!W|^ o -a i.5,0 par Year. , ,, 1 iin( to nly a trntli-ieUiiia I’eii/’ Siugle COpy 2 CtS • How Mobl« the Man aaioiis Men, wKo leur* not to i>i> a ^ ^'OL, OXFOlilxlN. G.. TUESDAY INIOENINTi, APRIL 25, 1876. NO. 13. O iw pi p 'd 'dli ig The Morning Clarion, % WILLIAMS & ROBINSON. '."i'l'lCK IX TIIKSl'lAX HAM. lil'lI.DIM: ) publislied every Mdvnin,'^ (Sunday e.v j,. ^;eiited) at the following rales : I one week. , "Py one Month. .,,"Py 2 Momhs, - - “ i, "py three Muntli, ' ;'^Py six Months - _ - P'y '>’ear, ; ^^J^'Libvral iiiduceuienls to clubs. )ers I ->?,ets, Ooctri Socts $i-5o if>2. Democratic to the back-bone- the Clarion. Subscribe.'* The thunder storm Suntlay evening caught several napping. ^ 'I'hls climate is gettina? too warm for Cole. He can’t stand fire. Solicitor Harris put in his appear ance yesterday. Will he take any action in that Court House matter or not. Thafs the question. Perhaps he will serve the people of Granville as he did those of Franklin—go off very quietly. I, Advcrthi7ig Kates I I insertion, ]■ 1 week, ‘^'^luinn I montli !1 .OO ^2.00 #1.00; ‘cm ‘ 'uiun 1 niomii 3E. IE 10’>> ND3. li less Eoc!'' ;ook, S ') Presei'^ (iiil to , every '1'^' very es props •e. Siiei’*’, ; toev^Ji ; to r; to .(‘gfilee 1 ( vs inter''’”,,( rty to isicr, ouiaintf'j^j N it CO oi-(i, roi'^ [> ('.--What do these letters i remind voti of? Why—(..-j)unty ( om- 5octsi nii^sioncrs !5;unbooziing Cuffer. Our friend Col. P. l)(»nan, late of QQ I the* Raleigh Snitinel, w.^1 in a few 5^12.00 davs take charge of the Danville Daily Xi'W^. Ciad to \^'lcome you back to the editorial ch.iir, (. oloiicl. .; • • X- 'The boomerang is daugeroui weapon. It (/(ten hits the lt;llow nnIk) throws. CoiniTiissii>ner ' ole can : tell yon all aboiU ^ — * ... C.—These initials no long-i C. 15. C.—I he late>t b) giape- •ndieate Charles B. Cole, but Ci-|vine telegraph—(’an t Beat Co c ■ ■ l^ogus Certficates. j lying. '\lr ,.^OWN AND COUNTY. _ HURRYGRAPHS. latest, Cole’s card. ^’^lall crowd -attendicg. c.ouvk ,yes-. ^^■Xlay. 15 'ill D. V. Cooper and lady, of j Shakspeare tells us that “rauKling ^^'^iiderson, are sojourning in our i o’erleaps its it";eli. ( ole, ''“'‘age. I the inevitable, is posted thoroughly Judge Henry arrived last^evening. |—ask him. exchanged with “Creasy Sam.'’| ^*'y agreeable to our peojjle. ! rcnUfS; ^'Ving to the inclemency of pronounced the word, ^'■^thf'r nnr rhiirrhes w’cre slii'nlv at-1 , ■ t-K;/-'!- lint ov?n a v i It is said the hide ot the rhi-nos- renus, as a former candidate in is ^dicr our churches were slimly at- ^'■'‘^cled last Sunday night. tremendously thick, but c\en a \vell imed arrow can pierce it. 11 ov,' is Canned Fruits a specialty at i yourself. Commissioner (’ole new Grocery Store, opposite the lotel. ' [lo-lw ; 'I'he great whangdoodleler is out We will wager- ll.-it Cole li.l not' in a trcmemlous four l«?e ratd. *''le thai card. Wlio wrote it for “He wires in and he w.res out, ''i'il. d„„. nnvhnde know? ^ Hc tries to leave them si,II ,n doubt, W'lictlicr tlic sniikc tiinl inout tlic does nnybody know ? ^ow is the time to subscribe lor Clarion. Our agents will ■^v.^s busted high or held the ])ack Ih ^'3(1 to recieve your subscriptions little difficulty occurred on Main track llr.AVV Pai.\^ —'I'heofd adage that , .qt never rains but what it pours'* was late yesterday evening. lasi Sunday evening. Inis used pretty lively and the blood : was visited with one of the %'ed frcelv. ' h;^rdest r.iiiis v/e think we ever saw. Concert.—Don’t forget the con cert at the Orphan Asylum to night. We will venture to say that it will be richly worth the price of admission. Go one and all and enjoy vourselves and at the same time help the needy. Vestrymen.—At a meeting ©f the congregation held in St Stephens church, Easter Monday, the follow ing gentlemen \vercchos2nvestryme.’; to-wit; L. A. Paschall, E. H. Hicks, j H. A. Taylor, 1'’. Fetter, Ed. G. J>ut- 1 ler. 'I’he meeting then adjourned, i “sine die,” after which the vestry I met, P. A. Paschall was upon the I nomination of the Rector, appointed I Senior w’arden Iv H- Hicks waR elected Junior ward**n, I. I'ctterSec retary and Ed G. Butler, Treasurer. Delegates were also ele-ted to repre sent the I’arish in the next Diocesaii Convention to meet in (.'alvery church, Tavboro, on the i 7th of May. As we have said, the boomerang is a very dangerous thing tor Char- ley-bovs to fool with. iL lias no bet ter sense than to smite the iellow who with unskdled hands would throw it. So ( ■. P>- C. the on.- missiop.er \s ith a Had C old iinds it. “Pike that strange missiie lhal the Australian throws, \'our ])rinted boomerang slajts you tiu the nose.'’ The Press Association will ineci in Newborn the i6tb. of May. e will be there.