hc tatc ht-ouick I'ubliHhcil Dally and Weekly by The Chronicle Publishing Co. 216 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. t. it. jernioax. Editor. subscription price : ( 1 Year 6 00 DAILY. 6 Months 3 0o ( 3 Months 1 50 The Weekly Chronicle (eight pages); One year f 1.25. In clubs of five, $100. THURSDAY, July 14, 1892. DKMOCKATIl' NATIONAL TICKET. FOR PRFSIDENT, Ukovkk Cleveland, of New York. KOK VICE-PRESIDENT, Aula i E. Htkvknso.n. of Illinois. UE.1IOCHATIC STATE TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR, Eliak Carr, of Edgecombe. F'R LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, H. A. Houghton, of Alleghany. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, Octavius Cokk. of Wake. FOR AUDITOR, K.JM. Furman. of Buncombe. FOR TREASURER, I). W. Bain, of Wake. FOR SUIT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, J. C. HCARKOROroH. Of JollD8ton. FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL, F. I. Oshokne, of Mecklenburg, ELECTORS FOR THE STATE AT LARGE. C. B. Aycock, of Wayne. H. B. Glenn, of Forsyth. SUCTION A I, IIKOTIIEKHOOD. We believe it is very generally under stood that the advocates of a third party defend it as a means of bringing the sections into closer brotherhood. Such a motive is commendable, and will be commended by all, but it is a legal prin ciple that a man's motive is judged by his acts, and so must the claim of a political party to public confidence be decided by the record of the candidates it nominates to fill oflices of trust and responsibility. Judged by this standard the professions of the leaders of the third party are a delusion and a snare, for, instead of nominating, as their candi date for President, a statesman of broad views, they have put at the head of their ticket a man that recalls some of the most bitter expres sions of hatred that were uttered against the Southern people at a time when the just and the brave appreciated their fallen state and were encouraging them by words of sympathy. This same General Weaver, nominated by the Omaha convention for President, belongs to the class of ex treme men who have long been in the habit of speaking of the Southern people with the gall of sectional hatred on their tongue. No one of the class has sue teeded so well in exhausting the vocabu lary of danunciation as General Weaver when discoursing about our people. On one occasion General Weaver charged that "those of the South who were not shot or hung were again conspiring to get possession of the government." On another occasion he denounced the bouthern people as "ahungry, rebellious, man hating, woman selling gang," and when, on the 10th of July, I888,his at- tviibum was uireciea to these extreme utterances, he declared, on the floor of the House of Representatives, "that he had nothing to take back." A man who could arraign a whole people in such in temperate language is totally unworthy of the suffrages of a fair-minded and liberty-loving people. He cannot con sistently be placed at the head of a po litical party professing such universal brotherhood as the third party. The man i . m ma record negative such professions, and prove that the Omaha convention made a mistake, worse still- committed a blunder. We know of some who are earnest and sincere in their ad vocacy of a third party, but they will not support Weaver in the face of his record What si.lf "-"i'uii cuuiuern wnue man can? The manhood of the South still remains, and it will properly resent the attempt to elect as President a mossback Imucian ana sectional