tltettot Che C$1 ft ii VOL. XXVII. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, JUNE 24. 1892. NO. 54 The "Weather Today. Local forecast for Raleigh till 8 p. m. tomorrow : Fair; cooler Sator day evening and Sunday. Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a. m today: Maximum temperature, 01; mini mnro temperature, 75; rainfall 0.00. VIT Y IN BRIEF. The survey of the railroad from Wadesboro to Winston has begun. Pegleg Williams has again embark ed in the excursion business. Don't play too much with dogs, as it might turn out they are mad. Last night is pi't down as the hot test of the seasop, thus far. Cool r weather Is expected t reach us by tomorrow uight. It will be a great relief. It is now understood that work will commence next week on the new cotton mill. The Register of Deeds is having a dull time just now iu the matter of marriage licenses. It will soon be time to talkjabout a street car line to Caraleigh mill That neighborhood is fast becoming populous. Don't forget the Masonic services at tbe Church of the Good Shepherd next Suuday. 1 hey wU be interest ing. Gov. Holt will spend considerable time at Buffalo Springs, after whicb be will go to the session of the Teach ers' Assembly at Morehead. It is one of tbe rumors of tbe day that the street car line is soon to be extended to the Federal cemetery, and that a grove has been leased looking to a park for the colored people. Attention is called to tbe advertise meot of the Maryland Insurance Com pany, of which W. H. Blockford, is President, H. L. Crow Secretary and R. T. Gray Attorney. The company stands deservedly high in all respects The timber for the desk to be made for the world's fair, of wood cut from Fort Raleigh, on Roanoke Island, where the first white child in Amer ica Virginia Dare was born, will be sawed in Washington, N C. We are pleased to learn, that Mr. Seymour Whitir-g who received in- juries some tim Mnce by a fall, caus ed from a dog running at him, is much improved, and will soon be at his business again. Messrs. Whiting Bros, make a sea Bonable announcement of hats which they are selling at prices that must suit the times. These gentlemen make a speciality of hits and there is no place in the city where a better selection can be made. The ladies world's fair auxiliary of Henderson, last week, gave an enter tainment from which nearly $300 was realized. If all the other towns in the State would follow suit in the matter, we would soon have a fund which would be a credit to the State. Notice has been given to Gov Holt from the Secret irv of War that Capt Thaddeus W. Jones, Tenth cavalry, and Lieut. R. P. Davis, of the Second artillery, have been detailed for dufy as Instructors of the State camp, at Wrightsville. Julv 21st to August 12th, and that a detail of en . lilted men from Fortress Monroe would Instruct Id . the use of large large gnns at the coast battery. A man giving his name as P. C. Phelps and hailing from Kentucky, has been in the city for several days peddling pictures with inducements offered that prizes would be given His methods were reported to the authorities and steps taken to bring him to account. He found out how ever in the meantime that matters were getting rathef hot for him, and " he concluded yesterday afternoon to skip, leaving his wife behind. As there was no chance to get anything out of him, It may be as well that be has left. The Thermometer at Bobbitt's Drag Store at 8 p. m. today, registered 93. Messrs. Jos. G. and J. W. Brown are visiting Morehead City. Tbe street cars were crowded last night until a late hour. Collector White has been quite in disposed ever since his return from Minneapolis. The health of Raleigh is said to be better now than for any time during the past several years. Both Brookbide and Pullen Parks muni hnnniincr lust, nitrht. There . .i , i i were crowds enjoying ine cooi euuun. ban breeze. Every passing passenger train con tains large crow is for Moreheal and other points on the seashore. Prof. Frank Beard, the cartoonist is delighting large audience at th Teachers' Assembly in Morehead Cir y. Marian Butler, President of tua Farmers' Alliance was in the city yes terday afternoon. It has been modestly suggested to us that a Skating" Riuk would add to the attractions at Brookide Park Wo throw it out for consideration Joseph Ruby, of Columbia, Pt., suffered from birth with scrofula hu mor, ti'l he was perfectly cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. The Pythian Baud revived the highest compliments f r the mucie last night. They certainly show great proficiency. Mr J. 8 Carr of D'irham, delivt r ed an address last niht, at, Morehead City on "what Business Men Expect of the Public tfchools " The Entertaiument given at, PH len Park last night was a decided success, and was much ei joyed by all who were fo.tunate enough f be pre sent. Gen. W. R Cox will deliver an ad dress today before a ailed meeting of the Grand Lodge of Masons at the Oxford Orphan Asylum it being St. John's Day. The Outlo k. There is every reason to believe that the North