" " . . The .State Chronicle lias th Largest Circulation of any Daily Paper published in North Carolina. ... g ii The State Gftronicie i the only paper published in ' Tte that h8 special Lea3 Wre, aal a special oyt-rator XL .ta owu ofiioe ; and is the Oaly per in Raleigh that takta the f'-ll press dispatches. qual and Exact Justice to All Men, ol Whatever State or Persuasion, Religious or Political. Thos. Jefferson. i Vol. IX. No. 90. EX- RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1891. PRICE: 5 CENTS. 0 RED DIED YESTERDAY. He was the First Demo cratic Governor Elect- 3 .Sledlby thelState, ANDA FREE SUFFRAGE ADVOCATE. Jltwas Horn and Raised iiiRock I inyhiunConnfy and Went 'z to Congress in 18Jf3. V ' (By The United Press.) irniKinsvii.LK, N. C, June 19 Ex-GoveWr David S.' Reid died this morning at his home in this plaee. David Settle Reid was born on April 19th, 1 81 o, in Rockingham county, studied law and was admit ted to practice in 184.'. In 18I4 he was elected Senator from Rockingham and was re-elected continuously until 1840. From 1843 to '47 he served ii the Congress of the United State? with great acceptability to his con stituents. In 1848, without his knowledge he was nominated for Governor aix was defeated by a small majority In 18f)0, when he had positively declined, he was again nominate and was elected, after a brilliani canvass, as the first Democrat it Governor of the State. He was an advocate of free suf frage and finally triumphed in hi. doctrine. For sometime past he has lived in retirement and has not come out A MUSIC TEACHER'S PADE. ESCA- T'S THE MATTER WILL UNCLE SAM WITH FRED DOUGLASS? Miss Gorham Buys Goods and Calls in Doctors, Then Escapes. The Charlotte News publishes he following very extraordinary news: T. L. Seigle & Co., have in their possession two trunks, the proper ty ot Miss Evelyn Gorham, of New 1 ork, a young lady who has been employed in Charlotte for nine months past as a music teacher in the Charlotte Female Institute, and also as a singer in the choir of the First Presbyterian church. The trunks were levied on for debt, and ' T. rrti T . T . 1.1 -r-r . . were seized at the Richmond & 1C -ls 1 nougnt tie is and the Haytian Cabinet is trying to keep He Allows a Havtian Ruler to Insult Un cle Sam. IS HIPPOLYTE INSANE? LOSE $20,000,000? SULLIVAN VS. SLAVIN. Can the Big Champion Defeat the Australian. By The United Press. San Jose, Cal., June 19 Since the success of Slavin against Kil- ram in tlio -finrVif rloT l"fVrii Tncf A Suit Decided Against day many bids have been made by Athletic Clubs to have a fight be- John L. Sullivan and Him for Collecting Illegal Tariffs, AND IT LOOKS LIKE IT. THE RIGHT Ml FOR THE WORK, Mr. Peter M. Wilson Chosen as Executive. Commissioner FOR THE STATE EXHIBIT Danville depot at five o'clock last C. A. 1 " W . - oaiuruay morning, as Miss uorham was leaving for Morehead City, to attend the Teachers' Assembly. I he story is a peculiarly strange one. Miss ijrorliain is a vounsr ladv up Appearances. By The United Press New York, June 19 Accord- J- A A. A A ui iuum uiu.uHive manners, is a : : i c x ' mii iu u. ienei reeeiveu iroiii jl vn uiiu finger aim an accompiisneu mu sician. Her father lives in New AuPrince yesterday. President Hipolyte attempted on May 2G to take four political prisoners from the Mexican consul at the Haytian capitol. When the entire diplomatic corps called on the President May 30 to protest against this violation it- York. She was engaged last fall as a music teacher at the Charlotte Female Institute, and in that ca pacity she gave the greatest satis faction. She has a line voice, and made quite a material addition to herniary by taking a place in the Gf international law, Hbpolvte s . . Z" J temptea to play a nign-handed. srame ...i. . . i . i ii i i - .'uuicu. ji ruuisLj iiurmg ner nine months stay here, she had manv purchases to make, and bv virtue of the position she held, she had no litliculty in getting all the goods she Aanted on credit. Last week, as the time for her departure drew icar, the merchants began to press 'nr for settl ments; and the result was odd. She owed Seigle & Co., jrt(, and walking into the store,told Ir. Thad Seijrle that she was ro- .ng away, but couldn't pay her bill. Mr. Seigbi asked her . what