PAGE SIX SPORTS <£ OF THE COUNTY M. o olicltcd """""T HE A SPORT—BUY ANOTHER BOND If you have any sporting blood in you, you will know by now that the Seventh War Loan is on and that you are supposed to buy another bond. Even tho it looks like the war is going our way we remember that the boys are still fighting and that they still need our support. Many of them, as a matter of fact about all, are buying bonds in addition to their fighting. They realize the need for funds to carry on the war and so they are doing all that they can in two ways. We people at home are only asked to buy all the bonds that we can and that, if you ask us, is not much in view' of what some are doing. Person County has a large quota in E bonds. It is not one that wa cannot reach but it is one that will require a bit of buying. Since this column is supposed to be a sport column let’s put it this way. Buy another bond or two and bring the boys home. Then they can enjoy the sports that we now enjoy—and many other things too. i Ramblers Win Friday in Game With Bethel Hill Scoring Ends In Seventh Inn inn. Shot well Pitches and Whitt Catches. By R. B. Dawes. Jr. On the Roxboro diamond Friday j afternoon the Roxboro high school, baseball team won 7 to 3 over Bethel Hill. Bethel Hill collected all of their tallies in the first inning. Dunn ] started Bethel Hill off with a single, j Holt hit out, advancing Dunn to second. The next man up. Murray, singled to bring Dunn in with the run. J. Woody singled putting two men on base. Fox and Talley hit two, singles scoring Woody and Mur. ray, Bethel Hill was unable to score any more runs in the first inning | as Woody hit. out to retire the side. | Roxboro collected one run in the j first inning when B Blanks singled. \ The next three men went down in order but Blanks was hit around to third where lie came in on an error. Roxboro had their big inning in the fourth. Young led off with a single. Clayton walked, putting two j men on the sacks. Mack Dunn hit ‘ a hard single, scoring both men. | Adcock walked again putting two men on base. The next batter J | Blanks singled scoring Dunn. Whitt walked to fill the; bases. Bill Shot- I well singled: scoring Adcock and J. Blanks. Blanks fanned and Carver hit out; to. retire side. The score at the end of the fourth inning 5-3 favoring Roxboro. „in the fifth . Roxboro added an other run to its total when Ryland Young led off with a long double almost over the left field fence. Whitey Clayton singled scoring Young. Rcxboro scored .their last run in the seventh, winning when Clayton - walked. Dunn followed with a long triple to right, field, scoring Clay- ' ] ton. Diinn died on third as Adcock fanned to retire the side. The score ' at the end. of the seventh inning was ! 7-3 favoring -Roxboro. There was no 1 more scoring in the game. The battery, for Roxboro was Shot- * well pitching and Whitt catching. 1 The battery for Bethel Hill was Dunn pitching and Rudder catch- i ing. | Line-ups Were as follows: Roxboro Ab H R | B. Blanks, 3b . . 4 11 , Carver, ss 4 0 Young, lb . 4 2 2 Clayton, 2b 4 11 | Dunn, cf • 4 2 1 Adcock, rs • • .4 0 1 Blanks, If . 