THE MORNING CLARION. Democratic at all times. j terrible corrupticns and abuses that = I have fastened upon the GoYernment. - {The people must also awake to a TUESDAY U. s. GRANT. Every «ne who reads the accounts of this once fortunate individual, must, at present, entertain for him CENERAL DIRECTORY. CnUKCilEf^. EfiscopAir—Rev. M. H. Vanghn lleo- MAY 15, i«76. j due tense of the general social amd j tor-S«rvicesevery Sunday at 11J o’clock commercial situation, and apply ! Fi Way eveninsf»4 5k i o’clock p. lu. ! correctives at all the points where j Mothodist-Rcv. S. V. Hoyle Pastor, needed. Mr. S, says we ranst re»! -Services second Sunday In each month f A {at 11 a. m., and 7* p. ni. 4th Sundiiy turn to the simple habits and j ni;?ht p. ni. Prayer meeting every nine virtues of the laLhers of the j Tuesday evening? same hour, sentiments of either pity or con-j hQth in society and —Rev. F. R. Underwood, ' 'Pastor—Services rverv ist and3d Siui* tempt. He is reprentedas the mere wreck of hia former self when uearly eight years since he assumed the reins of government under auspices more flattering than ever attended any of his predecessor* in office. Intel lectually weak and morally corrupt no one expected his administration to be anything very brilliant, but notv even his warmest admirers are compelled to admit him a failure, ernment, as the best remedy for the evils Which snrtound ns. It is very apparent that the country has gone wildly'astray, and the people are now sullering the natural conse quences of it, and will continue to i suffer until they repeat of their | folly and wickedness and turn back ! to the practice of Ihose virtues which made the country so great and so glorious in its better days. day at li a. m and p.m. Pray»?r meeting every Thursday evening at 7i o’clock p. rn.' PrKsbyterian—Rev. D. K. Jordan, Pastor. Preachin>f every 2d and 4th Sabbath at 11 ©’clock a. nj. and 8 o'clock. Prayer meetino^ Wednesday’ 8 o’clock. NEW ADVERTI8EMENTS. while hU opponent, writ, him dowa ,.;-aviSRLY HOTEL, either a fool er a knave for, as has [ YV been remarked, uo sensible and honest man could be surrounded for eight years with suck a horde of thieves without being one or the other. Washington correspondents OULPEPKR. V A. M^oitow Hrotliers, Ifanagers and Proprietors. /0//N TAV-/.OE, Assistant. A FIR^r-CLASS HOUSE. MAILS. Henderson—Leaves daily at 8J a. m- Arrives 5 p. m. Knap c»f Reedfi—Ti>aves Tuesdays and Fridays (J a. ni. Arrives same day at 8 p. m. .Rerea—Leaves B;rea Saturday* at 0 I a. m. Arrives i2 m. I Oak Hill—Leaves Wednesdays and j Saturdays at 0 a. tn. Arrives Tuesday* 1 and Fridays 6 p. m. 1 REGULATlOXfi OK TUK i*OSTOFFICfi. Money order* issued between W a. w- I P* j Mails closes at 8 a. m. and opens at ^ i p. m. L. C. Taylor, P. M. , . 11 ^ ; John Taylut, lati* editor Lexington, M. C lepresent the once jolly General as 1 n«w Assistant ut Waverly Hotel, will be a soured, broken down man.bloate J in countenance and tottering in frame—eyes blood-shot and hands shaky. This is a sad picture of the President of the United States, but we have u« doubt it is true. Eight years of unbridled indul gence in rich liquors and sumptnous fare will produce this remit very naturally. And to crown, all is the almost OXFORD. Mayor—James B. Crews. Constable—W. C. (Crabtree. Commissioners—S. S. Haitlicoi‘k. A* H, A Williami?, T. D. Crawford, Smltl* Watkins. pleased to »ee his Carolina friends. [0029-ty eeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeecee eeeeeeeeeee eeseeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeee LADIES eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee eeee eeee eeee Work for a $65 Sewiog eeee eeee MftCtliae. eeee | OXFORD, N. C. eeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee j Oftire at T. D. Crawford »St Co’« eeeeeeeeee WEED eeeeeeeeeee ! Drug Store. 8-tf eeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee e e! QR E- W. OWEN, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I^RS. Paschall 8c. Young, PRICTICING PUTSICUNS, certain certainty of exposure ^ov ^ ciuh >^/jo Sui>scrib,rs (i. ^ participation in the numberless U e I ^ ^ E O N- D E N TIS T, frauds now being unearthed, and ifjeeeeee eeeeee i OXFORD, N. C. not impe.*chraen, a disgraceful Tprchiight. eeeeee j Office at his residence. tireniegt from office in March next. • THE KEY note:. i Gov, Seymour has delivered a i late speech at Utica. N. Y.—in which he sounds the key. note which must prevail the approaching ; national campaign, 'fhe people will demand that honest men be brought to the frcnt. Without this ! there is no hope of reforming the , eeeeee eeeeeeeee eeeeeeeee eeeeeeeee Ti v It eeeeee eoecjeeeee eeeeee( ee eeeeeeeee IS eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeee eeeeee UN DAY SCHOOL BOOKS Such as IPure Gold, Hright J ewel, iVinai'anths, ifec., at t}ie TOBCHUaHT BCOZ STOBS. 6-101 Yoi^SOTilXT^ PETEK OHAHLESTON^, Barber and Hair Dresser, MAIN STREET, OXFORD, X. C. 11-tf A Few styles *f Boots that haV- been on hand several seasons ti*^ must be sold. Cooper Jfe \Viilljira8.