I7 r '3 - - & -. THE QflCXZLT GUT - " -CIUCIXATES LARGELY IN Granville, FranklinT" Warreo Wake, Orange, Caswell ml . Prson CoumieB. . . jSVERy , jrfJESDfcY; MORNING, ' FBOX THE - : - . Thespian Hall Building, Mala Street, ,fiz z OXFORD, N. C. : . lDTUtXIUIG BITCa - One Inelu one insertloii, - : $1.6) . Every subsequent insertion, , , . .5 Terms for larger advert isements mad known ti)Kn application." - ' 1 ; AH Obituary uotict s, exceeling ti .. line, will be inserted at the rates of 10 tracRirjiw m M V? W'" - BIT " - '-'' VV ' cl I 1 1 I p l I II Ml 5 . w r - established in 1873- ' v ? ' - " 'With tag efXamt r tove tr . . i. J $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. 1 . . ." ' ' ' 4 One Year. JL 4tix Miiths. ii..v .75 tV A. eross roar opposite f our name dies tea that your subscription lias ex pired, and jo are kindly adked to re- -mi - Qnaotal InilnMmpnri to Clnha. cent per line i - , . The editor is not responsible lor the views of correpondents; neither will, lie reiimi rejected XSS unless the post age Is, paid by the sender. VOLUME 6. OXFORD, N. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1879. NUMBER 32. 1 xfor Carls. BURIAL Cviv, .Air tfjflit a;ii imh-ftni-taM- and not iu a t'W month fall apnrt and u ar as do mood ca ;. tiM-n-bv pn-w nf thf body for ars an i prot c;iito: iarainit Vfnniii and lepiilff. Thfir u pre"ent tlw npn-id of co;j tagiou li-i-aej at fnnmlr els'w:' r Al 19 the fVut of rem-al Iv cra; ,. :-CMMry at any thn tlie M -ial'M' - . And fr.eojiteutsan-.alaay fomt-l "Ciir. aad Intact and removal t lien by divest d mf any repulsive ffnturc . Walnut and imitation Rose wood Caskets, Walnut, . j- Poplar and Pine . . Coffins. . Cartlen resi U g at a dist.inc can gt -ordrrn filled at 2 iKwtr no)ic a niy a., rtrafut of all kinds of cas is full and eomplf te; 1 , . - - prices for Walnut Coffins to $25; Pine, $2.50 fillHEfiaiK'BWHEI DSsIRED FURNITURE. C nam St 'Pi or use 'KATTKESSES, DOCKETS, BLINDS, SASH, Doors, &c. Wrk done to ordr. In order t in-are- satifactiou always see what von want before hnyiuf, therefore perxons e4tn? aaytliint in my line are cordi Uy invited to call and examine my j-ood mU uot intend to be under -old on sae elss of groods. Caak pmid for Hides.. Limb and Shccj Skins. 1000 wanted. N. HI NT EE. OXFOKU, N. JaaeS5tf IsFTI To Tax-Payers of Cranvillo County: "Oplcrt'd th-it uot'ce b published to the tax-payers f (irauvillt- couiity in The Torchlight and t'i- Free Lance newpaperii that n tav.s have b-eii levied for the enrn-nt expense of aid 'ranty of Granville fir the eum-tit year ud tfeat any payment made on account f tlie aine to an r one is atianthorize TUe above order was passed by Board of Commissioner at it meeting Tuesday I ee. 3d. 1S78. - JOSEPH TOW NES. 1 Clerk te lfcmrdof jouiuiitioiier R. V. MINOR, Assnt, OXFORD, N. C. Having puixrhas.-d one if ll-ge Im proved baw.Muls and iM-iiig phased wltH Its operations. I have aeecptea the gdncy, for the ale of the :inie. IV11 sqii wishing to purchase a new sav rail! or desiring to alter their old ones t) th new rtyle. can ee mm-nt work K oiilea aonth of Oxf rd. Am cinlid-it that I ea:i eouvim-e all iliing to luv that tney can h letter nv p'ire!:a-i:ig thig hllfl than by sending their orVr- Vorih. A b.tter imr . ear to work f n 1 s kmiV. I a'n al-oth tu:i:i ifaet r pr'S agnt fur the CHaisel Tooth. Saw, which rune with one (ourt ft l--ss hv t rhau the common siws used in this cotintrv'"' Gnm Bdtiitg at N' w Yotk prices guaranteed. Eu llt-ssorc .