1 IToiilj (Kar olimi dl-hristian Slbbotatr. ! 1IALKIGH, N. C. - m - - - rrJDAi', November 1 1, iw5r:. Leath of a ISiniiter. A letter :".,fa Mr. J. L NVbitt bring the fvJ inHnrn'-'! that Iter. V,'. W.Nev hilt U no nor. U -. i l at th reside: IMriek couuty, j of Ca: ,t . )S i on, 1 rj Va., on Eundsj ni-bt the iast. ilro'ther 'e-;bitt ha beea f jr years a Tri'ja hbori'j'Ji a'j 1 faithful uiin inisterof ! the Go-pel, a tneful, loved uiember of X. C. Cnfereur Thii brief an- iiuaemnt of his deith will awaken grief iu nianr b'-.rt; but hi? hbors are cri'11. I lis death rrn triumphant. In perfect pi,w,on of bis faculties., and in view of Lis lonjr .u:'ht Lome, ent an sffection ute fare ire il to Lis brethrea f the Coufc-r- Tho Pro Tern's Salutatory. 1iedr ! V.'o rrc in a new place a Me'thedist Kditor's Kanctum snugly tot iled down into hi"! qrcat arm chair. lie ia oIF t Conference ; no, for the present wc k, at least, we are " monarck of all we eur vej," bo f:r as the ucxt issue of the Advo cate is concerned. We therefore feel our importance and indejendenc ahem ! IJ'it before we butalrc oursclf (we believe that is Editorial parlance) to the use of tho pen and seizors, let us look into the pile ! f U Iters f.ccumulated upon bistable. . Wcll,her." go : Loiter No. 1 Congratulates the Editor tipos his success in judiciously conducting the Advocate for tho hist ten mouths, and compliments his good sense ad piety in Ttry flattering terms. Xctj nice we hang that oi file marked "Good nuts to crack," so that the Editor may enjoy him self when he returns home. Letter No. 2 Begins with a little praise ttad a little scandal, but tells him he has not given it quite severe enough to a cer tain picayune scrap of divinity, who has been seeking notoriety in defamation through, the columns of the N. C. Advo cate. Lut the Editor could not condescend to oblige him, and Lett-.r writer No. 2 is i: disgruntled' thereby. We mark a file th-3? " Scarybarks," and hang it up there, so that the Editor may imbibe the suction when h gets back. Letter No. 3 mrgestii certain " im provements," thanges and modifications, in managing the paper all given free gra tis, for nothing Chia advice is but the su yjQrrVtr-ir-wooirgo f6lstuiy'ing Webster before he undertakes to give ad v'lcc iDJ thrust his letter into the lire, determining not to troubli the Editor with reading such trash. IJut letters Nos. -1,-aad o, awd G, and so on through the whole pile, have got the diaie? for the Advocats, ordering copies to be scut here, there and yonder adding words of eaeouragoment to the Editor and promising to aid him by prayer, psn and purse'. Ah! truly these are "apples of joJd in pictures of silver" or what is just as good, notes on solveut Banks, promising to pay in gold and silver. After getting through, wa concluded tii3t though an Editor's lot is a very trying one, it has also its sweets as well as bitters; nd as Locum Ttnens feel to congratulate H9,i5.l8AiDiaup his" han"ds7 in the right kind of way, while he is fighting the battles of the Lord against the mighty. We are through thi part of our week's duty, and before Retaking ourscLf to ether departments, would gently hint that he wants very much to close this year with live thousand subscribers. Roll on the dimes, and he'll roll up and send off the papers. N. B. "We notiee hi books are not full yet, by a great deal. 1 The Chureh Militant. The crying evil among professing Chris tians of the present day, is the belligerent spirit manifested by differing denomina tions towards one another. To judge from the bristling bayonets and roar of artillery kept up by them, the world might well eonclude that " the kurch niilitart," in stead of being the Christian Church on earth engaged in a constant warfare with the devil and wickedness in all its forms, is a military church, composed of different regiments and Jarmies, -engaged ia a constant warfare against each other the one seek ing to exterminate the other. ' Such is not the spirit of the great foun der of the Church such is not the teach ing of II is will, left for the guidance and government of ITis followers. " Let broth 1 bin1 i if "ortinni" ' is the insnired admo- not being transferred from the militant to the "ehureh triumphant," when shorn by th Master of our weapons their rebellion The Arator. This excellent agricultural monthly for .November is on our table. Price $1 00 a year in advance. Address T. J. Lemay , , . " '""" " 'j .7.7. T..',, (MK SUbotate The Conference at Grecboro'. I The d&1 Conference of cur Cb.