0 u J- i. , ; gortjj Carolina risfmn Sbfoocatc. r; FRIDAY, OCTOBER J "CO. NOTICE The i:.e:..l Xti e of lb' n of lh" Publishing Cori C. Chrh-tlan Advoeate it-.i'.' iin the Editor's Of y. 1?:'; ?0th Novmber, it 0 - Invitation. her are r fic, n ." Mernbfjrr of lioe N Liyn.eri. "vlo o:-y Vi! route to G "r, !', t roend the i-abbtli Vi'W-'.IS n' of the ; city. ";ul at the Pin i tor's re iMe if no! , Vi. Gonferencf; rr, :e Rulel'h ij their re cordiiil'.y invited Ireeed:jTi the coin 'o.'J, with us in this or at the lld . met at the depot. N. F. Rnw, 11. T. Hhxin. Dedication. The n .Mcthodi.-.t Church at PiLeville, Wsiync county, N. C, -,v ill be dedicated to the i-ervice of Almighty God on Hunday, Nov. 2. The txereHf. will t-omiiience ut 11 o'cloch, A. M. litv. Win. (Jloss ia to preach the fierniorj. I'ikcviHe is tiie L'r.-t (-t;iti(."i m.i :h of GoMftbor- ou the Wil iriIii"ton :.;. ! Weldoti R. Ji. Greensboro' F. College Meeting of Trustees. R' l v i call bv the President of the Roard, i".jr U. ineetiug of the Trusties of Green. ' vj I'cuiale College, during the session of Confcreeicr;. It 'vo:i ioo.:(iv'i too late fur publication W't wc h ; and as the notice ia short, and a full j.; -.'.ting very desirable, we ask the Fpecial t'ttei'tiou of th parties concerned, to the fullov.d&j; : NoTlCR. T..e Trustee.? of Greensboro' F. College are requested to meet in the Trustees' Room lit the G'oitege, on Wednesday, the 12th day of Noxombcr next, at 2 o'clock, 1. M. A full attendance is rcjuested, as business of importance will como before the Roard at tlu:t tiine.. Jamks Ih Williamson, Pres. Roard of Trustees. n.-;tob'.r 21st, 18of. .4. . Tennessea Conference. Thi.3 body met at Huntsville. Ala. on the ktii i;;: t. The liditor of the Nashville Christian Advocate was present, and his paper of hist week, contains an account of the proceedings to the close of the third day. Uifchops Soule and Andrew were present; f.nd the re-u;d -Confereuce business was pro ceeding with harmony and dispatch. Six teen were admitted on trial, and two were readmitted. Twelve were received iu to full ccnncctiou, after being very solemnly ad dressed 'by Il:shop Andrew and Soule. The Educational interests of the Confer ence are reported to be iu a satisfactory condition. Thanksgiving Lay. Gov. Bragg has appointed Thursday, the 20th November, ''as a day of solemn and public thanksgiving to Almighty God for past blessings, aud of supplication for his continued kindness nn-i eare over us as a State aud. as a nation." It is to be hoped that the day will be 'thus religiously ob served throughout North Carolina, by the ?on vocation cf the churches and the peo ple at their respective places of worship,, and by suitable sermons aud religious ser vices. The travelling preachers will not have returned from Conference, but others should be procured to occupy the pulpits, rvherever it is practicable. College Revival. In a postscript to a letter received last Friday, wo rejoice to -Isara that several pu pils in Wrrrenton Feniale College had re cently matlo a profession of religion. Ev ry school and college reeognized by the Church, if properly conducted, will be blessed with revivals. Piety and educa tion should go together, and will, unless the union be ruptured by neglect of duty. The ITgtt Book on Romanism. The new book on Romanism, by Rev. C. P. Jones, has received a favorable notice in the Richmond and Southern Advocates. We cpine that notices most grateful to the author, might now come in the shape of orders and cash for the purchase of the volume. Let the work be circulated. Cooke'3 New Map of N. Carolina. Attention is invited to the advertise ment of Rev. S. Pearce, in another column. The new map will be issued soon, and . will be more large, and full, and accurate than any map of the State ever before publishsd. Bro. Pearce retains an inter est in the map, to the extent of an exclu sive right to sell it in certain counties. We beg leave to bespeak for him a prompt and liberal patronage by his friends and the public generally. The map should be speedily hung; up ia th dwelling of every dtzn. Eandalph ITasfen College. Tie Rich raw! Chritim Advocate o: ' lat week c'r.tjir. a letter fro-n the Presi dent of Ji. M. r-', ia whieh b r'ate" the H1ibf f HadeOtS tO b' OD'i hundred and t'-.tv four. The Editor of .i-. ... ... w., r,: , r; '; iuat f - iuf tail leju v the hiit (;ut'. h.rc from Notth Carolina. j "" - This 15 a m:.tk a letter fro..i 3 r;-:n- f the I acu'tVj reeeived io c;tv- ;5. week, .'