ISBSSoffllBR . 'T. Lar jolii rbristtiiix Slbbccatc A tut uj 1 l-"-Y mi CJjristinu 3liinarntt. UALEIGfJ, X. C. rnwAY, MAurn t, use. Special Aenti. Janf;- I. hummon, Weldon. Benjamin K. '1!3, RichmcaJ, Tt. Personal. The Editor has been engaged this week in removing hh family to Ral eigh, and ha not been able to give the usual attention to '.he Advocate. His lack of service has Leen ably sup plied by an excellent yro tern. lie requests that hereafter all let ters he addre..-:ed to him at Raleigh. Heretofore, several of his correspon dents have directed to Franklinton ; end F-nic delay has Lcen thus made in attending to their communications, a3 he made a short visit to his family near that place once a week only. lie hopes ir. a week or two to Live all his personal scatters so arranged as 1 Homes cf Worship. TLe time La come, wc trust, when cur people Trill cease to build Louses of wor ship, otherwise than in a good, comforta ble, fubstamiaj manner. Very cany of j our country churches withia our bouuds j are direditabl to the rommanities in which they are built. It is not only eo Our Educational Interests. We Lave thought that a ren.ari or two will not be out of place upon the ub;ect that heads this article. The Fnirit of eua-; cation has become universally diifused I throughout our whole country. It is not j confined to any particular class ; the lowly ; a3 well as the high, the poor as well as the na will not be a is'blt behind her sister Cc";fi-rfr;i-; in n -r 1 rVr-ral : iC-renees, in a prompt cash ref-Dvf:?s to the call. A iIisj;oi.arj ia our i-s uctwj wc-e-cs we 'jUs tention to the direction -.-iveti to cur J:s- wao ijjuy i-;e i Vi. "b with u, but with others the sime state of rich, seek the highest mental culture. Ia things txists; it is our province, however, J the olden days of the Republic, (if her only t fpeak of what immediately con-j youth will d low of such an expression.)! eeruB us. The manner of proceeding has ; it was thought wisest t bequeath putrimo-! been, iu too many instance.?, something ny, rather than expend it upon the culti-! after this sort : a few hundred dollars have , vation of the mind, where both could not j been subscribed; a building committee ap- j be done. But fortunately this delusion! pointed, under whose direction a frame of j Las passed away. Tly? state of things, ia a house has been put together, on wooden j this regard, is reversed ; the doctrine now blocks; this has been weather-boarded and: is, let the mind be filled, if the pocket is fchicgled, batten doors and windows put to . left empty. The Methodist Episcopal it, and a box of a pulpit built in oue end j Church, comprising in her membership or on the side Las completed the structure, j and congregations nearly one-fourth of the Houses of thi character, after having ! whole population, has felt the obligation' stood tea or fifteen years without any re-! pressing heavily upon her to meet the pairs, constitute very many of our houses - wants of her people, who are, in common, of worship. We are glad to believe, from ; partakers of this spirit. True to her in the signs of the timc3, that our people are j stincts, she has not disregarded her obli- coming to the conclusion that this h bad; gation, but becoming fully aroused on this economy, leaving out the question of com-' subject, and putting forth her mighty en fort. Instead of pursuing thi3 plan, if a' ergies, schools and academies and colleges to enable him 1 3 give additional inter- j few more dollars were added the house have sprung up within her bounds, almost or on- -.'-,-,ir.-;s. r.r nr.? T-f.rrrif.l.ate sum, more or !e?s, will please forward it to Dr. Sehon, Nashville : or to Rev. t tt it , tv -j- v. - ' readers a-, ii. -uyers, 'nrmeion. its i.a.iur of this -pur er will cheerful t receive .narv lunus, e-.ttrs w;t: , o n Ti ' in which tie Georgia Conference dir of hers. out ftatexent. 85 our nee o wui rec-iMjeet, wa? that the N. C Conference raised Lt year, 10.047.3. and of that amount, retained only $J.450 : for the support of Missions within our v, vcj: and forward contributions. We trust every rirMpl'icr will Trrf-nrh rnd t:l:e un . 1 ' 1 - bound-, ouriDcr the current a collection on the Second nubath m ; . , , -'..