was she ruing to do about it? "Oh, nothing,' between Slavin John L., who is showing with a troupe here, was to-day interviewed. He says it is true that he wants to meet Slavin. His proposition is a ten round contest with the Austra lian, the winner to take all the A Philadelphia Hat Trimming Firm purse and an outside bet of $10,000 At the World's Columbian Fair and aside. "I can knock him out and r m i :i ! .1 i , -r.t . Air. i.jv. limner tweeted uo it quicker man ne uiu ivnram. and in better shape." Secretary. new Orleans wants to see it. The State Board of Commission New Orleans, June 19 The ers of the World's Fair yesterday Olympic Club of this city has tele- chose Mr.eter M. Wilson, as Ex- Pittt a dft tttt a Tnnp 1Q Tim giapneu an oner oi a purse oi $zo,- eeutive commissioner, cr iNlanasrer ury in the Meyer and Dickinson 1U1 rtllo"" impinc vxuu ui me xunu varouna r.xnnm. tct fnoo nrro not r:A,Tr.n,t "V i. uiu III turn OUlll- Sued the Government for Col lecting 50 per cent. Instead of 20 on Imports. (By the United Press.) The Board met at the Executive recover alleged excessive duties paid, n, to take place February 27th. office at 11 o'clock and the follow- on importations of hat trimmings will he accept.' returned a verdict this morning in San Jose, Cal., June 19. It is the United States Circuit in favor thought here that Sullivan will ac of the plaintiffs. cept the proposition made him to Ihe plaintiffs claimed that the fight Slavin at New Orleans. goods were liable to only twenty ing were present; Gov. Holt, pre siding; Col. A. B. Andrews and Col. Thos. B. Keogr., World's Fair Commissioners; Mrs. Kidder, of Wilmington; of Salisbury, and Mrs of bluif and he mijrht have succeed ed had not the German consul threatened to report the matter to his government. Minister Fred. Douglas, it is said in the letter, stood trembling with. fear and heard the black riler insult the flag of every civilized nation almost, including his own, and he did not dare offer any pro test. Terror reigns supreme at Port Au Prince. Hippolyte continues ! to kill his supposed enemies, but th(r jioonmubitfi faster than lie ran he laughed. After some parley, kill tll( The real instigators and n which she guyed the merchant, i0!l(iprs 0f tho movement nirninsi Mr. Seigle told her that he would him bav iSoanP(i his Yenoe,nee. onsult his lawyers. The young s of them are secretly at . 1.. .t .i"..! 1 . A il. .. '1. . A ,.1.1 I J auy e.ia.ieu mm av uie mea, ioiu WQrk jn rt Au prince Hippo um -goodbye" and sailed out. Mr. lvt th(1 wHtpr think is lin(iollht. Seigh; did consult his lawyers, and dl cra It is gtat d th t h ne resuu was mat wnen miss the cousus cane(l on him he became ,oi ham reached the depot next d h d t f tb norning with her two trunks, an d ft heard nlaviiiff a among the people to any extent. flieer levied on the trunks and flute n the next room. per cut. duty while the custom house officials held that thev were dutiable at 50 per cent. By this verdict the government is made liable for about twenty ' i i n .i minions max it nas collected in duties from importers of milinery materials in various parts of the country. The suit of Meyer and Dickinson was a test suit and was intended to test the right of the Government to collect the duties on the ffoods in dispute. The government will probably appeal the ease to the Supreme Court of the United States. BASEBALL YESTERDAY. 1rs. Charles lrice, R. R. Cot- ten, of Pitt count v, Lady Man- (By the United Press.) LEAGUE. At Cleveland Chicago 3;Cleve land 2. At New York Philadelphia 11; organization. agers; Cot. W. F. Green, Ch'm'n, and the members of the State Ajrri cultural Board, all of whom consti tuted the Board of Gommissioners. The meeting was held purely for Col. Elias Carr, of Edgecombe was elected President, New York 4. A V . V-X mm m . . At JFittsburs Uincinnati-ritts- Mrs inddMr ,f WW ' a i ill I ii i w Aft v V' V burg game postponed on account of President; T. K. Bruner, Esq., as Secretary. -Boston 7; Brook- A fuller account of his life ami services will be published later. THE I'JHST ilJ. The PcopleN Party Aliening the Ciiiu;)ai:n in Illinois aitd Ohio. Br The Unittd Pre; s Si'RiNCFiELi, O., June 19 The opening gun of the new Peoples' tartv cninpainn in this State will 1 J 1 