THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1944 The Womans Angle > CLUB ACTIVITIES • SOCIETY • PERSONALS 11 * HISS ALMA HUGHES, Society Editor Offloo Phone 2391 ——————— ill it < • PERSONALS Mrs. Carr Holeman has return ed from Elizabethtown, Kentucky, where she spent several weeks vis iting her husband, Sgt. Holeman, who is stationed at Fort Knox. Mrs. Marvin Franklin and son, Jimmy, of Chapel Hill were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Moore for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bairick, of Zuni, Va., are spending a few days here visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. Barjrick's sister, Miss Hallie Clay, who has been visiting them for a few weeks returned with wem y.o Roxboro. Lt. Bill Michaels, so Riverside, Calif., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Michaels. Miss Sue Bradsher has been ill at her home on South Main Street for the past several days. Messrs. Zan Pulliam and Mack Saunders have returned to Rox boro after a business trip to Phil adelphia. John Campbell of Dillon, S. C., spent the past several days in Rox boro. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Massey, Mrs. ] Royce Huff, and children, Mr. and j Mrs. Kelly Huff, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bradsher, Miss Juanita Bradsher, ] John Singleton, Don Phillips, Mrs. J. W. Johnson, Arch Johnson, and RVliss Edith Connally visited Royce Huff at McPherson Hospital, Dor- ; ham, last Sunday. Miss Cora Carver has returned to her home at Farmsville, Texas after visiting Mrs. F. O. Carver and other relatives and friends here. John Clay Lunsford, of the U. S. Navy, is visiting his wife, the former Miss Irene Jones here, and his par ents at Yanceyville. Mrs. C. C. Critcher, Mrs. Clayton. Mrs. F. O. Carver, and Miss Cora Carver spent Tuesday in Durham, i Mrs. Saunders McWhorter is a j patient at Duke Hospital. Durham, w'here she is receiving treatment. Miss Winnie McWhorter spent last week-end in Washington, D. C. as the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. D. Hqfe, .. . . ; J; t. Crumpton of Durham, was the week-end guest of his siste’\! Mrs. R. J. Rogers, and Mr. Rogers, | at their home on the Durham road.; Miss Raymelle Blalock of Helena, j and Miss Josephine Duncan, of Mt. Tirzahj spent last week-end with Miss Frankie Huff. - Ffc. and Mrs. Taylor L. O'Brien, i 4>f Hearn, Texas, are spending a | nineteen day furlough here with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Long and Billy j Gene , spent last Thursday in Ash- j cboro. J. Royce Huff is a patient at Me- j Pherson Hospital, Durham, w acre he will remain for several days for j treatment for an eye injury that )hc received from a glancing nail while working on his farm last Wednesday. Mrs. Maggie Puckett is spending j a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Al- j fred Huff, near Allensville. Mrs. Ed Hargis and daughter end : Mrs. R. T. Long and son spent Thursday in Durham. ■ F-O Sammy Foushec and Mrs. who have been spending a j ten day furlough in the home of j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foushee, left today for Louisville, Kentucky. I Other visitors in the Foushee home | the past week were Miss Elsie Fou shee, of Fort Belvoir, Va., and Sgt Edward Foushee and family ot Florence, S. C- Pfc. Natt Yancey of the U. S. ► Army and.-stationed at a camp in ’Mississippi, is spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Yancey. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stewart and | daughter and Mrs. Ed Hargis and daughter ' were Durham visitors Wednesday. J. L.' Crumpton, of Durham, and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rogers and sons Mac and Arnold were dinner guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. Slade Crumpton and sons Sunday. Mrs. J. L. Crump ton is visiting her parents at West Palm Beach, Florida. ——:—— o—i CARD OF THANKS Rev. E. L. Hill and family deeply appreciate all expressions of sym pathy and kindness received due to the death of their son, Earl. May 3. I CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere gratitude to all who gave flowers and the ones who were so kind and sympathetic during the recent- mis fortune and illness in our family. May God bestow his richest blessing upon everypne. -Mrs. Jim Briggs and family. Mnv 3 nd. Recent Bride Mrs. Joseph W. Edwards, of Dan ville, Virginia, who before her 1 marriage was Miss Lucille Woody, of Burlington. Her marriage to Mr. Edwards, appeared in our is sue, Mirnday, April 30th, I Mrs, Crumpton < Again Leader j Os Person Zone i i Guest speaker at the Person Coun ty Zone meeting of the Woman's 1 j Society of Christian Service Sunday I ■ afterneon at Oak Grove church was ! Mrs. B. F. Boone, of Fairmont, Con- 1 ference secretary of Missionary Ed- 1 I ucation. She was presented as a 1 Person County native who had come '• home to bring a message in con- 1 nection with the work of the zone, by Mrs. Raney Crumpton, zone lead er. who presided at the meeting. Mrs. Boone, who is the former • Miss Laura Edwards of Person County, had as her subject ‘‘The Open Door of’Education" which she 1 discussed In a most capable manner. 1 i Mrs. A. H. Borland, of Durham. 1 j District Secretary, was the second guest speaker, on the program. In ■ her natural, interesting manner, Mrs. Borland covered the topic of 1 discussion. "The Work ", with thor- 1 ough understanding. Following her 1 talk, she conducted a short business 1 | session for the purpose of electing [officers. The following officers were ; j elected to serve two years: Mrs. Raney Crumpton. Zone Leader; Mrs. It. C. Wagstaff, assistant zone lead er; Mrs. Earl Wilkerson, secretary j treasurer. The opening hymn of the pro- , gram. "The Kingdom Coming”, was j sung by the congregation. Mrs. Os- | tear Jones conducted the devotional, ( | and Mrs. Zelle Barnette extended | words of welcome to the visitors, j Mrs. J. A. Long sang a solp, accom j panied by Mrs. K. L. Street. I Tile honorary life members were j given to the following children by the Warren’s Grove Society; Guy i Jackson Timberlake, Jr., Roger Has- I isan Crumpton, and Jerry Anderson l Winstead. The certificates were pre sented by Mrs, Sid Wrenn. | The organization voted to send Mrs. Borland to Lake Ju’naluska for ' tile Mission Conference in June. The next Person Zone meeting ! will be. held at the Ca-Vel Meth j odist church. o • BIRTHS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Marsh, a son, Sidney Houston, Mon | day. May Ist, at Mooresville Hos- Ipitai. Mother and son are getting jon fine. | Mr. and Mrs, John Campbell, of i Dillon, S. C., are reeeiving congrat ulations on the birth of a daughter, Katherine Callen, Tuesday, May Ist, at Community Hospital. Mother and daughter are getting on nicely. Mrs. Campbell was before her marriage Miss Winnie Wilburn of Roxboro. ——_o M rs. Winstead Hostess' To Bethel Hill Club Mrs. Alex Winstead was hostess last Wednesday afternoon when members of the Bethel Hill Home Demonstration Club gathered at her home for their April meeting. The president opened the meeting and the clufr collect was repeated. It was reported that a large amount of clothing was given to the war relief drive and the Blue Cross hospital leaflets were distri-! buted. Miss Evelyn Caldwell, Person Home Agent, gave an excellent demonstration on ‘‘Color In the Home”. At the close of -he meeting the hostess served delicious cookies and orangeade. The May meeting will be held with Mrs. Oscar Wrenn, Wednesday afternoon, May 23rd at 2:30 o’clock. WHERE TO WRITE Bradsher Lee Huff A-S. Co. 3117 —Bks. 330 L.. U. S. N. T. C., Bain bridfre. Maryland. < Domestic Club Holds ‘ Meeting At Ellis Home 1 The Domestic club met Tuesday ] night at eight o'clock at the home 1 of Mrs. Thell Ellis with Mrs. Jam-|' es Owen as co-hostess. Mrs. L. T. 1 Cozart, vice-president, presided in i the absence of the president. Roll was called with nineteen members present. Defense stamps were drawn with the winners as followsl: Mesdames E. M. Greene, Jess Owen, Alex Martin, Ed liar- < gis, Thel Ellis, Dameron Clayton, I and Bessie White. ; A short business session as held l with (routine natters transacted, c after