-- , -, ,tbe balance into the General i reasury t i ' ''''o J -"cz V1 i whilst the Oeorgia Ccn erence rttaiucd tiie Secretary. tt,e WDue aaiu-.t she rised. and, in addi- . t.on, le.eivei Horn tae tiii;cr Lur it-reriCf s It i.ccome-5 oar -lu'v to anu-mn.-e the fact '. r . r, , . . ... totheCuurefj, an-1 our friei.d-- -n-rW y, that j spprtpmatiot:? tUeie will be a great ilemauJ f,r fun is to ! her bounds. We then vent used to asert, meet the outstanding draft, of the present ! that if Georgia's policy is ri-ht. North yer. ; . r. . This deficiency will exeee 1 thirty thf-uand ; C::r hua s policy is wrong. Our neighbor ' d.ollaiie n,ike tl,e at.n'juncfiuent in due ; 0f t'as Cyutheru Christiau Advwcate, under iiiiie,- iiici n Oiame or censure can !.-:- . , . r Lit lali ou us i.t nut liav:ii d iiie ?.). A G ;i 0i:-:r.. t!:e f-yiowir- f.r,-. ti e Dai- dv i Pttri'jtirg Exprt;-. pper. : as wjlj ar nenr. extr.icts fi' tn il,1 N-w it vrk Cotni.-rcial Adv rt:-.r : f" ! RlillOP PlEHCE. We S id in the New York C'.M)ffiri c al A-lvetti.-er. "r' ' the fulHwin.: n t:ce of the ?er::'.i c" ! preached a ft-w d-iy. by th:sc::d- p" nent divine at New Ji-rs--y : r' " At 3 o'cl'.vck there wj a .-eco-.i 1 ; service, and ih - Rev. B'-i;--p Pierce. f , Ge''r:.i. preac'it-d. it w.-i a ?.-n; ou "h:ch those piv.-cnt wiil i-ot ""ti f r- gc;. II s sn 'ject wis, " F. i i, Ih ; I an-1 Cii.irity," and wcil an-1 t h-pu-i:t:y . did the reverend gentit tn :n illustrate and etifo! ce his levt-r;.! t-'p"?-. Iinuie ; diately after the idu'p.i.-nt divine had ; concluded, a collect io:i and -crip-: tin-s were t.k-n up. which alb d .ii .it lifV . rr f. ir cf r .... t h t'T : lt;e t w :.c'i 1 te .'f t'i' :. r w.: r'.t nnd f- r-r. 7 J:r e; 'i'r rf t V :r t w!.i, i, i r .:;,:. W. I,, j- . ,- in 'is. I") an vn.ii: Fi'.mau: (" : i r.-.r. Tl 1 lil'J'N i! ti c :,; c Sci j: ( 1 r i t;: g a i ri !! ! e raiM d it tir the tlove hcadiri'j-. notices the matter. Af- It is a startling fact. The causes may l.e j ter c pying cur entire article, he indulges i iu the iolluwiij cuitimcnt : 2.t)U'J to the aui-.'int recti v d i's ilv morning. The bu i i ncr w-is ciowdid lias to its utuios; o-ip ic'.tv. E very p-. both aliove an 1 bcluw : in ' r Hui c-'ii'.d ' ' 1 ! ' I E. Chnr-h ;Ti IJanvil',-. Va. 1 e build. M ;c v h: CV-:.i Y. lU.v. R. r:.; -. ri, f.r.ta alfri d :!.. : To. h c."ni ji 1 1 it g the V.' Ti.rA'..'. . I-r 15. t M - g . m ri ver st 'li'i- iC'I. was oc vil est to the Advocate. Improvement. The world was not made in a day. Certain improvements in the appear ance of cur paper arc contemplated by the enterprising publisher. He hag long ago ordered the necessary mate rial ; but -some ho-.v or other the type and ink and new heading have not yet arrived. Let our patrons vait a time -with pa tience. Already, 'the paper surpasses any in the State, for the sarac price, in size and appearance. And it will be gro-.tiy improved before long. - - i New Subscribers Back Numbers. j Subscribers continue to come in. j We have nevr about 2700. Several of the preachers have done well. Wc feel inclined to name them ; but to do ho might iyj'TJi apparent reflection upon others tvho, if less successful, mean as well as the hert. A very large major ity of the subscribers have not been sent by the preachers. But the time ia at hand w hen v-s rely upon our breth ren in the ministry to use diligence in extending the circulation of our own paper. A few more than three hun dred subscribers vvii! enlarge the list to oOOO. This can be very easily done daring the present month. The author -of the proposition to be one of a hundred to obtain each ten new subscribers, by the lGth inst., has sent 20 name ; ea-sily obtained, with out interference with other duties. Several-others have also responded; and the time set is amended, upon au thority, to the 1st April. We continue to receive applications for back numbers. All have been ex hausted. But we are ready to supply any number of nevr subscribers with new papers immediately. Death. Three funerals took place from the 31. E. Church in this City last week. The tolling of the bells, the hearse, the funeral procession,' the fresh habiliments of mourn ing met in' the streets, kept us constantly reminded of the ravaging power of the raonster, Peath. ? till the busy throng swept along unmoved, uubeeding. An occasional word was dropped about the so lemnity of death, and then the subject was dismissed. -Hov