3.5'J p3r Yea:'. VOL. 1. now Hoblc U.. Maa un.oa« uoblc M..., who l.v.-s no, to „!y » tv.a^.-.eUin^ SiUglO °^Py ^ ^ OXFOKI), N. ('., Tl'ESDAY MOENIXO, APRIL 11, 187G. KO. 1. Th) Morning a’arlon, B/WILLIAMS & ROBINSON, (>)_ ,'1. IN n.fi.i. ) ^ pu'jHsii j 1 ev.'iy M )vning Monday e\- cjpte-i) :it llio lollri\vin,4’i-aU t ('(>j)y o'.u; \v jck, - - ('opy oik; M - ~ Copy 2 .Mi)nlhs 1 (;.)])’/ ?'i jnth, I Cloi)y six M )nl!i- - 1 C’op.’ one \ ear, — “ to clul .1 {,u’rt'(siu^ Rii.'i':' : I s I'.in'-,' t i'i.->'.!ru.>n, I “ I \vc^-k. cjlunin 1 i'a-)iuh I c )luaiii I in ).Uh 1 2.’,cts ooots Socts 31.50 ,52.50 I 5octs $1.00 i>2.00 ^1.00 $7.00 $12.00 j TOWN AND COUNTY. Claiuon N()TK8.— —Good luornin';-. —o’nu'fiiiii’ to ;ilL —'La.-ft Sun.lay wms Piilni Suiulay. April i> with Ik'i- S:!ii>]irnu! ;uul KliowiM'S—niosll)^ suii.shluc. ••That'.' tooth in," it? boy snid wlipii tlu; lo:>- l)lt him. R(>ad all t!i'‘ a lvortiseni.Mit, in to- dav'> pap'.'i'. You may ihid souiethiii”' you want. _If you like our little papi'i- hand in yonr n:!m^•^^ (acfompaniiMl hy tlu‘ cash) and help n>;. —'.Vhy i- thismornln'4>C'LAKI()X like tilSpi'in^4' (• its new print. 'I'hi; O.-v'for.l Hook and Tiadder Co., viiiH't.-^ to-ni^’’it at tiie court hou.so at j i o'clofk sharj). —Aecidenl. Little fell in the Snri'i.i;-ye:..terd:iy Sh;‘. fell ilown, an'l if this isn't Spring-, what sea.-on is it ? __‘-l o-olly. what a ’tatc'r oTltl.er." re- m.irked a eounti-ym in rhe oth.>r day on ,s{‘‘in2,'a sat'' with perforated tin doors. —.Mr. Stephen S. Beasley, formerly of (-iranvi!!»‘ hut now of Ke.ntueky is on a \ isit to his friends and relniives near Oak Hi’!. He spi'aks vei-y llatl(‘rin‘g-ly of Ky. —We un lerstan I tin colored p >ople of the B iptist ch\n-ch are raisin ^ a sub scription to enlari>'(i tlu.'ir cliiu’ch. —Kaster is only one week ofi‘. ^\ hat are our yo’.in^’people f^oin;^’ to do.'' (-an t !thej' g'et uj) a i)io-uif, ho]) or something •of the kind to bri^’litesi up things aliifl ().!!• lorMN;!'! le litorial' will b > liv.'- ly and spi.ey. givin',>; oiu-opinion on every thin;- that transpires in' our midst. We shidl b:‘ free and fearless, bu, atthesame time will try (0 do jnsticii to all. The Torch-hujht of a recent date, contained til ‘ following : "W. V. Holt ._for hire.'' NVhafs the matter. Thil ? Wo didn't knowyo’i were for hire. by in th ‘ world di.lif t you h‘t n^ klio',v be fore '"devil.' —S;>;n “ of our citi/. Mis In 1 b;'U'bt hopes of ha,vi!ig strawberries and peas soon. B it, tila ' I tie' 'old \\.'athei earn, and tlr\v v^^a^^ ••e i;: dow.i iu all their blo:MH.‘’ iUessed ;ire they who had noni;, for they are not disappointed. I'lsil.—Our mark('t is now supplied with fre.s’.i tidir Capt. Sp nic “rls still in the 1) r-iness. I? ‘a 1 his ciir.l in to-day's paper. _ Mortai-ity.— There has been a iium- Oun Papkk..—It is our aim to give our friends a gc»^)d r.^adible, ins ruetive and entertaining-paper, even ii wjii e small. T ) d') s'j we m;vlt]iMr a''!'- tance—not oily their s-,ib--tantl^t,l all, ))Ut by giving us the news and by their encouraging words an 1 smdes. ’‘rail trees fro:U little acorns grow." 