r- :uouiht them to Seisrle s store. When the olficer told the young ady his business, she remarked in in indifferent way: "Well, I sup pose you can take them and I will mr r t rm vnte hack to Mr. beijne. ine illicer brought the trunks up town md Miss Gorham went on to More- the writer says he evidently regards head. She owed Baruch a big bill, $111, i i i t r. l we unuerstanu. inner several The consuls were leaving when the minister of foreign affairs came in and begged them to remain, say ing the president had been sum moned away on important matters, but would return immediately. Referring to Minister Douglass, the Haytian government with much more veneration than his own. The writer vigorously adds that as the United States claims a moral juris diction over Hayti it is about time a Minister of some decision was sent there to replace Douglass. NEARLY KILLED BY A MULE. rain. At Boston lyn 3. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. At Baltimore Washington 6; Baltimore 4. At Columbus Columbus 4; St. Louis 3. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 14; Louisville 10. The name of Mr. Peter M. Wil son, of Winston, was proposed for Executive Commissioner of the North Carolina Fxhil.it, and he was chosen unanimously. Under the law he assumes the entire res ponsibility for our State Exhibit and he will, of course, be aided by an Executive Committee to be con- Black mith Bitteu Severely and Then Stamped Upon by an Infu riated Mule. (By the United Press ) Sebewaing, Mich., June 19. A terrible fight between a man and an infuriated mule occurred in Hey- At Philadelphia Athletic-Bos- tituta later on and by Secretary ton game postponed on account of tinier, whose zeal in the rajn work is known of all his acquaint ances. The Board then adjourned to meet again in October. 'I In; Chronicle rejoices in the selection made, and lelieves that Sad Deaths in Person County. snats with her in the store, Mr. be fired at a big mass-meeting here Baruch caned at her residence and to-ni'dit. It will be tollowed by demanded navment. "Who are ... . . i ineetimrs in every village and Ham- s:r sie asked. "I don't il 1 r ii. J 7 EC1H 1 . -. . , v 41wk ttrtl it t K i I . if I jci irom now vn w know you never say you uciore. Members of the Diplomatic corps Send your book-keeper around and have ai)pcaied to Douglass to sus party will mavue I will settle with him." Mr. t i i n i li r m nrnl nnsi 1 1 nn t.Ti TV Ton r op he mainly concentrateu on securing 15aruch, however, got ?25 trom her doctrine cans for but in yain. a sufficient balance of power in the before he left. M legislature to defeat the re-election jjr. Hinman, the homeopathist, Special to State Chronicle. REiDsyiLLE, N. C, June 19. man s DlacKsmitn snop Wednesday. A sad story comes trom Person the Board could have found no The mule had an aversion to being county, N. C. Colonel A. J. Hes- better man in the State, vea in the shod and had to be thrown. ter, prominent and wealthy citizen whole Smith: fur' tin. iwrfiiruuinre Tr 1 - i-i.v .I- ... I tleyman said ne would shoe that ot that county,lost his nine-year-old of the duty; mule in tne regular way or die. son on Sunday last. 1 he boy was The selection of Mr. Wilson lth the help of three men Hey- buried at 11 a.m. Monday. One will be a source of much man finally hxed the shoes and went hour atter the burial ot the boy the satisfaction to th;; t at crowd to the door to cool oft. He had mother died, and another son, aged of enthusiastic Carolinians who hardly done so when the mule broke seven years was this morning report- are demanding that the Teat away from the man holding him, ed at the point of death. Typhoid resources with which our State is and with distended jaws made for dysentery is the fearful disease blest be made known to the world lieyman. Ihe mule chased Hey- which is bringing so much sorrow Endowed with a distinguished taste man all around the shop, shot his to this once happy family. snapping jaws to Heymans face and of Senator Sherman. has made a levy on Miss Gorham's trunks for a bill she owes him for services. It is understood that she also owes several other doctors around town, Dr. Annie , Alexan der among the number. Upon Wm. R. Will Uncle Sam Get Guatemala. Asking tor Jefl Davlu's Interment. (Dy tho