4 11 Whitt, c 4 0 Shotwell, p 4 2 i 9 7 Bethel Hill w Ab H R Dunn, p 5 2 1 Holt, ss 5 1 Murray, lb 5 2 1 Gentry, rs 4 1 J. Woody, 2b 4 3 1 Fox, 3b 4 3 Talley, cf 4 1 Woody. If 4 2 Rudder c 4 2 17 3 o Helena Girls Win From Roxboro On Friday Helena girls softball team played against Roxboro girls on the Roxboro athletic field. Hel ena won over Roxboro by 10 runs. Hie score was Helena leading 16 to Roxboro’s 6. Helena's line-up was as follows: Ist base H. Johnson 2nd base P. Dickey 3rd base J. Chisholm 0 Bethel Hill Wins Game Tuesday Bethel Hill defeated Allensville in a one sided baseball game at Beth el Hill to the score of 13 to 1, on May Ist. Dunn was the winning pitcher allowing eight hits and one run. Dickerson was the loseing pitcher allowing 22 hits and 13 runs. Bethel Hill boys were off in the first, second, and third endings but scored four runs in the fourth, three runs in the fifth and six runs in the i sixth. I This is tlie tenth win and one loss [for the season. | Players and Positions. Bethel Hill ! Ab R Dunn, p 3 l , Holt, ss 3 1 j Murray, lb 3 1 Gentry, rs 3 2 1 Woody, 2b 3 I Fox. 3b 4 3 j i Talley, rs 4 3 • Woody, If 3 0 Rudder, c 3 1; j Total , 13 Allensville Ab R Fuller, lb 3 0 1 Dickerson, p 3 0 : Jefferson. 2b 3 0 Gentry. 3b 3 0 Owen, ss 3 0 Yarboro. rs 3 (11 Clack. 2b 3 1 | Moorefield. cf .3 0 Warren, If , 3 0 Total 1 Allensville ... 010,000.0 Innings: Bethel Hill. . .. 000,43G\ Allensville Wins Over Bethel Hill Wednesday in an exciting game Bethel Hill lost to Allensville girls,: with a score of 9-8. Pitcher for Allensville was Linda Ann Gentry. The line-up was as follows: I Allensville Runs Maxine Dickerson T Linda Gentry 2 Nancy Todd 2 Mary Knott 1 Rosa Vicceliu .. 1 Clytie Yarboro .. 2 Dora Harris 2 Dorothy Huff C Louise Gentry 0 Wilmer Dixon C Bethel Hill Runs earner 1 Shotwell ;... ~ l.j Walker ....: 1 | Thomas 2 S. S S. J. Day S. F. I. Mcßroom C. F L J. Evans R. F. G. Garrett L. F S. Rogers C D F. Wilson i P R. Lunsford i Sub R. Blalock FAST RELIEF From Too Frequent Urination, Backache, Run-Down Feeling —due to irritation oi the Madder caused by excess acidity in the urine Pomouo doctor's diaeovory acta on tho kidnoya and help a hoop you from getting up nighto I Are you wlfering unneceuary discom fort tad distress tram backache, burning urine, froquent dssire to pass water? Getting up of tan at night? Those symp toms may bo caused by bladder irritation duo to Wait add in tba urine. Then try that fnnuma doctor’s discovery —DR. KILMER'S SWAMP ROOT. Famous for many years. Swamp Root ia a carefully blended combination of herbs, roots, baleam ana other natural ingre diants. Thera's aboolutoly nothing harsh or habit-forming in this scientific prepara tion. Just good Ingredients that quickly act an the kidneys to increase the flow of urine and relieya bladder irritation and Its uncomfortaMe, distressing symptoms. You'll say Ite marvelous affect is won dgdmfl Sand for froo, prepaid sample TODAY I Lika thousand# of others you’ll bo glad that you did. Sand name aad address ta Department F. Kilmer A Co., Inc. Box 1388, Stamford, Conn. Offer limited. Send at ones. All drugglata sell Swamp Root. . V -■ -■ ~T.. ~ 1 - Ll —1 ' ' -■■"".’"p’Ml.'t .lUIU'II a T-' j Advanced Training ft 9** [ (1) Fists, rifle butts and flying tackles were the means employed by a platoon of Marines studying field problems, without ammunition, when they captured five Japs on an island somewhere in the Central Pacific. The incident occurred several Wooks after the island was de clared “secured.” (2) Private First Class Edward F. McQuillan of Lynn, Mass., got the first Jap, slamming him between the shoulder (4) Corporal James Miller of Metropolis, 111., crept behind another "3 Jap and clicked his rifle bolt, as though the weapon was loaded. A When the Jap sped off, Miller brought him down with a blow from the butt of his M-l rifle. The Marine had to drag the enemy 50 yards before he would “cooperate” and walk. (5) Private First Class Charles Fazio of St. Louis, Mo., found a Jap playing possum. How ever, when the Marine smashed him over the head with his carbine, the Jan. no longer eager to Dlav dead, fumbled for a grenade. Fazio l