frifl BaUg Erening Visitor. CFUBHID vT AFTWR3C0M, lExcept Supday, WOULD NOT SEND HKR PIO TURK. Atlanta, Qa , Jr'v 11 The At. lanta Jouroa: iV.. n,f . -,Vw,n i:nf - ' fc linU LJI IUIO 2 fr.ffVTSTr) Is served by carrier the fo'loirng ielter leceived from ex lathe city at 23 eeuia per rconth, president Cleveland . payable to the can-'ers la advance. r't8ire oievelanrt in answer to a Prices for mailing: f 3 per year, or 4" a picrc-e or caoy Kutu 15 cents per month. ' for publication in (he Joaroal : Communications appearing lather? Kt-pIj-Jng in behrJ' of Mis Cleve oMurons are bu. the expressions o. iP. to y.v-r letter of the 13th Inst. I the opinion of the i-orresLondente Ufiva t r y that there has never writing the game, and they fclcjearo been k photo -ra oh taken of our chiid ' responsible, and It is 1 ipo-Uule ,'or that ieaou to A erw merit X atier yowr uau comply with yoor re-inest. It is ou lufonns you that yoar tf'ue i oat. Jy llpuk to add tht ,f h we f Address all order aud roiatunalft auyo( herpictuiee in existence we Moiuto wiiiim '"bi'id not be willing to hve one BUOrt N WIU! IMS, polished Jo any newspaper. We a.e Kaie! ;u, Joing aJl we can to check the no --Jizzz "Z.: . torhty which woold Oe in reased bv Local notices Iu this payer will re ucu a publication We world be Five Cents per iiue each insertion. LR'-vSc '.iVl ?)!'.. .'II- HAU lGIl Jl XV 13, IS'.riJ. glad to please you and (he ppper wit i ' wim -. yon a re coimei-ifi!, ht we ten i I not biing uraIv e to the puint of i givivc cr 'll3 V i-'diti-e to bo pr.nt fl in a Yours truly, ! uuovkkClkvelani. ' TROUBLES COM IS NOT ailNG IA. j NEWFOUND LAND4 HEAVY LOSS ; -SODV W'.l'i'KII, MILK S1IAKK Ol? L i M KA I'RV I-1 M K K Y Nothing fo refreshes a person r,n a Lot tmruviie." day as a cool drink at V'he Govemor of puusjlvftLia h. a wfr on Lis htf-rt. that may t bf Pi tho.t 88 be tapposet. no." Ro urn,'. Bellied. When tbeCa.negiea ae i . fn'l (iOS8t'8ionof (Le'f o c(ie. iy, w). MO' 'my do with Jt? vVili .V.)" p. non-union a? en lo wc.k and ask iLe troops to stay there wl guard ibeiuV tb i. ouble is not settled yet. HAb! fax. N. S., July 12, Cftveml , '.hiiu ..Its place the total loss by the St. John's conflagration at $20,OC3,- ' W ). with ifii-uranee lees h?n $5 000, r. :0 J. HAL BO BBITT'S JfflOSECTHl SODA FOUKTAIN, A '"Ok" -iht-i i ' !,e' TLv rK'x ;c:o i Kif iU) roRiav v. Things wo.- iv arocid fi-cny i?oui& . t'aiei. Mr A?lu S-.ev-jusja of Sir les- v. ie, who ha feivt-a rj-ch ao.tik u . to the kiml,f d &oieiU4i!o liuet bevt - j ny, miueraloy and aichaeo'ov ?n p J very quiet w ;,y, uiatlug b'.uself. known to none but thee of this aud ; oth r n.t :'ors who are of a kia imi tti i u of Cj ! d nd 1 f ve become rc.m e j because of ihe l'tict that theLojQO cratic nominee foe Vice President happens to have he same Pfuie, hr all of a sudden becomes kuown almost throoghout 1he coantry. The New York World savs of him : He is well known in the scieu.dc world as a botanist, minevalogiet and arcbteologist. Hi also possesses one of the finest private colleci Ions of Indian re'Lsin the United Slates, end consequently in the wo.'d. This M; Stevenson is a man of advanced years, . with long silvery hair thatfal'e to his shoulde.'s, a benignant face and a bearing of great, modesty. I'M,' d: t! !i :? op . ut-ut .' .V. of c.inned . has been e ...L'ent hss t I;a . er NiW s - w . -C kr e .fc.-. "Mothers Friend" LUXES CHILD BIRTH EASY. CorrJn, lia., Deo. 2. 1886. My wife used MO'i'liEE'3 FRIEND before her third confinement, and says she would not ba without it for hundreds t dollars. COCK MILLS. Sent by express on receipt of price. $1.50 per bot tle. Book " To Mothers " mailsd fiee. BRADF1ELD PECULATOR CO., ron av ALiDRuaaiT. ATLANTA, Q A, ANOTBRH HHW AND POPULAR DEINK VISli APPLE NHISKBtiT. - A PriLL STOr K OP FRESH DRUG3 AND I I Mfi-.TMCINES ON HAND I PRIZE MEDAL TURNIP SEED. NEW CROP NOW ON BALE AT LOWEST PRICES. jr. HAL BOBBITT, LKAJiN DRUGGIST Oulley's Old Stand, Raleigh, N C. A FORT USE FOR GIRL AN ELOPING BaiHmo e Herald. Sophia Elizabtlh Neumann, once a belle of Surinam, in Dutch Guiana, elcped Adolph Nohliu 1876. Her pa-ea"s we-e 60 loti'jaut that they