.-: .jown the number o p., ' : dents from the limits of the N. C. O.-if enc, at jriy twenty. Only one rlxth part , of the Hudor.t, fill-: very far s-hort of the prerrtiou of the burTon aud expen:-e which ' t'auj Con fere nee Las borne, in the- e-.tall:-.h- tj merit ot the College. The editor states thit be cat not T-bli-:h ' " - i' they ,re lo:t or n.; aid : and he ao ls It 1 clear the 8'ent U r.ot trammelled hy ; thera : and an ooea field is before hini ! The N. G. Conference has at two , Lcetve A;us purposelv omitted to com-. I mit itself to the plan of raising an addition- i al endowment at this ume ; ban cot reeom-, 1 1 .1 r . . ..v. - , . . .-,,1 ; mended the agent for nuen a purpose: ana ( !, , 1 ,1 . ,,r-.Dr. lloweii h own bon: on Lomu.union, to j has passed a resolution that lU memoer. . . . . i -ii ..... , t r, -j i. t.-n f 'Ster a persecuting spirit, which the' ! will encourage no gcut, unieis lot nas ocjii i o 1 , : recommended by the Conference. ! members of Dr. Howell's charge, and I At the Conference in Raleigh, Dr. Smith was enderstood to pledge that body, that the agent of R. 31. College &houid make no appeal to our people for new contribu - tiou.s, until the ?20,0U0 should be rai.-d for Greensboro' Female College, If these facts "leave an open field" before the agent, then no resolutions the Conference could ; pass would " trammel" him. Of course if the agent choose to ask our x,eopl fjr money, he can do so, on his own rcsponsi-! bility ; and the members and friends of our Church in North Carolina certainly have the right to give, or not, just as they please, The N. C- Conference assumes no power, and feeh no inclination, to limit or control this right. Rut any attempt of the Virgin- ia friends of the College to step in between : the Conference and the people, will but j serve to alienate more and more or us friends, who have hitherto adhered to it in all its fortunes. ; A decent respect for the N. C. Confer- ence will be better for the College, and for both Conferenoes. ; o ; The Spirit of Eornanism. The Richmond Dispatch of the 22d inst., circulation of our paper than Roanoke ; question, we would publish these commu gives an account of a trial before the 3Iay- Circu;t Xevcrtheless, we feel like prais- j nieations ; indeed v. c feci a particular desire or of that city, which furnishes a striking . BrQ Uunt a littlellot too much j to ;nsert 0ne from a gentleman- iu Robeson, home illustration ot the spirit ot homan-; ism. The facts are briefly as follows : Mary Cullen, who had been a Roman i atholic, attended the 2d Baptist Church, 1-1 TT 11 !. i C 1 of which Dr. Howell is pastor, on Sunday the 19th October, for the purpose of being baptized upon a profession of her faith, and becoming a communicant of that Church. Timothy Ryan, the step-father of 3Iary Cullen, John Joyce, her uncle, and 3Iichael 3Ioon, all Roman Catholics, entered the church aud approached 3Iary Cullen, and with threats, if not with vio ence, attempted to take her out ot the , , . , , church. 1 his created a disturbance, and A, , , i t i r the men named were brought before the -T , n rrY i 3Iayor to answer for it. Ihe 3Iayor lee - tured them, and required them to rive bonds in the sum of S200 to keep the peace. Such are the material facts as reported.- But the trial elicited testimony which goes .i .i x -i c i ! to show the true spirit of liomanism, as ! r ' developed by its teachings, upon the minds of its honest but misguided devotees - 31a - ry Cullen herself, being sworn, deposed:! "Ryan is my step-father. Oa Sunday morning when I returned from church, he said he had heard I was going to be bap- tized at the Second Baptist Church ; and if he knew it was io, he would cut my throat from ear to ear, and all the Virginians in Richmond should not prevent him." j who become too happily oblivious ot the ; There are many complaints from various Bridget Cullen, a sister of 3Iary Cullen, j Editor and Jour owa TaPer 1 parts of the State, that the Advocate is de and a Roman Catholic, was sworn for the j If Bro. II., on the score of subscribers, . layed or does not arrive at all. It is mail defense. She deposed in substance as fol- I " is not satisfied with himself," what must ! ed by the publisher, and we are sure that lows : " When I heard on Sunday that be the feelings of some of the brethren t . it is mailed