'riiough we are sm lU now we m ly b ^ something after awhile. l.’-!(*re's no tidling. Xaiihonv Ehcapk.—\Vedn(;sd'.iy morn ing ahour '2.', o’clock the dwelling 110'as i of Mrs. Sarah Hull.wa^ disc:n'(>red to lie on Ilr('. Tiirough the -111 -ii'ut aid of Messrs. .b)hn an 1 Gus H.iU the Ham “s w,;re subdued before any .serious damage', was doiie, an 1 b'fore tli.' Hook and Ladder truck eo-dd r.'aeh tir* scene of action. 'Pue llrewa^ suppo--d to have, originated from an a-^h birr-1. I.ArporvlTK,—Winter .'till stand-; at the - , door, s'.iilly-sliallying, hit iu b.i.i i, and her of death.- among the c.jku-ed iieo|»le ; pi;,yhia- with the d )Or-kuol) in t!k> hi Hi. ii this vicinity recs-ntly. '1 wo in oue i j^.|'^yuey and irrt'solute way. H e, w uid week. Henry Williams ami Emily Hicks, i |,(, jiij,, leave, f >r h,‘ dii-s not V wiiidi'V,''':"'- , .)-n, I.,y.-i o])en letting so mue.i cold air 1:1. ^Luch to have taken idace on tae 2.)th 01 ia-. | 1 _ " 1 , 11,.. n. > t- l-in.H- P 4\,,v.. ; c-iine in, to bsine, i.itiie 111 uni > - ■ likt; t'ashiOi), 1>;it niul b'.'c.im ■ [) “evt'li an 1 blu-lio-ing and tlu; iiiO't uni.-i\’il \'is':tor av.- ev.'r km'vv, 'I’iu-re was A.p"Il at, t!r‘, door, with her sweet. Wiilm-;!!; il fa>;ead it'ai-'aud smli.,-.s with the fuuni.-st lir:le C:)ld iu leu- h/.rl. il “ w 01 -.v -Tuur of t’le .•ath'-r. I’os'poiied, v.'e lni-h‘m:‘.ne\' ol GonR (;i,l.'.rMK!MN'i.—'I'li'' fruit is all goii'*. Xi))ped, iu r’i > blo'>m. So you iici'dn'r s.-t your m ).it!i for p,‘;|f'.i:‘.-; aud cream. However, there will be lots of | jiml her ha;ids fid! of l!ower~. her v>;.m pairs, judgin •;from tlr.' w.iy som- of our j water-brook let fr,“.-. au 1 a gown boys are Hying around. They >ay tbc|,){tii;> p.-,-tti-st gra--.-greeu .)lk, wirh prospects are i Irilton, and a !>!u'“-bird loy p.'dli-r m.ide his appear ance on our s.^reei' a f-w diys >ine.e, the fn-.t one of tli ■ kind we luuv •■^een .-iiiee tlie war. He said lii'toys wen* made in Haleigh. but that didn't make tlui people :iuy ni >re a.'xlo is to buy. foi they have heard of such people before. dandelion bulton^ and a i>!u' wing in b *r .uriuty 1'-i't:-r h i' . Jom', Mr. Wi:it,>r, do;i'r. ling.u- any longer. Don't keep'Mi-^.-: Miy standing iu the door-way I ^):v.i’t tr."it her like you did .I/.idy Ap)-il ! Stand u:il:o the urd -r of v)ur si'oing. lea!' g‘> at •‘ue-’. rAKADi'.—l-'ii’-.- (’omp-iny w:>s out Diki) Oi-r -We r eillv ar^ afraid the'' on parade last Friday evening for the ,p.uTs-in-.- f-ver ln died out entirely. 1 lirst tim.'. 'I'hey did adnure,.b-v. A ^nlere".Isn't been a marria-re here this i l^rge numb.v lad.es (may tin wtndo. year, and it is li'ap yeaV. too. V, hat arc the ladie.s thinking abruty 'i'hey only have a cbane,;- once in foiu' years, and to think they will h*t thisopportunity jia^ , *, , I l.J 1-. 'i hey might mak- happy. S'lme old ti;ich'.dor so of Heaven open and pour its ricluvt bles>iugs on them) were out to see tie* •'boys rn red.’’ ( apt. ‘-I^ally'' illiams relurn‘d thanks io 'oeiialiiol tbe Mayor. ]''or otluM-m:iti’r s;-;,* i.i r jiagi'.

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