disowi.edbei Two years ago Soptr'a's eldest brother died and left her 100,- JEWISH WOMEN ARE TO '1 AKE ' Sii.uers. provision oi me win PART IX THE BYNAGOQUS msieB " 'mpoible (o d'vide the for i tuce antu bopnia is ioudo. Recently the girls parents wrote to ' EMINQTON TANDuRD PE j SERVICE. The Jewish rabbies at the recent rabbinical conference of America in New York promulgated a declaiation to the effect hat women of the Jew ish faith should have equal rights and share in the pffaits of the syna gogue, and steps were taken tooigau ize synagogues on this modernized plan. This if a little in advenes of any christian denomination, ticept that possibly of the Christian church " The Methodist chu-ch pro bably stand next fa its attitude to ward this qu stiou bat h ive not qnite succumbed yet. When the Jews yielJ to the modern demands on !:his sub ject we may just as well give it np as one of the fnevfables. I-id'es ?o the front. ' : the Consul General of the Netherlands j in this city, and he has found traces j of Mrs. Nobl iu Boston, Philadelphia! and this city, but her present wbert abouts :s st''l unknown. ! T!i" Rev. Mr D'ioo does not prove ar.y hini by rsi'inj, nd lie Oiiht ktcw, for he is of ae, that the n.a ch'ae?y of justice iiot be monopo lized by people who ?. e anxious to obta'n the advertising edvantages of &n ir dictmenf . If M r. D'xon has a case 8gainst ibe Dioi rict Atlorney let tiia present it in the D.operwev. Ne.'.-.jer public oidc : i or i-eKgion is More Remington s are used in Raleigh than au o.Jier makes combined, i 'i catalogues or informaHon. nrtnlv tn even 'h'-un thfcre 3 .ey be & ba& & of Judge ; Gresbaci, ia reply to vbe question of a Chicco repre sentative, hen flAtJy declared that he would not aoi ept a piece on the Su . peme Eench if It should be tendered him by the Piesident. It isiven to but few men to decline in the same month a Presidential oation and a p'oe on the highest bench in the world. The natural ini'eieuce will bo that the Judge if willing to be elapsed as wholly outwv te field of prefer uieut. i c : i- for Wo 'd. tbb . at enipe.ppce. N. Y. WM EA8JULE, r.aleigQ, BP- J B CULPSPER. Iltf Richmond, Va. Jt Tbe grtat fire et St. Johns, t7ew foandland, proves to hav been greater in it disastrf us resnl's tbau was I'i'ilcafed by ftrgt repo. fsJitat.i less than U'o thirds of the town hp ve been swept away, including uianv public buildings and large b.ine. blocks, and over 14,0(o pers- us are destitute and honiflets ProDcrtion ately it isar.ore destructive catas-j triphe than that which lai Jasie i taa city oiuaioago twenty years ao. f " ;Aftfle .at-cnnnrillo Acilve measuves of relief have been i r,10n S OdrSaparilia tkn At Halira r .r..t nil flnva. qmi!a ' 8,1:1 n,,0(1'8 Pllls to eery ono who wishes to taken at ttaiirai, and ail Nova Scoua hRV3healthandcomforL,, GetH00U,8t Is called upon to co operate In the - irtZvi wnt-1 IlOOD'8 PlLt.8 Bver eomttprtlon, luwu wyns. Vi . lMaeu,)aiiu4ii6etMAihABMlMi' Patrolman Julius Zeidler Of Brooklyn, N. Y Police' Force, gladly t-'--l!?t!S to the merit of Hood's Siiwapaillia. j.i;- wife takes U for dizziness and indigestion ni jC vorks charmingly. "The children also i.iVi ttwlthcreat henoflt. It Is without doubt :i, ii..)St excellent thing for That Tired Feel ion. I cheerfully recoiiuiiend .... j 1 1F! 1 R To take effect, Sunday.June 26th, 189 Trains mo ring North N'o 88, No 84, Stations. Mai' train. Pas & M&i Lo Raleigh . wake. ; PrankHnton. Kitrell. . Henderson Lltr,leon Ar Weldoa It 25 am S 00 n 12 04 5 m UU 5 58 '9 3 15 15 6 P0 2 C t 85 p t 2 45 8 IE a n Tr.'p raoviovSoau). N"' H, No 45, Stations. Mail train. Past &Mai) L Weldon, Littleton. Henderson. Kittrell, Pranklivton. Wake. Ar Raleigh 12 ;;n p m 110 2 18 2: a 4 0 p m 6 SO a n 79 8 14 8 29 8 45 93 9 s5a n Louisburg Ra'iroad Train" movtnr North. No 88, Peg. Nof. Stations. Mail ft Express! Le Franklir.fc'n, 3 TO pm 9 20an Ar Loaisburg, 8,85 p m 9 55 Trains movinc Soath. No 41, Pas, No 9, Stations. Mall Rxpres. Le Louisbnrg, 11 80 a m , 5 OOpn Ar Franlint'n, 12 05 p m 5 85pv BMTTH, Snpt. w AWT Something superbly nice, buy some of those English Cured Shoulders at 10c a pound which so