r DAILY STATE GHRONiCLE, JULY 14, 1891. Slue tae (Efaxonitlz. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY BY The Ghronfcle Publishing Go., 216 Fayettevllle St., Raleigh, North Carolina. JOSEPHUS DANIELS, Editor, TITUFPTORS I Josephus Daniels, H. B. Hardy, Geo. P. Pell. TERMS POSTAGE FREE Daily, one year, - - -Daily, six months, - - -Daily, one month, - - -Weekly, one year, - - - $6.00 3.00 .50 1.25 Weekly, in clubs of 5, 1.00 Liberal commission allowed to club asents. Sample copies furnished free on ap- plication. DROP US A POSTAL. If at any time your paper is not de livered, or if it is delayed. Papers should be on the door steps 5p QTTlQT. :-rr .no:, i4 J- ot every city subscriber by six o'clock in the morning. If not somebody is at fault, and if so we want to know it. if you fail to receive your paper, therefore, or if it comes late, drop us a postal at once, giving your address, and stating your com plaint, which will receive prompt attention. X TUESDAY, July 14, 1891. ATT It AC IT ili A i I iSi HON ABROAD. The Intcr-State Exposition in Ral eigh this Fall promises to be a big affair, and the Ciironicle believes that it will be on a much larger scale than many of our people ima gine. There will be people here firom all parts of the world, and ex hibits will be made by every shrewd advertiser. They do not go where the promise is not good for a large crowd. The fact that many have already engaged space at the Expo sition hows that they believe it will be a great occasion. The following, copied from the Atlantic City (N. J.) Daily Union, is a significant straw showing that the wind is blowing in the direction of Raleigh and our Exposition: J. C. Johnson has taken a space lor the exhibition of his aeriated water fountains at the Southern Inter-State Exposition, to. be held :it Raleigh, North Carolina, from October 1st to November 1st, 1891. The space is ample for a large scenic effect and Mr. Johnson is de- Mgning a woodland - scene, moun- tains, grottos, streams and cascades from which he will dispense soda and mineral waters. : The Southern people from fourteen States and two Territories have combined to show the great natural advantages of the soil and climate and Northern man ufacturers are invited to show what they have to sell. The Exposition will attract thousands of people from all parts of the Union. ' .. ' . .... ' ' - . : " ""- WHAT THE jGXPOSITION WILL : - vi do. " '.V The chief need of an Exposition is to learn the world something more about North Carolina and the fcoutn. lhat is all. . lhe problem is not now to secure lmmiSTauon. xt . It is. rather, how to fret correct in- I formation to the people who would better their condition by coming South. They are kept away by false information regarding us. They do not understand that a cordial welcome awaits them, and that here are opportunities for making wealth ana position not areamea 01 in tne densely populated sections of our country. We do not write of such men as Abram Hewitt or Chaujtcey De pew. Iney will invest money in the South and realize 100 per cent. We are glad to see them do it. But they will not come among us to live. It is the men of small means, whose capital consists chiefly in brain and muscle, who can be in duced to come. These are the men we want, and they are the men who will make the best citizens. They are the men, who like Ashley, of Raleigh; and Chadbourns and French, of New Hanover have be came leading and influential citi zen. we want many more sucn citizens. We can get them by ad vertising our section and turning on the light. The Inter-State Ex position is the most practical way r ern men wmbe here and we- make them acquainted witn the true situation of the South. When we do this, the work is done and immigration will steadily flow southwardly. Not a great while ago a gentle man from Massachusetts came South" and took charge of a cotton mill, and was well pleased with the peo- and the town. a good o opening for a friend of his, he wrote j mm ana received tne ioiiowmg re ply: "Yours of inst., received and contents noted. I thank you for your kindness, but I do not think favorably of the South, as a home, and at the present do not see how I can make a change. I have looked into the matter a while ago, and have been advised not to go there." This letter shows an undefined opposition to coming South, and the writer evidently labors under an impression that does us and our sec tion injustice. It is not his fault, but our own fault largely. We have made too litt'e effort to con tradict, in the ears of the North the false reports that have preju diced us in the eyes of the world. To advise fighting the Alliance, because it makes certain demands, upon which even Alliancemen dif fer, would be the extreme of folly, that no man of ordinary sense would be guilty of, especially when, in the South at least, on all leading issues between the Democratic and Re publican parties, eight out of ten of the Alliancemen are with the Dem ocratic party. They may go to ex tremes in some things,, and be in