Che Hails nettttt a RALEIOH, S-A.TTT.RID.AY. 20, 1891 asro. 50 NEWS NOTES ABOUT THE CITY. What Our Reporters ee and Hear Worth Giving to Our Headers News in Brief Huckleberries, peaches aud apples in abundance in market to day. (Ju.te a considerable crowd of coun try people in the city to day. Sunday night Rev. J. J. Hall D.t) ; will begin a series of sermons on the Bib!" and the morden attackB upon it. Trains on all rOadsare crowded with persons for the Sea-Bhore and iuouu tains. The flag on the capitol was dis played at half mast today, in respect to the memory of ex-Governor Reid. Several cases of drunk and down constituted the main features of Me Mayor's docket this morning. , The swimming pool at Brookside Park is now opt n to the public and a good bath can be had for ten cents. Boys under fifteen 5 centp. Gov. McKinney, of Virginia, wi'l ask the next legislature to establish a system of separate coaches on rail roads for whites and colored. The receipts of cotton in Raleigh for the season up to last evening were 38,78 bales against 21,241 for last season. Mayor Badger is going to have tlys city kept eleun. He is not trilling about the matter. Do you under etand t T 1 e Souitarj laws will Le enforce ti. Our people are seemiLgly asleep on Ihe hotel question, but the time is fast approaching when they will wish they had not slept so soundly. It will be too late then. Our friend Raney is pushing ahead the extension to the Yarboro House It will present a fine appearance when finished and will prove a vast convenience to the traveling public. Posters are being put up to day for the appearance of the Imperial Min strels at Metropolitan Hall next Wed nesday night. It is said to be one of the beet companies on the road What a pity we have no canning factory in this vicinity. 1 he market from present indications, will b glutted with fruit. There is uione; in the business, and some 'enterpris ing person can make a good thing o! it. The R. & D. Railroad has dtcided to extend the limit for selling tickets to Morehead City and return on ac count of the Teachers Assembly now in session. Tickets will be sold each day until and iuc'.uding June 27th, 1891. The grandest display of fire works ever seen in North Carolina will take place in Raleigh on the night of the 4th of July. The committee of ar rangements are making preparations for a grand celebration. Let every body come and bring their wives and children. It will be twenty four hours of fun and enjoyment. V Tomorrow morning will be the oc casion of the third quarterly confer ence for Edenton Street M. E. church, B ev. Dr. Cuninggim the Presiding Elder, will preach at 11 a. m. and the pastor, Rev. Dr. Cordon at 8:15 p. m. Love feast will be helb from 4 to 5 o'clock p. m. In view of the new electric system of street railway, it looks like a bet ter bridge over the railroad on Hills boro street would be a necessity. The present concern is entirely too flimsy for the constant wear and tear of the cats. To be candid, we do not think it altogether safe. Anew bridge of iron would be the proper thing, and it oueht to be built at once. "I have in my employ a man who has been a victim of periodic head aches for years, has tried all kinds of treatment, and I have tried various remedies on him. lour Bradycrotine helps him more than anything ever did." O. D. Kingsley, M. D., White Plains, H. x. jeio oi We are rather sorry that the mat ter of selecting the site for an audi torium was postponed at the meeting of the Board of Aldermen last night. It i- a matter of most pressing im portance to the people of Raleigh and should be attended to as early as possible. D. T. Johnson, Esq , baB been elected collector for Raleigh Council Royal Arcanum. Assessment No. 151 must be paid on or before the first day of July. Also one quarter dues. Members will iind books at Mr. John son's store, 16 Harnett street. Rev. J. L. Foster will preach the annual sermon to the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Workingmen's Re lief Association on Sunday next at the Christian Church at 11 a m. Every member is earnestly requested to be at the R. & G. reading room at 10 a. m. prepared to wear badges. We do not desire to appear too iin portunate about the matter, but really the painting of the market house thould be ordered at once. Gentlemen of the Board of Alder men, the people are anxious about it. The Exposition is coming on and we ought to put on as respectable ap pearance as possible. Don't delay the matter any longer. The build ing looks mighty shabby in its pres ent condition. The announcement that Col. A. B. Andrews had been appointed and accepted the position of first Vice President of the R. & D. system, seems to have been premature. While we would hail with delight any promotion of our popular fellow citizen, we would regret that he should accept any place which would involve his removal from Raleigh. He will continue with us in the dis charge of his present duties. He Takes a Bride. General John M. Schofield, com mander in