nearly approach the very best cured hams. Then if you want a first class SMOKE, ......... M....... Or if you should want anything to go before or after these at moderate prices that will please you, call on : MfltM John R. TerrelB, mh8 NO. 203 . .i . FayettQyille Street, ! ... i - .. " C U U E H DYSrEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS and FEVERC MALAI5IA, LIVER COMPLAINT, K'DNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA ANO RHEUMATISM Fit Invigorat US KIHl LC lightful to take and of great valui a Medicine foi weak and Ailin WomeKaad Irea. IT give NEW 1 Life to tu whole 8YSTEfo by Strengthening the Muscles, Ton ing the NERVES & completely Di geeting tne food. Il-SYoi Want Mod , A co k, A pa; toe A hitu&ijon, A tenant & 1, To sell a iai ui. To sell hi use, lo b iy o- mlt stock, Uowd Lording Liou To sell plants or grain, b.ll groceiks or Urngs, Sell household furniture, " To make any farm leans. Sell or trade for anything. Find customer- for an v thing, Read and ad vei tioc in I he lialeiti mum irisiroR. Advertisii.g obtains tttw customers. Ad rtioiig kei ps old customers. Advertising morally will pay. Advertising n;.kes success, AdvcftisiL.; ,,jtubits pluck, AdvertiCi nieans 'biz.M Atlvertit-e iu.mediatel Advert;?e constantly, AUvcrtite regularly, Advtitise M,lwas Advertise wii ADVE. 'l Ic-U, AT O.NCfe., i j The bet t thJi.g i4, ilJl? vI..i litr., fQ ONE CENT fl the PL0H5)pb1iw 1 CbU-i f I mmmwmm. Tn r wm ill i iwi i m i i n PONTAINSW At I no burtfull I -s J 3 w . $1 per year, dait'- $3 pr year, omitting Sunday For the Farmers and business mau the Record ha no equal. Address 'The Record "Phllad . 'hia. Pa. Pa. The i,reat National Pau IThe Brightcbi, best and Oi-ap t THit WA . GTON vV EKLV POST Al'aperfrom fie National Capital ahoul 'io into every FsniiJy in ibe Country I ' PHEREis nootLer papei in the Tlnitei' A. States that is growing so rapidly in circu' -ation as the Washington Weekly Post. Tins -a because neither abor nor expense isspaied o make it he be', as well a the cneapent, iaper pubhsbed. His A National Paper I Being printeO at the seat of government,! he Weekly Poaf contains special features nc cound in any other publication. Everyman ihould first subscribe for his home paper To it you awe your first alltgiance. After that is done, if able to take another paper, the aest i one printed at the Capital of the coun try is the one that will prove most profitab'p ind entertaining. The Weekly Post will contain: - . ; . : A full resume of tlit proceedings of Congress, An epitome of all tbe ners from tbe Nation al Capital, . Political news ano i gossip hr partialis told, Serials and short stories by .be best writers, lemsof hteraiure,dit'and selected miscellany rhe latest telegrapu.' news from every section of the globe, ' Interesting Capita! chat, Interviews with leading men from slj art of tbe country, ' Other features not contintd in any other paper, The Tost is an absolutely indepe Tdent panes. i pages, Mi colunihs. . The price of The Weekly Post is 76 cer.i per annum in advance. Bumple copie, er:l frea Addrtit, . TF. WEEKLY x'OS'I, . Washington Posi. A Book.'Volina.' oy leading physiciano. tell, mg bow to treat diseases at Home, mailed, together withaaetofhan.' ' nomecards by ne Hel ioty pe procesr oo. receipt of io f nk k an BminrM 9nr Stionil tbcdMla )mr ron not kwp VOURA COHUI MBli (: V roll mm kgdl will Iw at, cfaarxM VV Woltna Prea ndCkemioail Conutn) Slinerals.ia com poeed of carefully aeiecieo vegeia Die Medicine eomblnedakui fullv. making; Safe and Pleaaao Remedy. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- J ent business conducted for moderatc Fees. I aun Office is Opposite U. Patemt Otfice and we can secure pateut ia less time than those j remote from Washington. 2 Send model, drawing or photOv, with descrlp. i Hon. We advise, if patentable or not, free of J charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, c A Pamphlet, 'How to Obtain Patents," with) cost of same In the U. S. and foreigncountriesf : sent free. AddresSj : . . I. c;a:8.inow&oo. . OPP. PATENT tirriCE, WAaHIMOTO' 1. 5.

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