THB ClLiABIOW. per Year. VOL. 1. ■How iiohJo l!i* Vian nnioiiij no)>l* -Men, wlio Tears mu (o i»ly u I'eii.*’ OXFORD, N. C.. MONDAY IMOKNIXO, MAY 1, 187(5. Single copy 2 ots NO. 18. \:p ' y\ ]i)i Tho Morning Clarion, % WILLI AM8 & ROBINSON. (oKKlCi, IN I liKSl’l AN' llAU, ) puhlishcd every Mornin,^' (Siiii'lay ex ce^ited I at ihc foUi.wing rates ; * ^ f>Tiy one week, - _ - 1 C I C ^'^l-y one Mor.tli, ■''Py 2 Monilis, '')py three Moiitli, six M tntlis, '■'IH' cnu' N'ear, .ibera! iniliK'Cineiils to club .!d:'r'iiisini-' A't7/rs : ■'in ire I insertion, I week, i -‘-)luiiin 1 inonih. * '■'■‘luvan 1 Dioiuh I2iclK 3 5 CIS 6oets 8octs Si .50 J>2.sO 5oets ¥1.00 $2.00 ,'^-J.oo ^~.oo Si 2.00 TOWN AND COUNTY. HURRYGRAPHS. Corn me; district convention. (.'ouvcntion uf the voters t>f tlie Fuurtli (JongreRsional ’‘^Irict will be held in the eity tif Raleigh I'uesday tlic 13th day of June next, for of lUiininnting a candidate for ''!i'->_ress and a Presidential l'',!eetor, and se- Uuj I'lClegates Jo the St. l.onisC'on- ''•ii'.idii, A full attendance i.-, earnest])- de- l''.aeh county will he entiled to one ti,;r every one huudrel votes and frac- Merrinioii in ^‘y order of the l)i-trict Kxecuti\ e Com. H. A. i.oNiAiN, Jr., rhainnan, ^rarch3i>t. 1870. the oxford press. The Wiliniriytoii Totir/ul noti(?os . , ,-:7 . '2 O.ttorJ pres.?! in the foiiorN'Ini': style: The tow.I oi’O'cforcl .s83iU3 to have I'ov nevTtlixiu'h uinv be moth.:) I in it. N )i J/.i(lie>' do tiini luit in your spring u:ts, we ore dying to see sometiiing new and pretty. Spelling bees are past. 'This sum mer we are going to have btirahle ! hees. (’an you l,)n!'nble ? The Kitc’icn >>t' Mr. l-.lijah Fiillei, ! no! !ar tVoiri: tiiis iiLue. was destrov- ! _ ' • - i ed b_\'fire last Ff iday c\cnipg. Noth- ‘ ing wa's saved. Owing ti'thfjiard tiuies, the nuni- ■ her of oiphan,N to be received at the ; Orphans Home has lieeri limited to ; one htmdred. 'I'wo deaths in one family in two da_\'s. Kittie (lillim (ec!>rei t died last Wedne.sda)', and on ’i'b.ur>day u)orning one ot' her ehildren, Mel- vina Kyle. Dklavko. — \\'e are rcqnestcdi to state tliai haxdng failed to recei\e their jxiper in time the Democrat will be delayed about ten days. Sor ry )otrarei)iit to such inronsenience, neighbor. at 80 cents per btishel. (.'UOPKK W'll.f.lAMS. g ago it had t',vo papers, on ? of '^Jiieli died, leaving tho TorcJiUi^hi hiira alom in its lirightnes.s. rp, came recently, the MoRXixci a little daily, with its clear ^'*^aiistakablc Domoeratic tone. And ^Q\v eoraes the Granville' De7)iocrai. first niimber of vvhitdi in neatly l^tinted, readable matter. We cordially welcome these new laborers m the interest of Demoera- ' With sm*h worker.3 as the^e. ^Cait.f*rc.:l throuii'hout th.e State's, can be no fear that the Demy ^'''iU,ie banner will n >t be carried t.o '? Slori nis vietory iu the nppronch- eampaign. DiiArn.—We regrcl ex(;et,’ding!y | 10 learn of the death oi .Mrs. j, M, i Smith, formerlv Miss .M;ir_\' i’rilehard, which sad event oct tiired al the re-i- denre of Mr. Joshua Smith, near Ridgew.iy, last 'I'lmr.-day night. llKkF.'s Vdt/K .Nit'L)'..''—The I'M- of ti e 'forc/ili^^ht has bought a mule, and a li\ely looking mule it i.s. d'iie colurec gentiemen that l)ro!!g!u him to the t^ffiee was heard to cxelnim in a loud Voi'e, “Mere's yr)ur 'I'oreh- ligltt m’ile, M:. Davis!" N-w we would like :o ki^ow whai use an edi tor .can nvdvC o! tho sltibborn oft- ; spring of an a>s, nid-'ss it ;s to kick ’ 1'iii.ijiicri',. to d*ath. | D)i,i>. — We are pained to hrotii- cle the death of Mrs. jas. 1'. Htint, which occurred at her residence in i this place about 2 o’clock last Satm’- I day. She had been confined to her ! bed for scYeral months with rhema- hishi of the heart which termisiated I in her death. j Sh.vkr WKnoiNc. — On today, : May 1st., Mr. and Mrs. 'I'. H. Kings- ■ burv will celebrate their silx’Cr wed- 'ding. 'I'wenty-five years ago they ; were married in thi.s town, both hav- ■ ing spent their childhood here and } living on th^ same street. We wish I otir brother (luiil-driver and his gK)d ; ladv many yc;u-s of ha})pincss arid iprosperitv. Since the >il\’er bill ; ]-)assL'd ihe (.'l-.\iuoN- oflr e te'uiers a : half dime each. i.\oi.Ri'fi,. ~ I11 conver.aiicn \\ith a gcnlk-man a fen evenings since, that r.cver endi);g subject of babies, was brought up. when an old negro ni:in presc^nt said, '-you don't know nufin’ 'brut babies. I’se gor si'venlern." The junior, was jirii. cnt. arid a I'.-pp)' tatl'.er. huiritd- ly gathered up his jiapers and leli, We sui'pose theatghts were plea'i- ent. M .:•> Mi;i;riNi,. — l.i>’, Salurdjy was the appointed lime lor theliold- ir.g c)f Denioeratii -('(.mservat ive mass inetii’ig, but owing to all the town- .,!d[)s not being represented, it w:c. posipolicd iiiltil Monday, the 29th day of M.>y. J'he object uf this meeting is to appoint delegates from each township in the county to tep- resent (ir«ri\ ille in tl>e State Dcuk/ cratic Con\enli>n, which meets i;i Raleigh the 131I- and I4!h c.f Jur.t-. A full attendance is dc^-ired.