-h ! convened st Green&loro' en V. fi:, evl? y. l,The Preachers and Lt Steward LiV- met to Vifi 1 tT t'-.'i JitWt Of t.V: ! Church, and r-ronoole Collin j Ian 1. In th holy t::i-!ori Go gr&ii! tUm the x.vrt abundant Han- dfj'J hnl irh'j.i thou -an is, Trill atteatl j j tic pr:achio of the V'orl uurin? tho ! i Conference. May tL--:? L j j.rei ; fcllr uuhw.-l wl'.li the of tho tTr, an 1 do-livt-r IIU r.ie'ai'e 11 plicity of word, and with tU u-i ;t!oa o; ' the Ifoly Ghofft. Al.1 of th i-e whoLe-jr. may the hard-Learted and uriro.n-'rate be , ! prieked to the heart soJi ho eonvertel, j 'ard believers built up in ti ! we trust, be allowed ti.e privilege oi Eny-j hr' & word about thv Conference. The) regialar annual convocation of the Conttr jeaeesof the M. K. Church -houM be a ! OS j cordial, fraternal meeting of the Lb-ore r ! in the vineyard of trie Lord, to rejoice ! together over tho triumph? of the Cros I iu their respective field j to tell of what ia needed in each to advance foliil more the Redeemer's cause, and all to offer them selves as willing, self-sacrifjcing itinerant rnissionaties, ready to go any where " in all the earth," so that th"y may win souhs to Christ. The Conferences are composed of a hand ' of Brethren, united in one common des- i-tiny, and lixjkmg to t. e same great r- ward. Brotherly love and mutual forbear ' ance fihould be the feeling and principle of action towards one another. No jealous I ies, discord or even heart-burnings towards i one another should receive a moment's in j diligence. The purity and character cl ' the Church and of our holy religion must be maintained and vindicated at all haz j ards ; and if cases arise when tlicst demand ! the exercise of discipline and reproof, let ! it he done with firmness, but also with all christian charity and kindness, keeping far away every feeling that is antagonisti- I cal to the teachings of the blessed Son of God. Then shall the hands of the feeble j be stayed, and the valiant wax strong to fight the battles of the Lord. The Laity of our Church have a right to expect this holy, pious example to be net them by their Ministry. As a general thing they provide well for their Preachers, and take good care of their families. And while they are thus contributing of their worldly goods to the servants of the Lord, they should not suffer the cause of God to j bp. Wounded ia . the, house of Ills - .... 1 .1 1 1 :; , c IUJ ty u.uv - j brethren and tne i.nurca. When we hear from Greensboro, we hope to learn that this session of Confer - ence is one long to be remembered for an exhibitou o the part of all its members of all the attributeof the Christian char. acter, and for the conversion of souls. The members of the Church have a right to expect this. r N. C. Baptist State Convention. faith. And let all the earth say A.M.-.N . ! of those who iaduL'e in them. Their ! many' mem hers are lost, or the transfers ; in- the bones ot Lis ngut tai-.i, ana suak ! The Editor of the Advocate i. of course souths ive utterance to a sentiriieDt, not fegularly made. i torir.-dreadfully the knee r .n . 1 ae ccts ;i. ttendae upon the Coafcreuce-aud i which tfcv utterly repudiate in their deal-1 The increase among the whites would ; lu, W tftiri' I'ro. Inn. U,r the OCCa.-.l jfl. V.'lii. i in"-i wit i thr,.,- vehr. n:sr ch'int- tn rtttTor ""5 utcu unvu ic&v - J T nnrtn The annual session of this body com- tie jrc We know the author : we com menced in this city on Wednesday of last mend the book, and bespeak for it a large week. The sessions were held in the Capi- circulation in the bounds of the N. C tol Commons Hall and was numerously attended ; some 200 delegates being in at- tendance. Elder Jas. McDaniel was -P.. some 200 delegates being in at- cPar Solo oui.j.1, ocac- tary. The Educational interests of the denomi - nation, as represented to the Convention. presents a flattering prospect ; and we learu upwards of 525,000 were subscribed hero, during the sitting of the Convention, to- wards making up an endowment of ?50,- I 000 for Wake Forest College. j TATa nnilArshnil thtt ma 51 r.OO na I , ., . f .. ' . "j subscribed for erectinsr a new Baptist1 ...... . . , J,J1U-1, Church building in Raleigh, and that oth- ; er handsome subscriptions were made to j other Church enterprises. We are sincerely glad to record these evidences of liberality and interest in the Educational and other departments of their Church polity. Differing as we do widely j on some matters of doctrine and aisciphne . "n i- j. j , .