hyena. And it will be an attempt only, for every vote cast, lor tne Weaver electors in a South ern State will virtually be so many cast ior me republican electors. THE NOMIMIsn Till I : rw The congressional convention of the highth district at Wilkcsboro, yester day, was nothing short of a ratification meeting. The nominee for congress umiun n. liower, Esq., was easily the cuoice oi tne people and his nomination was assured weeks ago. Nearly every county in the district had instructed for him or endorsed him as a candidate and no other name was presented before the convention. Mr. Bower is a young lewyer of considerable reputation, a democrat of the highest type, and made a good record while state senator from the Tenth district in '88. Mr. Lewellyn, the nominee for elector, is a successful lawyer at Dobson, and is a speaker of little fame. no HELL UNITED. The democracy in New York city and State is working together admirably well and the national candidates will be ac corded a strong and telling ovation at the notification meeting on Wednesday next. Mayor Grant has announced the committee of citizens who are to receive the committee of the National Conven tion on this occasion and the one hun dred members are chosen from the entire range of New York city democracy. The notification will take place in Madison Square garden in deference to Mr. Cleve land's desire that as many people as could be gathered should listen to his speech of acceptance. A IIAICKEN IDEALITY. When Governor McKinley addressed the Republican National Convention at Minneapolis, he gave utterance to these sentiments: 'We stand for a protective tariff be cause it represents the American home and fireside, the American family, the American girl and the American boy and the highest possibilities of American citizenship. A protective tariff encour ages and stimulates American industries and gives the widest possibilities to American genius and American effort." An Ohio contemporary makes the above the text of a vigorous article on the Carnegies, from which we quote the following: "If the tariff raises wages as prom ised, 'protects' the 'home and fireside,' why did the Carnegies lock out theii 4,000 employes at Homestead and pre cipitate a bloody war because the men were not willing to accept a 30 per cent, reduction of wa-jes instead of the in crease promised them when the McKin ley bill was passed? Where is the pro tection to the 'home and fireside,' to the 'boy and girl,' when the fruit of their labor through legalized extortion, is taken away and given to a favored few? Such 'protection' to home and fireside is in the language of the late Governor Allen, 'a d n barren ideality."' JIK. W ASHBIHN ON OPTIONS. In his speech Tuesday on the anti-op tion bill Senator Washburn affirmed that the bill passed by the House and now awaiting action by the Senate will not, as has been alleged, interfere witft real sales of grain or any other commodity. The popular scare caused by the meas ure is not justified, he said, by its actual provisions. The scare is due either to misapprehensions or to misrepresenta tions. what it does prohibit is "sell ing short" selling what you haven't got in oraer to put down the price. Sellin short "juggles with values," said the Senator, "and eliminates from commerce the operation of the law of supply and demand." The anti option bill does not he thinks, touch the man who has the thing he sells or has a contract for it. It is meant to paralyze only the gambler In a speech delivered in the Senate, Senator Teller had occasion