regularly and in good time. sister was to be baptized, I could not be- We should tender our sympathies, but for "We trufc' subscribers will bear patiently lieve it, and determined to go and see if it was true. She is rny sister, and no one j ealized, in the resolution to do better here but myself had a right to allow it. It was ! after. through my solicitation that Joyce andj But seriously, the extract given answers 3Ioon went to the church on Sunday night, and if there is any fault it must fall upon me. 3Iary is my sister, and I have no one else to love. I am fatherless and mother less, and will lose every drop of my blood for my sister." This young lady wept bit terly during the recital, and evidently felt like one whose last earthly tie had been severed. It was also in evidence that Rvan said to 3Iiss Cullen, while endeavoring to take her from the church " This sight you shall be baptized in blood." B. 31. 3Iorris, a police officer, testified as follows : " Ryan told me, on going to the watch-house, that 3Iiss Cullen had by her act brought more disgrace upon the Catho lic church than she could have brought Upon herself by stealing a horse." We quote the evidence of these witnes ses, not for the purpose to which it was originally applied, to prove that the accus ed parties were guilty of disturbing a reli gious assembly. That was a question be fore the 3Iayor, with which we have noth ing to do. But we give it as an exponent of the principles and feelings always in spired by the teachings of the Church of Rome. This Church of the Apostaey in eulwtes upen iu deiadad members, a spirit iutc.cn: nee an J bitter perecuti ,3, which j ii titt;-rly at war with the p recepts of the V'f.l. nui WUQ max. Iji'TZlVjTl WL1CI1 li one of the most facred right and daiies; of the cuizor. of a fro? country. ioh ineidect occurred ia a Ikj - V - rei this spirit i, ? ma&ifeHe 1 toward one who wished to . - uUiuar.r.n. r or .r ., . I . . e .1 . . - t- n-sUans, whether in t.e R-oush, the -i yt--of tu oxuer proir--:reajy L-n5-i tiau Cbureh, we eotertin fc-Iincrs of re-! npect and cordis! fnterr-Itj. We would -not irnvwinly pea a li;.e or utter a word ' which could give j 'jt oeeaioa for offence " nv o: the enertion of God's chil-' dr'n." "We, therefore, ia all 'r'rA c on- : i-r't.-.j-.r. r. ,.t , r i...: t . f r - " l-, " , snai. .see tne;e jiues, toey wui enoo-iy 1, . .1 r, lJx-s not r 1 the i er-iocutinjr spirit of Iloiriauism grow , iii'dio'y out of the dogma, that theirs ia the true ureh, out of which there U no ; covenant nalvutioii ? And h there not a i troQif tendency ia the positioM of ; ' ' f , the sentiments of the Iron Wheel, and of , l i-aptists, so readily condemn, when ex- s t bibitcd by Roman Catholics? Ia truth,,; the spirit of esclusiveism and the spirit of j ' persecution originate iu the same causes, ' Und under similar circumstances, lead to j the same results. The time was, when: Romanism was no more exclusive nor per-j secuting in its spirit, than are certain ex-! treme liuptists of the present day. Rutj the germs of cruelty, then overlooked by i the pious few, have ripened into a harvest : of death. Let the pious niembers-of church- es which now; by their doctrines, praeti-; c. lly unchurch Christians, see to it, lest ; they be found giving aid and comfort to a spirit which shall hereafter be as trued as that of Rome. j Complimentary and Explanatory. j Rro. 31. J. Hunt, junior preacher on , t , , f-y . i i . ,,, V Roanoke Circuit, has sent 110 new sub-; scribers to the N. C. Advocate, during the ; year. It is due to say that 13ro. Andrews 1 . . ; has also sent a number himself, beside hav- . ,i i- . r . thc hsii ot i . perhaps no ; ing contributed much to swell i Rro. Hunt. It is also true that perh; ! cdinmnnitv nffers a more favorable field for ' , , . h h jj humili. ty ! Others have done well ; nearly, or Ue ag weU M pr0 IIunt . are t, indebtcd for to all of whom the success of ; Advocate, and for the encour- agenent that has cheered our toils in the ; new field of editorial responsibility. j We hope to be able to report 4,000 sub- j scribers at Conference. But why is not i the list already larger by a thousand or ; two ? Bro. Hunt conies to his confessions, t and explains the why, in a nutshell. He 1 c-.