prone we are to forget that we must die, itnd to think all mortal except ourselves. Death, considered nparfc from the remedy provided in tb-e Gospel, is appalling in every aspect in which it may be viewed. The soft tread in the chamber of "he dead, the suppressed tone, the grief-cry, the glazed eye, the sunken check, pointed, pallid features, the shroud, the eofEn, the grave, the mattock, the rumbling clod, the putrifying flesh, the vrorm, the mound, the waying grass, the silent monument ; all fill the mind with gloom and tell us that it is a melancholy thing to die. But its most appalling as pect, apart from the Gosjel, is presented in the consequences which follow it : the gloom of the pit, the worm that never ditth, the ;n;-ke of torment that ascend eth up forever and ever. Death does not appear thu to the righteous. But, on the contrary, if the light of the Gospel gleams upon the dying couch, it scatters the darkness of the death-hour. If the rays emanating from the Cross penetrate prave, they dispel its gloom and cause ,e the departing saint, agate sjgnening to mansions dpmatiJei, but the emergen j is up.. a us. Facts are stubborn tli'mz an-1 thi- is one : it does exi.t. We can and will, however, i In the above, from the North Carolina i r):e l but ait!. o rdi the c-o.'.d w "V :t and niinv were i;:c nveni' nt iy j. n-. c t, the ino-t tnbrokcti attention j.iwaik-d N ;ave iei to : ( Advocate, there is a a error in tlif iiiT.r'.viticn th .t r.nlv S ' -i." I Oil cri1 a. An-- "ticu ii:rii 1 iiiiii c '-tz ti- ; cause ' 1 in--- 1 what is Ti. he dime relax our efforts 7 coald be placed upon a good stone or brick as if under the waving of some magic foundation, could be coiled or plastered, ! wand. The miatter of greatest concern with sash and lights and substantial blinds, j now is, to give proper direction to this and a good coat of paint on the outside. grand educational movement, and keep un it would not cost double the amount, ex-; der proper control the spirit which has pended the other way, and would last twice j been excited. There is danger of passing as loag, without needing repairs, and be a from one extreme to another. The great- j hundred per cent, more comfortable. What ; est evil we see connecting itself with our is worth doing at all is worth doing well, ; educational enterprises, is a too strong dis- j it an old and true raxim. If inability position to multiply schools of the first ( should be plead by a community, and it grade, or colleges. No one, we think,! be a true plea, of course, in such case, all i ho yill take the trouble to look to thps j that can be done is to build according to subject a little, will fail to s:e that the; ability. ! effect of properly organizing our schools j But the main point we had in view when j 0f the highest grade, in multiplicity, (we j we commenced this article, was to call the j mean, by this, giving to each a College j attention of the church to the importance j Faculty,) will be to increase the cost of j of makincr alwa-s good provision for our , instruction, and consequently to raise the ; ty r.i th usan l-, and 01 1 mi- 1 e . . . 1 .1 . i ed : however, it muv m servants in building our houses of wor- j price of tuition, when the tendency 01 oui ; (n Ct1!cl.t;1);1 ship. In many places, provision is made j educational movement should be suL-h as j for them, but in a great many instances to cheapen the price of both, and bring : this seems to have been almost entirely j the highest educational advantages within j overlooked. Our servants are members of; the reach of the masses. Having to look ; our families. Next to providing for the ! to the masses, as we do, for the suppjrt of j religious instruction and training of our j our institutions, if such a policy be adopt- i children, our obligation is greatest to our j cd as to put it out of their power to pa-! ervants. And we should not only in-jtronize them, is there not danger that in ; ! struct and train them at home in religion, ' the.end we shall find many of our unen-; but in building our houses of worship we I dowed colleges closing their halls in batik- i should be sure to make good provision for j ruptr-y, and passing away under the Lam- them, that they may hear the Word preach- j mer of the crier. j ed; for "faith cometh by hearing." In j qqq thought more, and