Carolina exhibit at the Chicago exposition will at least compare favorably with that of many of the States in the union This is very gratifying especially in view of the rather unfortunate condition in which our state was placed from the peculiar restriction imposed by tbe legislature on the appropriation made. It is a souice ot congratula ticn that, tbe committee is making such rapid headway, and we most think there will be no let up in ef forts. We note an important fact in tne proposal of the commiitee to have the North Carolina annual fruit fair next year held at Chicago This is a step in the right direction and must add greatly to the interest of the North Carolina department. Pleasant Trip. The Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Re lief Association announces the great est event of the season, it being the fifth and grand annual excureon and i picnic to Littleton which will take place on July 7th, 1882. There will be a grand basket picnic at Shaw's ! all healing springs, affording an abundant supply of pure mineral water of seven different species. An other inducement is the celebrated ' Panacea springs, only a short dis tanan from the pic nic grounds Everything has been done to render it the most pleasant trip ever offered , to Raleigh excursionists " There is a large pavilion at the springs, so that ail may have a good time. A base ball game will be one of the special features. Citizens and families can spend a pleasant day on this occasion and, at the same time, aid the asso ciation whose aim is to relieve their sick menrbers. Fare for the round trip from Raleigh, adults, $1; chil dren between 6 and 15 years, t Oo. The National Democratic conven tion yesterday afternoon nominated Adlai E. Stevenson, of Illinois, for Vice President, on the first ballot. Love In t he Mits. Love in the Mints. , 1ovm l-.i the Mi-'s A t hrilling story, the teene of which is lid In the moun tain of WM-rn North Carolina among tli moonshiners. Written by a Kalettfh boy. On tale- at Alfred Williams & OoV. Price 2i cents. We extend to faannger Egerton and lite gntleiiianlv operators, of the Western Union Telegraph Company, Messrs richardson, BurHi and Jones, our sincere thanks fr their kindness in furm'shinR the Visitor bulletins of the National Democratic Conven tion Wo ar aloo under great obli jrati'MH to the polite, mid energetic Messengers for the i-rnii,t delivery of telegrams The ,!oh"uII know their business, nnd thev attend to it well. Funny. A Durham paper says: A young man retired last Wednes day night at his usual hour and was seen resting lazy in the arms of Mo pheus. An irnHginarv horse t;ot into his room and comuje need to kick at a rapid rate, and the horse being near the head-board of the bed the only way of escape was over the foot board. So a rush was made iu that direction and over went tiie frifhtem d young map. Ttdav he carries a sprained arm in a sling, nnd is arable to be seen upon the streets. Chipped beef at 20 cents per lb, at, C. O. Ball & Co.'s Lemons at 25 cents doz at Duf;hi's. Horse and cow food at C. O. Ball & Co.'s Straw 31 att ing audTiuuks. A trf mendous lot of trunks and straw matting very low in price at Swikdkll's. Try a bottle of Parsons celebrated scotch snun. Price 15 cents per bot tie at C. O. Ball & Co.'s. Jur.aluska wino at $1 a gallon at A Dughi's. Egerton snuff at C. O. Ball & Co.'s Fresh watermelons at A. Dughi's, Telephone!?. Egerton snuif in every size pack age atC. O. Ball Co.'s Ice-Ice Ice. Forsaleat Sorrell's old stand, rear ot market, ed Stephens Fresh groceries received daily at C. O. Ball & Co.'s "Love In The Mists." A large cut of this thrilling book is to be found elsewhere in the columns of the Visitor today. The book is on sale at A. Williams & Co's book store. The price is only 2) cents. The scene of it is laid among the moon ehiners of the mountains of North Carolina. Call for a bottle of snuff at C. O & Co.'s We are authorized to say that the bathing hours for ladies and gentle men at Pullen Park will be as fol lows: For ladies and gentlemen, fur nishing their own bathing suits, from 4 to 7 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday and Friday afternoons At other times the baths are open for men and boys only. . je21 6t Egerton snuff is the best on the market. Fresh lot at C. O. Ball & Co 's, Hargett St. A Few Stunners. Writing paper, 2 cents a quire. Envelopes, 2 cents a pack. Nice corsets, 2i cents each. Men's nice bleached drawers, 10c pair. All silk gauze, ribbon wide, 8c yard. Nice gauze shirts, 6 cents each. Mosquito net at 5 cents a yard. Everything else in name proportion at Swindell's. , Lost. ' A pair of gold framed, blue tinted eye glasses were taken from thecoun ter at McGee's drug store by mistake yesterday. A suitable reward will be paid for their return to je21 4t J. W. McGee, Jr. One Cent Challie Sale. On Friday, July 1st, we will have another sale of nice dress challies at one cent a yard. Or a combination sale a dress pattern of 10 yards chal lie and a real nice straw hat for men or women, all ior SO cents, at Swindell's. I)in't Forget Yaucey & Stronai-h's sale of organs and sewintr luachino next Saturday, 2 th, at 14 o'clock. They are the last of J L. Stone's (deceased) stock. 