-i i -i from our Baptist friends, we heartily bid them God speed, nevertheless, in the fur therance of all measures calculated to dif fuse education and piety through the land. Their laudable action should set our de nomination an example to provide liberally for the education of her sons. The Convention was largely attended by persons from various counties in the State, and adjourned on Monday last, after a very harmonious session. Eev. James Patterson. In the R. C. Advocate of last week. Rev 31. 31. Dance request to be informed ef 4-aaj"JjjiyJames Pat- gle Mill. P. O., Iredell county, X. C. The old veteran is hale and hearty, preaehin nearly every Sunday, and fremiti. n T , . 1 J nl" .UU1 U1S oia power andmnction Ja5'The XoTpmKdr n . . -1 iue Carolina yuiuvator, a useful-Asric-nltnrr,! in , to hand. Let the Farmers subscribe for and read it and be profited. T ct . re8SW.I).C,.ke,EaJeiSh,N.C. "Hdigious Liberty.' Or.e of tie Iwv.-l privilege? granied t- it c"t:zi la thi hnl cf freedom and j that of Religion Liberty ' rig.ot of every rr..n to the dic-v.t-: O WjT'.hlp (jifl ac-' of h s f.iira con- Arrl we fre ojnU7 tear n,sn:s-: vr, a- Ly.-i-j retarding thank? to God, thut A-r--, we can w.rslip ' on-Jtr rarown I vIe trrl tr, an-3 none dare ra A'--t or i i.;o- a uUi'd." Noir, these fclzh kod 5 -tirr;;l!e p: It;'?7cs are indeed well cil-! i ou'atf; I to inf-p're the p:u? heart with gra-' titu'Io to the Giver of all food for Lavin- t-i ia sach a favored clixae ; bat! after havif. ir.du!-ed in these p:o laada- I tions, W often is con-i-teney violated,) -wah them m points of faith ana doctrine. ! ,Seeirjr thi lamentable ttate of things : iii' aroun I u, the question naturally, ...' v. ' ariie-: Are f-uch men honest and sincere in their thankful ness that this is a land of reli-iious freedom and lihertv?" If so, way tins rpint ot bigotry now so rampant, teat auatuematiriea and persecutes all wno J cannot " see eve to e-e" with them ? That ; denounces, unchurches, and puts the black j seal of " anti-chrlst" upon all who are not j of iltir '' faith and order Does not ; such conduct savor of that spirit that would couio'J ali men to emorace their necu.iar , tenets and views, or otherwise subject them to all the pains and penalties which the i inouiition" of intolerance a ,j 1 1 trv ! c ! can invent ? Qukkk ''. If all Christians, who cannot, uo cannot, ; our views j ,. f i aes,forms, or do not, believe with us, in and opinions concerning the modes and doctrines of " the Church," are there by cut off from " the covenanted mercies ; of Go J," and consigned to the fate of hypo- j elites and unbelievers instead of thank-, iug God for the religious liberty and free- 1 dom guaranteed to us by our form of gov- ! crnruent, ought we not, a3 Christian men, j desiring tho salvation of seuls, to labor and j pray for the overthrow of a system that j encourages men to go dowu to hell; and i for tho establishment of a government that will compel men to believe, and embrace, ' and follow the true faith and ordinances of j the Church, and thu.s save their souls alive ? j We submit the Query for discussion at the i next Debating Fociety of Theological ex clusives. Wo return thanks to the Postmas ter at "Centre Grove, Jrsou county, N. C," for giving U3 information as to tee lo- tTTTs - omee bdti'-e 'Groce, instead of to (iqk- ?at v drove, and everv otaer !.,.... ,.r r:,..,,. 0-.,,f ,;!,( nno TT I w - - ' -7 7 , EIitor3 are les3 frequently to j ; th(J irregul;ir transmission of! ; , ... than are the postmasters who I j hayc he hkndling of thcm. Ve hope ours m and nQ boJy bo to b!ame i ' " . , Books at this Office. ! . T r , a .jRor.i'td Catholicism, the Great Apost act. By Rev. C. P. Joaes, of the N. C. Con ference. A lar-re. well-nrinied book, iust from Conference. Christians 01 aa aenoiniua- tinn. mifl rprnlinp- men renerallv. should cha,0 a COT)y. A lanre supply is just F.. M s&iv at' mis' oince. Terms : ; tor a single copy, ?1 cash: sent by man, . pre-paid, to any part of the country, for , tne same pneo. To preachers and other 11 T 1 T y. t - esal purenasers a discount ot per cent, cash will be allowed; or of 20 per cenc. on time, cena on tne orders: en- L" ... 