one to which1 all cases, therefore, galleries should be built, j we voui,i c;ll particular attention. The j or the bouse made sufficiently large to set , view we j,, taken and presented has ' apart a portion of it for their aceommoda- j rc.ference to the pecuniary feature of our , tioD. ! system of education, only. The effect of; OUT piCSCUL pOiiCJf i3 i.iuw;n.uiii-ij --) elude the idea of bcnevoleuce. What pro- reaauT a--s!'rn tne causes vrt.icn this dericienev. i 1-1 t .11 I,. U 1F1 tf.rt 1 l pel led to nsase on the of tne r-res-1 1 , . ... Lt to moot the drafts of the r a-t vr-ar. ! a (-wUt;re,'ce tuF the P"e!lt .Tl';'r:, he 2 The vrca-e the sa l fa'iii: .Sf in i dratts are drawn uii A.-s t. ir. at Cuarics- -me t-f the Cijnfe.eiit-es in tlieir coi-e:ti-'n.--. ton, and the Tr. of the Conference retain- 'A The vo.rv creat iiicv.';i" in ;h of anj'r-rriatioiiS in the (Jonfeieii-. .mestio -ui-:si..rii the present year. From a faithful examination and analvis c-erc-' ph,cv. !ivil.,i', -!,.!,!. ! !! 1 ,a- i ( t -i m 'i .- ' i '-i thro;tgIiO'it. IJ:ii hl.M n feature tiio atternoon cxi-reises of .u o va- that tell eh .'s 1 ,M). t o ((!- tt tne amount. ; eu c,i-J J lor convenience sake, to inett i -r Do- j te fitt and .- iiistabiients. I he oth ers will be paid in Charleston. The drafts i: .!, - ..,.... ... 5 1 o-", . .,,1,1 ... the sul.;ect, we pronoun.-e the above a tne ; ,. . . . . . . . , fine pre.-eut state of thmrs. U .!!, v V:J . J V Vre we 1 1 .h.-:-..,:,,! and ; lust vear witniii tutu Con.c-rencc, aOove 1 at previuus it-port and to rouse up, each and ail in their place, and ' p:iid 'it of collections for the ear, and we do our duty The call is un m all in the Jc.rt S.jpjo f.,r the General '1 urv. not .?7,0; ji.i, as the Advocate supp-ses. 1 his indeed is a handsome proportion f i ..-.,;,..!,. tnesutn cm ecteu iu tne comeietice, nut Lll iiHv ."nil I. Its JiUlfiis ii i;iv uiitim... ! adopt t'il t:Jin.trease greatly the collections j none too much, instead of the .V C. Con'.cr the next year. N.w, wo would respect fully ! ence doin less for the General Treasury, advise, let these operations he commenced : tJ,e ,tbcr Conferences should do li-u!d .n- Xo : not at ail. Wo are-; balance in h ministrv and membership, and anionic the friends of the Church. The remedy is easy. In nearly everv Conference, ;n held during initue time, ami the results, in uouars ami A! tj,e .SViya,n u ,erence cents, f .rwarded immed.aely to cur lreasu- ; oct.upicJ. ad more done f-r th-, rer and the Assiant ireaoirer. i We must not have .me dishonored draft- j UQ (.onteret.ces ai:d :.,r io:v:.-,i -no, not one. There is no necessity for this. - and it trie t.oor-ria '..on erence wo! I W i-ummcniicl tho nast vear with a liabili- it. then the others must. We be ii.. how ever that Conference will a.l w tintt in this matter she has done wrong, and -the wrong coiisiting 'i not in the lame outlay at home, bat the ur dratis were liuno - ave been I . v encroacn- t tne r-rc-cnt year. i -n ,v, cr, r, .,.. Linoniu ei-jit, ana imme mite, universal : .i. . ..ii . ,.,;.,;tn.c 'lit. ti. ill. ..ii I ii. ...til. ii ui. in1. .11.1.1.. .. ... and friends, will accomplish tho obieet. For . s:mdl amount paia yearly to nus.s.mi.s to this special we now suggest an 1 meet taat outlay and to have something propose let there ! e a MUfhuani Sabbath ' over. set apart for this purpose : arid we would , . , , . .. , c namePthe 2d Sabbath 'in April (the 13th) a V' e 's hl' artldc' for the an appi-opria'e season for this effort. Let t e ; following three reasons: whole day be d.-vote 1 to the Missionary en-; j To make the correction of the mis terpnse. I.v preaching and prayer-meetings . . ,, . , fir that special ! take into which we were very naturally lot These collecti ms nee 1 not lessen. I ut great-! Dv the manner of the report. I his, liow- lv incrc-ise, the annual eoiiections in'the Con-i " . .i v. i i . ,.- - , , . : ii ever, on v e ha Hires the Lirures a lit !e, but ferenee. Ut course the amount so raie .1 ' " will pass to the credit of the Conferences i docs net alter iu the least the principle respectivoly in which they were made. J Vu;v . We "-mi l als i earnestly press upon all I " " onr minivers their duy m'carry out the ex-! 