-i t,- o ninfi,lnnliil lnlOri" i n tvfrnrt frnm ' '. , . , . , , . , . , , which is herewith confidentially submitted ; . , ,. T, . , ! to the public: " I have since our last Con- 1 ; ference, procured only llu subscribers, and ; ,r J . ' am not satisfied with myself: for I ought j itoh;ive obtained twelve or fifteen at our ; i cau,P meeting, where I got but three. ; The fact is, Bro. IleSin, I was so happy, anu uau 10 jaooi so uaiu, tuaL j. ivi 'ul iuc ' c T lll .1 . . i. i i . i j. i i i i ii. . i t r t i, ; PaPcr M ine UIue L coum c must I ! for it. Forgive me, and I will tiy to do ; better next time. j Yes; all Editors of Conference papers m i North Carolina are distinguished for mag-1 j nanimity and the moderation of their wish- j es in respect to the number ot their sub-, ; scribers. We, therefore, freely forgive the i offender but look out next time, all ye j. ; an opinion that partial relief is already ! the question with which we introduced it. Our increase of subscribers has borne on proportion to the unprecedented number of revivals we have chronicled; and the rea son is, that the preachers generally have been so busy and so engrossed with the duties and the joys of the good work, that they very naturally forgot the more distant interest of our Conference paper. This Li unfortunate, as a revival afforded the best opportunity to spread the Advocate, and as the paper would have been very useful in confirming and developing the impressions and purposes entertained by those who were the subjects of these revivals. We blame no one; on the contrary, we are grateful for all the aid rendered in estab lishing our paper : but we point out this omission, in the hope that some of us will, as Bro. Hunt sajs, " try to do better next time." Moxcmext to Whitfield. The Gen eral Association of Congregational 3Iinis ters of New Lampshire, at their late mee ting in Exeter, took measures to erect a monument to the memory of Whitfield, who nearly ninety years ago closed his earthly labors by the preaching of his last sermon iu that twa. Education Convention. The CiOTeatSoo rga&izecl in Silis&orj j on the 21t and f-or,r'r,nd its f!ioa tbre- d-.j. Dr. J, T. VLit of the Uoi rer;ir ws aj-poiat-ei I're.-: dtt ; E. W Ogtara of GreerjiW, Viee Pmident; C. C CVJe, of Gretiiiboro' and R. II. Brown of Aibboro' Secreurie. and ProH. Kerr, of Marfrec-feV.iro Trea--urer. A lag-e cumber c-f ie!egites repre-K nted nearly every psrt of the .V-Ate, and their deliberations will result in gd to cu net: 5. .nrd ir,frr.i; ed- ii. , e A, t ,i f i tlon wis nide. I.'o. Oezz rerfonis what We glean from the Vt atehm-n the fol- . . t . - he proniie. lowiDi', as amorjr the most lmronasit J- f. , , , ,. -"e if,". , ' e have cow Eearlv, hut not ou;te, 4e1ii ings of the Convention. A permanent or- ., 1 '. . , , , , subcri!ers. i Lis nuiiOer m:ht very aj- gauizai.on o: a .taie toueai;oaai -ivscia- . ... , vesoeiations in counties ana districts. 3Ir. R. II. Rrown, of AihV.ro' having presented a manuscript of a new spelling book, a committee was appointed to eiam- me and report hereafter on lis merits, it is -1 t , i saii to p.e.ent new features ana improve- ments. . . r , j j A auiiiher ut essava. learned and inter- estiug, were read j among which those by Mr. Wily, of Washington, and 3Ir. Rich ardson of Franklinton, are said to have merited special approval. 3Ir. Benjamin Sumner a veteran teacher and ripe scholar, presented a resolution declaring that we ougut to Have a rHate .unitary Seaoji, which was adopted. Ou motion of 31 r. 1). A. Davis, of Sails- bury, it was resolved to memorialize the Legislature, to establish Normal schools in presided, to the satisfaction of the Confer- each Judicial or Congressional District. ence. He was in fine health and spirits, We have no great faith in the value of and his morning prayer meetings, with Conventions and wordy resolutions : but we other ministrations of the Conference, were think the general influence of this conven. accompaincd by a revival. tion will, iu various ways, foster.and direct A letter from the Rev. J. II. Owen, iu the spirit of education, now becouiiug so the last Nashville Christian Advocate, says: much aroused in North Carolina. ! We had a very profitable session, buth j to the ministry and citizens of the place. ; Our minutes show a net increase of little Chailje of Preachers. 