Anting I RALEIGH, TUESDAY, JULY 12. 1892. NO. G8 VOL. XXVII. .r i 1 Th Weaiber Today. j I ocal forecast for Raleigh till 8 p. , 0. tomorrow: Slightly mariner, occa- j slonal ihowers. Local data for 24 hours ending 8 a. j a., todav: i HMximumJ temperature, 82; mint unra temperature, 7); ralufall 0.07. CITY IN BRIEF. An excursion will be run from Win ston to Morehead on July 19th. This weather is a little bad on the new hotel work. The Sunday mail service is now ii effect on the Seaboard Air Line. The return of the school g'rls is ailoubly looked for Everybody miss es them. The roads begin to put on winter appearance so far as mud is con cerned. The Cleveland and Carr Democratic club will meet at the Mayor's office n-xt Thursday night. Mrs Wm. H Pace, who has been quite ill at Asheville, is reported as some better. The receipts of cotton in Raleigh now are very liirht and prices at a standstill. Very little doing. A new tract" on the Fast Hargett street line is anxiously looked for. It will doubtless come in good time. The mountains and seashore are now the main attraction for hea'tli and pleasure seekers The interest In the county institute continues. There was a laige at tendance today. Fireworks tonight. No further postponement. Let everybodj tarn OUt. "v A friend from the country told uh today that the crop was in the gi ass worse than he has ever seen it. There will be a basket picnic given by the Odd Fel'ows and Masons of "Wake Forest on Friday, the 22d in stant. Bear in miad tbe important sale of the Morehead estate to take place August 1st. It will present a rare opportunity for investment. Hon. F. M. oiuiuious, the now chairman of the Democratic State Executive Committee, has entered on his daties. Characteristics yf Hood's Sarsapa rilla : The largest sale, the merit, the greatest cures Try it. and realize its benefits. The next move of the Seaboard Air Line will be a road from Monroe to Winston- Salem, and a ' corps of sur veyors are now at work on it. A called meeting of the county de mocratic committee will take place at Metropolitan Hall next Sat urday at 12 o'clock. Punctual attendance de sired. Josephus Daniels, Esq , former eds -Hor of the State Chronicle, proposes early in August to start a weekly pa per in this city. That it will be ably conducted goes without saying. Let tbe committees appointed to solicit funds for tbe presentation of a .silver service to the cruiser "Ral eigh" hurry up. The time is running down. The concert in aid of St. John's Hospital given last night by the Black Diamond singers Simmons and Tate was a great success, in every point of view, tho receipts and concert being alike very satisfactory. There will be a meeting of the board of directors of the , State Nor mal and Industrial school at Greens boro tonight, for the purpose of se lecting a professor of stenography, telegraphy and typewriting and to elect a matron. . When you attend the fireworks to night don't fail to stop in at the old - stand Moseley & McGee's, purchase some ice cream, cake, &c, from the Rescue Circle of the king's Daugh ters.. ' The proceeds, are for a noble purpose. The bad spell of weather has Inter fered with tbe luxuries of the baths at Krookslde and Pullen Parks. Mr. Ringold Harris has charge of the refreshment saloon at Morehead City. He is an expert at the business. It oor seems that the Republicans will hold a convention in this city in September to nominate a State ticket. The grape crop will commence to be removed in a few day3. The yield is said to be very foe. We -;ril to hear that orr friend, Mr. M. Howes was a considerable loser by the recent fkein Newfoundland j He had an Insurance to come extent, j Col Ji.me8Farro, died at his home ' in Laurens, 8. C, recently. He was a ' , . , . . . gentleman of promiueuce and the father of airs a. w. wnning, 01 iuis city. The old veteran of the soldiers home are looking forward to tbeir encampment next August with much pleasure. It will no doubt, be a most dclihtfu' occasion for them. The regular meot'ng of the Cham-, ber of Commerce which was to have taken place tonight has been post poned r itil tomorrow ui rjit, on ac count of he fireworks At; - iitii'U is direled to the adver lit? -incut i)f Mr J. W. fevacs, succes sor to Evans & Martin, who have a first stock -.