to refer to the force bill and said: "A more ina mom bill, m my judgment, never passed tne tireshold of the doors of the Senate, Avowedly in the interest of good "ovem ment it was instigated, in my judgment by men whose interest-it was to prevent a tree expression of the will of the voters at the polls." L.aYvle-iie- for Pliilaiilliroliit to DlMCUM. Baltimore Suu. T ! i - . ... lawlessness in Idaho, following close upon lawlessness on a large scale in Wy oming and Pennsylvania, ousht to sua gesttosome people that lawlessnesses not a secuonai thing, to be made the sub jeer, oi partisan harangues. Lynching is unspcHKauiy oao. it is a takiD" of life without judge or jury, under the ini aiJ uutuuisi oi rage, caused usually d: a horrible assault upon a wo man. But the shootintrs hv "rustle' in Wyoming of prorjertv-ownera n.o.i. because they assert their rights is also uau. it is oao on a large scale because oiaie is at present "",uw"lu u me murdtrous element But for the presence of federal troops a great destruction of the lives of innocent people would probably occur there In Idaho strikers blow up and kill a number oi non union men, and terrorize the coun try to such an extent that federal troops uavc io oe caued in. in Pennsylvania luu.c uisuruer oi such proportions that a wuuie uivision oi state troops is sum uiuueu io tne scene. Tnese are kinds of lawlessness, it is the good fortune of the South to be comparatively free from u'wiu ui mis Kind. The IteKpoiiftiblllty Philadelphia Ledger: at Homestead. ii is too evident now to be seriniieU Ti . . .tuvDuuucu mat lutJ immediate provoca tion to and cause of the riot and blood sned at Homestead was t.V. atrom u.. , - - ubbvUJLJb UV IMP finmnnnn 4-, 4. 1 . . ,, 1 vvmi'"uj mruw into tne works ioigC uuuy oi rinkerton's men. The company s legal right to do this was in contestable. The property to be guarded or, for the matter of that. to ted was its property, and the company's right to guard or to operate it was one wu.uu no one snouid have disputed, and uu uub snouid now or later dis puce, au tnis is unquestionable, but that which is questionable is whether or uut .ims poweriul corporation had the moral right, at the time and in the man ner it selected, to bring to its works for any reason whatsoever, an alien force of m,T men a.Pt of an organization that has made itself peculiarly obnoxious wuinmen under similar conditions, and whose trade, as is openly proclaimed by their uniforms, equipments and arms is to shoot trespassers as well as tn rrnarrl n.An..in t r ., - - was no worse, it was n inAat:x.,. 1 . ' AUUICU HI I llf' wunder, a blunder whirh wao un i - , . nuv im mediate nmvnpdfinn 1 1 , j " , l"c .lawlessness u inuiuer wnicn lollowed its mission. com The Death or Cyrus v. Field. Baltimore Sun. In the death of Cvms w v.a i I . j- m x itiu Lilt? world loses one of the mn W v a f ft -U ep.ch ln sclentific enterprise. At the time when he conceived the idea of connecting the United States with rope by means of a telegraph wire he was u avaucc oi otner thinkers, the theorists as well as practical bnsi is indicated by the immense difficulties he had to overcome in securing co oper- nt.inn or.l noUi : . ,i , r m-tne undertaking. Uut success succeeds, and tho fli lishment of communication between New otk and London on July 27, 1867, was the beginning of a new era of progress. Mr. Field obtained substantial rewards lor his enterprises. Thnu was a bold application of science to bu siness, he was a business man fircf an A n scientific man afterward. In another CUT.0heSw7i