'over eleven hundred members; and our " . ',. ' T . . - missionary collections have increased be- According to the Discipline of the flnd four tLuasand dullar8 ovcr 3Iethodbt Episcopal Church, North and ; jast year our f1IjatiCial interest are South, a Dreuchc-r cannot be sent to the ' prospcrin":. Our educational interests, too, . . . same circuit or station more than two years - rru fP-T,-0r,fl ,n succession. Ihe approach of Coherence has elictitsd several communications from persons in charges, whose pastors will have to be changed under tne itinerant ruie, ex- . . . , .i onr.ViAr pressm"- a desire to have the same preacners ........ returned, and inquiring if it be not possi - ,lo f,r it tn be done. If it were an open who speaks so kindly of Tdro- C. P. Jones. But inasmuch as its publication would fail to secure the wishes of the writer in the return of Bro. Jones to his present field of labor, he will see the propriety of not pub- j to adjournment on Tuesday of last week, lisbing. . i by a very decided majority, remitted the This change of preachers is essential to ' sentence by which Bishop Onderdonk, of the itinerancy. And we are indebted, under j Pennsylvania, had been suspeuded from God, to the itinerant system for the glori- j all clerical functions for twelve years. We ou3 fact that our own church has far out- j take it for granted that the House of Ijish stripped others in its progre?, during the 0ps had evidence to satisfy them of Bishop brief courseof its history. We may say more : Onderdonk's reformation; nor are we at about our itinerant system next week. j all concerned about the propriety of either Post Offices. Vv'e last week, directed a small package of papers to Centre Grove, Granville coun- , ty, which, we learn, is a new P. O. The package has been returned without reach ing its 'destination: Why? It was direc ted according to order. We learn that our paper is a week old when it reaches Grova Hill, Areola, and Ransom's ISridse. The packages for these offices should arrive at Littleton on Friday, aD(j he sent by the way mail ou Saturday, rye. will see that the Advoeate is mailed for these offices m good time at Raleigh ; and we respectfully ask that it may not be - delaved at Littleton. evils for which we are not responsible, and hope with us for their removal. We will very cheerfully remedy any evils of the kind which may be discovered, if in our power to do so. Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church. One of the most important acts of thi3 body, lately assembled in Philadelphia, was the adoption of an amendment to the former regulations of that ebureh, which will henceforth render persons who are not communicants, ineligible to a seat in the General Convention. It is to be hoped, for the sake of the common cause of relig ion, that all the Dioceses will adopt a rule to enforce the same principle in the com position of the Diocesan Conventions. Heretofore many vestrymen and members of Dmcesan Conventions have been notori ously irreligious, without either the pos session or the form of godliness. A pro fessedly Christian Church, has thus pre sented to the world, the strange spectacle of the devil ruling the church, through his recognized agents. Such a scandal to . Christianity should be abated. Pianos. It is supposed that E. P. Nash, of Petersburg, has sold more Pi anos than any one else in the South. His Pianos have given general satisfac tion ia Xorth Carolina. A good Letter S-bicribers- Ar the r't w'. is the fcEowitiz : - t Ie;r Rroiher Ilefirs: lire! 1 y-a will fad iiir.e dollar, which r.;iv in i- icd.' TbWl Uve ana jos! c tTiT-e. are s he 'lh thit I t ; t i ec-ure: l?-d. Iv rot be ut3-t; f r v 'Ti K2T be ?ure I will l-e as gJ 25 raj,- word : jjd the ret of the 25 new aberibers tb31 furtbconnRc" V. ho CLKGG." " UaeafT?' Not at a'.! ! We cot : ... l th? ta ues a b-ied. wL,.:n the j r. Lave been iner:x-ed to five thousand durin the season waich is now pas-mg ' away, had all the friends of the paper beta as active as some of them have been. Yet our Advocate has, upon the wh le r ' which we cheerl'ullv and rratefullv sc- - knowledge is chieSy due to those who have J acted as ai'ents, without fee or reward. - ' uun vuc: liicoc uliio iiir uiLacu, dear friends." An earnest, hearty efiott may yet swell the li.-t by hundreds before Conference, and leave room for a large ad dition, the coming vcar. Louisville Conference. The Session of the Louisville Conference began in Elizabethtown, Ky. on the 1st. and closed on the Oth inst. Bi.