1 T ; courage the author, and receive more than tbe worth of the money. The Great Iron Wheel Examined. BY WILLIAM G. EROWXLOVf. A large supply on hand. Sent by mail, -i e . prepaid, to any part ot the country, for one dollar. Address the Editor of the N. C. Christian Advocate. Cash must ac- company all orders. 38 Easiness Uotice. 1. The price of this paper is $1.50 in ad vance. O X r ri'iror Trill Via t . 1 1 f C-, . lnrAv rioJ tharn hat for wbich IS . . ... ... A J been received. JNotice will be given to subscribers several weeks before the close of the subscription year of each, so as to enable them to renew in time, if disposed to do so. 3. Subscribers who have not yet paid, will please remit without delay. If pay ment be delayed until after the session of Conference on the 12th November, two dollars will be charged. 4. We suggest that it would be well for subscribers to renew their subscriptions for the next year, by sending the money to Conference by the preachers. True, it will be a little) in advance of time, but it will save the risk and trouble of remittances by mail. The Troubles in the Illinois Diocese. JrjPjshor White-house, are not venuon was Bishop, m his address, asserted tW i. 1 III nninnf nA m. j.. T , "U- the Diocese owed him 86000; a real I lution ruplCu at a time when i I n-any were absent, approving the Bish op s statement and recommending its payment. This in coming un atannthi! meeting, elicited a sharp debate, "in which language nndia-nified. ri;J. oui, and unchristian, w-na 1 the regolatien to pay was not passed ,e:r vrs. i.a r,y mt.fcrant snint and aeti-.-n on the tart I charges- bv thA freiuent chanzes ; aa elevi HISCELLANY. Tennessee Coierece. 5CM5xr: is the cnr?.c:i. 777 . . 71?- T1:j jar e'.'W Lt jesr La-n yer 3.IS La-t t. in ""TJ 5 Froni the above table it Trill Is sc-ea , that vine there is an increase m ir.e j w:te memheTihip in the Coafeiace, ; there h a lecrea.?e in the colored tnem-: "er5P Thi$ mast he tue rcsUit ot ; the frequent changes in trie wor j ataons the blacks. Ihev are one year included in th? missionary work, and the next transferred to the reu.ai irrratioa westward. Thousands of cur member3 are moving toward the setting gun. Naahville Christian Adcocatc. "Xorth Carolina. The moderation ; church of the Epiphany (Protestant Epi-s-that prerail3 in the ' Old North State' j COpal) held an election o decide the ques is shown in the treatment of Professor tlon whether the Vestry should be snstain- ftd ihf atroc-'' In the rebuke dven to the pastor. Rev. or oenig in lavor ui x icuaoiii. j.ui m.-.-.3 -j"r-i r ;- o r . - c - :A . T, . . . , only ship South nave Dtirceu me rroiessor. 'rovidence Journal- For this act of the Faculty and Trustees of the North Carolina Univer- sity, a precedent was set, two or three years ogo, by the authorities of liar - yard University, who excluded from; the Law Chair of that Institution a Jul"-e, lor no otner reason than because n i . .T..d-rp fnr no othprroaion than because discharged him from his professor- sermon some time hhm. h. iu"vvl t"V j''r ' ' ' and burned him in effigv. In ' r tue, estry agawi ieivf, wu,UJ1. Carolina or Virginia they would ' T , , "Neighbor Jones," said a rigid i i, n e c " iablv to his determination previ-u-ly an- ltT , '.. . . . r , he deciJed that the furtive slave law : by an increase of manufacturing facility, as constitutional. As to the fling at: A few months ago, t'- , r, i t -j. i rv could boast of no more than one nrst bouth Carolina and irgima, '1;. gstabl5sbment. Now only ne : Bar mas uie abwryui States presents a record, at least as free from intolerance and proscription for opinion's sake, as that of IN. Eng- land whether the subject be witches, logy or Aiavery. . theolojr Lentral l'resbytenan Dr. Tijixq. At a missionary jubilee since, the chairman introduced one 0f h nMJ:,N. Dr. Rtenhen II. Tvn-. peaters, Dr. Stephen II. Tyng, L remark that they "were most with th happy to have a representee from that j - f ChuVeh, at whose altars our ancestors ! ted at that place, have let out the eon were baptized." Dr. Tyng replied : j tracts for the brick, stone and carpen "I am much obliged to you, sir, for your I f work, pam ting and glazing nclu friendly notice of the Episcopal Clmrch ! dmg matenal , at 32,-01 and that the as the ' Ancient Church.' But I