MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1946 The Woman s Angle CLUB ACTIVITIES. • SOCIETY.• PERSONALS MISS ALMA HUGHES, Society Editor office Phone 2391 • PERSONALS Mrs. J. W. Walker returned home Sunday, after visiting her mother in-law, Mrs. Eddie Walker, at Syca ' more, Ga. L Mrs. T. P. Riddle, of the Mione P'Beauty, Shop, spent Wednesday in Durham where she attended the Helen Curtis Beauty Demonstration which was held at the Durham Beauty Academy. Mrs. Richard Hoskins is visiting her husband, Sgt. Richard Hoskins, who is stationed at Fort Jackson, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Yaten Martin are this week in Mississippi 'visiting Mrs, Martin’s parents. Miss Emma Susan Brooks, stud ent nurse of Watts Hospital spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Nat Brooks. Tom Shaw has been ill at his home on Lamar Street for the past several days. A Miss Thelma Garland of Lyneh . burg, Virginia, sister of Mrs. Sam Merritt, spent last week-end with Mrs. Merritt. Cullen Lester, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Lester, Woodsdale, is in boot-training at the Naval Cen ter, Great Lakes, 111. Lester en listed in the Navy early in Decem ber. He has a brother, Lt. Ray mond Lester with the Eighth Air! Force in England. Mrs. A. S. deVlaming, Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. j M. C. Clayton and Jerry Clayton spent Sunday afternoon in Dur ham visiting relatives and friends. L. L. Harvey returned home Sat urday after spending several days last week in Washington and Bal- i timore on business. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Heath and j daughters, Doris, Bettie and Sue, of ! Kinston, were week-end guests of Mrs. Heath's brother, C. F. Voglev j and family. Machinists Mate First Class J. L. Rampey and Mrs. J. L. Rampey, of Washington, D. c. and Patuxant River, Md., spent the week-end here with Mrs. Rampey’s mother, Mrs. Ora Hughes. Mr. Rampey returned while Mrs. Rampey will re *iaini for a few days- Barnic Gray, who has been on active duty with the U. S. Navy, is spending sometime here with rela tives. Pvt. Dalton L. Gillis is now sta tioned at Camp Blanding, Fla. Pvt. Wyatt J. Blalock, who has j confined to a hospital in Biawaii since November 19, is now in Georgia. He is expected home soon. Mrs. R. D. Bumpass and daughter | spent last week in Raleigh visiting j Mr. Bumpass. Mrs. Joe Carver and Joe, Jr., are ; pending this week with her hus- ; band and parents, Mr. and Mrs. \ Fletcher Carver and family of j Miss Hazel Carver spent last j week-end in Yaneeyville visiting! Miss Jessie Mary Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Bullock spent last week-end here visiting their families. Mrs. E. E. Thomas and Mrs. Gene Thomas have gone to Mississippi, visiting Pvt. Gene Thomas who is at Camp Shelby, Miss. TThey. spent last week-end in New Orleans, La. x Mrs. H. A. Yarboro is visiting her son, Alvin Yarboro, of Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. Rosa Jones and Mrs. Anna Jones spent last week-end in Gra ham. o Business Club Met Tuesday The regular meeting of the Busi ness and Professional Womens Club was held at Hotel Roxboro last Tuesday evening, with the pres ident, Mfs. Beth Crutchfield, pre siding. ,'V Mrs. T. C. Wagstaff told the club £,of the arrangements being made by "the Social Agencies of the County to have Dr. Ellen Black Winston, North Carolina Commissioner of Ptiblic Welfare, to address a joint meeting of all the civic clubs on March 29th, and the club members voted to meet with the other clubs on this occasion. Miss Nina Abbitt and Mrs. Eve lyn Carver had charge of the pro gram for this meeting, and they two very interesting con "tests carrylny