-hop Kaily I i v..i ... j e , l. are ij.w .n ' n"u "UU1 lu'' manifested during the Conterence and at , thQ JC;ir j b(J mme prosperous than any in our history j a Conference. Bishop Early greatly en- i uareu umisen vt us m ui muusuanous, i both in the pulpit, in hisConference prajer- . v t i j I meetings, and :s an able presiding onicer. . y. ht ljDf, live to bless the Church ! We received on trial Dine." Bishop Early had passed through Nash ville ou his way to the Arkansas Confer ence. " Bishop H. IT. Onderdonk. The House of Bishops, of the Episco- ; pal Convention in l'hiladelphia, previous the suspension, or the restoration. We ; trust all may beoveVruled for the common good of Christianity, liut now Pennsylva- rvia r5i lwri llisihrir.a. Ts th.'it. canonical? . , . , , . , If so, which ranks the other t W bich is tije Bishop, and which the assis tant? Or, if each claim exclusive juris diction, '-under which king, Bezonian?'' Books at this Office. Roman CatJofict'tm, the Grmt Ajiostary. By Rev. C. P. Joaes, of the N. C. Con ference. A large, well-printed book, just from the press. We know the author; wecom- i 3 ii v i. i t c . i ' meuu "JU P " Z j circu.auon in oounus oi iuo v. ! conierence. cunsiians oi an uenomiua- tions, and reading men generally, should purchase a copy. A large supply is just received for sale at this office. Terms : for a single copy, 81 cash; sent by mail, pre-paid, to any part of the country, for the same price. To preachers and ether wholesale purchasers, a discount of 25 per cent, cash will be allowed; or of 20 per cent, on time. Send on the orders; en courage the author, and receive more than the worth of the money. The Great Iron Wheel Examined. EY WILLIAM G. BROWN LOW. A large supply on hand. Sent by mail, prepaid, to any part of the country, for one DOLLAR. Address the Editor of the N. C. Christian Advoeate. Cash must ac company all orders. 38 Business Notice. 1. The price of this paper is $1.59 in ad vance. 2. No paper will ba sent for . longer j period than that ' for which payment has j jjj rcceived. Notice will be given to subscribers several weeks before the close of the subscription year of each, so as to enable them to renew in time, if disposed to do so. 3. Subscribers who have not yet paid, will please remit without delay. If pay ment be delayed until after the session of Conference on the 12th November, two dollars will be charged. 4. We suggest that it would be well for subscribers to renew their .subscriptions for the next year, by sending the money to Conference by the preachers. True, it will be a little in advance of time, but it will save thejbk and trouble of remittances by euuL Zditor s Table. The 0;:-bcr misl-tr i r?eivI. It i '5iJ-ct-i with ability by IV. Ryrt IHnt r. of New York, si I is d-v-I t.- the difa-jon of hi view? s-f Ja. of the IJ3 il -ther ritvr- within the nn-e of aei:-;; .--i-.i-'-r We are n t -itu,.;,ed 1 to esj-re-5 sa j- n i.4 :r.r.t. . m s :r.r;t. cenen.1 thinr however, w? think it i be-t f let -ju;k m-liein. s snlf:, -rfal rei.i- '. e ii: al ne. and to have a little t d j r f - ; wh.-n r.wijv w IJt y-'U M-k. frr. I for tb nifin m w v.. si.:.4 -u hive tne c- :i- b i.ee, and religi .u.-ly abide bs. pr:;r:p- tions, If yo-j want the Me I'.-ul Sp:-. i-Ji-t. tr.tl $,) to Robert Hunter, M. I- New Yc-rk. and he will send it t v u one year. Cat A IX"'; vf. of th Tru-t-, Fjrultv 1 and Students of the Sp i-tat.b jr: Fe-nal- C. 'liege, f.-r its Cr.-t cvlh-'i.ttey,-ar, 1 o -,"'. " t Such is the title of a paint h!et on our Table. The paruoburg Female l.ll-ge is established on the j-nut ft-i sy-te:n ; and the S. C. Con fere :i--e i the hr.c-t soxk-h lder. It i pleaar.tly looted in Spartiiiburg, S. C. h:t an e.vel'eut Faenl ty, and the Catlaojue gives a list f 11 pupils, in attendance i All the South Carolina M : th idi-t -h oald patronize the Spartanburg Female College; except such a M-nd to Greeo.bor 1 e:;iiij College, which is the oldest and the best Female Ci'll- j-e in the S . nth. i SoVTHtr.s 3Ii:tsjo!.ist Qi.'ap.tkiiyv : t - i - i. . t -r... ;,-. li.Vl f V'v Wi." I il.lS L".eU I'.'.'-IVl C"N TENTS. 1. The P.-iou jn-i Ne-ri- . i, .c . .. ,.r v Eduction" reviewed, Bv l'rof B. V. Lar- f State, the preacher nnd. rt-,. to m 5 rabee. Summerfield, Ala. Ii. The At.me- strict his hearer- in tli-,r duty at the inent-lt Vicariousiic. By Rev. J. I. coming election. IL- deiioutic-d ti e Rlakwoil, 'a. Conference : 'd. Paul, The present national administration of th : Twelfth Apotle : o. Calii'oruia, Past Pre- : general government, a well a- the i ent, and Future; By liev. Oscar P. I'itz- democratic and American j irt:e- in thf jgerald, California, ii. A Curry Review ; mo-t yjol,., 0miuT, and called i:p. n ; of Prof. Sa.