itis relatd how he added to his fortu . "J iu.iouuCUlS 111 the elevated railroad of New York when mat enterprise was nn hi, t:u - " " ail. X' 1C1U, in short, was an admirable example of the American type of a shrewd business man who sees what i irninnn j u.,. others do. to fa ueiore Politic h In Iredell. Cor. State Chronicle. States ville, N. C, July 13. The third party through this section of the country begins to look like Seuator Vance's cat fish, "considerably shrunk up." Only a few now seem to think they are the redeemers of this country. I think by the time the election comts off there will not be enough to make a re spectable funeral procession. The same old story is again repeated, Cleveland and reform, and I find a good many hon est republicans saying they cannot sup port their ticket, they do not care to have bayonets at the ballot boxes. Very nearly all that speak of the riot at Homestead stand in spmpathy with the strikers and believe if this is kept up much longer that the electoral vote of Pennsylvania will be cast for Cleveland and Stevenson. Another Instance of "Haslj Claim ing." Salisbury Herald. We are authorized by Mr. T. B Fra ley, who was appointed on the execu tive committee of Franklin township for the people's party at the convention Sat urday, to state that it was done without his knowlege or consent. He is an al lianceman but a good democrat and is solid for Cleveland and the entire demo cratic ticket. He has no sympathy what ever with the third party movement and takes this method of announcing his po litical position. The Ex-President Commended. Richmond Dispatch. It is creditable to Mr. Cleveland that he wishes to keep his wife and baby out of this canvass. He never wrote better letters than those touching these two subjects, and his position besides being right will gain him instead of losing him votes. The "Baby McKee" nonsense has prejudiced thousands of voters against President Harrison. WANTED. A graduate in music d sires a nutation as teacher. Good references Address, MISS I. M. S. . ,,,, No. 409 North 4th St., jylHt. Wilmington, N. C POKINE CURES RHEUMATISM. A QUICK aMI t)A TIVK Restorer of Manly Vigor, and the only Le gitimate specific for sexual Debility and Lost Vital ity known. A Marvellous Invigorator, entirely harmless. Druggists or by mail, tt, 6 for 5. Circu lars free. DR. R. F. CATON, Box 5.257, Boston, Mass rM2t20-dfcwi v mm 7ITALIZESS illTtISirIth J h J?" ypnPlf and fam i!' the best value for your mnnpv economize In Tour footwear by purchaS bT;tH,uS2foar Wfcic! represent thl will testify.' PFice8 Mked M lusal9 W. L. DOUCLAS s' sunr for far beyond the prices charged. See that nlinZ price are stamped on bottom of each shoi 8 r . TAKE NO SUHSTITITTlc" w. mj, uougiaa, Brockton, Mass. Sold by FOR SALE BY HELLER BROS., Kaleigh, N C. pHEAP RATETO ASHEVILLE, to se J cure it buv Summer Round Trip Tick et, use it one way and sell toC.V RA Member American Ticket Brokers' Asso ciation, 28 South Main street, Asheville juy5 2mo -L -W.JU SUMMER ON 5.Ogfff3.O0 44.00 A2.50 3.50 1"5 B$2.00 42.25 1PI.75 THE ::: ATLANTIC NO FLIES ! NO MOSQUITOS I But the finest Fishing, Boatink. ihT.i,, is enjoyed at Morehcad City. Soft flmlw S in abundance .0 6u,a, wilL ,L - .,.,r., OlILllIin, IJIllllia Many thousand dollars Atlantic Hotel and premises so as to make eniovmenr. than ami. Kr m u j v.l uciui c. 1 PSK and elsewhere about the Hotel. THE ATLANTIC HOTEL I he property has been leased hv th experienced manager will conduct the bu.inZ .1 Tg l"mPY with to be obtained, and the service