORY, N. 0„ - IKE PRINTING HOUSE (If This Large Stock of Materials " 1 t > jot' ALWAYS O.V IIASIH 'k. >/ ,''7' > j \ t?d \ 'V0,.,"' fr - h=H ' 'Hi,. Ut VP HAIRED TO THK ' Pt'h'f *" 1 UKUOKV OF Uotch Printing I 1 Jiiuh Plucks. ,I, '• " t?d , 5Q | I A "'t p 7 r-o ' - 'l'*'),,! Ov S .4"'- 2 AV,mESS ' > j, "*s ßb t ' Q "* iiick(ir) Printing 1 Company, HICKORY, N. C. PUBLISHED AT HICKORY, IV. C., fk ft .1 Handsomely Print- JM Mj I 8 Pages ««: 40 Columns © Politics aud NEWS! ONLY $1.50 A YEAR! THE PRESS &,CAROLINIAN AND One of the Best Agricultural Papers in the land—both for the price one! Can Ms Afford It ? READ Our Proposition: This is a Rare To all subseribers who are in arrears on sub A, MV ■■■ B M ajaa _ advance, and to all new subscribers who will pay M W T*l WT\ II I 111 \ / I a year in advam ewe will make a present of one II \j LJI ILJ I lln| I I V I year's subscription to »uch nu aiiricultural pa per as we above. It other than | | HV B II H H ■ I The American Farmer, A larce. l»'-pa»re monthly ntnimzlne. handsomely illustrated. lolded. pasted and trimmed. It is I TfM published Ind., and has for nil II II A I I I obj*H - t the betterment of the condition of the far- 111 IV 11 £1 I I mer. the Kardener, the horse-breeder. the dairy- JU X■ JL mLM JLwAaL JLa JL A man. the shepherd, the poultry man, and their households, no nmtter where tkey live, whether in the east, west, north or south. It is paper of national circulation. iroitiir in*«> . very state and IT7TTTTI territory as well as in all the provinces of the WIII 111 V 1 11 I I 111 Dominion of Canada. The subscription If 11 illJj 1U I Ullul! price of th« America*! Farmer is ?1. but both ia pers ill be sent for the price of one. ("all at this otiler and see sample copies ui this popular agri cultural paper and you will be sure to take ad t vai t; l-. of this n aunifc i t of. r. ofii» .nsydl «.^9 Hickory Printing Co., Hickory, N.C, l'RisriXG -------------------- PRESS AND CAROLINIAN: JANUARY 16, IS9O. A CliriMlinaM Story. 15Y PHILLIP O'NEILL. A gentleman wandered care lessly up and down the thronged streets on Christmas eve. To liiin it was an hour of relaxation from the l»usv chares that infest tlie mind of the seeker aft»-r wealth. He was a stranger and he walked along unnoticed and ; unknown, deeply lnisy with his thoughts. The air was cool and bracing - , and fluttered around his feverish l»mw with invigora ting' effect. A thousand lights tiashed a mellow radiance 011 the t streets, and In,ooo toys hung it tering" from countless stands upon the square, while crowds carrying- their Christinas pur chases passed rapidly on to their homes. The stranger noticed a little boy watching* the Christmas trees as they rapidly changed hands. He was evidently a poor , man's child. Other little hoys . greeted him as they passed with j their Christmas trees, saying ". | "Tim have you got a Christmas tree ? To which he would only sigh and say, "Not yet. ' How ever, hope was strong in the little heart, and 110 doubt forces invisi ble were at work to bring about the realization of his wish. The gentleman marked his eager manner with 1 wakened interest, and at last a kindly wave struck him, and 110 said: "The little 1 waif seems to have 110 friends. J think 1 will buy him a Christinas tree. He jipproached the little boy and he said, "Tim have you got a Christmas tree V" The lit tle fellow liiilf despondingly, and with a tinge of pathos in his tone, said, "Not yit, sir." The gentle man picked out a real handsome ; one loaded with confectionery and lie handed it to little Tim, saving: "This is yours.'' For a 1 ~ 0 _ « moment the little fellow was taken by surprise, and the pleased ex pression 011 his face rivaled tin 4 radiance of the rising sun. Then seizing the tree with a nervous grasp he gave a grateful look at the kind gentleman, and started 011 a run for his home, saying to everyone he met: "I got one, too; I got one, too/' Thus he ' went home and set it up in his j mother's dingy and lonesome apartment, and it made the room cheerful and it made his niothei smile, and she said from liei heart: "God bless the giver.' And where was he? As lie walked his face was lit by a smile that betokened an inward happi ness. He had felt the luxury oi doing good. He had learned that it was