7 PAGE THE TATTLEU TWO v. .. , t ; t tre. ifc.- i THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS debate is to be "The League of Na tions," it is natural that our interest in it should revive somewhat Even -50c per school j those of us who may not take an ae ! tive part in the debate are interested. for we all want our school to win. This subiect was the issue in the . "Fools, to talking: Drone. Entered as second class mail at the ,ast presidential campaign, but siruv Are sure to make their follies known." Oxford, N. C, Postoffice Novem- we made separate peace with Ger- Gay. ber 16, 1921. ; manv our interest has errown rather rv .. r. ; , u.ar suitors In my opinion the adoption of THE TATTLER Published weekly by the Athletic Association of Oxford High School Subscription price year. Advertising rates on request JOE KENN GIVES US A PIECE OF HIS MIND Editors' Note: Isn't that just lik? dear old Joe? Always generous will ing to part with the last remnant he has, even if he had only a little to start with. HOPELESS Editorial comment: Not often do we run acoss a title as aptly chosen as the above. Read the thing hereun to append;!, Gentle Reader, and ex amine your own pulse. "Ah," I hear you murmur feebly, "hopeless is the word." And ever and anon From the wide plains spreading by And all beyond Sank intfi the clwninir ckv.Kliiu bLv i t :: iV. - .1 t: t .... .w Staff " "1C Fn As you were kind enough to suggest Save wher, twinkling str Edwin Shaw Editor-in-Chief the Plan wo"ld ,n no AW1f harnif"' last week, an issue of the Tattle with- Flawed from billowy clouds Herbert Rountree, Ivey Allen Lifer- to the United States. And it would out me in the role of eo&t WQuld -n Miniature Venus amJ Marg org Editors. certainly laciioate our reiauons wun M ,ike a circus without a down Bessie Faulkner Associate me ouner muwi ui me K.uue, ,or perhaps some of you have read It Wrapped in white and fluffy shrouds. TVion cfill Jack Brinkley, Annie Gray Bur- PP1 in mutual understanding al- Vl to Advertise, by Megrue and 1 All the word doth he, roughs School Activities. James Webb, Clarence Burch Com munity Activities. Edgar Reece, William Hunt Ath letics. Almon Upchurch, J. D. Brooks, Jr. Agony Column. Madison Usry Treasurer Athletic Association. William S. Livingood, Mildred Har rington Managing Editors. DR. HAYS HERE Dr. Benj. Hays has been called Oxford by the illness of Dr. T. L. Booth. It is good to see Dr. Hays again. A warm welcome always a waits him in Oxford. ways get aoriK uener .uKew.e. Hackett. If so, you will recall he Until those who labor under misunderstand- f0ijowinf, apt illustration: "When a Arises the Mistress of the sky. ,nPs- duck lays an egg. she acts the fool With dainty leaps ou all know that you do not ilw aml keepi quUftt but when a hen ays She mounts the fl ,.oum, a person who is always standing aloof an ew? it-s Yluck-cluck-cluck' all over Viewing a world that sleeps and seems U, think he is too good to the barnyard until the whole world And casts her rays to ground. knows what has happened." Then love Well, gentlemen of The Tu ttler Starts anew staff, I'm no hen. I do not lay eggs, and if it is all he same to you, I could manage with a little less advertisiiv,. Joe Renn MISS HARRISS' CLASS HAS A PARTY Miss Harriss' Sunday School class had a jolly party in Lyon Memorial building Friday night. Each boy L 1. i i I t I . urougni a guest ami everyuuuy tuaj affm,ment. brought an apron. If you have evir Frank attended an old-fashioned "candy associate with you. i ou like best the person who is jolly and kind. Is it not the same way w'ith nations? Yet that is exactly what the United States lias done. Will it "ot be the same way with nations as with peo ple? Now this may sound like knock ing, but I do not mean it for such. We are now launched on the pro ject of disarmament. This is a very hard problem. Will this project not be made more practicable and more feasible if the participants are linked by some kind of mutual agreement? You may not like the League of Na tions as proposed by President Hard ing. I am not advocating this plan especially, but I would like to see some plan by which the nations of the world may come to some sort of a mu- again; From above She sees my heart in pain; Alas Butler DeMuth Players come rec ommended by press and public, as the highest class entertainers on the road today. Do not fail to see and hear them at the High School audito rium January 80th and 31st. too socn Is my love spent in vain To the Lady in the Moon. James Mmiy The Butler DeMuth Players at the High School, January 30th and 31st. Monday and Tuesday. Do not for get the date. Help the library fund. Slauchtek WHO'S YOUR DRUGGIST? Does he give you a square deal on every transaction? WE STAND UACK OF ALL THE GOODS 11'; SELL L R7 PSttmaim you know whit fun everybody '--- r-,r-rrTT tt vTin r,,r , , . . - - . ; iiOiLL. vcmuin jmjaxxow) vum-i , coming to Oxf rd for two perf or t v ;-. .v:. ..