United Tress) Richmond, Va., June 19 A mass-meeting? was neiuiniue vnum ber of Commerce last night and a committee was appointed to visit New York and impress upon Mrs, Jetfcrson Davis that Richmond is A- -.1 .1,1- ttlUl IHV4'j llie most nnpropnaic s, . - iinm in xw York. The to inter permanently her husbands v0un2 lady is inex tV J 9 plicable, but The News has given n as it is. .... T 1 TVnx-Alinrr mvps violent Peaaaciie. (By The United Fre:-s.) New York, June 19 A special to the Herald from the City of Mex ico, says word was received there hearineof all this, Rev. .u t,UM ai i,noLCwl tn toot in ijuatamaia to annex tnai Atkinson telegraphed to . . TT. , T Hf nx ormem- COUllliy iu lue uiuieu oiaiw. XUUl CUttlU vyikj Aicv . . . , , . . , -I ... -- hership in tbe Teachers' Assembly ..s said that prominent official an, cancelled; and shortly after the tele- V"V coffee planters of Gua ot there, Miss Gorham lett " PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. remains. Sixty Killed by a Cloud Burst. The Biblical Recorder says: The Tenth Avenue church, Oakland, California, Rev. Frank Dixon, pas tor, is divided and in a big trouble. Brother Dixon is charged with say insr that "the Old Testament is a bit off the nose and lower right cheek. He fell to the floor and the mule deliberated pounded his pros trated body. The doctors fear Hey man will die of poison from the foam flecked lips of the mule. Fourteen Men Buried Under a Fal len Shed. Baggage Master Injured. (Special to State Chronicle) Greensboro, N. C, June 19, 1891 The bajrsmsre master named Pliinkett, on the Winston-Salem train this morning, while rapidly hlrling some tranks about in the car, fell out the door on his head and, it is said, broke his skull, from which it is feared he will die. for such' matters and with bound less information Mr. Wilson is the man who can exhibit our products and natural recources to the best advantage, eveii better than has ever been done before since he has fBv the United Press. lnrtvnT it ru -Tiiri 10 A v , , -- i o,. - , i i. 1 .nnmmnth lnmW hl ,n ,,nr5o nf ouuc 4'l"I'"iiuii l" 111111 uji in nis enoris. it is a compli ment to the aggressive town from which he hails and to the enterprises in which his labors are enjraed. By The United Press. J . " f T..r- 1 O ity or wtx iu, uo Bradvcrotine cures them at once. Latest advices' about the cloud J r-i mmm- hurst on last Sunday on oncep- bundle of rubbish," and with belit- lion Mountain, in the State oi ban j,or periodic neaaacnes, of New Teg t i...: ot- n th pflTeet that erotine never fails. The atter ei- e im.wiiu, v itament. at least sixty lives were lost. Itects are pieasam When you get off the train at Raleigh be sure to ask for one of Unchurch & Lancaster's carriages. We will send yon and your trunk to any part of the city for 25 cents. Our stables are open day and night the year through. LANCASTER & UPCHURCH, junl(5t. Raleigh, N. C. A colored man named David Outlaw, who tried to maul the life out of a colored woman yesterday, was fined $10. and cost by Mayor erection for Stran Bros., in Berk ley, was blown down during a sud den thunder and rain squall yester day, burying fourteen men beneath the debris. Monroe B. Kline was killed and L. E. Hines and J. M. Keeler were seriously injured. The others were badly hurt. Where the Snow Birds Nest. ine chronicle knows ot no better man to perforin the duties of Secretary than Mr. T. K. Bruner. We believe he is Secretary to al most every board and organization in the State that has for its object the development of North Carolina, and we know that he is at home in For a cool place in summer; for health and recreation visit Linville, this new position. Lrrandtather Mountain, and the Let us beat the world at its own beautiful region surrounding them. Fair. Regular sales of real estate will sixty Earthquakes Shocks la a Day. commence in Linville on June 1st. Residence and business lots, and suburban sites onered at private sale only. may-G-2-m. Badger for his fun. (By the Uoited Presa). London, June 19 A despatch from Calcutta says that sixty earth quake shocks were experienced throughout the provinces of Bengal tend to your stomach. Take Sim-' yesterday. Many buildings were mons Liver Regulator. destroyed. To feel bright and cheerful at-