1 i ULCERS . e in manj' respects like other ulcers or 'es, and this resemblance often proves fatal, iluable time is lost in fruitless efforts to heal ^Ibecanse the germs of Cancer that are multi- the sore reim'w^hes aM salves ggUs which are constantly develop- plying in the blood and the DevJjggjj^j-gg^ jgg^ sharp shooting pains ing keep up the irritation and lating and sloughing stage, and a hideous, announce the approach of the ttg jj-g sickening cancerous sore begilf in 3?ebruary, 1899, I noticed a small destructive work, with tump on my lower Up. The doctor can- ' No ulcer or sore can exist out some predisposing internal that has poisoned the blood, ai ^ open discharging ulcer, or the 1 ^ ing sore on the lip, cheek or terized it bnt another came and broke ' cause out into an open sore. I began to take ,d the S. S. S, and after I had taken seven bot- I ggi^gr- ties the place healed entirely and no 1 , signs of the disease have been seen other since. W. P. Brown, Hollands, S. C. , - . ne to ■part of the body will contii^ flesh unless the blood is purified and the spread and eat deeper into th^ eliminated from the circulation. Cancer germs or morbid maW gp decaying effete matter. It has great ■ S. S. S. cleanses the bl(j pgg that soon destroy the germs and poisons antidotal and purifying pfoM^gj-nral condition. And when pure blood is and restore the blood to its the ulcer or sore the healing process carriec ^ the , discharge ceases and the place heals begins ^ew skin forms. S. S. S. is a strictly vege- over a K1 o o d purifier containing no mercury or table Ljg gjjy description. minerjj-Qjjjg. gQj-g Qf a,ny kind, write us about it, medi- If you have au ulcer or c|jtjjg_ Books on Cancer and other diseases of cal advice will cost you not{ SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlflhi, Ga. the blood will be sent free. RULES AND REUULATK THE BOX BORO GRAl SCHOOLS, )N OF )BD f spect- !zf rules nter the after the at igS- to ted .f when 15. and Jo minutes ternion is e tuiici The^attentioa of patrons fully directed to the folio of the'School Commitee; Sec, 1. Pupils will not academy or grounds until first bell rings at 8:25 a. 1:10 p. m, i Sec 2. All pupi Aare e be in the apademy and seni the second bell rings at 8;4d . I- at 1:30 p. m. A period of 2. both in theforenoon and a' allowea between first at; ■ells whicri will give ampl pupils t'l leave tneir homes' iiell rings and .-each ^'1 before the second. ', Sec. 3. Erery popi!’ school paiuctuiilly and^ form to all the regulalj quiremeh^^f the sch:l prompt^^Hl respectfij Sec. 4, All pupils whose , nave not be-n previously upon, must be examin^j before they can be assigned to a' school. Sec. 5. Upon entering every pupil must be seated igj^^ediate ly, and when the bell ring niencing exercises all whc come, in thereafter shall be marked Sec. 6. All pupils wno a'^ or tardy will bring writte|j excggp 1 rom parents or guardian ^en they enter school again. This igguiation is made so that both teacher may know the of the pupil at all times. Sec 7, No pupil shall be L^jued to leave .school at recess or at Q,ber time before the close, of schg^i except in case of severe sickness, other urgent necessity, oKb/ request and then only by pX of the superintendent or son|g j^gggb- IT, S-)C, 8. Profane and indec guagp, and the use of tobaci form upon or near the schoo are positively forbidden- notify the parent of the pupil of the fact. In the event that the pupil is sent ro the superintendent a second time for the same offense within four months he shall be suspended 'from schoo] until ascurance is given of satisfactory improvement in deport ment, or be sha'l receive corporal punishment—it being discretionary with the suptrint'-mlent as t ^ which it shall be—suspension or punisb. ment. Sec. 13. For the \iolatiou of any well-known or established principle of right, or of any rule nrnle O' the Faculty, each pupil shall be held to us suiet account as though it were one of the written rules of the School Ouiimiittce, Parents are urgeu to give the Leathers their earnest sincere support that nc.