j SOFTBALL LEAGUE OPENING Roxboro Scores MONDAY NIGHT AT 7:15 TO Over Helena At BE BIG AFFAIR IN COUNTY Thai School i ; Flashy and snappy will be the word for opening Monday night of [the Person County Softball League [ jat the Roxboro High School Athletic i field at 7:45. A huge crowd is ex-! | pected to jam the field when the I LOnghurst Boys, league pennant j I holders, tangle with the red ana: [white jerseyed boys of Knight's In surance Agency. Ca-Vel girls will .meet East Roxboro girls. All teams jliuve been driving hard in spring J "training", although cold weather and "heavy dews" have hindered [ training a great deal. The gaudy j j colors of the player's uniforms j j mingled with the snappy music of | the high school band will give the | night a tojich of the "big top". The [band will be directed by Miss Wil son. Also on the program to official ly opfm the season will be Mayor S. G. Winstead, to throw out the I f irst ball. League President, Dick Woody re- I ported last night that the league expected the. best; season since soft i ball competition was organized in i the ectrnty. He further stated that from all indications: the teams were better organized and the finest ball ( r layers in. this section were listed ■on Lis • club 'osiers. I Ab y mmor changes yf managers [was announced -yesterday. Cavel boys will bt .managed by Thomas [Hatchet, Cavel girls by Ed Thcrn ; burg , and Ira Newman. Red Rock 1 will be under Clarence Holeman. I'Veiiioii Eixdn will guide the Long [ burst boys with Clarence Holt di recting the a iris. East Roxboro boys I . will be handled . by Ernest Walker and Jake Cczart as manager of the girls Ham. Knight's Insurance Agency l»". have as boss B It. Knigtil v.: i! Rube Dunn coaching Yarboro 1 Whitt . 1 Melton 1 Powell . 5; Oakley G; Woody O' NEW BUS SERVICE TO DANVILLE AND RETURN VIA MILTON & SEMORA •_ Leave Roxboro 7:30 A. M. *| Arrive Danville 8:30 A. M. Leave Danville 11:30 A. M. Arrive Roxboro 12:25 P. M. Leave Danville 3:30 P. M. Arrive Roxboro 4:30 P. M. I Silver Fox Lines the girls. It was also announced last night by Woody that season tickets would Ibe on sale at the gate but could be [secured from O. Y. Clayton at Jhis I time. A saving of nearly half j£an Ibe gained by the purchase of a sea ls on ticket, he further stated. Season tickets are valid for all regular games during the year but do not Include tlie series tilts. Softball fans are urged to be early as the game will get underway as .promptly as possible after. 7:45. Star Athletes And Bandsmen Os Roxboro High ißy BOBBY LONG* ! Robert P. “Bob" Michaels, Jr., is now a Captain in the Air Corps. Bob returned to Roxboro last week after .months of service in India and Burma with the China-India-Bur ma Air Forces. Capit. Michaels was a former guard . of the Roxboro High School “Ramblers." Bill Michaels, now a Lt. in the Army Air Corps, known better as just “Mike" will return to Califor nia, soon. He is a former end of the Rixboro High school "Ramb lers." Bill Daniels now in the Navy is a former trumpter of the Roxboro High School Band. Bill is now sta tioned at Camp Elliott, San Die go, California. Frank Whitt, former Bass horn player for the R. H. S. Band, is now in the Army and was for many months in California. His present addre s is nbt known. • —o I Lord Nelson's famous ship, the Victory, cost about $50,000 to build. THE COURIER-TIMES blades with his rifle butt. The Jsp sprawled on his face and Me- Qulllan sat on him until the Jap was sanvinssd resistance was use less. (3) Private First Class Donald H. Mills of Shawaalt, R. I, brought his Jap down with a flying tackle. Ret when the e nasty reached for a grenade It was too much tor Mills. Tho Leather neck pounded the Jap with his hart flats until he was thoroughly beaten. continued hitting him until the carbine broke into three pieces. (6) Private First Class Leßoy Fowler of Milas, Mfth., crawled behind another Jap lying in the brush and staring at three Ma rines who beckoned him to come out. Seeing Fowler, the Jap jumped up and pulled a grenade from his belt. But he meant no harm, for he handed the grenade to the Marine aa a token of anrrender. The Japanese prisoners were sent back to camp under guard and the Leatherneck platoon went back to lta interrupted field psoblcuu. Seven Out Os Ten Games Won So Far By Roxboro. By R. B. Dawes, Jr. Carver Hits Home Run To Clinch Game. Roxboro High School won its fourth straight baseball game Wed nesday by defeating Helena 6-4 in la game played at Helena. Roxboro drew first blood in the second inn j ing when they scored on Whitey Clayton’s sharp single to left field. Dunn, the next man, whiffed while Clayton stole second and advanced to third on an error on Helena’s catcher. The next batter, Adcock, sacrificed, sending Clayton home. J. Blanks then hit out to retire the side. Helena came back in their half of the second inning to tie the score. L. Rogers started Helena off with a single. J. Rogers hit to second where 1,. Rogers was put out on a squeeze play. J. Rogers came In later on I errors. j Roxboro again took the lead in • the third inning. Whitt, the first batter, fanned. Street followed Whitt by walking. With one man on base Bcbby Blanks clouted a hard single ' which brought Street in home, j Blanks came in himself on errors ; by the catcher. The score at the end of the third inning stood at 3-1 in j Roxboro's favor. In the fifth inning Roxboro sew ed up the game. B. Blanks, who led t off, was walked. Cecil Carver then stepped into the batter's box and : slammed a powerful homer deep in lleft field. Helena recovered the ball : j just as Carver touched the home I plate. Roxboro added one more tally I (to their total in the sixth inning i when Whitt walked and Street [singled him in. j Helena made a final effort to win j the game in the seventh inning. M. • Garrett started Helena off with 1 I A BIG DOUBLE VALUE! DEODORANT CREAM j! penpiratioo and odor J j LIMITID TIME! !j THOMAS & OAKLEY a single. Jones, Oakley, and Gar- ' rett drove three more singles, scor ing three runs. The next three bat- , ters got out, ending the game. The , final score was 6-4 favoring Roxboro. The game was played in seven inn ings instead of the usual nine. The battery for Roxboro was Street pitching and Whitt catching. The Battery for Helena was Garrett and Rogers pitching and Jones catching. This leaves Roxboro at this time with a season score of seven wins and three losses. Next Roxboro game will be played against Hillsboro there on Friday. Line-ups were: Roxboro Ab H R B. Blanks. 3b 4 1 2 Carver, ss 4 2 1 Young, lb 4 0 Clayton, 2b 4 11 Dunn, cf 4 0 Adcock, rs 3 0 J. Blanks, if 3 1 Whitt, c 3 0 1 Street, p 3 11 • 6 6 Helena Ab H R E. Garrett, 2b 4 1 M. B. Garrett, 3b 4 0 Blalock, lb 4 1 Lunsford, ss ......,...—. 3 1 L. Rogers, If 3 2 J. Rogers, p 3 2 2 Jones, c 3 0 1 I. Oakley, cf 3 11 L. Oakley, rs 3 11 ;.■.[ 9 4 o NEW POINT VALUES Raleigh, May 4—To give Ameri can housewives and other civilians an equal chance to get their fair share of file available meat supply, new point values have been assign- ATHLETES FOOT GERM. HOW TO KILL IT FOR 35c Requires a strong penetrating mo : bile liquid. Alcohol is good. REACH ES GERMS FASTER. Be sure your treatment contains at least 80 r ; | (Lee label.) We suggest Te-01. It .contains 90.. It PENETRATES. Feel it take hold. Most druggists . now have it. A small supply just ! arrived at THOMAS & OAKLEY. Oil Rationing On Same Basis Raleigh, May 3.