( irlt- tug Ail ittenttotiei above can lie exam md at ray null. . PLAHHI9 MASHSHE connected with my gteam 14 mill pro- oMitced the wt uperlor thing of the kind fever Jbroiisjlit to tin rtate. Oreed anl midreasat the lowest pttnni- ble 3,'rice. I Call and exmnitn mv tock aadrricea:,; IK. V. MIN'OR. natll t miles South of Oxford. X. C. 1IW.ATLA1ITIC EOTE, NORFOLK,' VA. 11. ST DODSON, Proprietor. . T arms : fa so and $3 000 per Day, A " cor'dinf to location of room. l?XLAi;GEI). maodeled ami refur 2til?!ied, rendering it "tie of the hand somest trnctarea in the Smth. rMea. tug-all th modern improvement. in eluding -first- das pasenger Klevator. leitifc " bells, 'Suit of room with hot and clod hatli. Tlx eepeeial attention of tourist' and Invalid is called .0 tlie llncUaiatof Xorfolk and vicinity, and to tue aramodutiotis afforded by the -ATlrriC. where ot!ing is left nnf ae to render tle. eomfrtahle. Ut. rxl imngemeat f A(U with FamU Ilea and Dartl.-a bv the month - fitter ,nd telegr tm to R. S. IK)HSON. will received prompt attention. sepi71y COLE Ileart bnrn, Acl d Eructations, Nervous heal ace. Pain and l)ifiteidlon o! Stomach and Bowel. JanndlceCold FlanUncy, - Costivene. arifT Female YregiZ3&-& As an AntLlijlions IVm dy, they arc tiot etculled. SJd every when at a eta a box. OH Newbern, If-,. A ;Z the LANDIS' COLVMM.' K, land 1 OX OKD, N C. SPECIAL ANaOUXCKVENT F"K Wimii. 1879. JANUARY 1ST. All person owln me Ijic accounts. wil pleaNt call and settle U nuce.' If n-H aH. at itrast a prt r as much .is ihey CJin jy,'a I am in need i m.-ncv FOR CASH! Frnm now sell . . . until 'the It of May. I wil' $400 wi rih of Shies at ii prices. wrtht Kealy .SP I SOO 1 at and abtni worth of Keadv Made cloth. iut cost. $5300 rth of Uress Goods anu uolen Goods at and about CJl. (Jther prds in propirtion. Be sure' call and examine before purchasing. ' A. LAN UIS, JR. I US r HECEIVED from Miction sal it. . i' s a lare lot of READY-MADE AM) OVERCOATS, At re liced prices. Call atn' 6ee the Treat bargains. fiOfAl. goods are now. reduced in prices. A. LaNDIS, Ja. . JUST RECEIVED Iarge and attractive Stock of Ladies' , new stjle " CLOAKS, CHEAPER THAN EVER. All the New Colors in Plain. finred and mixed Alpacas Casli- re. DeUne-, Silk Mixtures, soli.' M tek Mo::air Alpacas an I t'ashnn-res. :lai .-i I Fancv Silk. ropluis, flauis. te. Fringe and Silk for trimmings 10 match ali above good. " " New Style of Sonnet II VIS, SCARFS. UUFFS, it ItlUB xs. com JS, HEXILI.E. SSIulERES ICy, Jeans iaiu an ! tigtir-d. ami plaid FlaniM-Is. Gray flannels lor skirts. Blue and Ku Op- ras Si'K ! AL BARi.VlXS IX For tlie table, tioti,'Zep .irs. Laeea, llambnrgs. No- tP2CIAL IXUUC2MENTS I " Reja-Made Clothing. ilf t Uiilerear, Gloves, i te. ecK tie, onirtfe. On hand always- ail the most CELEBRATED rl E 3.' Zie -lem ' Ladies: Aii-s- and Geuts Bav State- Hirtr. Howard a liooll and Bhoes, Batch.-lor brwana . ; Extra indwements offered In IhcUESKCEC&SEKISS . Silks. Poplin,. etc. . , - ALL WOOL PLAID FIGURED. FLANNELS for children. ' Plaids for ehildreu' U Missea. ' , , Extra inducement In , - - - Tabic Cutlery- ' - i Knives and Forks, Snoons, Etc a ' A 0 2 UEST AXES ! i - In tlie m-ket. : - MY STOCK IS LARGE AND PRICES LOWER THAN hi. EVER BEFOREj . MY TERMS ARE, CASH ,: -.J- . or 60 daya only; to prompt ana refpoiTHj tlGH1 b fame' Wf- Hkk5ad y J Kihlft narties. ai: sawun. " will be presented promptly 1 - ..- day of January. uula special fftuzvz ment are inude. - - 1 . NEW- ADVERTISEMENTS. ANTED A (;) AGE T lo .v eanvas .Oxf rd . ami"-' the a. J iiiiiig towns for the best wiling ho'igt-hohl art cles inlhe-world. Tip top profits, w rif- at once to prh.l Vannia r.iii' gfr. 2 clif ton I'lace. N- Y' - Jan7 HOUSEKEEPERS!! A' Postal afd nt u tth your ad Hwis will inspire free, iu return, our il latritel 1rcnlar Rf nice llniisefuriilsle: ing Swciiilfu's. Palmer & Skilton, Manufitciuri-s. 2SI Pearl S reet. New York. ACEPJTS UK a n TIIIS. e will pay Agents a salary of $100 per mouth, and -expfise..