more blessed to give than to receive, and that evening as his lied touched the pillow hi> soul was as peaceful as an in fant's. That night he had 1 pleasant dream. He saw agaii ; tlio little boy with his Christ mas tree, only a wondrou | light shone all around, and ; 1 don* surrounded the little heat %/ and face turned thankfully to ward him, and he heard tlies* j words that thrilled his very sou . with their sweet music: "As y did it unto one of these nr least brethren, you did it unt me." He had given a Christina I tree to the Child Jesus, and froi that moment a spirit of peac entered his heart, and, though a] old man now, he has the ( hrist . mas smile of little Tim upon hi face. A Scrap ot Paper Saves Her l.if It was ju-t a ordinary scrap of wraj>pin paper, but it >aveil her life. She wa> i tlie >tage of consumption, told by pin Mcians that she was incurab.-e and c'ui live only a >hort time; she weighed le? than >ewnty nouiuls. On a >f wraj ping paper she read of I)r. King s Discovery, and t r,| t a simple b helped her, she bought a large bettie, helped her more. b*»Uijht another and cr»" better fust, continued it? u?e and is no airung, healthy, io>y, plump weighing 1-i pounds. For lullei particulars -end stain n> -w. H. Cole, Druggist K-.rt smth. Tr if B Bottles of this Wondeful D.-e.jVet; Free ii I all the drug stores. A D VEH 'll SEMESTS. ClilEMMf COLLEGE, HICKORY, NL O- What Y u Want For Your Girls, at a Boarding School, is—lst. A Healthful Place. Well, Hickory is on a high plateau —below the m.aiu trtins. und th*> plqins It bus no rheumatic, pulmonarv or malarial 1 diseases; not too much cold 1101 iieut. It is the most healthful region in . tin- Son I ii. 2d. A Good. Comfortable, Sheltered And Protecting Home. Here -s A nev . e v an, well Tni nibbed, roomy and beautiful building— -taking it all around, no doubt t'p nicest CV'ei*'- in the S'ate. Lurge grounds, nobody beis >{ rbe resident's family. Pupils attend church of their choice with j a teacher. 3rd. Good Food. No better market can he found. Mentc from the mountains fish Cr«»m the con ;t. milk, butter and countr* pro duce in abundance. and all will be furnished in pro-fusion and well cooked, 1 on the school table. 4th. High Grade. Ciaremont easily lends the Southern schools—a J jinnee »L me catalogue shows it, and it is authorized by law to confer de grees, upon the graduates, under ii» great seai. sth, Good Teachers. —Four of them have studied in Europe, one at Harvard, the rest at the best colleges oi the Knd l ucre mue of 4 ! them, each with special training foi special duties—all earnest, and vigi lant. Their aim is not only to teach, but to > xcite the girls to s?i.d\ and think for themselves In Music, in Art. in Languages, and in English, we promise and will gi v e advantages unequalled in the Soutn and tin-an passed 1 I anywhere. Our graduates are sought for as teachers; the demand i.s^rtat- I i er tliau the supply. They are now getting Slit). £SO, and even .IOO a - month and expenses. So an education here is a good investment I 'Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York, Pa. ; Address A. B. FAEQUHAR & SON, York, Pa. : ° r SHU FORD HARDWARE COMPANY, HICKORY, N. C. a II AGENTS FOR CATAWBA, BURKE. CALDWELL, ALEXANDER, LINCOLN", MCDOWELL, MITCHELL & WATAUGA COUNTIES. TEMPEST TOSSED? i . 11 STRAWS SHOW WHICH WAY WIND BLOWS! 'So Does The MtVSH to Wagner .s. A' Mtillian's Show Whe ire of BARGAINS .11 : " ' I- We are now in our new brick building, where we are better prepared is than ever to meet vour wants in the way of BESI GOODS at EX TREMELY LOW PRICES : In this line we can tit and suit all. BOOTS and SHOES— The very be-t values at panic prices. t See our line befpre buying. in v_ H«re YOU will tind the latest styles DRY COODS- and best qualities at unheard-of pri s> ces. B* sure to see this iine. 5 In this branch we carrv a large.freb) 7t CROCERIES, ETC.— lotL ~ta| !p ai:) f«ncv_i.t pr :. ces lower than the bottom notch. 11 .I- ALL STANDARD GOODS—BEST VALUES FOR THE MONEY 40 We La\t uii immense sto:*k, and ask \ou to come and see Uh beioi vou buy. And whatever \cu do, don't buy your winter sh es until vou al see ours and cur prices. No spider-ai d lly busiiiess —we irnan w Lat 'i " e : v., WAG N EIl & KILLIAN. .1 1> 1 'EH TIX K 7 .S. 7