which, the club enjoyed an old < fashioned spelling match, Mrs. i James Owen was teacher. < Mrs. Ellis then assisted by Mrs. j Owen, served sandwiches, pickles, ( cookies and coca-colas. The next meeting will be held , with Mrs. O. C. Hull, May 15, at , her home. Clayton-Horton Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Clayton are today announcing the marriage of their daughter. Ruby Gordon, to Corporal James B. Horton, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Horton, of this j city, on Monday evening, April j twenty-third at seven thirty o'clock! in Baltimore, Maryland. The bride has been employed with the Glenn L. Martin Aircraft Com pany in Baltimore for sometime. Tlie bridegroom, who spent thirty four months in the Southwest Paci fic, is now stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas. They will make their home at Manhattan, Kansas for the pres ent. Mrs. Hatchett Hostess At Bridge Tuesday Mrs. Thomas Hatchett entertain ed members of her bridge club Tues day night at eight o'clock at her; home on Morgan Street. Decorating J the home were ararngements of [ lovely spring flowers. Following several progressions of ! bridge, high score prize was award- I ed to Miss Billie Vogler and second i high prize to Miss Helen Reid Sand- ! ers. ~ The hostess served a salad course at the conclusion of the game. I o Celebrates Birthday Little Robert Hughes Oakes, Jr. celebrated his first birthday Wed nesday afternoon at the home of | his parents at Prospect Hill. A num- [ ber of his little friends were pres- j ent. i After presenting the nice gifts to ! Robert, the guests were served cake! and jello. i: PRESCRIPTIONS $ Prescription filling is a personal business.. Personal for you and personal for us... Our druggists give your prescriptions their personal attention and accept it as their personal responsibility to see that your doctors instructions are followed to the letter. You can depend upon our services with confidence ANYTIME ALL THE TIME THOMAS & OAKLEY DRUGGISTS DAY PHONE 4931 NIGHT 4183—4834 ! ■ LIKE POURING WATER ON Boek ' { We arc now offering water * Rcpcllant Finish and Fabric Size, for rain and storm coats, . shower curtains, work aprons, wind breakers and other fab- v rics to produce a soft water Repellant Finish or to restore the Repellent Fabric Os Garments So Treated By The Mancfac turer. Be Sure To Tell Us If You Want The Garment WatcJt Proofed < The cost for this service is small, based » on the size and weight of the garment Call Us For The Latest In Cleaning ROXBORO LAUNDRY CO. Frank Willson Phone 3571 Burley Day £HE COURIER-TIMES Miss Janet Mitchell Honored On Birthday Honoring their daughter, Miss Ja net Anne Mitchell, on her sixteenth birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mitchell entertained at dinner Tues day evening at Hotel Roxboro. Guests were invited for six thirty o’clock. Table decorations carried out a green and red color scheme, and centering the table was a lovely white birthday cake bearing sixteen red and green candles. Guests present were: Misses Alice Long, Betty Ann Cushwa, Huldah Blanks, Jean Bradsher, Sarah I Thomas, Rachel Kirby, Virgie Allen, Kathleen Wilkins, Carolyn Crews, aijd the honoree, Miss Mitchell. o Miss Yarborough Heads Student Council Miss Aretta Yarbrough, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Yar brough, was elected Monday by the student body of Campbell College to be president of the incoming Stu dent Council. A music major, she Is one of the representatives on the Student Council this year, a Sunday School representative on the B. S. N. Council, and a former member of the Girl’s House Council. Miss Yarbrough is also a member of the Epsilon Pieta, honor society, college chorus and choir, and serves in the capacity of head waitress in the dining hall. A*/amous to relieve MONTHLY \ FEMALE t MISERY mtm (Also Fine Stnmodiic Tsnicl) ■ Lydia A Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound Is famous to relieve not only monthly pain but also accompanying nervous, tired, hlghstrung reelings— when due to functional periodic dis turbances. Taken regularly—lt helps build up resistance against such dis tress. Pinkham's Compound helps na turel Follow label directions. Try iff tfycUa. £.