THE MORNING CLARiOP). Democratic at all times. TUESDAY - _ MAY 9, 1876. RAILROAD TO OXFORD. The agitation of the question of a Riiilroad from Hen(.lerson to Ox ford, has been a favorite theme Avith editors and correspondents in this vicinity for sometime. It is now believed that if the peo ple of this town and surrounding neighborhood wdl do their full duty in subscribing in aid of building a road to connect with the llaleigh & Gaston road that the scheme can be easily consummated at an early day—say by the 1st of October. Business men, farmers, mechan ics, law3'’ers, doctors, in short every body, agitate this question, stir up all with whom you may come in contact and do your own duty in contributing, and the road will soon be in close proximity to your doors. Old Oxford will arouse from her lethargy, business will revive in every department. Factories and Warehouses will sping up, laborers will find employment, money will circulate more freely and a tliou- sand advantages will greet us and make us feel gratified at having done our duty to ourselves and our neighbors, An exchange paper makes the follovfing three predictions : First —Gov. Iv. B. Ilayes of Ohio will be the Eepublican nominee for Presi dent at Cincinnati, ^'econd—Gov. Samuel J. Tilten of New York will be tlie Democratic nominee for President at St. Louis. Third— Gov. Tilden will be elected in No vember. • It will be some tinio before we are familiar enough with silver money for the churcli going people to put a silver quarter in the place and forget there is no premium to come back to him, The Sultan of Turkey says no man can be great whose eye-brows are not shaggy. Ain’t we glad ours are inclined to be shaggy. The campaign promises to be very exciting. It will pretty be hot about the last of October. Keep cool— and vote the Democratic ticket. “ no single man escape,’’ is tlie leap year motto of the ladies. Escape wiiat we would like to know. Corn meal at 80 cents i)cr bushel. Cooper & Williams. eeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee eeseeeeeec eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeee LADIES ooeeeeeecee eeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee GGGG GGGC eeee Work I'or a $65 Sewing eeee eeee Machilic. eeee eeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeee WEED eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee e ® e Given for ci Club ofjo Subscribers e e ® eeeeee eeeeee eeeeee For The Torcllligllt. eeeeee eeeeee eeeeee eeeeeeeee eccjeecee eeeeeeeee Tl’V Xt! eeeeeec ee eeeeeeeee " eeeeeeeee eceeeceeeececeeeeeo eeeeeee eeeeee eeeeeeeeeeceeee eeeeee eeeeeeeeeee GENERAL DIIIECTOIIY. CIlUllCHES. EriSCOl’AL—Hov. ]\I. l!.Vau,2;lin llcf'- tor-Services eve,r.y Sunday at 11 i a. 1)1. and r>’ p. ni. Fiiclay cveuings o'elook p. in. ;Mi-:Trioi)iST—Kcv. S. V. Tlo.yle Pasto') ' Services second iSnnday In each i iit 11 a. m., and 7.', i>. ni. ^11 li Suudiiy ni,^■llt 71 p.m. Tniyer meeting- eveO Tuesday evening same hour. r>APTlST—liev. F. II. UndcTWOOil* 1 Pjvstor—Services every ist and 3d biH'' day at li a. m-and 7.J p. ni._ rray^'| meeting every Tiinrsday evening' at o’clock p. m. I rjiKsnVTEiiiAN—llev. T). TO. Pastor, rn'acliing every 2d and -) Sabbath at 11 o’clock a. ni. and 8 o'cloc'- PraN’er meeting Wedncisday 8 o cloc!'- jMAILS. Henderson—Leaves daily at 8.1 a. '>!• Arriv(‘S r> j). m. 1 Knap of Heeds—TieavesTuesdays ai Fi-idays G a. m. Arrives same day at p. m. n 15,>—r.(>aves Iki-ea Saturdays • a. m. Arriv('S i2 m. 1 Oak ilill—Leaves Wednesdays :u';‘ Saturdays at n a. m. Arrives Tuesda}^ and Fridays G p.m. iii:caj]-ATfONS oK Tin-: i*osToii'i'’iCK> Money orders issued l)et\veeu 0 a. 4 ]). m. . -j Mails (doses at 8 a. m. and opens ai' p. 111. L. C. Tavlou, r. M- OXFORD. IMayor—Janies li. (,’rews. Oonstabh'—W. C. th’abtroe. . Conmiissioiiers—S. S. Uaithcock, / ' II, A Williams, T. I). Crawford, Sni>‘ Watkins. Just listen at this now! At a recent election in Minneapolis, Minn., the ballot boxes were deco rated with llowers in honor of the ladies who voted. PRO F E SION A L CARDS. RS. Paschall & Young, OXFORD, N. C. Office at T. D. Crawford & Cof Drug Store. • R. E. VV. OWEN, T. C. Evans has severed his con nection with the llaleigh News as local editor. SEND THEiVI IN BY THE lO’S, 20’S AND 30’S, FRIENDS. SlirvG EON-DENTTbi’ OXFORD, N. C. Office at his residence. II cji i:A-Pvi/EHi:’ Barber and Hair Dresser, MAIN B'JIIKKT, OXFORD, N. C. , T7INE Assortment of Jr^ Sardine's. ISfalclies. T)ri('d Friiil- just received by MITCHELL & SOi