the morning CLAKIO^ Democratic at all times. ■ MAY 1^, 1876. M0NDA\ - - ' OUR DUTY. The Democratic party have com- nieiiced the huge job of cleaning out the Augean stables of Radica rath and fraud, and they intend to push the work forward, even though it strikes down the highest in the land. 1 This determination has very na turally alarmed tiie Radicals of overy degree, and the startling reve lations now being made at ^Vashing- ton pi’ove it justly so. ^o\v, in order to offset those ex posures they are ranst c'iing heaven and earth for the slightest scintilla of proof that mny implicate a Dem ocrat in charges of fraud and cor ruption, . ! It is the duty of the Democratic 1 press to encourage these eftorts b} ! all proper means. By this, we mean ; that not the lea;t obstruction should ; be placed in the way of the examma- j tiouof any charge, based upon re sponsible autJ.ority, against any Democratic official, but assist, if o-iulty, in bringing such to condign j puni-hment. But it must not be | unde:stood that we would advise | for a moment any attention being 1 paul to the low malicious slanders i acrainst leading members of the j party, generally hatched up in ob-, scuro Radical newspapers offices and I published NNithallthe effrontery olj an acjcomplished bar. Suc.i ct cjui'.e, will fMll “Still-born; creating , o;ily a smile of contempt and scorn. ; If a Democratic ofHcial is proven 1 ^ruiltv let him go the way of, and ! mingle with, the b'.rgo crew of Rad- ^ icals now passing to a. igaminious 1 retirement :ind oonvict coUs that her genius, without previous. preparation, would enable her to wm crreat applause in her new role, but the papers speak of her debut as quite a failure. It was a piece of self sufficient vanity in the redoubt able Miss Anna and we do not care a fig for her failure, especially as she has somewhat signalized herself as the traducer of the South. Let her step down and out What are the respective Town ships doing in order to secure full deleo'ations on the 29th inst. ? It is j important for the interests of the | party that every Township should j be represented and we trust meet ings will be held in each and dele- aalions of our best and wisest men lent up to the County C^oi^ention. We takes do money and you take de order. County Commissioners to poor Mrs. Ivinton. generil directory. CIIUKCIIES. Ei'isroPAi^Tlov. :NI. n. Vaujjlm Keo- torlsm coMiV..,-!- Sm..l.,y at 11J o'cloA 'i. inT and « 1>. ni. I’liilay evenings o'clock i>. in. ]\lKTHODiST-It('V. S. V_. IToylo Pastoi I Services second Sunday m it 11 a. in., and 71 p. ni. 4tli • InUt 7.ip.m. rniyer meeting evoi> Tuesday evening same hour. BAi>TisT-iiev. F. Pastor—Services t'very ist and (lay at U a. m-and a p. m._ nioetin>: every I'hiij-sday eveniiij? . o'clock p. in. PrksbytkkiaX—Rev. 1). E. . 011 Pastor. I’reachms ev.'rj ,k. Sabbath at 11 (^'clock a. n.. and 8 o loc. I>vayer ineetin; \Vedii‘sda\ o loc MAILS. TIenderson—T.eavi's daily at Si a. '^’Knap ;>VKeeds-T..;avesTuesdays a'"^ Fridays (i a. in. Arrives same da} ai. r>i‘rea—Leaves B-rea Saturday-^ a*' I a. ni. Arrives i2 in. ^ _ ,j ' Oak Hill—Leaves '''hicMk> > ^ jSatnrdavsatna, in. Arrives lne>.l.. i and Fridays (I p. m. ! HKOn.ATlONS OF THK rOSTOKKlCK- i M(.ney orders issiU'd t)etween U a. * Maib closes at 8 a. in. and oP''"- L.C.TAVUm. I. »• VA. Morrow I ^>rotliei-s, Managers and Proprietors. ? OHN 'T. I OE, Assistant. A FIRST-Ci.ASS HOUSE. sv'illhc’pleaseaio see his friend"' ^ ^ OXFOin). Mavor—.Tames U. ;n“\ys. Constahle-W. ‘• .,.1 (’om.nissiouers--S. S. Haunco.U-^ H, A Williams, 1. 1>. ia\Moi.l, • Watkins. S O /1'-/ GS 'f II A’ won ■ Miss Anna Dickinson, a'Northern lady of some celebrity, as a lectur- ; er!uded tliU. she was in f.os- .ession of great dramatic taleni vvliich she was anxious to display to iricjul''. ! (^^^^i^ee^e.'eeeeeeee.* eeeeeeeeeeee^ eeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeece eeeeeeeeeee j ^ . peeeeceecee ! ooeeeee^e LADIES eeeeeeeeeee : c'eeeeee. --'“'““J | eeoe Work fur a «»i-> SnviiiS ' ieeei- 5Iai-:ii;w. i i ci!oe»eeooe cweoeeeeee. Ofe. ee.«^ WEEO , eecooeoee^ eeeee.oeuco, e GivruM « If 30 « e o.eeeee j eeeeee For TaG iorcxiigllt' eeeeee -ooeee eeeoeeeee ^ ee eeeeeeeee [ i \ It. eeeeeeeee ,.,.poeee eeee e (H.(>o,M‘e^eeeeoeeee‘ e D PROFK'^SIONAL CARDS. ^ RS- Paschall & Young. IMYsICIANSf OKFOUi), X. C. Odiro at 'r. 1). Crawford Drug Store. R E. W. OWEN, rn s r R(i ^ OXFORD, N. C. Office at hl5 residence. "p O X S O H 1 A T ^ • 1' F/r I'] 11 (' 11A 1 Vi -1." ^ Barber and Hair Dresser, main STiiKra'. O K F O R D , N • • •' ,us r \ Yew styles «f lioots that^ been on hau l „,,ist !>e -old. Cooper .V nlla- I)!''!