... - - - - IKE MOR^riNG CLAR^ON^ Democratio at all times. FRIDAY MAY 12, 1876. COUNTY CONVENTION. _ The Executive Committee of this county has appointed the 29th of May as the time for holding amass meeting, the object of which is to appoint delegates to the State Con vention, which meets in'llaleigh on the 14th of June. These political gatherings should be largely attend ed. It is important. Every town ship should bo well represented. President Grant is as corrupt as any of his officials, without a doubt. He seems to have a fondness for shielding the rascals and thieves of his administration, lie has order ed that no papers, no records &c., shall be carried from any office. By this means w^e suppose he intends to thwart the purpose of the inves tigating committee. Cut the da} of retribution is fast dawning and U, S. Grant with his corrupt admin istration Avill receive their just dues.. Holl on the ball until every corrupt official is removed from of fice. In rolling, let it roll through Granville and crush out the present board of county commissioners. Ex-^peaker Blaine’s iVaudulent transaction? have come to light. Be it remembered he is one of the Re-, publican Presidential aspirants. He has explained, but it makes con fusion worse confounded ’ ’ ‘ One by one the roses fall.” How do the Eads like tlieir board of county commissioners now ? They ought to send it to the cen tennial—but make them l;eep their hands in their own pockets—not other peoples. 3000 Those patriotic men, who always had the interest of the people of Granville at heart—who wouldn’t take advantage of no man who labored for the w^elfare of the tax- payers—who arc as honest as the days are long—who wanted their tranactions thoroughly investigated (if thoroughly investigeted there is no telling wlierc they would land)— now stand indicted for conspiracy to defraud the county. '■ We 11 wager a button if the pres ent board of county commissioners should go to I'hiladelphia they AYOuld flood the exiu])ition grounds with four i)age cards, and would be indicted for conspiracy to defraud the ccntennial. ^ Demcocratic to-day, to rnorrov\, forever. ^yEBSTEi^’^5 CSABIliDixED. 3000 Kngruviiifis. ISIO ra^es liiiarlo, S12. A SEW FEATUllE. 'Pothc 3000 illnstratiolis heretofore in Webster’s llnabn(l,!;-ea we have acldod four pages of ■ Colored Illustrations. ALSO V/etster’s National Pictorial Dictior^iy. 1010 l>r.gcs cctavo. (iOO luvnravluc^^. $i). im XA'l'IONAL STAXDAllI) p,.fjpf^20 to I. Tlie sales of Webstevs Olctionanes throufiliout the country ni loj.J tunes as hu-o-e as the sales of any otJu i Dictionari(‘.. We will send " on application, and such sale.^ stui c n- tinui More than Tliirty copie. of Webster’s Una),rid :ed have l.een phic- cd in as many rnblic bchools in the U- nited States, bv stat(>. cnactnionts m S)ool olllc.ers. Gan yon better pron,ot^_ the cause of education and the good ot conmunntv than by havui,->- a copy (>t Webster-s'Unabnd.o-ed ni yoiir tarn 1 and trying to liave a copy m tacli ot vonr schools. GEXEEjVL DiEECTOilY. CIIU.LJCII'ES, Episcopat.—Kev. ^I. IL Vaughn^ He^' tor-S(M'vic(!S every Sunday at 11.] o cloc ' a. in. and 51 p. m. May evenings 0. o'clock p> in. ^Iktuoi>ist-]^cv. s. V_. IToyle Tas or. Services second Sunday m each inonn at 11 a. m., andTi p- v night 7.i p-11'- I’rayer niictnig cveO Tuesday evening same liour. 15APTIST—Eev. V. li- Ta.^tor—Services every ist and.W Su davat U a. in-and 71 P-ni._ meeting (;very Thursday eveinng at o’clock p. tn. - PP.KSBYTKIUAN-Ilev. D. E. Jordaj'- Pastor, rreacl.ing every ''I''' Sabbatli at 11 o’clock a. in. and b o clo' Prayer meeting Wednesday b o clocK- 7\IAiLS. lI(Miderson—Tjeaves daily ot 8^ a. " Arrives r> \). ni. ..uk' Knap ''f Kcotls—Fjoavcs I Fridays G a. m. Arrives samo ilay a ^ ]’„>i-oa,—Tjcaves IVn'ea Saturday.-^ at ■ a. in. Arrives i2 m. ,] 0;dc Hill—I.eav('s Wednesdays a Saturdays at 0 a. m. Arrives Tnesil.i. and Fridays G ]). ni. KICGUr, AT ION'S OK a'liio ]>os'roKKici':-^^^ ^loncy oi'(k*i‘rr i.ssiknl betwcMMi 0 ^ 4 1). in. , ,, of yhuh closes at S a. ni. and open_^ a p. in. I.. C. Tayi.or, 1 ■ o>:fohd. Afavor—.Tauies B. (.re’ws. (;oiistable-\V. C. (Crabtree. Commissioners—S. S. TT, A Williams, T. 1). Crawford, bn Watkins. rcominend it as a Rplendidspecinien of learning, taste , and labor.- IMUg hioit. PllOFE'SlONAL CAUDS^ ■j^RS. Paschall & Young, Pil \CTICINft F2lY^5€\S» OXKORl), N. C. Office at T. 1). Crawford Montgomcrii J^edijcr. ov.m-v Eev('rv schi)l’.u’, and esp(C.i_aliy - . nrniister shonhl iiave this work. Wr>st Proi. Lovifiville. 0 est book lor -vc;rybody that the press Is has produced in the present century Sm'er/oUnconiparably. to all others S hi its delinitions.—7i W McVonall, I’res Climb Viiiversih/. _ »^he reputation of tliis Work is 0 ed to America. —Richmond n lu(j. hunUy i>> t!ic United s ates «i,6,l(l have tins wo>■].-Oal hep. Saepository of ns. ful information; as 1C such it stands without a rival. _ ruf)llhed by G. & €. JiElllUAM, sprmg- lleld. Mass. r'i TTPV'ilLOll New Orleans .Molasses, S supe l ' and Eainily Flour, Snpen- orwnvass Ihnns, Laid in buckets and kcMvp, Adnianline candles, for sa.c by 1 Cooi er & illianis. J^R. E. W. OWEN, s IJ 11 Cx E () N - D E N 'r .1 OXFORD, N. C. ggr Office at his residence. 6"*' SO RIA PETRll ^TlU Barber and Hair Dresscfi ]\IA1N S'riiKKT, OXFOllD, N. C. A . Eew styles of l>oots that A 1.0,01. must be sold. Cooper iS: nllai