-or alh a large commi--ioii to sed our new and uender ful invention. IPe mean wfwf we say. ddress "n Lout i lay, bl.ernian & Co .Marshall. Mielu - : ! ' 1 ' : 1 1 S3.. I; Join so.i's 'Anodyne Liniment will ositively preYfllt, tins, lerrihle- IiseP, and will Ku.itiveIyi cuiv.ninexase ih ten.' Iuf rmation that will save many lives e ut free by mail. :Don't delay a im meut. Pn-ven ion Is better than cure. Sold evervwh re. I. S. JOHNSON &.CO., dec lo 4t B;iii;or, Maine. A NEAV EXCITING BOOK Bristling with the wiul adventure of STAM.EYjErAFRIGfi. The only authentic and copyrighted cheap elitioi. Bv th brilliant de'scriiv tiveauthor.il 11. JT, HeaUey. Give a full historv of Id wonderful "discove ries i.i Africa and marvelous journey !owu the Congo. More faci alius, than i.Oniance. - Profusely illnstrated.-'irnTl highly endorsed by the clergy and pes. t ver 15,0041 sol 1 1 More Agmfs Wanted. JSyFor particulars aUmt the book, suc cess of agt-nts ,-in l best terms, address 11UBB VKU BltOSi. Puhiishera. - ' ' i l'liiladelphLi, Pa. . - -rrr-j v BE.NbON S CATCINE f S3 POROUS PLASTERS 2 CELEBRUED. TfcE WORLD OVER, t The manuf.ieturers were awarded the hijrhet and only medul given rub I ber plasters, at both the Centennial and Paris Kxpositions. I It i far superior to common porous: plaster, all the Ma!Wd ep-cti Seal a- plianees, &c It is the best known ren.fdy for lune au! weak baek. rheumatism, female r eakn ss, cia tica, lumbago, dieased kidneys, spi nal complaint and all ills for whiol porous plasters are used. Ask youi Druffist for Benson's Capctne Plas ter and ee thatj vou get nothing else. I SoM bv all Druggists. Price 25 cents. 3 Mailed on n-ei ipt of price by Sea flbnry Johnsoij, 2I P att St., N. Y THE FOR LAUNDRY USE. VVKSTlliltAiSCH, 1 ; - MANCFXCTURKRS A DEALEKS IN tovtis. jurnaces,Tin airfl Slioeti iron ware; We niakr a specialty of Tobacconists work sueh a ' LICORICE BOILERS, 'i , RlisSIAJJ IRON SHEETS, fins, -' - 1 ' 1 - ' SMOKING TOBACCO MOULDS. Will faruish stimaNn, for .STEAM IX; at verv lowest liviee.' "' IKAITSt; at very lowest 1 ' We are also prepared to furuish flue fer toba-co bani ut any quantity at -liort otic and at low riguivs. Corres- pttudeiice aolic-ued. - wEs:i:&Bjj;:cii Noj I4l7t -Mai 11 tieet, ii f i ? RICHM0rVb.H'mGLIAV ptniv i W. VY. EWATUy-EY.., A CH AS-G.IU I OTT Norfolk,; va:; u 111 irtve faithful attention to the Sale of COTTON and other piwluoe, . Liberal advances :i .ou eoulgt''Ul-.. .ra: . - 1) ?vt,l.l.4-HM"' Foe sai priaiely one of the most valuable tract f land ,"-Gtaayilie county, K. Cer- part of the htc:4ead f the late Dr. lohn K' Hiq M i-wnnn iwomnem ri. liam:.trol ami lltrniile!? of 1!eildcSbfi oti the Raleigh Vnd Gaston Ratlraad , one of the finest tobacco markets fn this county. It contains 250 s res, alxmt oo ,ow ground whi biscty ich, balance gocd land. It uroduces as fine tolaccnS"ariy, also ciaton and wheat. 4 lr terms, which -will. be TervJ, t Uheral. atJ to theEtor of j. Et roacwt CTWtiOB OT eiCPM. Anr DmsEtat him the lnpr. PEESCRIETIOITIE:: -j PortbeiipeedyCDrpftfSenitMalWeakiiess-l 1 Manhooit and nil disorders brouehton by indis- l It TUESIJAY, .JANUARY U, ity 'T Lines On A Skeleton. :-- Behold this ruin I 'Twas a skull, $ Once t f ethereal pirk full ; -' "-.i This narrow cell was life's retreat, . ., J This space was thought's mysterious seaj. v nt lie uteous visions hlled tbu spot ! What dreamslof pleasure long forgot ! Nor hope nor love, nor joy nor fear Have left one trace or record here. Beneath that ULouldering canopy Once shone the bright and busy eye, But stare not at the dismal void : ' O II social .ove that eye employed, II with no lawless fire it gleamed, But through the dew of kindness beamed, That eye shall be forever, bright When fttars aud suns are sank in night. YYithiu this htvllew cavern hung , . The ready, swift and tuneful tongue,. Ii falsehood's honey it disdained, , And when it coul l not praise was chained, II bold in virtue's cau.e it spoke. Yet gentle concord never broke, That silent tongue shall plead for thee When time unveils eternity. Say, did those fingers delve the mine ? Or with its envied ruWes.shjne