chief of the United States army, was married to Miss Georgia Kilburne, of Keokuk, Iowa, on the 18th. As far as consistent with the prominence of the groom and the high social'standing of the bride, the marriage was without display. Funeral. The funeral services of little Pansy, daughter of Mrs 8. R. Glennan, were held yesterday afternoon from Mrs. Banks boarding bouse, and were con ducted by Rev. Dr. Marshall assisted by Rev. Dr. Smedes. The remains were interred in the R&yner family plot in the Old City Cemetery. The following gentlemen acted as pall bearers: Messrs. H. E. Litchford, Dr. Harvey, Thos. Pescud and J R Brown. Ordination Service. The ordination service of Rev. Jonathan Wood will take place in the Baptist Tabernacle on Sunday morning. The pastor will be assisted in the service by the Revs J. B. Boone and M. L. Kesler. It is es pecially requested that all members be present, and all non-church goers are presBingly invited to attend this service. The Asheville Excursion. On Thursday June 25th. there will be an excursion run from this city to Asheville, aud the fare for the round tiip will be only f 3.60. This is the best opportunity that will be afforded for a long time to visit the "Land of the Sky" and view the beautiful scenery of our mountain section. Messrs Moore and Isely will have charge of all the arrangements and our people may rest assured that everything will be done to render the trip a most delightful one. Remember the day June 25th, and be at the depot oh time. Train will leave at 7 o'clock Bharp. All should been hand by 0 so that they can have time to purchase tickets if not procured before. Westward. The work of extending the street car line from Major R. 8. Tucker's residence to the Exposition grounds, has been commenced in the way of grading the road. We learn that it is intended to have a compact road bed of gravel. The work will be pushed to completion as fast as possible. K FECIAL NOTirEN. For Sale One delivery wagon newly paint m aud in good repair. Apply to A. E Jordan, 12 South Bide Market. Kuril Hare. 4C. For the Seashore. Let our people bear in Diiud the grand bonanza excursion to Norfolk on Tuesday, June 3)th. It should be remembered that it will be in charge of Messrs. Cbavasse & Macy, two accomplished managers in that line. It will be an occasiou rarely met with to visit the sights of the sea. Look out for it. Remember the time, Tuesday, June EOth. Fireworks for 4th of July at WoolN cott Si Son's. UunPJtf. Green Apples and Cucumbers plen tiful and demand for Royal Gkrme TDBR rapidly increasing. A.E Jordan, Agent. Fresh VegetuhleM. Mr. R. M. Utzman is prepared to furnish the public with the finest and freshest vegetables of all kinds, in season, of his own raising, at his premises No. 127 North Dawson street, every morning or evening. Prices reasonable as can be had any where in the city. jel5 (it. t Baseball. A game of much local interest is announced to take place next Wednes day afteiuoon at Athletic Park for the benefit of St. John's Hospital. It will be a game of the clerks on the north side of the market house against the butchers The game will be called promptly at 4 o'clock Ladies admitted free. Died. I At Suffolk, Va., on the 18th little Addie, the last child of Rev. and Mrs. j J. Presley Barrett, of this city, after a lingering illness of 27 days. Dr. and Mrs, Barrett went to Suifolk for a short visit to friends; the little one was taken sick the next day after their arrival and continued ill till released from its suffering by death. The Visitor extends to the sadly bes reaved parents sincere sympathy, and assures them that many friends in Raleigh are sad for them. Board of Aldermen. The board met last night, Mayor Badger presiding. The opening of an alley way from South to Cannon street was ordered. The committee on the auditorium reported that three sites were con sidered and recommended a selection. One is the Masonic Temple lot, an other the lot corner of Morgan and Wilmington streets and the other the lot adjoining the News and Observer office. The consideration of the mat ter was postponed until next meet ing. The police committee was authv orized to purchase a patrol wagon. The ParkCommittet was authorized to purchase six benches for Mooie Square. Our White Goods. Our lines of White Goods are larger than any one else can show, the assortment greater, and our prices as low and lower than you can get the same goods anywhere. At7c, 8c. and 10c. we have the showest and nicest India Linen. At 73., 8ie. , 10c. and 12c You can s-e more styles, and get better values in large sheer check muslins than ever before. At 25c. and 3fic lovely hem ftiiched skirtings. At 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c. and 85c, the best values in embroidered skirting Our children's embroidered skirtings at 2c., 40c, 15c, and 50c, are the nicest you have ever had the opportunity of buying at these pricea. v . H. & R. 8 Tucker & Co. Carpenters and Laborers Want ed. The Caraleigh Phospate Co. wish es to employ carpenters and laborers at once. Apply at office of Company or to G. W. Ellis, on the grounds. jel2 (it Norris' Dry Goods Store. 