-f carria- v's, buggies, lit iiv . y wagoi'y, &j. C ill and be rt 1 1 i i 0(1 Don't let there bo any slip in the matter of the Atlanta excure ion. A i .,.. ....H-f nniu ricxirA fn " , . , . ,., go, and it would prove one of the grandust occasions of the kind yet gotten up from this section A specimen of paving brick known as the "Robbin's Paver'" is on exhi bition at the mayor's office. The pavements at Asheville are laid with it, and it is said to be tbe best now in use. .. It is announced that Prof. Holmes iiaB organized a parly to go across t.h-3 ' Blue Ridg? mountains beyond Wil;;i-boro and continue the survey in that part of tha Si ate This is all riiT'i', but still we must insist that MiMiKih'fig Loiid be done in tiiis sec i h ) .eoinmitteo .having in charge th ccuetrt givtri last, night for the beut-fit of 8t John's Hospital turned over to. lay to the inslituiion the en tire roceipta amounting to $134 25 I'iiere were little or no expenses at tached, as the dlffeieot papers, etc., ,uade no charge for notices Several persons who did not attend the con cert came up today and made d ua tions- It is apparent that at no distant day there will have to be an addi tional institution for the deaf and dumb, built in the eastern section of the State, it cau Lardl be expected that the anylum at Morganton can fill the needs of the entire 8tate. In our opinion ita removal from Raleigh was a great mistake. The New York World of a recent dates devotes an entire page to plac ing before the public the advantages of Western North Carolina, and par ticularly alludes to the city of Ashe vilie as the coming health reBort of oc? section. It h an advertisement well worth the price paid, and we presume it was gotten up bv those in'eifstedin the section alluded to. By the. way, would it not be well enough for our Raleigh people to get a write up' of this city. This evening from 7 to 11 o'clock the ladies of the Rescue Circle of the Daughters of the King will serve in Moseley & McGee's old stand plenty of delicious Ices and cakes prepared, we understand, by some of the most celebrated house keepers of the city. Thesd refresh rnents will be sold for the benefit of a no bit) work and it is to be hoped that tueso ladies will be generously pat r mizdd by friends from both country aa I town. Admission free. i'eiHO ul Mentiou. We are Informed Uint there is no very material chaoure today in the condition of Master CUude Denson. He it perhaps little better. Col. John W. Hinsdale has gone to West Virginia on buwioecs. We uiot-t deeply regret to learn that Mr. Alex. C-eech is sicK at his reel d 'nee ou West Edeuton street. Mrs W. II. Lyon and little daugh ter, Mhel of the Goldsboro Racket store, are vitttiug friends and rela tives in this city. There are now over 2M) iu -nates at the Orphan Asylum at Oxford. District Atiorury 0. A. Cook is in ,ne ci,v- rrt" ,B wrnjutsviue fixing up for Encampment Hekuows ,ow to have matters iu "apple pie" order. Bather Warm. The Diily Sentinel of Winston is rather warm aga'nst oor Board of Aldermen for changing the name of Martin street to Park Avfnue. Just hear it . "In making this change the Aider men have violated, the Kta'uie law of North Carolina ami thereby broken th ir oaths