6 ' Jl - r -"-"- rur - r - r - r - r - r r - rLr -"- rj "-' >-"-*> i THK I'OTATO DISEASE. In Denmark some inter- j esting and perhaps very valuable researches into the potato disease have been made by Prof. J. L. Jenson, The disease is found to con sist of a fungus, whose j spores are carried by the wind, and which first attacks the foliage of the plants. It spreads f o the tubers in about seven days by spores washed down from the stem and foliage. Considering these facts, it was thought that the tubes might be protected by moulding the soil into a broad ridge 3 or 4 inches high and 10 or 12 inches wide, after the first weeding, and a further earth ing up on one side only— causing the plants to bend so that the spores would fall awav from the ridges—with in seven days alter the ap pea ranee of the disease on the foliage. Some 150 farm ers are said to have experi mented in way, with these astonishing results: Where no moulding or earth ing up was done, the per centage of lisea sm ! potatoes was 84; where the moulding was imperfect, 12; and where the moulding was per fect, only 1. Infection dur ing harvest was prevented by allowing the tubers to re main in the ground for a month after the withering' >l the tops. Scienlilie Miscellany. I \ RTIEICIAL SKI' LL-SIIA I*l Ni. Astonishing success has at tended t he efforts of Dr. Lan r nelongue, an eniment spe ' eialist of Paris, to give in telligence to a little idiot girl. Though four vears old, the child could neither wa Ik i nor stand, and never smiled nor took notice ot anvthing. % , The Doctor concluded that the abnoi mul narrowness (>f the head obstructed the growth ot the brain, and in Mav last he made an incis ion in the centre of the skull and cut a piece of bone from the left side. Tin* result was marvelous. Within less than a month t he child could walk, and she has become quite bright—playing, smil ing, and taking notice of everything around her. PAIN-.TOV. A Herman anatomist has called the attention of his class to certain hysterical women who are a AW* ted with a kind of "pain joy" —not on ly experiencing no pain from surgical mutilation, but having a morbid desire to bear without anaesthetics operations, which should prove very painful. A voting woman was intio * dueed who had seriouslv in jured hei lower jaw, during a paroxvsmof hvsteria, but *■ ' j v,ho had insisted upon hav- PRESS AND CAROLINIAN: DECEMBER 13,1890. ing the necessary removal ot part of the jaw and liga ture of two arteries per formed without an anesthet ic. and subsequently declared . that the operations had giv en her great pleasure. THE MOOX-WEATHER PROB LEM. From tables made by the use of synoptic charts, elim- j mating local disturbances. Dr. (J. Meyer believes he has accomplished what other in vestigators have sought to do without success—shown an influence of the moon on the weather. The height of the barometer, in months of September to January, is lowered at the time of full moon and raised during the first quarter. No effect can be traced for other months. ELECT RICA LEY-AIM El> (iUNS In an invention, a small drv battery, an electro • 7 magnet and a circuit-closer of mercury are so arranged in the stock of a gun that the weapon can be dis charged only when elevated to a predetermined angle. At other positions the trig ger is locked and cannot be pulled. The device is claimed to ensure precision in range, and accuracy of firing at night when range has been previously obtained. ANOTHER SILK. *• A substance having all the essential qualities of silk has been made from wild hemp bv Xa veinura Sakusabura, ofHikone, Japan. Theplant : grows on moors ami hill- I sides, and could be cultivat ed. The fibre is strong ami glossy, and several silk fac- : tories are said to ha ve found it to be in no way in- C' ferior to silk. COLD WAVES. \ eold wave is denned by Prof. T. Russell as a fall of tempera t ure in twenty-four hours of 20 degrees over an area ot r>0,()0() square miles. The temperature in some part of this area descending to 35 degrees. Between 1880 and 181)0 no less than 091 cold waves were