U VOL. F?. A Ti W.TC T-TdTf "WEXDJSnESID."", DEOEMBER17, 13QO. JSTO, 71 NEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY. What Our Reporters See and Hear Worth Giving to Our Readers News in Brief. Snow, bat cot at all beautiful. Good weather for poik and turnips. Market almost literally stuffed with turkeys. . The wind howled fearfully last night. Home of the children thought Santa Claus had arrived before sched ule time. Durham will double in two years. 1 his is not an exaggerated idea, but a mild and plain statement of fact. Globe. Double what? Wood scarce and hard to get, at even high prices. This should not be with the railroad facilities we have Can't some remedy be arrived at ? Messrs. Hartsfield & Son have an advertisement in this issue, to which we invite special attention. All work entrusted to them will be promptly and well executed. Give them a trial Mr. E. Chambers Smith of Raleigh has been elected President of th Farmville Va., Coal and Iron Com' pany. This is a handsome comple ment to Raleigh, and the bestowal of A n A nnnUinn unnn nna n f mil fib 11 UDICU fJVDIVlVU w most popular citizens. The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad Company will issue tickets at tnnr nants ner Til lift round triD V Avru. wv. f - . during the holidays. Tickets on sale December 20th to25th,inclusive,good returning January 2 1891, also Dec. 29 to 31st, good until January 5th 1891. Would it not be well for the Board of Aldermen to announce officially the amendments proposed by the apph cation for a change of the charter of naiOlKU I XllO VKVJtV waul iu nuvm and it looks like they should be grati fled A petition is in circulation and is being sent throughout the State, ask in g the General Assembly, at its next session to appropriate $200,000 for the establishment of an Industrial Insti tution for girls. It will doubtless be nnmerously signed, and will receive rine. AnnfiiHpration we hoDe. at the hands of our lawmakers. I. O. O. F. Beaton Gales Lodge No. 6i, will con fer the Second and Third Degrees to morrow night at 7 o'clock sharp.Oan didates will please present themselves promptly. All Odd Fellows cordially Invited. Married. In this city yesterday, Mr. H. A Deal to Miss Bertha Pearce. The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride's father,313 South Blount street, Rev. Dr. J. J. Hall officiating, We wish the couple much happiness, Contract Awarded. TheEdieonGeneral ElectricCo. have been awarded the contract for con structing the Raleigh Street Railway, and it is expected that work will soon commence. Mr Frank P. Lewis witt be superintendent of construction and as he is an electrician of much experience we may conclude that everything will be well done. Who Will Get It ? The Standard Music Company, of Winston, with commendable liber ality have offered to give one of their first class organs to the person who will, during Christmas week, secure the largest'contribution towards the Orphan Asylum at Oxford, the same to be forwarded to the institution on or before the 10th of January", 1891 This is a fine offer for some one to se cure a splendid gift and at the same time to do a most charitable act. Let our young ladies and gentlemen use their best efforts. We hope to be ble to state that Raleigh has secured he prize, : . - CUKINT.1I AS (1IFTS. How, Where and What tolluy. There is no season of the year, that so taxes those of a generous disposi tion as what are known as "Christ mas Times." It U a seine what difH cult problem to determine just what to buy for those you wish to remem ber, and how to do full justice to all the claims that you feel are resting upon you, and, at the sam-' time, not to transcend the bounds of reason able economy. Tho proper conclu sion to arrive at,is to buy if you think you can afford it; if not, hold your self within bounds. Under any cir cumstances, however, in buying,prac- tice the care and discretion you would in ordinary every day transactions, There are many people, or course. whose pecuniary means are such as to relieve them of restrictions, but even these have u, difficulty to contend with. It is a question of what to select, with a due regard to fitness and propriety. Parents study what is best to select for their children; children spend anxious hours trying to determine what would be most ac ceptable to parents, to brothers and sisters; the husband wonders what he shall give his wife, and 6he racks her brain for something that will please him. Even lovers remain awake at night, thinking of something that will bring delight to the idol of their hearts. Perplexities, such as we have enu merated, crowd thick and fast during the closing days of the year, but the