—Simplified fuel oil rationing system, adopted at the beginning of the heating year, end ing August 31, will be operative dur ing the 1945-46 heating season, OPA District Director Theodore S. Johnson said today. In order to start the movement cf next winter’s supplies, first “per iod" coupons, having a value of 10 gallons each, will become valid June 1, he said. About the same amount, or less, fuel oil will be available for civilian use this year, and the rationing pro gram has been organized to provide approximately the same basic ra tions as last year, he explained. The kerosene supply is expected to be even smaller. One departure from last year’s policy, Johnson said will invalidate all of this year's coupons ed to practically all meats for civ ilian use, during the rationing per iod beginning April 29 and ending June 2, Theodore ,S. Johnson, OPA District Director said today. By assigning points to cull and to [ utility veal and lamb and to the less popular cuts, increases on point • values of more desirable euts can [ be kept down, he explained. Beef roasts and other beef cuts, [ are down from one to two points a I pound, while most beef steaks are ! increased only a point and there is [ an increase of one to two points a pound for most cuts of lamb and veal under the new point value 1 schedule, Hamburger will remain j the same at 6 points a pound, he said. Point values of margarine go up to twelve points a pound, a rise of 4 points and group 1 cheese will also advance 12 points, he said. Detailed statements of point val ues appear on charts posted in meat dealers stores, Johnson pointed out. M tm AiUmts, CjtmUlu. CktHsmste. NcrfsA OrlmOs Drawn by _ Lawrence Beal Smith, \ J aboard a carrier of ( '% THE AVIATION / " _ % MACHINIST'S MATE , | won thk tpotimlly mark. -r I H ‘‘ tnw ***P* *he carrier plonei tunod to tho pook THE NAVY KNOWS where a big share of Hanes production is going As you'd assume, the makers of Hanes Underwear are doing a needed war job first— helping to clothe your relatives and friends in the Armed Forces. This ] means that sometimes your dealer's stock of Hanes Underwear will be low though we are making all we can for our civilian friends, too. HANES VALUE is based on putting the best quality ’ possible into knitted underwear at prices most men can afford. To do this, we buy our own cotton, spin the yarns, knit these into true-sis garments that feel comfortable, look good and wear long. P. H. Hanes ' Knitting Company, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. FfATUAES MEN LIES IN /|tr\ HANESSROIOM-WAIBSPORTS /I \TS\ Hanetknlt Crotch-Guard provide* gentle ath- filJ n waistband. CemsiUnt A I THURSDAY, MAY 3, 194(1 < at the close of the present waena August 31, 1945. o : Three In Florida Wallace B. Dunn, A. M. First Class, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., formerly of Roxboro, spent the week-gnd at Miami Beach, Fla., with S. Sgt. J. B. Dunn, Jr„ recently sent to that station from Roxboro. Previously In the Pacific for twenty-one months, Wallace B. Dunn has been in Flor ida lot seven months. S. Sgt. Dunn is expected to be transferred soon to Langley Field, Va. He was form erly stationed ia the European thea tre. While at Miami Beach the two Roxboro men visited McCoy Beaver, . also of Roxboro. *** (Wanted To Buy Used Cars Jackson Motor Co. I Pontiac Dealer—Phono 2971 I Moth Proof Bags PHONE 3601 Quality Drj 1 Cleaning Service Dry (leasers i^vninaMiiaiiiiiSnai

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