6 Thursday, October 10,1996 Nirvana’s latest CD gives new life to old tunes Say what you will about Nirvana, but one feet cannot be denied: they were all about rocldn’ out And their Kurt Cobain posthumous latest release, From the Muddy Bank of the Wishkah, highlights the band at its guitar-crunching best. With 17 live-recorded tracks spanning six years ofconcertpeiformance, Wishkah represents all four of their studio albums. “School,” “Drain You," “Aneurysm” and the slightly sped-up “Smells Like Teen Spirit" are all full of gut-wrenching an e v e g wit h il a'S&iSS'S.fijg© iShIPHL your little secret MB (919)834-4000 presented by cellar door You could win SIO,OOO in the Second Annual “Lifestyles Condoms and Safer Sex” Video Contest! It's ba-ack! Here's your second chance to enter the contest that proves safe sex pays off in more ways than one. Here's the deal: Shoot a 20-second video on how you'd sell condoms and safer sex today. You can be serious, off-the-wall, or fall-down funny. Just knock our socks off—and you could win the Life Styles grand prize of SIO,OOO. To enter our contest for FREE, just check out the Life Styles Web site at http://www.lifestyles.com or, for $5.95, you can enter by calling 1-800-213-4560. Then if s lights...camera...action! fa ml b II or oldm. OpM to U.S. rfaknft only. Mi in Arizona, Maryland ond Vwmont Entr must bo rocoivod on or bdait DoconAor 31, l 996. Mns: Grand Pro* (1); SIO,OOO rak M Mm Ot $5,000