(Pbnkha/nC6 compound WHY BE FAT\? Get slimmer without exercise XpL You may lose pound? and Jiave a l|V more Vendor, graceful figure. No exercising. No laxatives:. \odrug«. ND \ With this AYDS plan you don't ME cut out any meals, starches, pn- wi tatocs, meats or butter, you sim | ply cut tltrm down. It's easier when you enjoy delicious (vita- a j min fortified) AYDS before meals. ■ m Absolutely harmless. In clinical tests conducted by medirnl doctor! | more than 100 persons lost 14 to IS lbs. aver j afte In a few weeks with AYDS Vitamin ' Candy Reducing Plan. Try a 30-day supply of AYDS, only $2.25. | Money back on the very first box if you don’t ; get results. Phone THOMAS & OAKLEY t FLOWERS FLOWERS SPEAK OF LOVE We have an assortment that will please you for any occasion. Place Your Order With Us REASONABLE PRICES Hester Florist Main St. Roxboro, N. C. Phone 2963 Nlto Sunday 2955 V' Following Men In This column is devotea u> new HBL of men wrvlng their country. .vD Such news Is solicited from par ents and friends of these met.. When writing, be sure to sign W Jour name. ELGIN RIDDER WRITES TO MOTHER, MRS. J. H. RUDDER, “Just a few lines to let you hear from me. Everywhere you look you see Jap ships sunk. A lot of them ycu can only see the smoke stacks, some you can see more. The Japs scuttled most of them trying to ' °*«■»* 9 DELIGHT MOTHER rv ,J MARVELOUS GIFT FOR MOTHER A CHARM- J / J 7w| MfPT ING DRESS! CHOOSE HERS FROM OUR SU- * ) It*, ft * E \'S/ J < 7)” perb COLLECTION OF YOUTHFUL SUIT J\/ lla $ DRESSES . REDINGOTE-EFFECTS, CASUALS. IN \i£? 1 GAY PRINTS ’ DARK SHEERS ALL BUDGET IPf jk _ 'vi to /hP # Ji y v \A | , ■ -i J BAGS \o* lr Brimmed Beauties, Cartwheels. AVm /y r Gay Nineties Sailors, French Style fj m IJ Bonnets, Yours For Glamour Plus J $1.98 to $7.95 .rather And Fabric Bags. Large I Ancl Plenty Os Room. They Arc )S9 r $1.98 to $7.95 * f Tax To Be Added • GIFT HOSE t Coslumc Jewelry J'.-M&Q, j Sparkle this Spring with fake \l j ;. ij Ct t ' “gems” that look real! Or wear \ . / ' y/ a "Victoriana" brooch or clip Tiny ( ! SS« 10 M lj ■ > \ /I ’ /1 Tax To Be Added w Slick Looking, Smooth-fitting, Long Wear ing. Buy A Few Fair For Gifts Also Some For Yourself 96c to $1.04. w! LEGGETT’S ■ry.iJlf i i , . ..I I.— block the harbor after they saw no way of escape, but they didn't do so hot at blocking it although they did blow up most of the pier and build ings. I wish I could tell you the name i of this place. Perhaps you have read i ■ in the paper a lot about that Jap t I convoy that was sunk in the har bor of the Philippines. There were sure some beautiful buildings here that are just a mass of crumbling stone now. There are still a few nice drug stores. Our convoy was seven days com ing to this island (just another of the Philippines). I stood my first “watch" at the wheel. I like it fine, a P. T. Tug is easy to drive once you catch on. They still have cars here. Occasionally you see a native driv ing a brand new car. but most of them are below a 1940 model. I have been directly to General Me Arthur's headquarters. You know I always liked him. Some of the boys in my company talked with him, but I didn't. Guess I was al ways a little bashful when it comes to talking with a four star general. PAGE FIVE I I haven't heard from you la about three weeks. We won't get any mail until we get back. Nor can we hear any of the good news as we are not allowed to use the radio on trips. Hope I have a lot of mall when we get back to the other island. Don't worry about me, Mother. I am getting on fine. Plenty good food to eat and you know how I am as long as I can get plenty to eat. rt may not always be cream and peaches but our government is do ing the best possible for us. I never felt better in my life, but I am as brown as the natives. You and Daddy stop working so hard as there is no need of it”. Note: Pvt. Rudder was in the 800 ship convoy that went to the Phil ippines last fall for the invasion.