2. To hy beono our readers the optn- provisions of the Discij.bne upon the . ion of our Bro. 31 vers ou this suh'ect. lie s.ay., " all tiie ground in each Confer ence, should be occupied." "lhat tho (Georgia) Conference will allow that iu nhie.-t of Missions, those wo have minhsu- ed from time to time, and to these provisions wc again urg" their special attention. It is the onlv nroncr m de bv wrocli all our mem bership can be reach e Letter from Bishop Andrew. Ani- A Ar will fAmflinV1flT' Vt O f t , n ... vision is made by the Church for the euu-1 time aeo we announced the Committee.-?! '., , ; ... . . . ; nation nt the noor : e simpiy as. tua ..... . 1 I . I ' . 1 1 . . 4 ... I v..r ..(.Ml ' " I pliance with resolutions of our Conference to visit our literary institutions. A mis- bv having collectors ar . as there proj.osed, ointed in everv class. matter she has done wron: -the Were this done, ami tbe suoioct. in alt its importance, preached upon and urged In -me nnoii the liiem I iershin. instead of Sfl'oO.OOO rcporte-1 as raised f.,r Missions, we wtil 1 we have taken of this subject. this wrong consisting not in the large outlay at home." This opinion supports the view question now, and intend at some future j ' ! period to look into this fc.ture of the sub-1 tike was made by the Bishop, which was.J , ' , , , ,. A . , - , , . , -. i urcrc upon the Cnurch her obligation to accounted for by us at the time ; and it ! - . 1 j . . . .i i i provide for the euucation Oi her poor, turns out that we were correct, as the fol- U 1 ! lowing letter will show. Although the i ' j whole matter has been set right, sofiir as j Friends of Missions, to the Hescne ! j we have beard, yet, in justice to Bishop Just as this number is going to press, j Anrlrov wo innffrt tritli TlP9nro l.-tter i vtpi have received from the Missionary 1 ! that he may speak for himself: ! Secretary the following Circular. We j ! Si-MMerfield, Ai.a., Feb. 23, '50. publish it at once, and call attention to j j Mi dear Brother: I notice iu your pa-1 it, because it is important. It developes ; ! per, received yesterday, that I hava made j the startling fact that tnere is a den-: a mistake in the appointment of the Com-; cency of thirty thousand dollars in the ; mittees of Visitation to the literary insti-1 Missionary Treasury, necessary to be ! j tutions of the N. C. Conference ; and it maJe uo y donations, in order to meet ; seems that iu this case I must ask forgive- j Ae aT)rrOD1.;ations for the current Tcar. j ness for sins of omission as well as com- j ed ; mission, lou Lave triven the proper ex-1 . . , n . , j planation or tue matter, i ougnt to nave report SoO.oOO. C ;ne. brerlr.o-i and fr'nds.ta the rescue ! Ev order of the Ii ar 1. E. V.'. St-ii s, Yi.. ?e,'y. Yf. K.", Treasurer. Warrenton. Female College. " WO itive for some time desired to call attention to this excellent mstitu- 3. Wc have inserted ids article, mainly to keep befoie the proper authorities, who have jurisd.ction of this subject, the im portance of appropriating more of oar .Mis sionary funds to the cultivation of our home fields. We are for raiding as large amount of Missionary money as possible Bntrt should be made every where, by ail our tion, but have delayed doing so until we preachers to biing tho Church up to the could obtain authentic information, out lull measure of her duty on this subject, of which to make a proper notice. In j At the s uae time we are in favr -f ju the meantime, the following, from Bro. ; dieiou.dy applying as much of thi a;mu it it- . i i -I . i i collected as may he necessary, to send the W eaver, comes to hand, and is so tnucn - . spel to tne acstitute portions wan in tne to the point, that we with great plea sure allow it to supersede the intended editorial. The friends of religious ed ucation in Warren have manifested a bounds of our own Conference, if it takes it all. We have not as yet " occupied all the ground'' in our Conference, by a great del. appointed the Committees before I left Wilmington, but the press of business al ways attendant on the closing hours of aa annual Conference led me to postpone it till I had more leisure : supposing that the publication of the Committees iu the pa per would answer every purpose. How I came to substitute Fayetteviile for Golds boro' I don't know, but I know this much, that it was perfectly unintentional. I know that the Conference had neither the right Dor the wish to interfere with the Fayettc Tiile School ; and I know also that I Lad no wish to neglect our good friends and their excellent institution at Goldsboro'. I can assur all parties that I intended no wrong to either party ; and I hope that this annonnecment will satisfy our good friends at Fayettyille, who seem to have been so dreadfully frightened at the ghost of Methodistic influence in their school. North Carolina Conference has in no ' way contributed. The amount collect- j ed last year for Missions was larger, j and the sum appropriated to Home j Missions was smaller, than heretofore. 