of offife, and toeas cnght to be taken to have the court of the Stale dtclare it r c 'rnti tutional." A lAlev&.j Treat. Next Friday morning at 11 o'. ck Prof C. D. Mclver wiii deliver ai .d dress at the court bonne, in this city, ou the relation of the people to the public schools. NIt 's earnestly vies sired that all the county commission- ers, trustees aud frit-nd8 of public schools should be present. It will be R merary tieat worth Ptieuding. - Waterproof Overgarments. This riiny weather ie suggestive of waterproof overgarments. Ou- lines for ladies and gentlemen haver never been larger than for this seaso For geutlemen, we are showiug "Berri baum's English Odorless Waterproof" garments the best in the world Also other makes . in waterproof serges and cahsi mere tffeots. For la ddies, both rubber and cloth surfaces in the most desirable styles We in vite inspection of t his department. W. H. & R. b. Tucker. For bale. A nice Frazior cart, suitable for la dies. Only used a tow times. J. W. Evans, jyll 6t Cor. Morgan and Blount sts. Photograps. I have opened a first class gallery at 1134, Fayetteviile street, over the Sin'ger office, where I am prepared to give first class work at prices to suit the times. Satisfaction guaranteed B. 8. Mattocks. july 56t. Tbe New Price Lit for Eacb Day this Week at Swindell's Ladies' Oxford ties, 60c pair, Best machine cotton, 2Jc spool, ' Mosquito net, best quality, 5o yd. j Nice glycerine soap, 5o cake. Nice curtain scrim, 4c yard. Nise line novels, Sc each. Nice writing paper, 2c quire. Nice envelopes 2c pack. Nice pins, 6 papers for 5c. Nice bleached drawers, men's, 10c pr. Nice India mud. 8c yd. Nice French organdie, 8c yard. Nice line baby caps, 15c each. Men's coats and vests, 50c. Black silk warp henrietta, 95c yd, $3 shirt waist, ladies, at $1.50 each. $2 shirt waist, ladies, at $1 each. 75o hats, ladies, at 10c each. 15c collars, linen, 10c each. Fice figured challie, 4c yard. Nice plain challie, So yard. 7c calico, 5c yard. lCc gingham, 7c yard. 12c gingham, 8c yard. 8c gingham, 6o yard. $1.25 negligee shirts, laundried, 50o ' . each. . V 2fe silk ribbon, wide, 8c yard. , White goods, 4c yard. Big line of white goods. All clothing at cost. Big line trunks. Big line straw matting. Big line carpets, at Swindell'3. Fo. lUiit. House with four rooms and kitchen. Apply to Dr. .f. II. Crawford. jetfl !f Kennebec Ilivr Ice At Sorrell's old stand, rear o the market. Open from 5 o'clock a. m. until 9 o'clock p. in. Sunday hours ;rom C to 10 a. m. and frcui 2: iO to 7 p. m. ED &T8PHKNS 200 ! lu.L- lc-.-ii Bks. all good at SSceii'ti eBeb, io'd elticwhere .-it 60 cents cue'i. 1,000 Li lies" iiib-j."-.; Ve' t t t n cents ettcu All tbe intest, (.hapes in ladies and misses Ssiior Ii. :s. Kibbous in v.i'. e i.les at.l v-i 1 tih. ji'ruit Jars a: id Jedy Vumblon Silk Mits, f 1 1 guides ait.! i a-vlii ieti. Wt 3LLCOXT & 60X3, 14 K Park Avenue. Mr. Geo. N. Walters, on Fayette villo St., han on hand a fine assortment of English Homespuus, Irish Fritzs, Irish and Blonny Tweeds, iijjht weight suitings also Tropical Wors teds. A chance purchase. Magnifi cent troweerin'8 that are "thino of beauty. Call and examine the stock. Derma Royale CURES Any ensa of moth-na 'iliei, br.-w .i v. spo's, til.ickheaiK y or raii'luy uaU'ial i-oiiiiew, rin: , tau or o neous 'libcoior ji'ion We a'ui n-r- . j CUl.V 0 - le't e.iv8 li null w'lo-ic s'-m c .u !i L IV-lIiiis to Any ;;rwij injured i.i ilie .slU-ln .t powrne ;ia:i icr, ur w unyuno w i. s cf:.t- ple.vion (ho in how c i.