record ed in the Fnited States. In the great cold wave of Jan uary 17, 1882, the fall of 20 degrees extended over an area of 1,101,000 square 1 miles, and t lie tali of 1 > de grees included 2.1)20,000 square miles. In six cold waves of the ten vears the area of the fall of 20 degrees was more than a million square miles. Cold waves follow a day after an area of low pressure, or occur to the southeast of an area of low pressure, or occur to the southeast of an area of high pressure, reaching their greatest extent when both conditions are present. NESTS FOR OERMS. The impurities that col-j lect under finger-nails have been investigated in the bae- ; teriological laboratories of I \ ienna. The matter ob tained in 78 examinations ; was placed in culture solu tions, and gave 36 kinds of microeoci, IS of baccilli, and j 3of sarcime. Cleanliness ot, the nails is especially neccs- ; sary tor all who come near a j wound, and for those whoj live in a neighborhood where an epidemic prevails. A KEMAHKAIiLE IMtESEUVA TIVE. A Belgian chemist has 1 found that the green tar left j ' after extracting the oil from the white bark of the birch will effectually preserve even the most delicate textures from -d era v. If vields neith er aeid nor alkaloid, is re ma rkablv fluid in alcoholic «/ solution, and when once dried resists even the action of alcohol. A NEW IDEA. A recent contract provides tor street lighting in Paris on a novel plan. Power is distributed by the com pressed air system to a great number ot small motors, each of which supplies elec tricity for a small number ol lamps. The Manufacturers' Record j I ; of .November 22, in its week ly review of the Souths in d list rial progress, says: Nor wit hstanding the ex-, citement in the great finan cial center* ot tlie world, j there lias been no haulting in the Smith's industrial progress. 1.1 is already be j ing demonstrated that capi- Si ft lists driven f»om Wall j Street s'ock speculat ion> h\ much troubles as we have 1 i S been passing through, aiej turning their attention to t leSout h, w here invest nients j are saler and wliere the prof its are greater. The South | moves along as though there had been no sign ot fi nancial 11 ouble any wliere. 1 his is very strikingly shown in the record »i new cut er prises reported during th» j week. A S1,()()().()()0 com pan y has been organized to build a cotton mill at lluntsville; a SoO),(MM) mill will be built in Union county, S. ('.; a large mill is to be moved to Alabama from Delaware, iand a SI 00.000 mill in ■ Mississippi lias been sold and will be enlarged toaSl.ooo.- 000 plant: Nashville, Ten?.., ha s organized a SI .000.000 stock-yards and packing* company: Va.. a s.)i M i,( MM) steel ear buildiii"- company: Beaumont. Tex as. a Sooo.oooe&i companv: Bedford ( ity, \ a., secures the »•» tnovnl of a £200,000 engine works from Pennsvl vania: a *2,000,000 eomoa ny is building a 7,000 horse p >wer canal in North Caro lina tor a furnishing power to many new enterprises: Pal ton, (i a., has organized a >_(>().! MM) irrying coni|»a -n,l : Grottoes. \a , a s.~>o - o*.o supply coin pain: lyler, Texas, a soo,- 000 lumber company; Mur *■ t pny, A. t., a SOOO,OOO im provement company: New port News, a., a 82,000,- 000 improvement company; Buena Vista, \a., a $500,- 000 company; Louisville, Ivy., a sloo,ooo lumber company; Pensacola, I* la., a $.">0,000 manufacturing com panv: Norfolk, \ a., is to have f2oo ? ooo car works; 40,000 acres of coal land in West Virginia will be devel oped by Northern capital | ists. These are but illustrations of what the South has done during the past weeK. Not a complaint has been heard of any bad influence from the Wall Street troubles* but on the contrary, it is everywhere recognized that the South is on a solid sub stantial basis that insures rapid growth regardless of financial difficulties else where. From the many good words the Constitution has said of the recent W. C. T. P. Convention in Atlanta, * we copy tie* following: '•The Stindav exercises were particularly interesting. Nearly all the churches of