Visitor comes to the aid of its hun dreds ot readers, in this case, as it en deavers to do in all emergencies. First of all, the Visitor desires it to be remembered, that through its columns, they can acquaint them selves with all the facts necessary to guide them aright in the task before them. la its list of advertisements cm be found ' everything that is necessary, useful and artistic. All that is necessary,therefore,toaid in a judi cious selection, is to peruse our col umus carefully, because our patrons excel in the variety of their goods and the reasonable prices asked. Ooe word more of caution. Let no one iuKifcine that goods can be pur chased cheaper or better anywhere else than in Raleigh. This is an error, Our merchants buy at as low figures and sell at. as reasonable rates as those of most cities in the country, nor is there a better variety to be found as a general rule. Everything can be fouud here in the greatest abundance and, the person who fails to make satisfactory choice is indeed hard to please. We submit these remarks for the careful consideration of our friends, and the Visitor offers them free of charge. Personal Mention Mr. Thos. Carrington, oi Durham is in the city. Mr. G. Rosenthal has gone to Gra ham on business Col. T. C. Fuller has fcone to Frank linton on business. Our young friend Mr. Robert G Grissom, left last Monday for Wash ington City, where he will remain a few days. He will return to Raleigh and in a short time will go to Denver, Colorado, which place he will make his future home. Mr. Grissom is a young man of fine intelligence and excellent business habits. We wish him much success in life. It is with deep regret we announce that Mr. R. G.Lewis has been stricken with paralysis, and at last accounts was in a critical condition. Mr. J. C. L. Harris left this after noon for Washington City on legal business. He will return on Saturday, Miss Gertrude Neil, at Boston, yes terday, got a verdict of $9,000 dam ages against the Boston Gas Light Company for injuries received by falling through a trap door left open by one of the company's men. TBE INTER STATE CONVENTION Tho Editor on the Road The Convention Will be an Ex traordinary One. On leaving Raleigh for Aeheville Monday we found on the train Bish op J. u. keener ana mat portion or the Methodist Conference who live west of Raleigh on their way home. The Conference adjourned at half past two o'clock. We found on the train a number of delegates from Ral eigh on their way to the Asheville Convention. Among these were Mr. R. H. Battle and Mr. R. T. Gray. Prof. L. S. Packard, from Pine Bluff, was also on board, and Col. H. S. Bur- gwynn of Henderson.carne on board at Durham on his way to attend the Convention. At every station delegates to the great inter States Convention were added to our number, and if other sections of our State contribute as liberally to the Convention as the central section of the State it will have a large number of North Caro linians iu its body. Some fourteen of the Southern States will be repre sented, and if these States only fur nish 100 delegates each the Conven tion will be an extraordinary one. both as to size or numbers and dig nity. A number of Governors and other officials from different States will be in attendance, and Governor Fowle of course will be there to wel come these distinguished visitors. A Model Husband. The following is taken from the New York World as a model hus band: ONLY JACK, BUT THIS IS ENOUGH. Jack only is Jack.andl am his wife Boon companions he and I; each for the other the beS of company. I have no rivals; neither clubs can tempt nor business make forgetful. When he goes out so do I; for though The World may be incredulous, he will not go without me. When I am sick no tread so light as his, no band so gentle, no heart so heavy. Malaga grapes cool fevered lips. The clond he cannot keep away he gives a silver lining. Let weal or woe betide,there comes no wedding day but with it comes a token to prove it still a day of joy. Dear as his life are his boys; his very heart strings twine around his little girl. I am content. I know my place is first. There is an old song somewhere that winds up with this: ' For I've kept her a sweetheart in making her wife," and that is what Jack has done; and in that dwells the brightness of my life. Mrs. A. T. Raleigh, N. C. Got Full and Was Robbed. Statesville Landmark. Jack Smith, and Alexander county man who has been to Arkansas, ar rived in Statesville last Friday on his way to his home in Alexander. He was evidently so overcome with joy at being permitted to set his foot on his native soil once more, that he began to celebrate during his stay here by imbibing