-nett's Theory of Female Kdu-all , e Vf(tfri, jn t)H. rtlgreg;:ti n to ication; By Mrs M. .Martin, Lnmnnllc, vote f(r fr(.,c fl,., ,.,., :iU, j f - C' ;:1'Ah',;t9 os,1t,,,,c I"t:r,i:i ,i:truC; i Fremont. (L a his h.mr, an ture of the Earth, and the N atural t auses i . iby which the Deluge was Produced; By American be in-mewhat cxe.ted, , v J. V. Turner, Keytcsville, .Missouri: t. : claimed, "Old fellow, I wol bet yo, ten The Book of Judith; From the Journal of to five dollars there are more I .Ihore Sacred Literature, July, 1."); 0. Brief men present thai, there are of the i.e. ! Reviews ; 10. Biblical, Literary, and Re-' pro-worshipper?.' The offer wat ! -: lig'mus 31iseelluDies : 11. Removal of the dined by the preacher, arid the per-en j Review to Nashville, Tcun. i making the 'offer po;njd;,ir;ed f, i. oiler This number closes the tenth volume. We shall be glad to know that the next j volume commences with a largely increased ! list of subscribers. ITE2IS. TIip. Effect of Political Preaching :The lieV. 3Ir. Smith, of the Shawmilt church, on the last Sabbath, in an at- tempt to arouse his people to Christian , j , i : labor, stated a.s a tact that there are i , , iii i - .i ; three hundred less members in the , T, i- i i i r . hvari'idtcal churches ot Boston now j . . . than there Ave re ten yearn ago, not with-! ' standing the lar 1 ;. .-.,.,, 'I , irge increase of popula 7, . . r Pont, Oct. lijth. ; iiuix. jj-jisi-jb j W , Jf'.t. x .ji it. i j nuici ic in inxon. ir. Jviward It. . MuniHcmt Dmaiim. Syhe-fr-r ! Jones, committed to jail in Rutherford- L;na Esq., of Chicago, has -iveri to the ;ton,N. C, for six months, for killing; j trustt.c3 0f the Prce-bl terunYmvc! -it v, ! A. J. Fain, committed suicide on Fn- . about to be t.HtaLIishV.l at Forest Lake, ; day night last. He would have been 1 gbme twer, t fivc m;i,. ,l0rth f that at liberty within a few weeks. j cit the miiX.Ui fiurn of one hundred I Conwnsion of a Priest. The New i thousand dollars, to be applied to that York Claire1 Journal says that a priest j enterprise. ; of the church of Home, formerly under ; Eroia 3feri Sale rf t'hxirrk ; the jurisdiction of the 11. C Bishop of j Property. The I'. S. R'-venue Cut'er, i Montreal, was, on Saturday afternoon, ' at Mobile, brings advices froy. Vera September 20th, received into the com-! Cruz to the 0;h, and from t he city of munion and ministry of the Protestant Mexico to the 1th i:,L The Fab- of j Episcopal Church, in St. John's Church, ' church property had reached five jil Mihvaukie, Wisconsin. His name is i lion up to the 1st inst. There were 'the liev. John B.iptiste Michael Pede-1 rumors of a revolution throughout the lape. ; country, mostly under the au-ipiees of ; MiUt irij Jlestourm of the Pope. lhc clcr- .The real force of the Papal army is j Suffolk anl El:!m ll-iilwL AH ! now no more than 8,000 men, viz : j persons friendly to the project of fb-c- ,7,400 infantry, and GOO cavalry, exclu- i ting a communication by lUWn.-j-l Um sive of two companies of artillery with ' K lent on, N. C, via Gate.-vilb-, .:br ' 12 pieces of cannon. The Papal fleet j to the Norfolk and Petersburg Raiiro ol, ! consists of a 12 gun brig, which is to! "r to the Seaboard a'-d Roanoke R -.ib I be sold, and two" small fcteamers that j road, at or near .Suffolk, are r qee .-ed ' only put out by day. j to meet in the town of Gat rvdh- n i " T)", ,, -I 1 Monday, the 17th d .y tf Nov mb' r i St am on the lied Sea. Ihe ieerov j r , v, . , , -i, a. -p oi. a-fg pt Jia.T (.iiaiai'vU a BiC.iiii ioii;a- i ; tion company, with a capital of three j livn v'n j Atrt.