will he will be all EXCELLENT "-nmr, xWUHllia guests. This will be the bi arrangements to be there on June 18th. very reasonable, and room will TYPEWRITERS. Headquarters for the world; all makes; don't PAY manufacturer's exorbitant prices; we ship anywhere, giving thorough examination before accepting; absolutely first-class condition guaranteed; positively all makes at about or less than half price; exchanging a specialty; instruments rent ed anywhere; largest stock in the world; two entire floors devoted exclusively to typewriters; see commercial rating for our responsibility; illustrated catalogues and specimens free TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS, 31 Broadway New York, 186 Monroe St, Chicago. ap3 Lumber For Sale. NORTH 0AE0LINA PINE LUMBER. Flooring, ceiling, weather-boarding, etc., rough or dressed Heart-pine shingles, fencing, red cedar post. Also white oak bill timber cut to order. Orders solicited. B. NOOE, Jr. my30-3m Pittsboro. N. C. KErJILVORTll : INfJ. BILTMORE STATION, .? ASHEViLLE, N. C. Asheville on the one, Vanderbilt Park on the other side; lfiO acres of Forest Park 2!)ac-es Lawn ; 1,200 square miles of view The best appointed Hotel, finest table, un equalled orchestra, unparalleled rides and drives. Most Reasonable Rates. Beau tif illy illustrat'd pamplet free. BROWNING & WHEELER, je25 2m. Proprietors. HOT WEATHER GOODS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. FLY FANS, FLY TRAPS, DISH COVERS, WATER COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS, ICE CHESTS. oil stoves, and the famous "Hew Process" Gasoline Stoves. J. C. S. LUMSDEN, mr30-tf Raleigh, N. C. rORTGAGE SALE. By virtue ot au Ul. thonty conferred in a certain mort gage execi.ted by Reuben Rhodes and re corded m book 113, at page 378, in Regis nf Dd's office of Wake county! we T ni80ildiaoy ? dftyf August, A. D., 1892, at 12 o'clock m., at the court ? m (l00r.1K-be clty o Raleigh, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the House and lot described in said morteo-o oitn.f on the east side of South Blount street in sud city inst south of unH Second Colored Bantlst, Ch This 29th dav of 5nn. a n imw p o; PEELE & MAYNARD, Attorneys for Mortgagee. td s sena money or staraD bv letter wit 11 oi. v-' :?iruiro"1 ooservation). strictly confldentiarPT&s advertise iSiSf88 Witte? P.lainlv- Correspondence La d , Ais .ay.ertise ment is honest and straightforward m every word it conlains We invite VOn to as represented, (ttt this out and sendlc to anv nnrr.haar v.. V.ewVl 5?0 to nany Purchaser. Eyery bottle ante'ed SPECIAL T-K LJtatrodnoe ' W vm-SM i W or MOST C-iTJT a i Tvvr -.J.vxva.xiN V-T SE-SIIEJ RESORT THE ATLANTIC COAST, MOREHEAD CITY, KO MALARIA! NO NOISE ! VI... . 1J . . ' anu io Ti t?S!Sg f.' is served 0 ... mai it a ?" Z , u , Prov,n8 - -" x i . iirin'i i m m mi rinnniiin popular 1... improvements are also b. seen ,Le sound lh(! OPENS FOR GUESTS ON .nZ ' T "re .WKU a lorce ot th that can be desired. ORCHESTRA IMMENSE aDd Now r Carpets will be appreciated and ni tummer season that Morehead PJtvi,,,. j 0 cApenencea and be reserved wh :n requested by a note to M. S. CLARK, RALEIGH, N. C, IS PREPARED TO DO SLATE ROOFING In any portion of the State on short notice. Charges moderate. All work guaranteed. References given. Address for particu lars. M. S. CLARK, P. O. 132, Raleigh, N. C. D. T. Johnson, (AGENT.) W nolesale Dealer ln Lemons, Chickens, Oranges, Eggs, Bananas, Butter, Cabbage, Peanuts, WANTED: Daily Shipments of Chick ens and Eggs. QUICK SALES, BEST PRICES AND PROMPT RETURNS. Now on sale a consignment of N. C Hams and Shoulders, and a big lot of N. C. CUT AND ROE HERRING in barrels and half barrels. Will make low prices to the trade. NEW CABBAGE RECEIVED DAILY. Always in Store : A large and well selected stock of staple and fancy GROCERIES, Especially adapted to the wants of the city trade. B5f Prompt attention to orders. Free and prompt delivery. 