do contracts yet to be made for Iron Or not apoear in any sense before you as ments, Slate Roof and . .r t.. ru Tm,i, are estimatcl in amount at j,iud, are jrest-ntiiueui luaiuumvu. I . . . I much doubt whether I should be generally considered by them as a suitable rep rcsentative of their body at any time. i,?rt--wV-e; rtcrtvuiit tiictI??,ii'3 t. XUC J trust I may come as a member and rep t 1 uc'iuui-i ? vj. v"u.v uiuvn v (tuviTjii vrtr,otiun r.t th mnr-r, mam ;v.f Church, the elect, spiritual Church of the Lord Jesus, established in the an - cient settlements of his own covenant ; that Church which excludes none who ! me3senSer t0 C"J 11 sealed to asning love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity; I ton' Vn Becon.?. ,Wc(Jacday l-'cb-that Chureh which embraces all in ev- i ruaiy th? f" b counted by Con- e gress and declared. CI V iiiiiioj. HU'J lcai uuu aaa nuih. : r.l, i r. a t . , ' righteousness." i Bating o,v Kenthy has been very ! bla- fte.r th? a'J'on ff the I' c t i iir n ; heavy. We know of m tn v instances of i cnt Constitution, in 1 i 00, there were Spoiling the Jlamage Ceremony. i , . , miwnus or thirtn St-itM w;,i, y 1 70 a-1 1 -. , , . . ,J oets oi extraordinary msirmtuda liavm-T ! mirieen ctate.-t wit 11 -, 1 white. 'I he toiiow.rg .statement 13 no jest but: aposittvefaet:-A yong man in busi-1 ness in uverpooi, iea n Diasnmg Dride to tne aiarm me uia vnurcn in that town vn ; md -when the question was ask- ed, " Wilt thou love and cherish," &e., he ansverea ts is customary, and added , . in i ..1. -. 1.1 1 11 7 " vnei; ueeueu, no wouiu oanq , mi.. : .! S lie:. jiiri jiiiiucuiaceiy stonneu the clergynsn, and turning upon her heel quietV walked out of church, say- : . . i . . - 1 ". mr mat umu iio couiu say wnat he was Britain abut 60,000 families own all the temtoy, which is occupied by over ' twenty-sen millions of inhabitants.! Five noblcien the Marquis of Bread albane, t e Dukes of Argyle, Athol, Southerlaii and Buecleuch own per haps one-f trth of all Scotland. The estate of theDukeof Southerland com prises about 700,000 acres, or more tnan one tnasand square miles. The domains of te Marquis of Breadalbane a b i..uu. uueiiumw .iguu nuies , and reach neat) frem sea to sea. By far the wealiiHEt proprietor in the low land3 of cotland Js the Dake of Bue cleuch, those estates cover several countiesind whose palaee at Dalkeith is an estalishment of real magnificence, j The grei object of the English law of desent i?to concentrate the wealth in the handtof a few and support an he reditary trritoral aristocracy. Interemg Occasion. On Sunday last, we i?re present and partook of the most iterestinf scene that it has has sal m such a moment, in jest, j imus tnaiapasstngertrain ot two coac-u- .ops Andrew and Early, President Wi- open. The rnm-barrels and W-Awrr-s most :kely to put his threats into ! ?s drawn. b two locomotives, was six -ley of Emory and Henry Collet. Dr. taker, out of th,. r.h, a., .'.XL. i execution, ami uaue mm cuosse another .: V 7 , ., , -l 7. i "nua, oi a.-nvtiie, lr. Leroy M. in and the contends f-r, ed mi tic ,f : edly extinguished by the accumulation of XP ,x tt, t- T , r, . , J . rm i on me mate. ic. ot the i.icninond (;. Advato rrour.d. !!. f..rt1(1?ft ,..:..., .i: i- ,i i. . .1. i i .t hours on the road. hi firp wprn rinpnt. ; T7 :i.,. , ? x- i . T 0 7 . . . r v .....-, ..ti, i i : snow, ana at one place it was Sound to be rr ATt. u r i c- t . ' i um-ns' LooTc (kthis Picture! In Great ! eighteen inches in depth ! This was re- T i . S ? . &t0Ul3 C- i''1- ever fallei to our lot to witness. It j fortunate female was wrecked herea being commnion day at the Presbyte- i fcout somewhere, rian and lethodist Churches, an ar- j Petersburg, Ncv. 6. Benj. Joaes, rangementwas made by which the j Esq., an old and esteemed citizen of members d both Churches communed-j this place, and one of the directors of together., jSueh a scene must have 1 the Magnetic Telegraph line, commit been intereticg to every true follower of ; ted suicide this morning by cutting his tWmeek aftl Qwly Jesu3,exhibits "how j throat and inSietinga fearfal wound in good and hoi ieasant it is for brethren : his abdomen. ofteX If'f T " I i " " j laarhtte V lag. j Afire ocetrred in Syracuse, New j lork, on Satirday last, which con su-5 rnn prop-y P the amount of 1,000,- 000. Amcngthe property destroyed! were the post affics, banks"and stores, j One hundrd familips. at Ipast wctp ' ivuwerea noaieles3. Thick -in J Thin. Th:rr JefT-r-.