1 liberality and sound discretion in the establishment and organization of this i Information for th.3 People. College, which merits tho confidence' Yf-e continue to receive letters of in- j and patronage of the public. ;,Ta'!7 as t0 waeth. r the North Carolina I Advocate will ever be puoii-ucd ; and when the first number will be issued. ub- W. not vet uohc tj;-.;.j yARKEXTOX FEMALE COLLEGE Thi institntim is located in th.- town : of Warrenton, near the Raleigh & G is- i So :'e PeoPle arPr to be incredulous, and ton Railroad, and is surrounded bv an i to think nothing can be done m North Ca- The surplus for the General Treasury : enterprising, wealthy, moral and intel-. rolina. For general information, there was crreater th?n in any former year. ! ligent population. It is controlled by fore, we take great pleasure in stating that 1 Moreover, we are not prepared to en-! an aoie iuru ot uhom, am; it, uu-; this paper lias been regularly is-uca since o i- r i,B v..kv?,. a i F--""" i tiie nrst wee m .January, ana a UU16- KU- V"" ""'-" C. Conference. The buddings are spa-; -r.: ,r io issue, .out v,u-.u uieu i guanine; C10.J3 rooms large, comfortable, ana; Methodists ot the xorui Carolina con ference see the drafts of the church dishonored, the Missionaries of the Cross starved or called home, and do nothing to fill a breach offensive to God, and disgraceful to his Church ? No ! They are not the people to act in that way. They love the Church at home and everywhere. Thev mean hereaf- ter to cultivate the bom? field ; but to j subscriber?. Give the 1 .jsx-OrFici.: i us ihat this, like other ghosts, was purely an j abate no tittle of effort to spread the ! liie erave, they dispel its slooni and cause . F , . r 1 .i Th,- ed to the I -v V i 1 imaginary being. And now, to make all Gospel over the earth. An appeal the amends ia my power, I beg leave to j to the great principle of connectional ! say to the brethren who were announced ! union that t in(j3 us jn fellowship to the to visit the Fayetteviile School, that they chnvc and fin(s hs cuiminat;on will please consider themselves as appoint- j. Ur- ns;nnr Mt,mri. cannot be in vain. Come, brethren of the North Caroli na Conference, to the rescue. You have the means : read carefully and prayerfully the following appeal, and you will have the will to aid liberally i in extricating the parent society from its little difficulty. Thirty thousand dollars is a small affair for the whole church. It ought to be contributed ed to the Gohhd:oro' Female College. And aoth institutions a loner er, I am yours, afTee- O. ANDREW, es. March number agricultural shed by TLo. .Cultivator," err farmer o well to ! without delay, lt can be raised easdy Each at j by one hearty effort. That effort will j )k ms4e ; e-nd wc trust North Caroli- wcll furnished. On. the left, as you i approach the College, there is an ex-, tensive rve of stately oak : in front! o ,.-.! i .mn!!: firn-inif.n?Mil v ! 1 1 1 c ; t r ti i . . i" ......... . ...... . - ed walks, evergreen and flowers. Re-! ,cdes 0,1 tht,WlJS ofTV113 ls an lu cent improvements, in this respect, bear- i d" t5 t-Omces Hence tne neee-sity i:ig the touch of a delicate hand, add ; of giving the Post-Omce of every sub much to the attraction of the place, j scriber. on every occasion when his name These grounds are beautiful now ; but ; i iuer.tiuued to the Editor. If brethren when Spring shall unfold the flowers, wj;i attend to this, they will save us many and clothe the whole in verdure, they h.jUrs of uscic-ss toil in searching at ran will wear a delightful charm. ! a.j:a fur one amid nearly three th u- The present session opened unuer , , . T) , . , 1 , . sand, oa tue bou-s. Itemember. we have more favorable auspices than usmil ; i there being, at present, 63 pupils in : r' Cjer&- attendance, and several more daily ex-: Sign" rota Name.