'Phone 23. D.T. JOHNSON. Agt.. BALEIOIl, N. C. R-2-d&w 1v flrGHit6Gii AND Superinbendent, DURHAM, N. C New Discovery " Accident Sn wffi lnl,nK ft Pft" was accidentlj spilled onthehaud and on washmgafterward it wai discovered that the hair was conipletely removed We at once put this wonderful preparation on the market, and so great has been the demand that we are now introducing It throughout the world under the name of Queen's Anti-IIairine, IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO SIMPLE A NY CHILD CA V USE IT. Lay the hair oyer and apply the mixture, for a few fleal wlfV, no . ' .m , " , : J fPr aQy case of failure or slightest 1 Postofflee trt failure or slightest injury and ell L their friends 25 Bottles ofQneen A L. Aa II I 111 lilt n,.-.- I !l I U rt C rnn r.4 I I. iey-i7-iy - nv - r. ::: HOTEL, 3ST. o. uc lound along the American Coast ivciB Will SUpj)Iy. l"Sg nd beautifying the immense summer home for rest 1 . f E 18th, 1892.- Mr. John O. PI an as manager. The "ost skilled assistants and employees BALL enjoyed by , . you ought to make your the mana crop je9-2m ROOM, 5- lTO"OL.K AND CAROLINA IIAI1 X ROAD. Condensed Schedule. Daily, Except Snndav In effect October 3. 1S91. o 101. So HW Le&ve Norfolk, Va, Com pany'a wharf, at loot of 3U.tthewa St Arrive Huff lfc, Va ... Arrive Tartoro, N. C.. . Arrive Rocky Mount, NC A rive Fayetteville, N C Arrive Goldsboro, N C. Arrive Selma NO Arrive Baleigh, NC Arrve Greensboro, N C Arrive Aeheville, N C. . Arrive Charlotte, N C. . Arrive Wilmington, N U Arrive Colnmb'a, S C-. Arrive Charleston. 8 C Arrive Savannah Ga. . . Arrive Jacksonville.FU Arrive Augusta, Ga. (city t:me) 9 30 a m 10 27 a m 12 M p m 1 p m 5 30 i m 3 in p ra 3 :i(l p m 4pra 1 iK) p m 6 55 a m 1 10 a m 6 0) p m 6 15 a ni 5 00 a m 0. 4i a ni 12 00 m 9 47 a ti 2 45 p m 3 3: p m G 00 p ru G 2" p m 7 40pm 9 55 p m JAMES F MAUPIN. Goneral Forwariing Agent. T, Rl FMEH -ON, General Freight aud asi-euger Agent. G. M. SEUPELIj. General Manatrnr CAPE FEAIl A YADKIN VAI LEY RAILWAY COMPANY. 0OXDEN8ED SCHEDULE. In effect June 26. IS-. J Nonrn o. a. li UfD. Daily No. 1. MIN USE. It TOpm Arrive 7Si pm Leave 730 pm Arrive JOp-n Leave 4Hpm " 3F0pm " ?4pm Arrive Wiln iiigtn, L-av- .'Ham Favnt -vil f, Arrive M!iu Faetevile, L-ave h27ii: iSan.lt rd, 9iHan Cli ax, l'4 iam Greusl .r, Arrive 12 15 pm orcMiMi ro. Leave I72i im 2 0a pm Leave M'ikesiJa'e. 1 2pm N A W Jiinct Walunt 2T0pm c.e. " NAW Jnnct Walnut l.r2pm r lve Cve L avo 12JnaLeao Hural Ilall " 1200 pm Le we Mt Airy, Arrivo 15? I 'in 233 pm 3 0im 4V5'm Houih Bound. Dai;y. Bennet fvivlv Division. l'ai'v. No 3. No. 4 1" 20 i m Arrivo Ben- efevilk-. Leave 2!ipm " Max'oii, 857 pua " Ite.lSpMugn, " "8T3pm Hupn Mi In, " 756pruLeavo Fayetteviily, Arrivo 5 11 am r.:u vojam 743 802 am South liou D. Daily tx Sunday NoRtn Bhnu Faotoky and Madihon Boanchca. Dailvcx Nun da No 15. No. 10 7 20 pm Arr vo f' 40 pm Le va 4 45jm " 1 25 pm Arrive 3 10 pm Leave 2f0pm I ea -e JtMiuwr, Leave 715am Climax. " '''Oam GreeiHiro, Arrive lOnOam ur oiieh to, Leive I :" an, MokeK.jale, " 12l5pm ildi8on, rrivo I05pru ii'uj)io.a comiecta atHaneic.nl with "ea loartiAir j.meior Ka!eih, Noif-Jk and all r luwuunii, ani at wmnt Cove nl. Hi -Nrrlolkud Western . K. for Wint..i.