- !:U in H may he), will a ' cloiiro I, wLi n -1. v pvo"eil and bo;iutii'.i; l by (lie uw Ov, -lioyale. L'prma-Koyal can be r.btnined onlv ii-oai MKS PHSHiVKlW. jy2tf " Cor Wiliirii-Lou i'mi Morga.i s!3. WANTS. A GKNT8 WASTED Male and femaL-, .I.V.i'il and young, fll to 25 par day easily luatlo selling oar liaeeii Plating Outlits and doing gold, silver, nickel, coj per and brass p'aling, that is warranted to wear for years, on every c!as of metal,, jewelry, ttc. Liglit and easily bandied, no experi ence required to oiernte tbeiii. Can be c:u ried by liand with ease from aouse to house, same as a giip sactr or satchel. Ageuts are makiua in jney rabidly. They sell to almost every busin s lioae and family, and work shop. Cheap, duable, simple and within reach of eviuyoaa Plates aliuosl iuslauliy equally1) Uns inuai new work. Send for circulars, .fto. QV SKN CITY 81LVKK a id MCKKLPLAHiU CO, Ea 8t Lou's, Ml. mvl8 t,t,s if NORMS S9 V;:nnfSM-Cf"s 111 L'3 Will place on sa'e tomorrow 20 doz LAD'Bs' 25 M BLACK BOSE AT ONLY ASK TO SEE OUR s HOES ANO SUPPERS, Our stock is considered tbe best in ihe cty. Norris' Dry. Goods aroKK. HAliMOCKS, I1U, WE RUN IN ON A Hammock Wag THIS MORNING THAT WAS OVER LOADED AND COULD NOT GET THERE, We prized them out and they gave us their load. Now we have hammocks at 15, 07, 78, 87, up to $1.38. 10 cases of shoes and slippers in to day; we will sell shoes and slip pers 35 per cent, cheaper than any other house in Raleigh. If you want a trunk we have them at 37c to $9 00 Lap robes 43c up Buggy whips 6c up, A. A. Sheeting, yard wide, 5c. If you want a clock, accordecn, Rug, Hat, Tinware, Hardware - Stationery fans or a doll go to the msmi For all vou waut. 86 Centre Sueet, Qoldsboro, a id 139 Fayette ville St., ifeleigh LTHFtt Hardware, &c. FRUIT JARS, pOECELAIN J ISEI) EE3KRVJ XG KTTLMS STEEL PRESERVING KETTLES UIIAX1TE IKOX KKITLES, BABY CAllRIAGES. CllOQUET NETS. BEAUTIFDLGLASSVTARS. PAINT IN SMALL CANS. t5r"NoV IS THE TIME TO USB THEf.E UOOD3 THOMAS H 6KIGGS SONS, RALEIGH, N. C. Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal V'emoval Removal r.emoval Removal Removal Removal Removal Rensoal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Remove I Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal Removal A- SPLENDID Opportiioity, Intending o (be 1st of Auii-si next to roiove our siojk two do-rs above oir present place of buinesa on Exchange place (A G Kiiodes old stand;, we will ofl'er splendid inducements in Lhe luinitiire hue, k.c, to all de siring to purobase, at and be low cost. We want to sell our u'ock before nioviug and hence the most tempting bargains can be had. Call and See fur Yourselves, Remember, we-move Au gust 1st, and before that time we waut to ninke a clean sweep. It is a caan.-e for housekeeper a, id oilier rarely oil'ered. in i, FXCHANGfi PLACE, BOUXU SIDE MARKET. Administrator's Notice. Having this day qualified as the artur'n'-'-trator of the estate of ibelate W W Hoi dn, this I; to notiiy all persons 'caving claims against the e.ue to present the surae to me tor payment on or iWow 'be Juth day of May, l&t;, or this notice will be picu'u in bar of reo.oveiy. A ' persons indebted to the estate will "'ease settle without delay. C ASH UK WOOD, myU 6w i-dininistrutor. Dry Glood, Xotioub, &c. FLOOH COVERING J TO A MID SUMMER. I 81 RAW STRAW MiTTINGS. 1 MATTINGS. I For a reasonable outlay a ke. per can sac u re the most comfort able of all summer floor f:overiags STRAW MATTINGS. Our stock is larger and we show more novel designs than ever, nor have we at any time offered better values than we do this season. One of the popular mattings of 'the day is the JAPAN MATTING, this is "woven in the thread" which pro duces a surface very much smoother tLan that of the CHINA MATTINGS. Piobably the most ua.'qae designs are seen in inserted patterns and te carpet effects. Prices $5,00 per ro)l and pp. I, B, 4 R. S. Iickd $ 0 nasi in? 5l ' f i

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