-,r, was tali and vtrv thin. Gen. Knox was Terr ! ,ort and Terr thick. Tto t met c-r.e oar at the door cf WMr.;- ; trere there kiz in the :r?et. each - . - . .1 ' ' 1 ;n.2icj trill ice oir j .'-i.-i u r fierce, np com :-5 a 3Ir. Petrr? i of that dir, who. casting a lr glance from one to the other, pus-hc-l bol-llv te- .eTltkmen, if in haste I .larh ihroah -fhicJ: on-J Thin.'" lUlinMy Drnth. We learn thit a Mr. Sun-liy $.-h-:.-:U. At the late minis-' and etheria'ized c.-ntt;t:;a c ' -Ixewr, fr:ra Charlotte, X. C. died :-t Mr. ! era convention in NVw Harorhir, it ' crncretir. ;jiljt:,n's on vUuday evening. ja .undav ni-ht aweelc precee'iln? his deathj in a fit cf mental aberration, super- j ir,,?,i-,l tVvr. he waited out ot t. Ttiadow. of the third .ttorv, and fell from itiun o: about ttrentv-ix teet, brcai- cpired rJ'- P'Mtiotl Sermons Rq.i' -liafr-l. Phiia-ib-'ohia. Nov. 4. Thecunzn -atioa of the .... ..i ; c.t-;n...i .v tl, .m ! grcgat;0I1 he would re-ign. Many of those i who voted against the otry did so outot ! attachment to the pastor while they di.-.ap- I proved of the course he had seen ht to ! Psue. Enterprise. Ii in our estimation, no oei- . ter evioence of the prosperity ot a commu- , nny can uc uuuu-jc-j, uuu iu ... , r p. :- ....1. .. '. nity can be adduced, than those auorued ;turn which way we our ears are re2te(i tne bm?y c"in proceeding from j 'jie varjous steam machine works sorecent- I u. erected in our midst. Among the most j prominent of these extensive establish- i ments, we notice the "N. C. l;ouadry and Agricultural Machine Works," of Boydcn, Lemly & Co Greensboro' College Building. We : learn from the Grnensboro (Ala.) Bea- ! n, that the Uuildmg Uommittee ap- ? lQ -Ilu,lino ' , i " ! pointed by the Trustessof toe Sem thern ylinaking the entire cost ot tne cumee ; j 39,015- The corner stono is to be k ! laid the first week in December. The ' v ., ,. . t j a j j : L ji. -ti - -- . ,i;r. rn-il-iniT tho ontird rTwf-. r.t thp O.ailice 77ie Electoral College. The Presiden- t i jiiviyia V4i'j."?cti will uj CaiiVU Dy Hie u,l v :n v .n,.ii .1 ; Governors of the States ! '-ate capital on the first ; December, and cast their vote, and choose 4. . ,J 1 vote, an 1 cnrioso been raade on thc re;ult J the lat0 elc tion. Land,, negroes, cash-everything that is pron-.-rity in Ken uckv has been ; staked throughout the State. Hundreds , of men are doubtless entirely ruined, and ! thousands sorely impoverished. i '--" -om. i , . , . : (treat Know S'osm. The Auburn (N. ! - . . . ' i. American ot the 1st nist.. savs : " ies- A . . ' ' terday a lew flakes ot snow sifted down here, hut in Oswego aud Jefferson counties ; cium. tv-ij, mtuu iu- ! remarkable for this time of tho year. It snowed all around us." A BiKor RoUel W regret tn learn that Bishop Cobb, of Alabama, was robbed of 140, as he was leaving the car3 at Baltimore. We should not have had the beautiful example of the Good Samaritan, if it had not been for the man who went down from Jerusalem 41 I I nib mau t i.io ii v. n w ; to Jericho, and fell among thieves: and ! the misfortune of this excellent Bishop, j Avln, we are confident, furnish, from i some quarter, pleasing proof that the race of Good Samaritans i3 not yet ex tinct. Banner of the Cross. Tlumor in Rags. We observed yes terday a little, thin old man, with a rag bag in his hand, picking np a large number of small pieces of whalebone, which lay in the street. The deposit was of such a singular nature, that we presumed to ask the quaint-looking gatherer how he supposed they came there. 'Don't know,' he replied, in a squeaking voice, 'but I 'spect some un- Wilmington Sail JW. The ross reCPinr fit tho limmrrtr.n fx-nri VVt , at. Road for the year ending Sept. 30, 1856, were 479,349 88 ;the cost of running 230.63541; net earnings, 242,713 97. The receipts exceed those of the previous year about 37,000. 7 per eent. of the dividends ha3 been naid. and 3 r,r cnt. ef fnr c;r.v 1 mg tuna. ! .1 ruf'.ri! LU-:r. The flowing 11 ft ki"t:fi;! pastoral letter, a! Ire-s5e d 1 ; to the eb ureb.es. I:? trcvltj isav c-ru-j ! mend h it i:; ar.::"- rtirbin char-! ! mend i: to ?:v;i:sa:i- rtiri-in cbir- arT all. Irs a- ' v.-yr.V.