-sie . ..nu Ma p nuts north and woet ol Uc.an v f H. ; LO " CIS at Wa"-nt Ccvo with "",lul& western ll. )i. lor Winatc.n em, but jaiiT0ra with Hea hoard ir Lin ior aiomoo, t harlots. Athens, At-iila aud mi i-fiui9 -oum ana ts 'utli vtt. V E KYLK W PHY ij. i v- 1 tKT orfoik!West8rnR.il Schedule in EJIcvl jiltM. '2c,t ih-j-. DURHAM DIVISION. w-k iave uuruam, N. C, 7.W a m and p m, daily. Arrive at LynchbnrK 1 0 p m and s.(C, All trains. Dnrh hnrc, v 1 D htreet Lynch, WINSTON-S A L KM DI VISK ) V. j .leave w mstnn nt r-i". u T dflilv """" '-"P"'. Arrive at Roauoke 32:.5pinaTd 7ror j . j --j M4IN LINK WKST HOUND. l eave Inchhn t . . m ...., .p.F if ill icir i 101 l i ii 1 1 I'll i uu i- i i j , . . i i."5Pnl,m" SIeeir from ..luiuoo w .iiciiipnis. 7.35 a m for Koanokc, It idford, Pii1hU Bristol; also for Rlrefield, I'ocal onts siou; also for Louisvilleand stnttons I owiwvmi Vvllllffi i a wv IliS TELALU? -L..ChattaS.leS o?i- .,1A,ulTUie via Nortou. .Uot-V; i,'"1 "e ana interme- iirMmowi noconot.llons beyond EAST BOUND LEAVE I.vviiinrp! . Norfolk.111 fr KichluoU(1. Veteitimri : nnd "35 P m. Arrive Petersburg 4 15 a n Arrive Uichmond 7:47 a m- arrive Vnrt, it Wnam. Pullman Palace' fcYeepeVNor Alsn Pnllmun Pol ot . LynchburKandHimonVrei,Cr vr";1,1!: m for Richmond. PeterlmrL'jincl u&Te Richmond 7 p I'uuman Parlor Buffet Car to Norfolk. t, in'lulrie8 8to rates, routes etc vfi CH UHCJB, Com a erf. . BVK. Travclli W. li. BKV Hoauoke, V;c ELON COLLEGE. Located on x. C. K U. Elegant new builclimr. T.,.r. ... i creasma-patronage. Both Kacnlr of twelve members. rnuj A,.,Jic,,,,,,l, r,,,,al Malo Con, H Commercial. ' 9 "T,,IMC Art- Morals of Strnl. nis VnsrVitH.tl Opens Septemb.-r 1st, ivc. for further infirn..i . . Apply to '""u ur vautK.urfle Rev. W. S. LONG, A. M , D. D h'J lm F,nn rtl'1- """" ""'W, J. SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY, SAL KM, X. c. He Oldest Female College is the fall The Ulsfc Annual t.i.. i , ber 1st. 1857 ii;;n..r-,w; LPd.s -ptem- SDtcial fi.,tr::.,T.1 Vr ,4-1 yew :7. spfciai feitnr.".!.:. : Health. Char;."."... ,."?,:.i'mei.t uf ln thorousblyVem " 'fSvJW- Graduate nertert i1, Hd ihools in MuS? a ' Ibts,def first da million. I .ommor:.. r . . ."C" Studi s. nu JncJii-tiial JyMOt. JHN H- CLKWELL. Principal. A T.f W niti . " 1L.L., G. P. & T. At.. BUFFALO L1THIA SPRINGS, Atlantic & Danville ll. u. MeckUnburj Co., Va., Vew buildings liavebtvna-Me-l an.1 , iromiiiiif rvH oi. i, ..11 i.y rv Passeurers leavim: IHlei-h at 7 o i. . the moruiuc mke close connecti..,'! .... uci ; .peuress .intHticn jravu me rpniics io dinner. Fur , H : . . J jeH.eod-lm Vt vi.": to 11.1 ier day at home. . . O' Lichtuinir Plater and platir -' eiry watches tableware. Arc. lUxl.x?,. htie-tof jewelry t;cHd as new, on all l , of metal with old, silver or nickel experieuce. No capital. Kvery houe ' . " Uool.s needini; platim;. i ,K- 1,KL'NO t-'O-. Cjlnmbus O jy-10 12 Sundays. OXFORD FEMALE SEM OXFORD, N. C. The 42d Annual Jest.iou peu - . 31, I'J. -., Thelerec.sciiiferreclare B. A an ' i. or tJraduate in Kniclish. A Business Course of Type writ :u . . .tenocraphv introduced ' " PhyicaH'ultlle macle prumine; The faculty ih an exceptionally '.'j-.-one, holding ilirlniuHH from Mich V as tne liiiv-rsitv l Vircitna. il, -hHlof Li:cmct-s, the (');,.- ; . sityArt Sc.o 1 of New York ti.