-e regulations inav be ob served. It will result in good for all concerned, esiiecially the pupils N. 0. Newbold, A ■ Supt. of Schools. Til * * Simple RemedyT'or Typhoid. There appeal'd recently in this column mr-ntion of some experiments that are being conducted in a Chicago hospital with a new cuj-e for typhoid called acetozone. That article has brought out the information that right here in the State for years, a simple remedy has been used in one neighborhood which is said to be efficacious and which does not depend for Rs virtues upon intricate combi nation of little known chemical agen cies. The remedy in question is yeast. A reader of the News, one of the State’s most distinguished citizens, having read of the experiments with typhoid cu-res, writes as follows: “I note in a late issue your article OQ specific remedy for typhoid fever, My father cured eyery case in his neighborhoo ■, for year.s, without a single failure, by the administration of a tablespoonful of • ordinary yeast three times a day. He was not a professional phpsician bnt a large slave holder and was compelled to know a great deal of medical science. His white neighborhoods were cured by the same treatment, “Typ.tioid fever, you know, is caused by b.ioilli iu the lower intestines. It is probable that yeast is the antitoxine for tbt-m or at least heals the ravages they make in the inner coating of the intestine. Ir, can do no harm if s jtiie of your physicians would test it- If unwilling to risk the yeast alone thev might try it in conjunction wdth o-dinarj remedies if they are not su h as to neutralize the effect of the yeast'”. The j'eniedy ceartainly bears the charm o? simplicity and there can be hai'Ui ill i!s use. The suggestion comes from such a high sourct that we com mc-nd to tile physician of Oharlotiea trial of it 111 their practice —Ohar- lotte News, ,-.0 Yoa Have Alwa.ys BongM, and vsiiit,:! iias ai! use for over 30 j-ears, lias borne tlie sispr-afr-re of and lias been made mu'or !i,s p-t- sofial supervihiou since ite infiincj-. Allow no one to deceive yoa in titis. AM Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Ju.st-as-goocl” are but ,^:Vi>-criiiieKfc3 tlia.t trifle ivitli and eiidang'er tiic liealtSi cf Infants -autl Cliildrea—Sxperierice against Exiioriincnr,, DU at Ian-' violation of the same will re 0 in any ground and any ider the ct upon ire posie 1 must ,!jn. mark, ire to do this within one weel subject fhem to suspension aj offender liable to severe disci pqi^e- Sec 9, All loud talking, and rough, boisterous condu Of near the school grounds tiyely forliidiien. Each piij conduct himself as a ga&tleni Sec. 10. ihtpil who shai icratch, break, deface, or m any way, any of the school pl-opgrty shall pay in full for alldama,®^^ shall jd they shall be readmitted only by n.l the school coinmiite^,,^.. Sen. 11. No pupil will -to be, or to remain upon the-J grourid.s after the oisrnissal of ■gg^QQ] but shall go home immediatel .Sec. 12. vVfit-Li i fse.dcijorlai a pupil for auv one .soli shall be 75 per cent; Of i 'S-, 11| pil shii 1 be sent tiy the teac superiuteiideir, who sha,! , f( first offense, warn and repro p 4>il, and at the same time -lit CANCER CURED BY BLOOD BALM All Skin and Blood Diseases Cured. Mrs. M. le Adams, Fredonia Ala,, took Botanic Blood Balm which ef fectually cured an eating cauoer of the nose and face. The sores healed up perfectly. Many doctors had given up her 'ase as hopeless, hundreds oi cases of cancer, eating sorers, suppe.rating swellings, etc., h ■ ve been cured by Blood Balm, Among others, Mrs B M Gue.ney, Warrior Staed, Ala Her nose and lip were us raw as beef, wiili offen sive d.suharge from the eating sore. Doctors advised catting, but it failed Bl('od Barhn healeil t'.e .sores, and Mrs. Gueruey is as well as ever, Botanic Blood Balm also Cures ecze ma, Itching humors, scabs and scales, bone pains, ulcers, offensive pimples, blood poison, carbuncles, scrofula, risings and bumps on the skin and all b'ooiJ troubles. Oruggi.sts. $1 per large bottle. Sample of Botanic Blood Bal l' free and prepaid by wrlting B1 .'od Balm Co; Atlanta, Ga Desoiibe trouble and special medical auvice sent in .sealed letter It is certainly worth while investigating such a remarkable remedy, as Blood Balm cures the most awful, worst and most deep-seated blood diseases The spectacle of Speaker Hender- ,son travelling about the country m a private car to e.xpound republican doctrines will doubtless prove edifje ing to ihe mine laborers who live '-i'ith their entire families in one room tvieb'e f-et squre. Gentc ral Hei.sdcvsu''’.s c'oll stocked larder will also .serve to el hibitioni-i,-'. ‘cti'ify the pro- The laws of health reqiitr? that the Howels move, once each -Jay and one of the penalties for violating this law is piles. Keep vour bowels reg ular by taking a dc'se of Chamber.-. laics .StoniacLi and L'ver Tablets when necessary ar.d lou will never have that severe punishruent iufliot-- ed upon you. rrice, 25 cents. For sale by M'. R. Hamiiriok, Mr. Brya i says that Eepreseniative p Bi'cock has crawied so for into his I ihe tariff qucsiion that only iio I.'I- tpis of bis ear.s are visible. Mr. ib i Brvau tuts a 1 v comprehensive way ball!,of putting things. rao m a,. J.’ C. Bll sa^s, I have us^ Tar in three pneumonia with gfl case. Refuse ub^ tv, K. Hambrick. Judgi g from the force au'i of’ some of ^resident Roosevelf’s recent utterance he must haye been Donrisbiug his mind on some such strong food as Baxter’s Saints Rest or JobnsoDs’s Commentaries. Mcduffib’s Turpentine mut ton suet Lung' Plaster is a certain cure for whooping cough, easy and c..tx)fortable, woras while you sleep 25 cents. For sale by J. II. Morris Britkli Steel Trust. London, Aug. 30.—Negotiations for the formation of the British trust, on the lines proposed by J. P. Morgan, are likely to be success ful from the pre,sent indications. Only workers in a thoroughly effi cient condition will be taken over., Charles Schwab is expected to arrive next week from Paris to look ov’er the estimates. Mother “My mother was troubled with consumption for many years._ At last she was given 'up to die. Ihen she tried Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, and was speedily cured.” B. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y. No matter how hard your cough or how long you have had it, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is the best thing you. can take. It’s too risky to wait until you have consump tion. If you are coughing today, get a bottle of Cherry Pectoral at once. Three sizes: 2Sc., 50c., $!. Ali druggists. Consult your doctor. If lie says take it, then do as he saya^ If he tells you not to take it, then don't take it. He kuo-ws. Leave it with him. We are willing. J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. ¥1 is CASTOR s 14' C.'.lstoria. is a harmless substitute for Casto.r Oil, Pare- g'Ui'ic,' l>i-ops aud Sootiiijig- Syruiis. It is Pleasant. Ifc coptaiiis neither Opiiiin, Blorpliiue nor other Narcotic ;3;i|bstaiice. Its age is its gnaraetee. It destroys Worios au.fl. allays Feveriohness. It cures Diarrhoea and '^Viiid Colic. It relieves Teetliiiig Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tiie Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. CASTOR! A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Have Always BoiigM in'Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY* YT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. J. S.iBRADSHER- Pres, Gashier, 0 A. J. HESTER, Vlce-Pres ^ DXBORO, N.C moderii y.'i .'ess ' S IfU, Registra* *S Iapital Stock, Surplus and profits, * * * * $40,000. 5 10,000. Tran.sacts a general banking business. Good facilities, oromot and careful attention in all matters. Your busi- ^ acss sohciteu,.'" ‘ I Do You knoM^ VVliat'the National Business College, Koanoke, Ya., is |Doing— Placing itp j^'raduatfo ii to good POSITIONS with Railroad Compan- ' if'E, Exprtsi-Ccn:par.ies, Banks and other corporations. Do jou ffi/ want to draw a roi d SALARY? Are yon willing to stud}? Hun- i * dreda of vcTing ppop'e are succetding. Why" not yon'-' Do [you know what there i,'- net a combined graduate of this insti'ution out of EMPI.OYMFNT, and that the NATIONAL BUSINESS COL LEGE can’t Mippli tte demand for its graduates? Jiie most handsome (’ATALOGUE t ver sent out by a Business ( ollege in the south, Sent frei, piiiited :n thiee colors, illustrated firm cover to '.over. Write to E. M. COl'TTER,, P-i.esident PNIVERSITY OF SOETH €.4R0tffiA, Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains- all of the digestants and d.igests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never faiffi 'to c’ci'c. it allows you to eat all ^ thelood you want. The most sensitive sto j'iachs.can take it. By its use many theusands of dyspeptics have been cur-td after evcrythingrelse failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. aEi stosnach tfonsbies Prepared only by E. C. DkWitt& Co., Chicago The $1. bottle contains 314 times the 50c. size. 3 YnxMctanc-noiaiioir. THE HE.AD Of the State’s Eduoational P'yst.em Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. AGENTS WANTED. LIFE OF T DEWITT TALMAGE. by liis Sou, REV. FRANK DEWITT TALWAGE and associate editors of Christian Herald. Only book endorsed oy Talmage family. .Enormous ]proiit for agents who act quickly. Outiit ten cents. Write immediately CLARK P&O.. 222 S. 4th It, Fhila a Men tion this 1:1 ci. One hundred and eight .scholars ships. Free tn+itiou to,teachers and to minister's sons. Loans for the needy. 563 Students. 54 Instructors. New Dormito' ies. Water Works, Cen tral Heating System. Fall term begins September 8, 1902. Address. F. P. Venrable- President, Chapel Hill, N. C PACKER’S HAIR BALS,AM , Cflth'th’iea flttd beautifies %Iie Promotes a InzHfiant growth, J IsTeYer Fails to Heatore Q-rayl Hair to its youthful Color- ‘ Cu’TS scalp diseasea &■ hair ta'iisjjf. audJJ _ Foley's tioney and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia.