- ! - D V Eft T V 'l u .K' s d a y; W , ' Public Vtnfluc.tothrhip'Iii-" yO cbidder: nt the Court Houfe ! in the county or Craven, the tcth December neit, : ar twelve months -":-:- granted to the officers anrf foldiers ; ;bf the coiitiiienVal line of the ftate:' ; Miclpurthafers "giving bond, vvith.'i hfficientecurity: payable b .the , ov(!rnorbthe time being Or his iticccHbr- for thcJaleoTthcSwtein tlouble tlife? j amount of the; pur chase rhbncy, conditioned' : for the paynieht of he principal and inte rci, atlthe expiration' of the time alorciaia; On hun- hurt tUt frnnt- A? f, i.or8 fituated' in tliA town ofNciv : .in front flrct, fcxtcrklirigin find flreet twdrity fix feet, and back from the faid ftreet td the vwtrNcufc,. imp?bVcd''f.itH:.i' '.SriLt-Hbusfc in which arc two ftills jate the pro perty of Samiul Cornell Ef '' Two " trafts' or parcels dfland, caciicori .tainmgiixnunurccranatort:y acres" . t fituated in the county of Craven pn ( w' fr on the Miry Savannah, , late the property of 71 Vi7w ww.'.'V Ohcothcr tradl or parcel of rlandi: con tainin e rfirrhnndredrand - joity acres, muatca m enc county iujtum, uii fiij jwATr, iaic me Vis. Out traft or parcel oHand ly ing, in the totmty of: Mionfi. KJk J. HMD tico river nnH . fi- of;7b creek;. Containing two lmndrcd-and -fortyifiv; acres;-tlicf late property of 'Jiclcr t Palmer, One other .tradl, of land lying-in the county of BeanJort; north fide cf Pamptico river and caft iuld nfr: , f creek, cntaininga hundred &tvren" - tf f1 rr lnrn t ' ' P 4 ' t v u pioperty oxaooen , - -j - - - . . w : , 'II ill : - - " .1 ' TlrUf n 1 1 - - ... . , f r i property 01 tnc lain HtUiamUri- I y-- ' crr. A mortgage rlr in andJ H ' ' r t - her jnafneunt confifcatedby ( t raft or, parcel ! , fide df lampiid town oi Wafm. : 'fort'k Jlred and twenll fu -uuu uwe clicnJware-hc r fevcrd bthero ; hundred acresl tood fence,.,, r withinterci Cb lillj ; ttoiriff Howard vmce now Stato -of ftlfai olinaj vA copy of thc-f'iid inorrrra niii .iTen,; oivapplicauon ;t the Uca ' bf Usalt :gfes;pfiice ilired ani yen. ; Une othcr fra cf land fitu atcdin the coUntv of Craveh ot the ; wcft fide of ' b ginning at wefts line from thence: . with the crccli to Grifm 'liri froni; iiJVom Jhendcl -to.the.firc ftation, containTrig one hundred acres, late the prdperty of Richdrd Tier. . One-other tract of land containingtwQjnindrcd acres: lying ifi the.cpnnty of Craven, on the north fide of Nciifc river :and-. ori' Popular b anch, . joining Winjbns land, it being the property of 77 ' mas Brown: One other parcel of land in the count v of Craven r on- taining forty acres Joining R!c bard' wawcage s land on ; Mclef s creek, the late property of 'Richard Tier. , ; , , W ill be fold as abovc on the X9th of DefcembiK at thr flnnrf- Hoilfc. m the; county . of HeaufirL I li. L O I ,. - -.a. CrColbe fbW 22dt day bf Det Court-Hbufe i; Viz; A tradl or in the county c of Mattemyfa four hundred ; pine on the lat of-Robcrt Palm bn the ridge fid' beginning at ' iidc, containir forty acres, th Palmer. One lying on die ri keet lake,' beg: con tainin k five : property of AV ot land lying i neft Currituck ' " ,9 "(I red and Tor tp tert. Palmer. A in the county bf of Mdttemhfkect . three Iiuiujred Of Robert liing in - . Currr 11 - - " : . . . ..V ,: . . . . 1 , : braii ' . . I h". : rr. 1 i-- "9 a;