out the Valentine idea. Mrs- Mildred Nichols won the prize in the first contest, and Miss Virginia Dixon in the sec ond. Miss Lura Penny, Assistant Per sonnel Manager of Collins & Aik man, was elected to membership in the Club. Miss Virginia Dixon was the guest of the evening. Miss Nellie Jackson And George Rhew Wed In Church Rites Announcement is being made to day of the marriage of Miss Nellie Eileen Jackson, of Elkins, West Vir ginia, to George Lebbious Rhew, of Roxboro and Baltimore, Md., Fri day afternoon, January 26th, at the United Brethern church in Elkins. The Rev. H. L- Koontz officiated using the double ring ceremony. For her nuptials, the bride chose a green outfit with brown accessor ies. Her corsage was of talisman roses. She had as her only attend ant her niece. Miss Marytfctosc Rest ing, of Elkins, West Virginia, who wore a green and black outfit with a corsage of sweetpeas. Following the wedding, a small reception was held at the home of the bride's parents with members of the immediate family present. Mrs. Rhew is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyda Kesling, of Elkins and is a graduate of Elkins high school. For the last three years she Iras been employed in Baltimore, Md. Tlic bridegroom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Rhew, of Roxboro. He lias an honorable .dis charge from the U. S. Navy and has been employed in Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Rhew are now vis iting friends and relatives here. o Mrs. Umstead Hostess | To Study Club Group — Mis. H. L. Umstead entertained members of the Wed nesday afternoon at three o'clock at her home on Barnette Avenue. Tile meeting was called to order by Mrs. E. B. Yancey, president, j Roll call was answered by giving the i name of the favorite composer. • Mrs. Edgar Masten was in charge |of the program which was opened I by singing the first stanza of "America'', Mrs. Masten then re viewed the book, "American Ballads and Folk Songs,” by John A. Lomarf and Allan Lomax. She rendered several piano selections which in- j eluded folk songs, western ballads and negro spirituals. In keeping I with St. Valentine’s Day, several love songs were played. The pro- 1 gram was concluded by singing -The Battle Hymn of the Republic”. Special guest of the afternoon was Mrs. G. E. Moore, of Oxford, a j former club member. Following the program, Miss Ev- | elyn Umstead assisted the hostess 1 in serving light refreshments. Those present were: Mesdames T. B. Brooks, R. C: Hall, Edgar Mast en, T. T. Mitchell, O. B. Mcßroom, Floyd Peaden, W. C. Short, R. M. Spencer, Ralph Tucker, L. R. Wil son, Robert Whitfield, E. B. Yancey, and the hostess, Mrs. Umstead. * o Miss Grinstead To Wed C. B. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Trojan B. Grinstead of Roxboro, announce the engage ment and approaching marriage of their daughter, Jeanette Martha, to Charles Burch Davis, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Davis, Sr., of Hurdle Mills. The wedding will be solemnized next month. Miss Grinstead is a graduate of Hurdle Mills high school, class of 1944, and at the present time, is employed by Rose’s store. Mr. Davis, who is also a graduate of Hurdle Miss high school, class of 1942, holds a position with the Farmer's Supply Company here. . Peebles Employees Honor J. D. Mangum In honor of J. D. Mangum, man ager of Peebles Department Store, in celebration of his birthday, em ployes of Peebles and a few addi tional friends entertained with a surprise chicken barbecue dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Long. Friday evening. Guests were invited for seven o’clock. Following dinner, group singing was enjoyed for several hours. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wade, Sr., Mrs. Charles Wade, Jr., Mis. V. W. Hall, Mrs. /» Need a *\ f LAXATIVE?V 7 Black-Draught is V f 1-Usually prompt V » I 2-Usually thorough \ 3-Always economical / MtiS&i 1 40' doses only, Miss Ragland And Camden Robertson Wed At Duke The marriage of Miss Rosa Har riet Ragland, daughter of Mrs. Liz zie Hubbard Ragland and the late Walter R. Ragland of “Rose Hill”, Virgilina, Va. to Crowder B. Robert son, son of Edwin J. Robertson and the late Mrs. Fannie Mason Rob ertson of Woodsdale, was perform ed in the Duke University Chapel, Durham, on Saturday afternoon, February 10th at 2 o'clock with the Rev. R. N. Dubose, minister of the chapel, officiating. The bride wore a navy blue suit with matching accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Miss Sue Stempel, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor and only attendant. She wore an apple green suit with black accessories and a corsage of yellow rose buds. Mr. Robertson had as his best man his brother, James Robertson of Newport News, Va. Mrs. Roberson is a graduate of Blackstone College and Duke Uni versity and is a member of Kappa Delta Phi Sorority. Mr. Robertson is an alumnus of State College, Raleigh, and is at present engaged in agriculture and cattle raising. Immediately following the cere mony the couple left for Southern Pines. Only the families and close friends attended the wedding. Those from South Boston were: Mr. and Mrs. Lee P. Woody, Judith and Lee Woody, Jr.; Mrs. Betsy Booker, Mrs. Jimmie Shelton, Mrs. Ruth Trice* Miss Margaret Younger and Miss Laura Stempel. Others were: Sam Robertson of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robertson of Woodsdale, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Crowder of Virgilina, Va., Mr. Hopkins Crowder of New port News, Va., Miss Margaret Stempel of Farmville, Va., Miss Emma Laura Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pollard, Clyde Swain, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Puckett and chil dren of Durham. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT j Corporal and Mrs. Jerreal Buchan- J an are receiving congratulations on j the arrival of a son at Watt's Hos- j pital, Durham, Friday, February j 16tli. Mother and son are getting on ! fine. Cpl. Buchanan is now station ed at Fort Bragg. i Carr Holeman, Mr. and Mrs. Joe! Blanks, Mrs. John A. Clayton, Mrs. j J. D. Mangum. Mrs. J. F. Wilson,! M/. and Mrs. Moses Rudder, Mrs. Nettie Long, Miss Foy Lawson, Miss Louise Singleton, Miss Edith Single ton, Miss Jacquline Abbitt, and W. B. Weatherley. IF YOU NEEd GOOD USED FURNITURE Visit Our Bargain Basement We have put in a line of good selected used Furniture in our Basement. We can save you money St jsu***** With Springs and New Mat Dreuers sh „„ $8.95 Odd Chest Os ‘ Drawers $12*95 $12.50 Like New Bed Room Suits Ranges Only GOOD USED RANGES $39.50 Used Refrigerators Many Other Real Bargains We Will Always Carry Our Full Line Or New Quality Furniture On The Ist And Second Floors PENNY FURNITURE CO. BE FENNY WISE THE GOURIER-Sfel^ Three Women Os Bethel Hill Have Luncheon Guests Mrs. J. B. Boswell, Mrs. R. B. Woody, and Miss Helen Joyner entertained at luncheon Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. G. Joyner on the South Boston Road. The living room was decorated with ar rangements of early spring flow ers. In the dining room the table was covered with a white linen cloth, and the centerpiece was an arrangement of red and white car nations in a crystal bowl, flanked by red candles in crystal holders. A four.course dinner was served to the following guests: Mesdames Richard M. Brooks of Raleigh; Edna Brooks Boswell of Raleigh; J. D. Bradsher