THE MORNING CLARION. Democratic at all times. Ill SATURDAY - - T^fAY 27, 1876. NEXT MON DA V. lioar in mind that Monday next is the day for holding the County Con vention. Each Township should'be well represented by oiir Con-erva- tive-Democratic friends. The elec tions this year are of too much im- portnr.Ci to the Democratic party to be neglected in the least. So next Monday every Townsliip should send ab’e delegates so that the Conven tion may express the sentiment of the county in its nomination. . Impossible phrase : The happj^ rich ; the happy poor; both quite possible. l>ut “the liapi^y mean oil! no—impossible. We can't tell who the great Un known is unless it is Tom Collins. A North Carolina editor attended a pic nic and sat down on the grass in which was a little bus}' bee try ing to improve each shining hour. He improved it so well that the ed itor is now willing to concede that even bees have rights which white men are bouiui to respect. 'I'he ed itor is flying around looking for a pain extractor. The Danville Neivz says : “The north will never support for the presidenC}' any man who is known to be a favorite of the south. If soutliern democracy controls the nomination, northern radicalism Avill carry the day. Mark that, now'.” Don’t borrow a newspaper to read, l^etter borrow ten pounds of ty])e and start a 6x8 paper, like the Oxford Ci.ARiON, and get exchanges.—Ral. Conslitution. Your constitution is growing bil lions. You must have been taking an over dose of schie(dam') schnapps. It often happens that tiiey are the best people whose characters have been most injured b\' slander, as we often find that to be the sw eetest fruit which the birds have been pecking at. A'TT’arded the Highest Medal at Vienna. E. &H. T. ANTUOM & CO., jgi llroadioay, A'cw York. (Op]K)site ]\ Hotel,) Manulacturers, Importers & Dealers in En^^raviti^'In^s, Chroinos and Praiiics. Stcrescopes and Views, Albums, Graplioscopcs, Pkofo(:[ra/>hs, A) cl kindred gcxxis—Celebrities, Actresses. PIIOTOGIIAPJIIC MiVTERIVLS, We arc hcadc[uarters for everything in tlie way of Slcreopt!con! and ifla!;;k Lanterns, l’cinij manufacturers of the Alirro-Stiititiftf Lan!crus, Slereo-punopticon. L 'nivi'rsity Sicrt'optlcou, . l.h’t'r/isers Slcreopticou, .Irtoptiiou, S(-Jioo/ Lavh'rus, Family Lanterns, Peoples Lanterns, Catalogue? of i.anterns and slides, witii directions f(ir using, sent on applicaticMi. Any enter|U‘isiiig n>an can make money witli a Magic l,antcr;i. Visitors to the Centennial Expf)sition will do wisely to defer purchasing goods in our line luitil tliey come to our store in New York, where they will fmd greater variety and more moderate t)rices, anil can select more at their leisure. Dut we have a con cession to sell some styles of i)ur goods in the building o( the i)e|)artnient of I’ublic Comfort, and thone not coming to New ^'ork are invited to call on our representation there. JJ^^A full stock of Mews of tlie ICxposi- tion Jiuildings and there contents. g@?"Cut out this advertisement for reference. “There is a divinity that shapes our ends rough liew tlieni as we will” but it don’t always shape them in that form which best suits our taste. 5 A Doinoci’atic weekly, published AT' ■ DTii-liam C* ]\Iotto—May ])eace and i)ros])crity be and remain the legacy of the South. '1'. ('. WOODlirKN, h:d- l^o. J. Mll/rox lUiOWN Local Kd OUPEKIOll N”(“\v Orli'.-iiis Molasses. O Suportiiu* and Family Flour. Superi or (;anviiss Ilanis, Laid in buckets nncl kegs, Adinaulint' eiuKlles. for sale )>y Coopei' t'c Wiiliaii.s. By l)uylng for cash and l)uyiiig for six Stor('s, .James Hunt bents tlie world ill sidling Clieni) ^'>>ils as lie hnys them (.■iK'ajier tliaii tlie clieapest. MAY, IS, 187G. J list ReoeiA^ed. Olio of tliG Largest, rrctticst and most complete stock ofMilli' nnry Goods over opened iu 0>" ford. Consisting of Ladies trini' ed and nntrimed Hats, ratter" Hats, Misses Hats, old Ladic’ Hats, old Ladies Bonnetts, maf ried Ladies Bonnetts, young dies Bonnetts, Flowers, Kihbon^: Silks, Rusches’ (^ashmere, Lacc- and Scarls. ALSO A complcto stock of Ladi‘'’ popular styles, low and mcdiun‘ priced DresA (loods specially sC' lected lor and ada[)ted to times. Complete stock olher depart' ments. To all of which tlio at' tention of prompt and C'asli jia.V' ing customers are respectfully ii'' vited. A LAIIGE LOT OF PAt' TERN HATS AT PRIMli COST. A L \ Ni)lS ,IK. PROFIT SKVXAL ('ARI^S. DRs . Paschall & Young, PR\CTI€m(i PHYSICLWS, OXFORD, X. C. Office at T. D. Crawford & Co’ Drug Store. S-t* E. W. OWEN, R IJ RG KON- l) OXFORD, N. C. Offu'C at his residcnc'c. 6-111' "pOTs^SO^RIAT.. ('I I Barber apd Hair Dresser, ■MAIX STUKKT. O X F o R D , N . C . JUST TO \i\m, Ifor?e collars and Haines, Tlow anil Jiamo, strings. Plows and T’loi' I’oiiits for sail' by C(,oper I'c ''Villiaiiis-