error, but the way to meet the error is by reason and argument not by driving them beyond the reach of reason and ton Star. argument. - -"W ilming. Don't let exciting things excite. The country is not going to the demnition bow-wows. People are better than ever and the world is growing more sensible. Demago gues may clatter and try to work the people up to acting foolishly. Don't get troubled about it. The people did right in 1890 and they will do the same thing in 1892. V Why doesn't some publisher com pile the Republican "tin plate" lies andissue them under the title of "Baron Munchausen Vol. 2." With great ado it is announced that the members of the Farmer's Alliance in Virginia will not in - I (nn ntrt with t.TlA ridTnnprofin rnftr wwvuiuu uai 1 y Of course they will. There is nothing else reasonable for themtn do. The; are like North Carolina jilliancemen; they are both Demo- crats and Alliancemen. They kn0w that if there is division be- tween Democrats, the Republicans would win in both North Carolina and Virginia, and that would a calamity which no patriotic man can contemplate unless he has lost his memory. THINGS WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW. Whether Blaine willdie now, or wait awhile? What the occupation of Innoc uous Desuetude Ingalls is? When "Dot Kaiser" will leave England, and give the Atlantic cables time to cool? Whether Peffer is fishing for the Presidency, or simply talking for buncombe. Whether the New York murder ers were killed or just electrocuted. When Jonathan Breeches-maker will finish his explanations. Consumption Incurable 1 Read the following, Mr. C. H. down witn Abscess ot luners. and lieads and physi ians pronounced me an Incnrnhlfi Consnmntivp. "Rp- gan taking Dr. King's New Dis- COVpry for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to over see the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, savs: "lad it not been lor r. King 3 New Discovery for Con V I T ' rp , , . , Lung Troubles. Was given up by sumption I would have died of doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottle free at John Y. McRae's drugstore. Eternal Vigilance. Is the price of health. But with all our precaution there are ene- , - mies always lurking about our sys tems, only waiting a favorable op portunity to assert themselves. Im purities in the blood may be hidden Si1";801111 fo!its various aud won . n J derf ul cures as the great purifier of the vi jTOia ui ccn jui gtrntJi tuiuns and suddenly break forth, under- mining health and hastening death. For all diseases arising from impure n -j tt j, o -ii. , 1 blood Hood s karsaparilla is the un- equalled and unapproached remedy. jt ;a T7-; nf,L n J It lb King ot them all, for it con- quers disease. Horner School . 5al1 Term,.Pens. September 1st, xuii.. nc uuuaui witn iiiuuerii im provements. Electric lights, hot and cold water baths, etc. Location on a hill. Excellent climate. For cata logue address, HOUNER & DREWRY, 7-0-2m. Oxford, N. C. Blerchants' Tax. All merehsnta aro reqnir! to list their purchapeH tinder Schedule B for the pi e vior.a fix inoithf on tho ftml of Jnly. Thin BirheuuUi refrato livery stablemen, carne drivf rs acd liquor dealers and all parties engaged in ei'il like btis-inesg.. MJLLAKD MIAL, , Kogister of Deed?. junc30 lw Notice of Sale. As trustees of S. B. Nonls and a a Carter formerly trading : and doing bus iness in the city of Raleigh as Noiris & Carter, the undersigned will sell on Monday, the 20th day of July, 1891, at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door of Wake county, all the notes, accounts, choses in action and other evidences of debt belonging to the said Norris & Carter. Time of sale 12 o'clock m. Terms cash. W. G. UPCHURCH, M. T. NORRIS, Trustees of Norris & Carter. July 10th, 1891. 7-11-tds. The women praise P. P. P- for Scrofula, General Weakness and Nervousness, Indigestion, Eheuma- j nd Female Compla;nts. Try the great and powerful P. P. P and then recommend it to your neighbors, and you will ' know you have done a good deed. Wake Up If you wake up in th morning with a bitter or bad taste in your mouth, Languor, Dull Headache, Despondency, Constipa tion, take Simmons Liver Eegulator. It corrects the bilious stomach, sweetens the breath and cleanses the furred tongue? Children as well as adults sometimes eat something that does not digest well, producing Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Restlessness, or Sleeplessness a good dose of Regulator will give relief. So perfectly harmless is this remedy that it can be taken Dy the youngest infant or the most delicate person without injury, no matter what the condition of the system may be. It can do no harm if it does no good, but its reputation for 40 years proves it never foils indoing good. Be Not Imposed Upon! Examine to ee that you get the Genuine, Distinguished from all frauds and mitations bv our red Z KtWd'eLSSffi nf .T tt kaIHh Xr nn p p p is recommended by physicians because see its healtby eftects 811 A leading physician in New York U"U,U11CV','V1 "l. Sit? niTfl S Care Klin W lKUfl H r hna mol use of the P. P. P. sent him, and was Pfeaseci to say r r. proveaeffica- cious in a number of cases, and adds, it is no more than he should have an! ticipated from the satisfactory combi nation or sucn wen-Known arugs. A prominent railway superintendent of Savrnnah (name given on applica tion) says he was crippled by a disease in lees and arms, powerless to walk or eat without assistance, having lost the use of his limbs by rheumatism, ma- iana, dyspepsia, etc. pnysicians here sent him to New York and thev re turned him here, and he was as com plete a wreck as one could be and live. A course of P. P. P. has made him a well man. P. P. P. is known amonc nhvsicians i . . age. g Blood Poison -n-,, e a Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Syphilis, old sores, pimples, blotches uiooa ana mercurial po ami skm diseases are eradicated by use of P. P. p. Hosts of certific ison y the certificates are in office to show the cures in these diseases where all other medicines have miieu 5ieii lnliammatorv. crout. sciatic ti.1 its kindred diseases with its excrutiating pums cue u ureu uy xne woncierrui niooa cleansing: properties of P. P. p. Prick ly Ash, Poke lloot and Pokissium. Catarrh or'g'ioates in scrofulous taint. P. P. P, purines ins uiootl and this prevents For Old Sores, Skin Eruptions, Pirn les, Ulcers and Syphilis, use only P P., and get well and enjoy tho bless g only to bo derived from the use of mg J- P Pricldy Ash, Poke Root and f oKissium. WHOLESALE Sole Proprietors, SAVANNAH, GA. Bros., Druggists, plenty Of Groceries. and can make prices. Come apd see ns. W. B.Mann & Co., Cor. Fayetteville and Hargett 8te., RALEIGH, N. C. juntfc-tf. s- HARRIS' DYEING AND RENOVATING WORKS. Ea si Mabthj; Street. RALEIGH, N. C. We make "a Specialty 'of Blocking and Pressing Silktllats. Work Done on the Most Approved .Fiaa. A trial will convince you. D. HARRIS, jtme25-tf Manager. Water Cpolers, Galvanized and Porcelain Lined. BBA8S- Preserving - Kettles. Porcelain .Linei Preserving - Kenles. Maaon'a Porcelain and Glass Top FRUITERS. STEP LADDERS, FLY TRAPS, FLY FANS, TVHITE MOUNTAIN ICE CREAM FREEZERS. is. i mi is, KAI1SIGB, ?. C , NOTICE. LAND SALE.-I will sell at public out-cry on Wednes day, the 12tn dav of Auonst. nxt. nn the premises, about 400 acres of land in i urange county, on uno Kiver, formerly known as Dickson Mills, three miles from Universitv Station. t Terms: One-half cash, balance pur ihase money on twelve months tune; note bearing interest of 8 per cent, re quired. Title reserved till the entire amount is paid. The above land will be sold in two tracts of about 200 at-tps pjirh iixr improved, good building thereon and! , D'lu,s vYiiucx. tcu tiinoerea. .aie rj o'cioclc m. 'I his June 29, 1891. 7-&4t. W. W. COX. "THE SWANNAN0A," ASIIETILLE, N. C. 1 Good Medium-Priced Hotel. Under New Management. Thoronfhl v nvorTianlol i refurnished ; modern conveniences delightfully cool rooms, and superb' views. Rates and reading matter upon junl6-3m. Peace Institute, RALEIGH, N. C. o -CX o THE FALL) TERil DEGII' SEPTEMRER 3rd, 1891 ; o o o 1 Univ. of Virginia. WAXTED.-A good Baker. Good Wages paid. Address J. T. NORTON, "9 Marion, N. C. SUHUER SPECIAL Befrigerators, Water Filters and Coolers Ic Cream Freezers, ' Ice OruBhers and Shaves Wire dish Covers ' Croquet Seta, ' Hammocks, , . Fly Fans and Tra Baby Oarnages and Swings Pa' Oil Stoves and Carpet Swic Bath Tuba for 2ftJ!$$ And a General Line of FURNISHING GOOD All at the Lowest Prices. W. H. HUGHES apr24-2m. Newfiern House, Morehead City, N. G Under New Management. Has been refitted for the seairm and no pains will be spared to malJ . -a -mm it a delightful resort. to offend the Ladies and endW the children. Thej will be perf. K ij sale ana tree Irom this anoyance The table supplied with ail tL delicacies of the season, Polite Clerks, and attentive waiters. Still fislin and trolling for bluefish and Span ish mackerel are among the mo enjoyable sports, while the Surf Bathing, the sound bathing and the sailia are delightful in the extreme. All trains stop at the platform. immediately in front of the House. Accommodations first class. Terms Moderate. E. D. ARTHUR, Proprietor. TO YOUR INTEREST DON'T YOU FORGET IT! We have iust returned from the North with a full line of Ladies and Gents' Shoes, hats, dress goods of all kinds, and, in fact, anything in our line wanted by the pub lic. Lrive us a cak. B. F. Cheatham & Bro. DEALERS IX General Merchandise. 225 Wilmington St., junl6-lm. RALEIGH, N. C. LITTLETOH HIGH SCHOOL -AND Business Instiluli'. t College Preparation. Commercial Course, Penmanship, Telegraphy, Shorthand and Typeurri'ini;. Prices very moderate. Unexcelled l'-' tion. Opens August 24, 1 831. For catalogue, address L. W. BAG LEY, PniscirAL, june30-2m WANTED. Two School teachers, iaaif and female, to take chnrge Apex High School. Applvto W. H. "HA5TARD, rreasnrer of Board of Trustees. Apex, N. C. I clc frc I it tb to t IV i Hi:

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