freely of tulu. Fri day night he hung up on the fence near the residence of Col. S. A. Sharpe, on Center street, and when he came to later and felt for the hard earned boodle he had brought DacK with him from the west some thing over $100 it was gone. Clearly an Alibi. Kansas City Times. An old negro strolled up to the win dow in the office of the Kansas City Commissioner of Registration the oth er day and made application for reg istration papers. "What is yourname?" asked Assis tant Commissioner Arnold. "George Washington," was the re ply. A a TTT ' 11 y-i . . . "wtii, uteorge, are you tne man that cut down the cherry tree?" "No, sah, boss: no. sah. I ain't de man. I ain't done no work for nigh onto a yean." SPECIAL NOTICES. Wanted. A good cook. Apply at th. Metho dist parsonage. dc!7tf Raisins, Citrons, Currants, Figs, Dates, Prunes, JJuts, Cocoanuts, Or anges, Lemons and Ban-mas cheap at C. O. Ball's Steam Laundry phuts down from 29th instant to January 5, lr'Ul, for removal Customers will plfau send in all work needed by December 22. dclC 3t L U Wxatt, Prop. Dojj Lost. A small white Pointer Dog, wi brovn ears, strayed from my yard reward will be paid for L is ret urn. del6 C B Kdva:ds. Norris' Dry Goods St Infant's Shoes. Little Tots, per p.-iir, 50 Stiff Ankles, " $1 00 Spring Heels " 1 50 Children's School ?lioes. Little Monitors, per pair, 1 50 Allen & Marvin's " 2 03 Rough and Ready, " 1 25 Boys Good V, e.ir. Little Giants, per pair, $1 25 Merrimacs, 150 Peerless, " 1 7-i Ladies Fine Shoes. "New Leader," per pair, $1 03 "New England," " 1 75 "Miles' Best," " 2 00 Men's Fine Footwear. "Beats All," per pair, $1 35 Economy " 1 TO Alert, " 2 00 All of the above sire good values. Norpis' Dry Goods Stork. W. II. & R. H. Tuclver & Co. What Shall I Buy? This ques tion presents itself to almost every one at this seeson of the year. It is often a little perplexing to know just what is best suited for those to whom a gift is intended. But with our enor mous store, packed from cellar to garret, with every conceivable kind of beautiful, as well as useful t hinge, it renders the choice of a gift for any one little or no trouble. We have never made such preparations for holiday trade before, nor has our hoi iday business ever been so good as this year. It is now, as has always been, the people nppreeiate the best goods and the lowest prices. W. H. & R. 3. Tucker & Co. Yesterday Was Carpet Day. Today is rubber shoes, umbrellas and overcoat day. What will tomor row be? We probably sold a larger, number of carpets yesterday than any one house eyer sold in F. ileigh in one day. Our carpet trade in the past month has been enormous. We have new pieces to come nearly every day and still we can hardly keep our stock up. We do not know how to account for such a decided increase in our sales of carpets except that the people are finding out that we are doing in reality what we have o often told you, and that is, that we sell the best carpets of all kinds for less money than any other house in your knowl edge. We have but little trouble in selling any one a carpet; the greatest trouble is in the selecting; we have so mary beautiful patterns and the prices on all are so low that it is hard to decide which to buy; we are keep ing a larger stock than ever and we will never charge you as much as you have to pay elsewhere, at Phone 113. Swindell's Rev. E. M. Brawley, of Nashville, Tenn., who has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Harrison Street Bap tist Church, Petersburg, has entered upon his duties. Hartsfield & Eon, 219 South Wilmington St, -. RALEIGH, N. C. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Tovs repaired. All work guaranteed. Give us & trial. del71m Hard .rare, &c. BErGRE Cold weather c om mences coat your wi.lla and ceii - ;s with LAB STINE I Destroys all 1' rase germs and hr ght eus up your he aes. Thousp.i. is of pounds have bf.i-u soi l in this market. It ; no experiment but haf- beea proven to be nil 've cl liin tor it. Bend fi r Circular and sample ca- i of twelve beautiful 4ints. THOMAS B, RIGSS 4 SONS, RAT ' IGH, N C. Dry Goo:-;, Notions, &c. HcKiM, iieselej McGeo. rlstmas at OUR STORE. We have exc 1'ed all previous re cords this se?o - iu the beauty, ele gance and spier or of our IIIYjeeIPLAY. HRISTIJAS NOVELTIES, HRISTMAS NECESSITIES, HEIST! ".AS BARGAINS, Articles of ever day need, adapted to every re'iuirement of both old ani4 young, rich ai cl poor. Ctristmas Presents for Everybody ff. H. SR. S. Tucker & Co. OTTIR, STOEE -A- HOLIDAY FAIR ! Tib. o-cLsaoids - OF-r MgMed Patonsll! WARES AND MOBE USEFUL THINGS than our store HAS EVER HELD B 1 FORE. W. H. & B. s. Tucker & Co. I f I? v Vr 1 !'' 1-7-'' 4 0