-. We f.-ruentiy petted.' Last session the institution receive lettef3 esic!u,iu , l:J0!iey, without was blessed with a generous revival in- . T, , : 1 1 ' cn .1 signature. trcthren, sijrn your na'nes,, and nearly ail the inmates were ; converted to God. Several of the arii thea we wh,J iJ t0 creiit- young ladies now in the college are ionr name never looks more pleusant pious, a fine religious influence prevails, io an Editor than when at the foot of a and we pray that God will bless them letter euclosing money. all with libs converting grace. j With an efficient faculty an 1 ample : Beczipxs Couuespoxdexce. Incoa- corps of instructors; a well regu- ; sequence uf havisig, this week, to remove la tea and comfortable domestic depart- his fa.uiJv t0 I'ep.h, the Editor is thrown ment;a firm, but mild and parental oue week L,hi;id"ia aiuJwl re. discipline; a teinperate and luorums ; atterjJi toc.rre,DjnJe;)t,. climate; Warrenton lemale College j r, 0 . , . r i. .... .. in tne course ot a wees he wal ormg up possesses every faculty to impart a- " 1 thorough education, and is worthy cf arrears. the natrouage cf Eastern North Caro-I " "T . . r A WF-VVFR j Several ar tied e3 are unavoida- XiXij, - Waxrenton, Feb. 2Sib, XSiR ! bly crowded out this week. persons subzero stitatc Bi.-hop Fierce a "life nieuthi r of the Chnrcii." This sermon was preached in pursu ance of an announcement made through :i tue o .ea rn sgn'ficcht the press so ne tim? ; sion of the dedication new Metho list Church in Newark. According to the nniiounf.-m. r-S ,11 P." lw,-.- I.T ..11..C -.1 ,1 yo ,i sti'-s :i 1. 1 of the M. Id Chnroh. Nic:! ai-t. Weaivgi.ol .th.u RM 1 i to toe tnvit :t 'Ul. t OTl t !l; O .'!- 111. e vicMe t -!'l I ll-l :i re a!-., 1 p-.-v n', tw. nip-on,) were to Bi.itoi' Pii rec is vv 1 itit g r. m 1 i( -givn.g :i ii -t-ey i.f i 'p. copal 's':.-,;;,,:i j j'lv. , C'lhfi-ri' I5i:v. .b -nt V, :.! 1 .... I ll' pi'.lil CI" ;f A I 1 ! ' .: I. still livh g Ul B.l't 1 -. Ve;irs o.d. the oVr- ;'. ', ter w l.o-e panic is t ino-ii canry. He was (.j.ce V i 1 : 1 1 h.;"-ii, N. C. Mis.- n iN.;:v A nmvkm 1 r 1111' ! i r o: 1 o 1 tl;.' . g r. alto ' ( -, hi- 1 Jis h-M -ti 1 n r ' r to .ii-in i-rt- aii' gel v 1 -i ,.il; 101 i ;r!. '-'o 'oiv r f ' i r -t -; ;n v j l !g.,l -:l! Oi; l,t f the a-o. o lep i:: 0 ii pu:p t orators ot the .-.go. iat wh A t'oeS iiii scnd.iig awn V ilov.:i ft (b.-o.-gia, from Newark, iiiea n '.' Ai d far ther. v'hat do 'S that prop -'tiou from ten of the and (nee Jo p;;v .'.d'JO ca'-h 1 ; 1 s ors v : . 1 . o t . ( ' i;.h V -id t::k ;:y. i 1. e of M.tna- 1 I ! 1 ' ' 1 1 ; to mak Bishoi) I'ierec a "life nich.'-er is it an over Are wc to Icrsiand ibis .1- a (h duration of their ition, relative to tho controversy now going on in tii";r midst on the shivery q-lcstion t Do thev aihoit bv lit s act tint a slaveh ildvr may hi a (Jii-.'i -tiari, and cnriih-il to iniinheiship in the 1 ,1 ot t he L iiurcii niean . turc of ncaoe a n 1 nn'on urn po- ,ip Chrisdan Church? If so, wo art i" ' 1 i i ; and ! In- I: Wt t ; 11 lr.r, 1 1 liihc ir s 1 vice of 1 .ori ed i o 1: 111 I V f:'' . of an viih 1 c of iho;r i-i,t. vol ;li. Grn.i'oitD. Tic migi -t tt nit ! i 1 1 ' . iLd., a J.i.-g-w i I I.-.- p 1 e -1 1 : -Ji r-i org. as '.'ill Sou of hi-i at 1 1 -1 ! Court took pn-iiara'ory new i.'oiu t Hon-- :n G reel,' 1 11. a itctri aero-- t lie li .nd of f llo'.V-ll p. Newark fro-m 4 !;u-.r If it 1 . re tne 1.00 is not so, suri.'iV our .Newark irseiius uiu-t tiivc fi)"g.tteu the position and speech of B .-hop Pierce before the General Con- of iS bl. Viewing i', howeVi r, Rrviv.b. WiH'miii tlo-re is ;i j-c-viv ii in tin- .Meihoili-; hoii b ;n I'or:--iiio i'.b. llev. ('. A. D.:vi- pa-tor. I1i:np::-.SoX Tin- f .!h.v t:g m u,' ! I . I o!;i(;. -r w 1. r- dc u 1 I i - 1 1 ; II. 1!. B iii'w 1 '. ! , M.ivo-: 1 )-. A . (.'. Har ris w. v. iio -oo.' i!..,,iv 1 1.. 11 ; . r. V v. 1 O A 1 1 t o fcrcn 11 i'-Cf. en , and Co! iiiui-s iic -I-.- 1:1 !.- ini'ir l'iouri o . r. g d in th- former light, a - th i best ne;-, ;,!, with our fcidings wo '.mil it as so; a-; in dication, at lcisf, of a wi:!ing'ns on . e. : lelili! th or pui r, to t. T. 1 avor r?p,r.t in tl, oil r-'V tin. , and 10 inn'v of the -oti en. 1 te;,d:er, 1 ndd.rig-i auiong v h: o I.