-,; . -; . . ' were 100 per cent present last Sun- m . - - ' . r ' ' 1 mances on Monday and Tuesday ru I - - ' . . i i n j DR. BOOTH'S ILLNESS CASTS GLOOM OVER OXFORD Dr. Booth's illness has cast a shad ow over the entire community. In deed, as one citizen said, it is a pub lic calamity. Everybody loves "Dr. Tom." From the moment that it was known he was sick, there has been a constant stream of people going to his door to make provides next week. They come highly recom mended as music makers and mirth provokers. They have played in the B. F. Keith Vaudeville Circuit, the standard by which all vaudeville h judged. They have travelled under the management of the Redpath Ly ceum Bureau, which stands para mount as a promoter of good clean amusement. This will give some idea of the class ot entertainment trie company STUDENTS Your Shoe Store is at your service for BETTER, STYLISH SHOES AT LOWEST PRICES Command our Young Men's Clothing and Furnishings Dept. For Everything in Men's Wear There is no smut, no sur- anxious inquiries and to otter lovinu: estiveness ; just good, clean uplift sympathy. Young and old, rich and inp niUS.ic an( whole-souled rib tick poor, black and white all are his jjn, vaudeville. friends. His unconquerable optimism There wjl be musjc iots f jt, in- has been an inspiration to those of rumental and vocal. There will bv us who are less courageous; his life ladings, and character sketches, of service has been a constant rebuke Irish jokes jewih jokes, joky jokes to our own selfishness. Perhaps nev- an.i funnv jokes THE HUB Corner Hillsboro and College Sts. Oxford, N. C. Union Bank & Trust er before in the history of the town have so many heartfelt prayers been offered up for the recovery of a man. May it please God to hear our petition. MISREPRESENTATIVE SENIORS Hail to the prodigy, the mascot of the senior class, and chief subscribe' to the honor roll! Behold the man who passed through the recent "Reign of Terror" without so much as one wrinkle to mar the alabaster smoothness of his brow. If you want two good evenings of clean, honest-to-goodness humor ami amusement, don't fail to be at the High School auditorium next Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Butler comes with a positive guarantee of satisfaction or all mon ey refunded to the patrons. The performance starts at S o'clock. Admission 25 and 50c. Company THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME For lack of anything else to do, Papa's in the cellar making home brew, don't know Well, why should a fellow worry Baby's on the back porch- over exams when he has "corner- j what to do, ed" all the available book learning? i Mama's in the kitchen boiling down The above points a moral, brothers the hops, and sisters. It is this: If uoit get up Sister's in the front room watchin r - - each day's work as it comes along, you will be able to face exams, witn out a tremor. Why not start in now? The new term begins this week. Make it the best term yet Note: The subject of last week's article was Miss Dora Wolf.) A Senior for the cops. "Ned Baker "I thought you had given up burnt wood art, dearie," said the young husband. "Why, Ferdinand, how can you le so heartless? This is a pie." OXFORD, N. C. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED AND ANXIOUS TO SERVE THE PUBLIC WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT Kf0 paid on time deposit Fathers and Mothers It will pay you to look at our STOCK OF CLOTHING, SHOES AND FURNISHINGS, for your boys and girls for School Wear. THAT GOOD DEPENDABLE GOODS That we have built our reputation on Call and see us It will be a pleasure to show you, for your chil dren, or yourself. The Long Co. "THE LEADING STORE" OXFORD, - N. C