the city were thrown open to the women of the W. C. • x T. r , and religions services were held by them. In the afternoon Miss Willard and Mrs. Wallace, of Ohio, were invited to address the citizens af Atlanta, and the opera house was engaged for the occasion. Long before the appointed hour this large building was crowded to : overflowing by the very best people in our city. Mrs. W. I C. Sibley, president, of the W. C T. I . of (ieorgia. pre sided. After the singing of Inflow Firm a Fountain," j the reading ot Scrij>ture and ! a praver. the audience was , 1 addresed by Miss Willard, on the purity of our homes, and by Mrs. \\ allace, on our dutv to humanity Both addresses were listened to •i i I with deep attention, and to«j say they were greatly en- 1 joyed isexpressing itfeeblv— ' it would be impossible to do justice to either in so short \ [ a notice. I here was not an objec tional feature during the •y hole con vent ion, and even tiiose most opposed to wom en on the platfonn were con strained to put aside all prejudice and acknowledge there was nothing masculine or unwomanly in anything » r said or done. A more re fined, gentle and elegant company of ladies cou'd never have b.vn found than those so recently in our muNt. Long may these noble women live to bless humanii \ by their good w?o Is and works Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. i2S « tew. ' " k * : : * • J3T r: - 7 wr ! kr .'" , 7? » * uiillcil il: C o I* w .. ' * fr» Forcing the Force bilf against the real sentiment, of a respectable minority ( " its own party, has « ro \ t^ 1 the Republicans of the s* T ' ate into &.11 ugly predict nif»rjt and were it not for the nent danger of a financial panic, vvnicn wassostriking ly set forth by Senator G o "k man in a twenty minute speech this week, that is threatening our country there would be no sympathy for them. They sowed the wind and as a natural con sequence are reaping the whirlwind. There is a seri ous revolt in their ranks, and unless the Force bill can be crowded through at once it will never go through. It is sometimes said that men in public positions, who must mingle more or less with all classes, cannot de cline to drink; but (iov. M e . Kinley, of Virginia, gives positive testimony to the contrary. In his political campaigns many a time Ims he met persons who wish to •'treat," but on being told, courteously and firmly, that he never drihks. it is not mi uncommon reply for him to be told, "I think all the het t T of you." I i* nonsense for any lull-grown man who is not a baby to say that in certain society he must prink.—[(-ongrega t iona list. Secretaries Wiudom and Noble have heroine so alarmed over the pension pnji: enis, wliirh bid fair to create such a bi_r treasury deficit hi the near lilt mv. that thev ha ve laid the mat ter before Mr. Harrison, in the hope that some feasible method of reducing 11 i * payments by revising t!.e pension rolls, or otherwise may be concocted. They have succeeded in getting the pension c munif te. - of the House to deride that no special pension legislation would be reported at the present session. i M any parents seem have absolved their con sciences from all i'il itv foi' file religion.-* trainii _ %/ of their children and te have turned over this worK entirely to llie Sunday school and t!:• ' ; Alas: alas! that it ■>»' ! be so. The highest ever committed to man woman is to bring up *'- J r dren "in Hie nurture an i '''' monition of the b>rd. [ Ad voca te. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cast:' i- Tlie l)!f»co\cr>' \ * r Z" ' You have heard your fi.'-nd- * ' , bors talking about it. )ou na> : " be one of tlie many lio know fr> a! experience just how 1 It you haw ever trie 1 jr. y » , staunch friends, because rie - v thing about it is, that when " - . trial, Dr. Kind's New Disc >v»-r} ' ' " . . hold a place in the hou-e- | r ■' y % never used it and *houl! >•* „ . |., »»>r * cough, cold or any lot > 4 - u - 5 trouble, secure a bottle at once * n y f a fair trial. It is guarantee , v t j money refunded. Trial nottk* tlie di btoreo.