-t "ut. di, att'--t it.- cii iz 11-. u I. Ii. A. Jot.. , .t!g !U Vel V l - :il d l'( lnal- t!y loi a'i d, v.ith : . H i UiiU- V lo-'v !, i - a io at .Me'h- t l.e i 1 1 a . -e- Oi Yn-.yv Malty; i oe nr.-u tn.iri r .! in 2 : t 1 Carolina, wa- T ti Is dcptrf.-i-r-nt of our p p-r i-s a i fuller this wc?k tha-i u-uil. W'c havi Dr. e.V- tractei ton-; beci-ise the t'l'ichio r our ir-.-1 1 1 .v .T,t : fr , a th t: isf Continent i, I',, 'i ji i. i Vf-i.t.i : :. 11.' JI- ' i 1 I , John (Jr.oiv, . f .1:, co. He was kill. '! ir; the 1 at tic of " Moore'. Cle- 1; Bridge." A committee was appoin'ed, v-. la !ii v, at ih- ','. nt c b-bra' ou of tl;- an.iii-vr-irv h "nt :..ii:lc hi N - v II niovcr aa 1 . 'i r tr 1 t tir- aiiout '.' ii'''.v.-k;i toe r. is 1 iked to wl;!i infeiv-t fr just at tills ti i.e. it 1 1 a e.i i l i ir .p-'i i i j .1 a.l -J iijl-m bib i wo i to creel, a tnoou.ii n' whi-r- 1, w t-, snt-rrc- o!i oi;; By ;,!! t.a -I t!.f .,, na -iior.; ot. n !; i Anntal 11 .ru::. o ei to the Il-jp .rt - th-i A.'.-'nt o.' can Tract Socb-fy. ;ir. W.J. ' on our :ou"ta n c'e. J ae Society will read it with i:;t--: arte ttc; Am- r: i . r ,:v e-r. rienh -A the ti". Cnol the -1 in pre -'! th o i; .; a i ii n '.: v. 0'e t r 1 1 : v. i- il.e i.h- in t' I nt. - thick N'lih l.'.uol.e lit O'.i r all..- ji poM , to Bit. ISioJii..-. Aid hi- op Uiiglas. ii.- r-cioit I' -rui e ni Bai ' , n.oi i .-, i x- Catiioic-; CiiUi'ca Hi ;:n'.ldp itC lit' l" ij.;. l. i re'r-T-ti Is stu iy b Ibu:;virv. that corre-p m u tries iiia-t n t b-; loo, article- are o!i ;:-d. th.e re j ;vity. Obi h-ie.', piiitc v ;n ;e f; b.l-e 1 iriui'.c, v-r- ('ti fr ni i no u r - 1 1 J o ! ,i . ti ..t the Di i.e. n ii;. C'.n'rv an : -' t. i i.m' rs. :.i o. ;, d tl..t '!.' ' b in'.-t I u i..i , ) - j : i nt ii : - " i io ( 'Ui- ,i on I). 'i h tin-1 iJuf'.'.uij. Bj Z ) rra oil-. A w ,r oe oa . i z t- se 1! d.tio.'i of tin; Chin acc---.--ion i Mlfh.h he . ma i- to it f , o.u col: Vi a bir. h. ju- Iy i'.e n; -: tat..Ji ..'i t ;i re"- '1. tliii.' - tl." i M ( nt ( i.n- I.d tl: ' s Mill.' ; i vi Ana .il l on ::ri-il th'. r.-b:,t ihu i. c : .ui iaoa W.ti: : ! I I." n ii l! " p irticu.j rs c -.i i : i -.v.i.i wo; i country a : J m-,st c.;ie'.'-rate x u uc. i-siikt I a thi i:Bii!-i;)g u'.'c acc-jUiit tjl tiie n,tci ilA HiiiilM aod '..!. iiurr. h iiV: b,-e.. Engl til. J n :dl ..,.i t'o r v e-.i t .i-.-r..i i r j i ' --ol-t ; ,;.;.. t.d. B i.l o . 1 -. v. c . .;: 1 u Ci:i': f.;i 'A Via.: Th- B d of I n i.c l'J'j c-.n -:ioi ; ov,-(- .')'') n -;o; ; id p.a-CsOl V. O'-.'i Ii ; ijj').-t O -. II t i ( h id rel td by l-ZAW) chi-drtn; bcihU, w it before, bat when vr - c! 1 t us and of t ie oil, r- a :;i u .1:1 'i.ii'.'i- adv..!. CO.: eg", murder o. tri i VoiyJ pitrit. u grc it i .tail iter toe c--i-r ; '-rri : t e .vv ar y tt.e ;i;o!;.a tjt-.-d o.oga: ! iil'i v .-tii-l- ni r. , ... i tu !,-:it 1 j: I.. I - -i - l V !: ' 7 A; ... a .ii.,l. v Is, A; eo. libit, we leit tnat we u.-i muu's heart way -mil red a. id n ji u ;c ti.-e. We w-re tru;. w.iu the In causes watch br- tjthi ao ut tu's .io. I.I.lJ.-Ii V -ti l ' il . i a. i ! ea vv I'aii.ike. S. fs 'd iiv ic c-.. N. C. a huge g..-:nr, ki.oaa tiinorc, P. ;o-id i j.i' the dael.s rec jruc-J. a mil ,r i w una. .on d;.i.- j Ii i n ii i ii.a. 1; . . ... ;a, L.c. liar,!, iViih l.,i'i.i.t.(.s Oi a l.ait a lo.ii.cli. lie Lai i-iways been c Ui-i-hi c; itnii.t :.-. iy wealthy uorih three bundi i i. several ie-rtd- larm and immen.-e jum per and cypress swamp.-. Ti! IllIKillTA'JE. A J ;il has pn..-t-d Ihc llou-e of, in Co it ti "trie J cn 3uri o. with p!s;-ls 'iVnuc.-sce, tor the purcn i-e ol the n.ait-b.-CiUi the h jre of the fi,r .,er, on caro- s.uti ui tiie late b.a. J.iek-ou by that ; DJtija-Jjy, app.-.jaehuJ the p i.cii ; p-"' 'I'1'- rcuia;n.i of tlrut grc-t inuU ;til fore uVt, and t..e .alter u'de sp-rt rvl"3 i: garden. ! the el.-cu j.-taiicj in the cdu a.i of a news- TlIE LAN VILLt RaILHOAK. The pjper. An aid of the illustrious Coai-, Danvnle l Oad wall be Ln.shtd to j Juualtf-Li-Chl&f ckdlfea -ed aui fwaht thi-1 V1c Uttit Two French fivbl-v-i coalJ n -t ;:'ree'h : e iihruid . -ry Up a duel of six er a cerusia letter oa .so m aa X or Y, an I s-t got against sis, t- d-iter.nine 1 A noble xiju and a :n e ober of tin II u e. f 1 ,1 t I