-j: sr. 1 if it a ritr i r.r.'i" ; f f re hceJc , the ro-ft (Ir t ttvuI 1 ft-ilow : 1 "We Icecli jc-a. hrethren, 1 0 know ; theta which InV-r arriAn jcn. and otct too in th Ix.H, and a drj'nih vo: ; Sill tu oivcl iii";u cij ii:. t j for their work's fik?. Ar. 1 be at peace amonz Tct;r-.-lre.' cu ' was reported that thro-jh a c:ur year?, it :s j -in i j. t r uai ti prc rc;:ron ! by uniting with the Ch'ir h, cme from J the Sabbith-sch-xds, and vet of nir.ftr j thousand children and t i State, not more than th;r th in the tho:: -a:. 1 are connected with all tho SaU-ath-schooli. A 3fe1L-iUourHJ. Dr. S. S. 5tch well. Secretary of the North Car ding Medical Sovietv, tas, in accordance witn a resolution ot that society, i-uI 1- ! - cine aii'- ourgery, me iiim.u. io j issued about May or June next, at - advance, 4'J'O stir. that 7 f drive vourtf ::m, and ,V,, ,7. , 1u"'. 'r' , ,"t ; aooatn. lrue, rej-iit-l . one, - but then on those o-caiion, I alway, whistle psalm tunes. ,; "i stand, said a Western stumn orator. " on the hrond nlatform S the t princirdes ot VZ and nahsied be nunc ; ' i j am :f j (c,.rt 'UJn- y(;U ?taml f,n i nothing of the kind," interrupted a lit- , , , . ' , , ; tie shoemaker in he crowd; -'yon: j stand in my boots that you never jaid jme for, and I want the money." j Welfa7i Btnevorohn-,; The Ting- ! i;n v gC00,0W for the cause of f . . ni- or,, j ltCU VCt TJV llVllilll.ttiVII tUlllI JU IT" foreign missions ; home missions 10, - I COO ; chapel debta and new chapels 8o00,000; theological training of stu- I dents 11,000; education of ministers' jchiLdren 3 15,000; day Schools for the jpoor 22,000; Sabbath schools 40, - 1 000; tract society 11,000; besides seri!TS cuuren meimnir, x i.avc t-tf n inioniie'i contributions lor minor object.?. 008,12. Total, !'.. ".". 2-'. A Frenchman in Canada thusadver-i Killed'. Rev. E. C. Thornton, prrn tises his better half, who had kft his ding elder of the Parker-burg (Va.) j bed and board: Notes My wife that's Cathrine she left my hous shant ax me any : mitn trass him on my name that's los - An Old Widow, when her pastor said to her. " Go.l has not dcsc-rte.l vnu - - --nf " r"v,4 -o, sir; I ! have a very gc-xl appetite still." The Prtxtrt of our Count It U souls. Gcorna ami Dcln u.-r.rn. o,l! . . a ded (1 to the number about 1740, and the . . J'''"'-1;iture will ro-elect Sumner nsus reports give us 1,040,000, in the .'te States Senator that he will de ar 1775 the thirteen colonic ronl c!ino' t!,:it tIitn urliugame will bi census year 17o the thirteen colonics eon - j tamed 2,303,000 whites and 50J,00 : 50,4-50 free colored, and O;)7,H07 'slaves. In 1850 the States had in- I creasd to thirtv-one W th. r.,u:,. ! to 19.550. 000 whites 4: 1 fi( fi ,.,.1 ! oreL and 1 04 000 ir..-! Tl r t. 1 I rrrtilatir.n t tl.;a t;..w. 1 .-. iiy uoilions ; J . I !" V'.VUIII - 1 r. . Tl,Jufr rrc i onjvrcncv. ins llo ston The Holston ' .-. . . . ... j annual onicrence closed its sesr-ion in j Abingdon, Va., on Tuesday niht. , uwiy me incayics present were iish- It-, ... . . rj . . r a" ouiers. Ane next Conference wiH be held i ' J --"7 . , . tumiiiHl-, U-f iKlV f-! 1.t.i V..,.- T, T The flea relwd Outran. Pwer the ' "r l r';V"it,,lt, ".'neasmg in a Catholic Priest, who punished a child j . , . t. so severely that she died, for atterin! - '''''''''' AUat two a IWtant Sunday School ba bVTT i f ,he h'h' hr.nrwl r,,-r t ,V e r. , n f ftCotIa"d WMltA that nvA ad - appear before the Court of Common J vained in every parish. To tLe live word-, i-leas on a charge of murder in the "a goyl and .xudVient -hvd," iatrodaced second degree. l- an ar t of VirKzin. -.t j::r,., iUi, On Dit. It is carrentfv rumored that Dr- Stribbling, Superintendent and Physician of the Western Lunatic Asylum, Staunton, ha3 expressed his determination to hand in I113 resignation to the Board of Directors at their next meeting. Methodist Conf renee- in Kansas. Ihe Methodist Episcopal church re cently held their annual eoriferencof in Lawrence, Kansas. Cle-irvmen and laymen from the various districts in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, were present. The meetings were held in a large pavilliui tent, well attended throughoat the day and evening. Hampden Sidney College. Tim Board of Trustees held a meeting last week, we understand, and unanimously leiiuereu tne l'residency of this institu tion to the Rev. 31. D. IIoge- D D of' l'nt"Jfn Vci., Nov. P Richmond. It is not yet known thati'J0 ?L .WWnfdieJf f1 Mr. IIogb will accept. tate Iast LI-Lt at ' 0 ckr;k- An American on the Papal Throne. A correspondeat of the New York Post, writing from Rome, on the 13rb ult., say 3: Ihis momiB?. Col. IIir.1 of San Francisco, wa3 fined one thou sand piasters for setting himself oa the tnrone ot tne Pope. f.h-nj ?,.. Mr. n-.v.