of Roxboro; A. J. Crutchfield, Lillian Day, B. W. Gen try, J. Y. Humphries, W. B. Humph ries, J. H. Merritt, Sr., B. E. Mitch ell, W. H. Mullins, J. R. Murray, W. W. Rogers, Nancy Merritt Stev ens, E. L. Whrcnburg, C. W. Woody, G. G. Woody, R. M. Woody, P. H. Woody and Miss Addie Mae Mer ritt. TIME TO SAVE ON I ■ ti,ssy I &+■ | |Tli 1 ggfrdß I iussy ■ ■ iMUUmIO Hfif n cha* 1 I ■ 8 or Rrr ' cili. ? Price, 41.75 *I.OO S 5 *1.95 plus tax plut tux Emulsified Cleansing Cream —for flaky-dry, thin, sensitive skin. Cleanses... softens too! Helps make skinlookclear,soft. Pink Cleansing Cream—cold cream type cleanser, for normal and young skin. Light, melting, refreshing. Leaves skin looking fresh and smooth. Thomas & Oakley ROXBORO, N. C. ’Teen-Agere Enjoy, Valentine Party At USO Center Misses Virginia Ann Featherston and Shelley Ann Milican were hos tesses for a class Valentine party Friday night at the Roxboro U. S. O. Decorations carried out the Val entine motif in a most attractive way. Guests were Invited for 7:30 o’clock. During the evening various games and contests were enjoyed with de lightful refreshments of cold drinks, sandwiches, candles, and cookies served later. The following attended: Barbara Woody, Louise Harris, Nancy Timb erlake, Patsy Beam, Maxine Harris, Clarice Yarborough, Lily Poston, Sllvier Bradsher, Jean Bradsher, Ann Brooks, Ann Monk, Ann Moore, 9b ilteiA SpsUruj, _»et Out Os The Sun In A New 1 lat | Young Belles HATS . . _ What’s Spring without a I heir Beaux ~ew hat—even when you’re very young! We’- l. , tve felts and straws styled I'WL jfe to become every tv no bov and girl. (<>iiTs r '** , vVjBfIHH Dutch bonnet and draw- \JI|F fW string bags, priced CAPS & HATS 59c To $1.39 A WASH SUITS . I -C H *— They fake to Soap and water 1 uH with a smile—and ronie out ’• yk bright fresh in grTniytyA Y lure! Belted, button-on and {("mm shorts, loops and ,«®llllililElj Ja) i W belt. y j l New Spring Sweaters in tones and plaint 4$ SWEATERS AND SKIRIT Jsf jJH Button up New Tiny plaid solid skirts JR $1.98 To $4.95 11 1 M ““““——— Sally Umstead, Sarah Thomas, Faith ferooka, Mary Woody. Harriett Wade, Sarah O’Briant, Vlrgle Allen, Rachel Kirby, Betsy Long, Doris Tatum, Edna Rue Coefield, Joseph Burke, Edward Singleton, Tommy Barnette, Donald Smith, Zacky Gentry, Mack Abbott, Ronnie Thom as, Lawrence Moore, Gene Cozart, Donnie Long, Jack Britt, Gene Britt, McCoy Gilliam, Marvin King, Howard Fox, Edwin R. Kirby, Leander Bowen, Espey Jones and Charlie Stewart. Chaperones—Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Millican, Miss Kathaleen Williams and Mrs. James Newman. o Home Nursing Courses Offered By Red Cross Farm families all the way from Ventura, California, to Rutland, Vermont, are benefiting from American Red Cross Home Nursing Instruction given by professional nurses. Since Pearl Harbor, more than 250.000 rural women have com pleted home nursing classes. In many places the U. S. Department of Agriculture Extension Service Is cooperating in promoting classes, and county health departments are furnishing nurses to teach. Those wishing to enroll should call their Red Cross chapter. The standard course requires but 24 j hours. I't teaches how to care for : communicable diseases, give bed! baths, change the bed with the pa- i tient in it, take temperature and Your watch la more valu able than ever. Take earn es it. Have it cleaned or repaired by Reliable Watchmaker*. GREEN’S The Square Deal Jewe'en pulse improM£;j^i V (,4 -mninrH its. I by the doctor. V||||||H i .He ol fl.- _*• I new baby and MjKpßli lllnes: A tMrssdßlipiljll on care ol the sick Wg||||| able. For Any OH Wc have a large our prices are l^H Hester 2®| Main St. Phone 2963 Nited