- p. phia oneriatory and the iicvu: ( ' . .' vatoryof Berlin. Charges per e.S".ion .of 4 i ti r - it.. full l iterary ourse, Kre- M tn-i lr,A' and Phy.vic.il Culture, etc . i.n " ' " ti e n e ra 1 A e a i s Wa i , i . Mas4in t' travt-l, anpnint an! in aeuts !ortheHrce-t Mmin.Wai,.!, ,. , ', et Vh-soiik- Lite AssKi4u hi At-i . .' ly I20n.mii. St.te law cc.iupli.Hl Wa, h , uiaueiit. prolitable pleaut wcrk drfV!: . KKKl). . i:i;v " ' .01 Phoenix Insurance Build;u Th;. , ., jyi0 2tl017. IlCHMOND & DAN VII ! K KAIL I IDA I) COMPANY. W. llendekoier and HeulM ti y,. -, li reivers CondfusedSchexluleinKilect May-, l- . TRAINS LKAVK KALKICIH r ( DAILY for DurliHtn. v . ;. Henderson. Buffalo Lit!,! r prints, i.nens'H.n.. ..; S.ileni,Sa!i-liurv,VVt, rn , .... I'arolina lV.iuts, "harl-.Ti,- ., umbia, Aiuu.Ma. t I. SavaMiah all Fic.ri-'.i p.. Atlanta, Biriuitmi am. V,' I'lus, iN'nv irlea:i .n.! . A. M. , l-oiiiLs South and S..iit,. I Danville ltichitK iicl f i... i i . Va:shitmton and a!! T North. ThroiiKh Pulim-U! -U . in; car Baleigh t Asl.. . train leaviuicat 1.". p. m v. M. 1.21 P. M. Daily. S4". M. Kx tun For Coldltorc. Kayetfc. v luiin''ton. M.ir. i,. . i i ! NewLern anci all iiMhmi k I ern North Caicl n t For Durham. Oxford. II. ,.. I son, Claiksvillr-, liutlalc L:' pri.s, Kewvi 1... Iiurk. v I Bichiiioii l, West Point. J , i more and all itoints i.- m!, s 1 P. M. Daily. I i orKiuver l.tne.e.irri. -1 !,;., I Pill. man Mferer l-1 v. . i i; I emh and Bichiuon.j. I U I N S A I i 11 i V E T I : A L K I ; H 12:;. 1 P. M. Daily. 3 on A. M. Daily. 10.4U. A. M. Daily. ('.mi P. M. Daily ! From '.rceusirom ami ,4!i . J North and S.,uth. I From Bichn 'nd via h' and Durham. From dol,! Intro il.:-.n t P. M. Kx Suu. I PASSKNOKItS LKAVINti K.!!, at 7 o!f a. m, makes J ..:, ;. tion at OreeiislN.ro lor al! North and .oiith, aJ-c j..r Western North Oaroi;u.. j, ,.; arriving in Asheville :... j. Ix-uoir 3..V p. in , in am;.;.- t to sta:re to Bio wine llh miles liitf -mt tr.r Double ilailv trains l-tu.Vi. ': . . Chailottf An.'iKt i .,..! '' . K. BKBKLKV. W. A 11 ifk' Suja-rintendent, A. O. P. A., HichriK.nd. V f . .r',.t -.. . W. II. OllLEN, J IS. L. 1 AVJjO I. uenertil Managt-r, G,-a'l l'-r,. A : Atlanta. Ok Ati.t 'i i. SOL. UAAH, Traffic 31ani.-r, A'Jai.ta. . Seaboard Air-Line Rail 1 03!. Between Atlanta. Ath-... r Hamlet, Fayetteville. mouili. Kichniond, W;hini'..i njore. Philadelphia and New Yo:. No-J. 7 10 p in Lv '. ti p m 5 li a m 4:)a m June 2'., i-trj. Atlanta Athens Monroe Charlotte ilamiet Fayetteville lUleluh Durham Hend-rson Weldon WeMf.n Poi tsnio ih (I '.ay Linei Old Point Ar b 7 4 a m 27 a m 1 1 2 "i a m 1 sr, a m 12.7.1 p m 1 2 l.'i p in a r Lv r Lv Ar Lv 3ii! p m Lv " -r)c p m Ar p m Lv 'mp m Ar I It I Ttlir !'47a Ui PMla P If l: 1 2i B Ar New York Lv MipmLv Portsmouth Ar N Y. P . N i ' V m Ar Old Point Lv 2Ham PhilaPKK i a m eW York 3 I' p m Lv Weidon A t : I. . . s'2Spiii.r Kichuiono L t. n .Opm Wa-h ton P UK 12 4Sam Baltimore Miaui Philadelphia .'.ra iii Ar New York f. im'i p T!ilJv lialeieh 2 3:pin Durhtm i 3d p ui Beij''.erx.u s I-" p m Ar Weidon 7iam Lv Weldun 'J 4s a m Ar Port-mouth L Ar Lv Ar Lv Trains No 3-and 4 ' have thro:i.'. man S:ee.ers I iet ween Portsmotit:.. on and Atlanta. IrainNo conn.cts at We!.j-. through Pulinian liiillet Slee;. : mond, Wa-,hint;tou, Baltimore, V:. phia and New York. Train No 41 coLnects at WM c Pullman Sleeper Ior ptjiut Atlantic CW-t Line. Daily I a-3y except Sunday h h fast, d D.nner. sSupp.r For information relative ! etc, apply to T. II. Murray, ticL : Italeiich, or K. L. White, t. k. : ' Johnson si ret, Ilaleih. O. V. SMITH. Tr" M ' L. T. MYEK Ceu l JOHN 0. WINDEK, Oea'l Hartirer

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