-.m w.vs la Lr c.i?:.;r citv -., Vf:r "':lT v. the Ir.Unl lVdr re ;j r.V,?--- 1." It - t ., . .. It : tV.--; - th 4 rt Much r.rx V. :tt. frT;1 ffTT! tl, SttOT frjr.-! Lo n-iT tr. v. f h:;-. -Cl'-tr t1 i .V. 7. An e:-c;.r r- r 'tt"! C-"TVS'Tr. f 0 ' fr-.-hiltv o-z.rie: 1 r---- -a I ni r '. i a f u n : : -T r4 Ji irtt'-r-i. Ct., f-if said '..- rj r rr. on .1 i t vt rsv f f P i ih ;ea- (i. 1 by the f V. to vve thrn f? Pari '. a t. t ? av I t f r, i f t. 1 .. en wojM have I-en ?.ved lor agi." i i:u r. t. e v. t. Kd-Iy, of In i i!i..j oli. bn e' ed cd.fr of the N-rth V. : n ". )r- AVat- r de, i-- Hcnrv th- I! -'btii n ado a haw that ail men. exc-pt s"-r-van's, might rea l the Svriptir'; 1 no wornc::. cxc. pt ladien who h i 1 !c; -. lire to ?:ncbndv the Rrfanirig This law wsi repealel by IMwar-I t:. Sixth. p.;-A Mct!.rnit merchant in 1). adelphia ha- raa-le hitnlf rc-po for the regulci support cf one tnivioa- . arv l0 the aru()unt of S7." per y( )r. v (ffT A ipcc flf tU , f Mm.-bl Mountain, Vertnunt, cmj.u- ted to ncih eric thousand tcik.-, 1 !I . n T!.i.bnr tlm r.1t nlfirro. Onlv u. fi-w tUiaan hA wif0 anl daughttr, l.a been standing nprn it. " 1 jjr,-(;fIAM1.Tox, Nor. H.The dwel mir.iiffs I.eiore l lis occnrrtricr. n rt-r. 1- in 0f Mr'lVrkin.s near Kirkwood, wa destroyed by Hie last night, and Mr. Perkins, his wife, )n3 father, and ven t II jailin-i "i H'V v J'rrrtvteriin Mitnfon. Tl.r . ta , t. T. Tj ,r rr- , ceints of the Iloirds of the Prcsbvte- rinn Chnrch ( !d School; for Scptem- her are reported as follows : Irnctic rni-sions, 1,070 21; education, ,o12 2-0 : f reien missions, FI,7'!S2; ' Tilbi:cafir,nt .',,201 Cl; donations and n?e inclndve, and church extension, i district ( T the M. L. Church, South, wa killed on the cars near Cleaveland a few days since. A Strirytd Wife. A hm-band thus ."''"'"' ' -" au l Wi'' !'. 'ar ly belov ed : "My . Vm(v 7 ollilV,! s'u,t'1- v neer it tuu.s hi r will get ' hh head broke. As to trusting her, "("y M" ' s he thinks f.t ; for. as never pay my own dobU, it 's not like- t" ' u H Ku I that the Maachu- ,.!. ... elected. A I't rM'tle Vigileuce Committee, correspondent at Moorsville, Indiana, has favored the New York Tribune with u graphic account of the uprising cf the women in that vicinity in defiance of law and order, and ucee-fully putting ari tr"x to the rum traffic in their villace. n the afternoon of Nov. 1 st the chureh 1H-- i?-ve forth some oudnon-- r.-.!- ..r.- . . ... . ' . vrn iiuiiiij; me proj.rietor l ti e runi-shon cloned his dors and r,ii? ihn blinds ur before his window T,t. t ;rds or. 4 uicn soon asseiwbled U-Cre the place and fin din" they could obta;n idmd' tance m no other war ,nrt b. . i verse, a Ieaolr.g athoue newspaper in Pans ..ays : " Jr. all , the Catholic citi,s of Germ.ny, the K.ti,- ... . b . i i.iIt lij.n, 1.. t-: a man's thumb, yii&AUul iiniebu-d at'thi.4 d'.y fr nearly every Folid gLry he pos jees. A Xrt.T Cor'jf'utlita Kilt-1 '. J amen II"- fvarj, frwn I'oU county, North Carolina t .1 . n . v . . ... : hays the Greenville Enterprise, wuh kilh-d on Sunday Iat, a boot four ur.'en from that town. A team of moles whici ha wat dri ving were frightened by the fafJirsg of a box of golj from the wa'zon. and mn- D,in;r',fc'; thr?wu frw" be saddle, and the wheeis running over him. nrodiu A death ia a very few moments. lie leave a wif &nd several children. S-uftpzon (X. C.) Superior Court. At its Fall Term,last week, Judge Dick passed .ntenee on Jacob Johnson, for the murder of Jacob Stewart, commit ted in Harnett coonty some two vear ago. The execution is to take place on Friday the 19th of December. Wlt,ai,irjt,n,Vt:.t Nov. 10. The II,n. Poter in tLi Factorial Chang. Yj. Ii. 31 Pahxer, of Columbia, S. C, has accepted a ta'l from the New Orleans Presbyterians, and will shortly leave for his new fdd vf la bor. Deertn of an aged iliaiiUr. Iter. Henry White, the older member of th Iliiiadel phia Conference, departed tbia life on the 17th of October, at the boae of his Bwa--law, near ChrUtiaoa, felawae ; r ... i lit; t . II

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