118,000 worth to be distributed ! Time running short ! Forty days only for your dollar to do double duty ! Time limited July 31, the last day. Our entire ttock; Full, New, Bright, Attractivk, to be sold out at peremptory prices, at values un touched by any merchant in this vicinity. Every article Bhlow Makkkt Pricb. Fresh Attractions recruited daily and entertaining figures con front you. We ask an inspection on a basis of your own interest. Cur Pricks akk Severely Pruned ! Lace Curtain Scrims 5 cents. La dies' Swiss Ribbed Vests 9 cents. Knitting Cotton 3 cents a ball. La dies' and Childrens' fast Black Derby Ribbed Hose 10 cents. Satteen Cor sets "Best in the World," 50 cents. Infants Turned Shoes 25 cents. ChiU dren'B Kid Button Boots 50 cents. Straw Hats cost price. Ladies' Don gola Kid Button Shoes, Common Sense or Box-toe at $1.50. Ladies' Goat and Kid Button our competi" tion Shoes, only $1. On fine Dress Goods and Trimmings the most money is lost. On these our biggest sacrifice is made. Norris' Dm Goods Stork. At the meeting of the v?rild fair managers at the Executive ttlce yesterday Mr. Elias Carr was chosen president, Mrs. Kidder vice president and Mr. T K. Bruner secretary. Mr. P. M. Wilson was i elected exec utive commissioner for Nort u Oaro ina, to be aided in his duties by an executive committee. The hand organ has seen one bun m- drW and eig' ears since its i ventor died, , ' V, the evil that men do lives alter tViem. No hand organs in stock, but organs $24 and up; pianos $225 and up, at W. 8. Uzzle's, E. Hargett St. Have your lace curtains done up at the Oak City Steam Laundry in first class style. L. R Wyatt's special horse and cow food going like hot cakes. A trial will convince you that it is the best on the market. mhl9 tf Ice Cellar. Ice in any quantity, also fresh fish daily, at my cellar No 223, S. Wil mington Street. Orders filled prompt ly. T. E. Sorrell. v je8 tf. Ice. Ice may be had at our cellar under Barbee & Pope's confectionery store, near Savings Bank, tomorrow and everyday hereafter. Thosewfhing it sent out in quantities will send orders to Jones & Powell. Another Special Sale on Thurs day, June 25tb. On next Thursday, June 2 th, we will place on sale for one day only a big lot of Oil Window Shades with spring rollers and beautifully de signed borders at 50 cents each. They would be cheap at $1 each. We will also place on s ite the same day a big lot of Misses Black Ribbed Hose at 10 cents per pair, which would be very cheap at 2 cents. These goods are the greatest bargains that it has ever been our pleasure to offer. We are now showing a great many rare bargains in Dress Goods, White Goods, Shoes and Slippers. Any one interested in anything in this line will find it to their advantage to examine our mammoth stock before buying. Yours truly, D. T. SWINDEIL. w ATER COOLER3, Galrauiard and PoraHain Lined. BR88 PRE8ERVING KETTLES. porcelain lined preserving kettles. M AM)N'8 PORCELAIN AND GLA8 TOP FRUIT JAR8 STEP LADDERS FLY TRAPS. FLY FA NS. WHITE MOUNTAIN -ICE CREAM FREEZERS. THOMAS H. BR1CCS SONS, RALEIGg k O. II tm era s Milliner v, K&M1U. TM PORTE I) AND DOMESTIC TRIMMED A Huts and bonnets. The greatest variety of fancy straw braids in the desirable shades of grey, tan, black, &c- for Ladies, Misses and wee little ones. ALL THE HEW SHADES In chiffon and other trimming materials; (lowers in profusion, so very natural you wonder nature does not also yield its per-fuiuo. 4 Complete lie of Infant's fine crepe de chene and muslin caps and shirred hats. HAIR GOODS, Bushings, a beautiful line of all kinds"of Ties. All the new hair ornameuts, bracelets, jewelry, &c, ike. Stamped linens, embroidery materials, wools and zephyrs. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Miss MAGGIE REESE, 209 Fayettevilk St. April 8 tf. Raleigh, N. C. Dry Goods. Notions, &c. W. H. $ R. SJUCKER CO. SHOE-DEPARTMENT. ARTICULAR ATTENTION P is directed to our lines of fine footwear for ladies, gentlemen aud children. LADIES' SHOES French Kid and bright LADIES' SHOES Dongola, Plain Toes and LADIES' SHOES Patent Leather Tips, Op LADIES' SHOES era and Common Sense LADIES' SHOES J lasts. Oxford Ties. In Dongola and Black Suale, Plain Toes and Patent Leather Tips, Opera and Common Sense lasts. An unusual Variety. Our ladies goods are from the facto ries o? Messrs. Laird, Schober anil Mitchell, and Zeigler Bros. Gents' Shoes. Buttoned Laces and Congress, in Patent Leather Cordovan, Kangaroo and Calf, medium, wide and narrow toes, Low-quartered ghoes. Our Gents' goods are from the factories of James A. Banister, Zeigler Bros, and the Rockland Co's. Children's Shoes. " Kid, St raight and Pebble Goat, Plain Toes and Patent Leather Tips, Oxford Ties, &c. We show reliable goods only, and at mod erate prices. We carry in stock B, C, D and E widths. . H. &R S. Tucker I Co.

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