& uuii"l till -,; million., of which the Government rill I furnish two millions, to establish steam ! communication between the various j points on the lied Sea. Mutaoha ''. Bey, nephew of th the Viceroy, will direct tne enterprise DrunkennesD in the Pulpit. A novel case ha3 been decided in England in ! favor of a clerpvman of the Established f : Church, which has excited some com- i , , t ,t Imentin the pubuc loumah. In the r ,r ,-it . i i ,1 Court of Arches, a clergyman pieadediTr , ,. .... t r . e- 1 - , j Hz mpden Sydney Colbrrei;ed m A guilty of gross acts of intoxication and . J . t ' l 1 L j the use of profane guage. It even appearc. J -rrn "tr.n Ti a frJr Ti- It Vim j when about to officiate therein,a bottle of Ur.int of which he drank a rr.nsi.Um. portion, so as to render I eentlv perform the service. pended for a similar offense, and rein- j stated in his curacv, the Court refnsed j to deprive him of his office. DltJ.inguhhed Visitor. Among the strangers now visiting our citv, says the i uusiaiiuiu uc iiiii aircauy ueeu SUS- :.vi-,,i; k i l .1 i.. t 'Vi.irTf.rl-Vrrw" . " . , - . :isew lork tiXpre.3, we notice the am- irot r.Ftl.a. iKAr.nr f A at the Lafar rarpe House. We understand ,th"er connection., of the Ir j also that other i penal family are here at present s ! eeiving the attention of the French i Consul, as well as many other distin- 5 guished citizens. State Pair. The receipts at the pate of the Fair Grounds during the late . i on rrn Fair, amounted to 2,000 -r r ic-n at tba: t: 4 ::-. r : of St. John's Mth H a Frcr.s or.t r-.; :s rTr, 1 bv cfTiTi-!, ! for what he w a:-:-ut t the A ' -ri te s-.: 1. : 'i j . ' r- A: Oi tr. serrr, r; . tu:ssil of th? c r .1 rrev: ; i.r. : :h- Mr. ' t W. cave notice tm: ?--:.-.et- -lr w. er an a'lition b t sre at t Ilril on that U". 1 1 v v-: nir ' VIA ' , A letvr frrm H . K a y a Mi?!Anary of the i..i-r.t f Ar;. ::, to FatiiT C;i r.e iv, rf the r.-: tionrf the Father 'f ! r-y nt R r ?at;T. mer.t'.or.s th" ex of . or rr.i.-:omry, M. ("hard-1 i:n t u x 2'J:h of Febrtmrv li.-t. in the j r . o of Q:i:irsg vl. tChim.) vr.t I hea le i by order of th? rhi.-f Mat, : r after urideroing t!. tn t oxcr.:ei.t tortun-s. The he.i 1 was t'.- n s ;-r -o 1 from a tr e, and a p.irorl of eh.! i. allowed to throw x.;.-iK- at it hi ; to make it f.R tl-.wn. The l:r r ond heart, aecord.ng :. t:. tt;r. w-re fried in a pan at.d eaten up by thr I,?, under an itnpros: :i that it h- .1 I rendt-r tl.cta invn'r.er.iMo. The I. .i 1 - i was sal sefpu-ntly c irrii d o.Tstid oil bv a pious Chrl-ti.in. A y it g ;ind woman were put to death wi:h r. i :i rtii-siturv f..r Laving ctnl raced (. !.:.-- ttanity. I Ii,i-ort mi J'r,',-i ,n. We t i p tl following frotu t:.e of our NVw .rk '. exchanges : 'At a recent religious iiiet tii.g ;n '-r e V..OI I r0 towns in r.ne -.;, n. f.i . ........ in ?!.:s the statute, for di.-tui hing a religion. meeting. The facts being submitted i a jury, they deci.ieU that the me. tir.g j w:i not rtdf-io.i. but h poli lie:. 1 i.e-et- i nip, and the r nlrnore hiati wa- !;.- 'charged." I Zi-'it Herald. Dr. Haven h i- en- Ur.., wrK,n his ,bttc: a Edit nr. and in n.in.br.r himI-m n fi.l s:!.l. j tatory to his readers. , a.rfl-tn hlitilllli i)r I i"e.'ii;c'c if iii-iit ... .. ,, e .. ,, , , , . r Eus'-ell, of Granville, exhibited a lot of , c. . x - x , Almonds at the State 1 nir,w hieh wi re in . i . .i c c every respect equal to those ot b. reign production. I lis tree grow in the m,miv - !1., ri. , ty , , . Side of bis garden, resemble p ah lives , H , ' ., A- . i land are nearly as oa.-eiv cultivated. i ! and are nearly Your Crop of Tobacco. If you .-.l.ou'd it'll r I termine to sell your present tr.p of j J'! ja?.mI yter.burg con,;gn :l to :.T v'"1,liW 0n ' See his card on the 1 tW1 V'W- 1 V On la:,t Ser.d ,y a j Uieeung nao wen jn pregrc", ni nrn-v field's, in Granville, which tip to that tirne, had resulted in the conrer-iv:i of 14 souls. T,.,.1 M.,T If. ?..... .. , . . , , . . , ', ' clergyman in the Pre by ten m ti.-rtn, tr:J . , t .. 1 an'l recently elected Pre? d :i,t cf l- e and indecent lan- .arl county, irgmm, on Sur.i.y appeared that on oneIai He wa,, ' !' l'-':t? rith him to church, jl fow trpuahed l.im in his h-.'.o.u,;.c ;herein,a bottle of a"a!UIU:nr- .uni ' ank a consiJera-i ?f L? "J'rLe wa3,a :o:y to rhimimfittode.lIe!VVu' f? " vice. Yet, not- r d in c.ourty and l ad coarse !M.l V ' i&f the South Plains Prtsbvterian a"a!riID:nr- .Duni : f'r t l' irt of Li3 trf,n,itrJ Le as a Missionary to , j CuUrttt- f Myteriows Death. On Tuesday night ' Ja?t Levis Li. l.orwood, of Granuile, ! C' h Wa' in I h&ur3 befVrC' "'PWted hi j gToes io nave iaiien in ttie nre ana r , , ,e . , rr, . , UU1UI, UlH;tli IO VJCaiU. The r.eigh- borf' ?n xainiiuDg the bcly found ,e v. ff. W- ty 6a nmT i t - iT ! It 13 ,uFpoed he was mur. i dereti' i mth AS97aj'I"'f: -7h t are sixty iflacea ia troTil.e, where nr. nt ' ""'"n are r-talJ. There re f.rty.U iVTi'Lv f iCr"',i- nf one hundred aad eentj-ve runmu,; dirt, ra-af 4 and iaa.

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