1V)S Job Table of Ntraw.IIats Overhauling onr stock of straw hats, we have made up a job table to close out certain lilies. The prices of these, for a good hat, ranges from 25c up This Is an opportunity toeeta summer hat for much less than cost. We also have Dunlan's straw hats in the popular shapes for this neason. Nobby st3 les for youDg men of inex preesiv- qualities. Better buy your straw hat before July, stock is get ting picked over more una more every week. W. H. & R. S. Tuckkr & Co. For Sale. A boarding house keeper would like to sell the complete furnishings for eight or ten rooms, the kitchen and dining room wares, &c. The party purchasing will have the refusal of the bouse now occupied, with go-l patronage and well located, as well as onr good will. Call at this otlice for information. jeT tf Janaluska Claret. A. Dughi. Genere. Acrent. apU lm. Mr. Geo. N. Walters, on Fayette ville St., has on hand a fine assortment of English Homespuns, Irish Frit z , J rum and nlonny Tweeds, light weight suitings also Tropical Wors teds. A chance purchase. Magnili cent trowseriugs that are "thiugs of beauty. Call and examine the stock. WANTS. A GhNTS WANTED Male and female, t.old and young, $15 to 125 per day aasilv made selling our Queen Plating Outfits and doing gold, silver, nickel, copper and brass plating, in at is warranted to wear tor years, on every class of metal, tableware, jewelry, aic. Light and easily handled, no experi ence required to operate them. Can be car ried by hand with ease from house to house, same as a giip sack or satchel. Agents are making mjuey rapidly. They sell to almost every busmt ss House and taniiiy, and worK shop. Cheap, durable, simple and within reach of every one. Plates almost instantly equally to the finest new work. Send for circulars, Ac. QUEKN CITY 8lLVJEKand JNIt iJvEL. FLAUJNU CO, JEast St Louis, 111 myl8 t,t,s tf N0mfi!il9 DRY liOGJIo STORE! Will place on sale tomorrow 20 doz LADIEcS' 25 Gent BLACK HUSt, AT ONLY ASK TO SEE OUR S BOES AND CLIPPERS. Our stock is considered the best in the city Norms' Dry. Goods Stork Base-B ALL-Caps. WE HAVE THEM ASSORTED COLORS THAT COST $2.20 PR DOZEN TO MAKE. WE OFFER THEM AT 10 GTS. Hammocks with Stretchers and Rope Com plete rile. Musquito Nets all Colors 6c. A few pieces of Dress Goods 3c per yard. Fans of Every Description Machine Cotton 3c 8pool; Silk 4c, cost dou ble at any other pice. Buggy Whips 6c up. Lap Robes 50c up. Trunks 73c up. Shoes and Slippers, there is not a House in Raleigh tan hold us a light in Shoes and Slippers. WE WILL SAVE YOU- 35 PER CENT. ON EVERY ONE YOU BUY. M?3ee our Umbrellas. L11OTTST0RE. 86 Centre St reet, Goldsboro, and 129 Favettevillo St., Kaleigh. Hardware, &c. FRUIT JARS, JE QREAM JfREEZER3, JJORCELAIN J INED J RESERVING JETTLE8, STEEL PRESERVING KETTLES UllAXITE IRON KETTLES, BABY CARRIAGES. CROQUET SETS. BEAUTIFOLGLASSWARE. PAINT IN SMALL CANS. 2T"NoV IS THK TIME TO USE THESE liOODS THOMAS fl, BBIGGS SONS, RALEIGH, N. 0. ALL mEW S Call at ths Grand Furniture Em porium For At tie Cheapest Rates, Jnst think of it! Ur I , ' " -- -.-tv" ""'Wl vi evil- tiuue pattern, 10th cmtury style, for f 15 00. ..uuj u uiiiiniiiueicu. opieuciia ijace fur tains, Mattresses. Wardrobes, Bureaus, Lounges, Spring Chairs, of luxurious pro portions. Rattan Mat.t-.iwiaoa nil of ll,af. est ngures possible and on instalment plan of weekly or monthly payments. DON'T - FORGET the people's section oi the establishment de I.Afn.l 4- i'. . J . 1 vuicu iu lurunure ai popular prices. Remember the place. 0 r- b m m HflJ 0i III - w Exchange Place, South side Mkt. Administrator's Notice. Having this day qualified as the adminis trator of the estate of the late W W Hol den, this i- to notify all persons having claims against the estate to present the same to me for payment on or before the Kjth day of May, 1893, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. Ad persons indebted to the estate will "lease settle without delay. OA SHERWOOD, niyl'bw Administrator. Dry Goods, Notions, &c. i'.ll.; R S.TUCKER ; CO. s THAW 1 ATTINQS TEE BEST rriinnio mvi'irii inui flAHLLl m We have never been able to oiler our pat rons o many novel designs in Straw Mat tings a we do this season. Ther was a time when one could scarcely j;et any style in these mattings besides a small check or plain white. Now they can be seen in many -'.carpet effects" closely re seniblii.g the patterns as shown in Prussels carpets. Probably the most unique patterns are hose in the Jap Mattings, being double tyed and in detached figures. Another new texture in the Jap Matting is that "woven upon the thread," the warp being hemp and the filling of very fine jrass. This produces the most even surface of any straw floor covering. ;Wbile we have the more expensive grades, yet we sell a reliable matting at $5 per roll of 40 yaids fl. B. R. S. Tucker $C() m

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