12 Wednesday, October 20, 1999 t ORtWTO CMT oumtnmts about 'XU Contact the omKhismon at buUnvuMitK.edu or call #OS-2790. Scott Hicks EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR Katie Abel UNIVERSITY EDITOR Jacob McConnico CITY EDITOR Board Editorials Overpaid Whiners As the most recent round of how-much t an we-raise-tuition talks have shown, some of UNO’s best and brightest -and we’re not talking students here - could use a crash course in how to say no to greed. What began, innocently enough, as a way to bring professors’ salaries more in-line with their colleagues nationwide has sadly degen erated into a Hungry, Hungry Hippos game of who can grab the most cash. Provost Dick Richardson originally pro posed raising tuition SSOO for in-state under graduates, $1,350 for out-of-state undergrad uates, $ 1,500 for in state graduate students and $2,550 for out-of-state graduate students. As Monday’s meeting of the Chancellor’s Committee on Faculty Salaries and Benefits showed, that’s not enough for some faculty. Economics Professor David Guilkey and chemistry Professor Edward Samulski put their thoughts on paper in a letter to the com mittee on Oct. 15. “The plan raises the tuition so marginally as to be almost pointless,” they wrote. “Students and parents must assume more responsibility for the cost of a Carolina Education (sic).” For the record, neither Guilkey nor Samulski are hurting for money. Guilkey, who came to UNC in July 1977, currently makes $ 117,689. Last year, he earned a $4,074 raise. Samulski makes more. He raked in $117,994 last year, taking home a $3,735 raise. He came to UNC in 1988. There’s nothing like a filthy rich professor bitching arid moaning for more dough to get the sympathy juices flowing - especially when the money’s going to come out of yours and your parents’ pockets. Sadly, their whiny attitude might be gain ing a foothold with their colleagues. Jackhammered Logic Is keeping that small town charm the only thing that matters in this town? Once again, the Chapel Hill Town Council has decided an issue based on what’s best for the quaint atmosphere, not what’s best for residents. Chapel Hill keeps a tight leash on con struction to prevent sprawl from destroying the “village.” Because owners of Britthaven Health Care failed to apply properly for per mission to expand a parking lot, the Town Council decided last week to force the nurs ing home to tear up the extra parking spaces. This act should prompt residents to ask a few questions of their town leaders: 1. Does tax money actually pay the salary of someone who drives around counting parking spaces in the many lots in Chapel Hill? If so, is this really the way we want our money to be spent? 2. What’s worse: Allowing a few unplanned parking'spaces or causing resi dents an unavoidable hassle when they visit ailing loved ones? Now, in addition to allot ting extra time to find a parking space, visi tors will have to battle work crews, all while the cookies they baked for Grandma are growing mold because it’s taking so long. Readers' Forum Historian Defends Powell From Racist Implications In Oct 13 Column TO THE EDITOR: 1 write to protest your guest column titled “Powell Turns Blacks Into ‘Nobodies,appearing in the Oct. 13 Daily Tar Heel, which misrepresents a friend and colleague. Its