f J l o hew the rock, or w ear the gem, . Can iittle now avail to them. 1 - C- But if ihe page of truth they sought Or comf ri to the mourner, brought, The jiands a richer need shall claim Thari all that wait on wealth or fame. Avails it whether bare or shod Those feet the path of duty trod ? If from the halls of ease they fled , To seek affliction' humble shed,: If grandeur's gui ty bribes they spurned And home to virtue's cot returned,' ' Those feet with angel's ways shall vie, -And tread the palace ofYhe "sky, J ": . - , , ; ' ' The Runaway Match. Many years ago there dwelt in the town of r , a pretty villiage, dis tant some miles from the market town, a pe uliarly comely and grace- lur maiden, who had a decidedly ug ly and cross-grained, but wealthy father. - Minnie was Dan forth's only child, and report said she would be his sole legatee. The old man was a sturdy farmer, and was estimated to be worth ful ten thousand dollars at that period a very handsome fortune to be sure. ' 1 ne sparkling eye and winning ways of Minnie Dan forth had stirred up the finer feelings of the whole male portion of the village, and her suitors were numerous ; but her fath er was particular, and none succeed ed in making headway against him or her;; '. . : in the meantime Minnie had a true and loyal lover in secret. His name was Walker loe Walker, and ie w.as simply a farmer, employed ;y old Ddnforth, who had entrusted J e with the management of his place for twoor three years. ' ; But a very excellent farmer and good manager was the plain, unas suming, but good Inking Joe Wal ker. He was twenty three, and he actually fell in love with the beauti ful, pleasant ijous Minnie Dan forth his Id employer's only daughter bu; thestrange t :tn 01 the occur.. rente was, MiSnlfejFtffirneiJ his lovef earnestly, truly ana Iran Kiy, ana promised to wed him at a tavoraole time lhings went on merrily lor a while, tut old Danforth discovered certain -minces' and: attentions' be tween then which exciferf his anger and suspicion. . Very soon aftrr Joe learned the old mai s mind indirect Iv in regard to his . future disposal of 'i ' : 1.-. - U ..:.l.i.. s. . f't' 1 V' i that h.(;ase was a hopeless, W,0"- Allllllie S llilllll. alllU UC UUIlLIf MW .ess ne resonea to stratagem : ana so ne at out e set nib wits to wora. uy -agreement an appareniiy set- tied coolness was obs-rved by the lovers towanls tach other for five, or six niojnhs. and the lather saw. .as he thought,- w.th atisfaction, that his pre vious suspicions and fear all ,1 een premature - '. uaj o scnt, joe aoscnieu nimscu from the house at evening; and iDifht , after i niitht Tibr r full - three inoiMUs, ctict .ne asajpear; as , .soon as hts work was.nnisnea, to return huuh: umr i ivjh.iv. , '""I - ' - i ii i r...r.r-u- 1 was uuusna, 'anu oiu 1411101111 uc- ttrmttieu to untiwineiiause 01 11 Je frankly confessed that.be was in love" with a n.ab's daughter, ..whtpr shied" Vesi thanthree1nii'les distant UUl, auci acvciai unuiiis, iiic uiu man.hidAiU'erly refused to- -ebtertain his application of the yougg Jady's nana. ... - ThisVas ! capital iusfc'-what .'old Dmforth uios.t desired. -This sati& Aed him thai tie had made a mi&iake in regaru iu nisuwn tnuut inu uc tit , ZjriZZ to get Joe. married.' and . . -. . T i . v. troubles at home, bo he said Well, Joe, lashe a Uixora lasa?" i'Yes, sir,,Aaid Joe. That is, other' folks say so. - I'm cot much of ajudge,". ; . ' And yiu like her ? : Yes, sif V 'lhen na,ry her." said old Dan forth. 5i -I 5-:i - " I carrt nhe father objects.' r'PoGhi'iicontinued r Danforth ; I 1 Met rem qo -so ; whar need 7 you care ? t Hun .way with Jher J!,' - Yes 1 ,03" with her at oucei: (lordutQl mt J the gaFwill marry you, jdl right. Marry her and bring her Jhere. You shall have the cottage at the foot of the lane : I'll furnish it for you ; your wages shall be increased, and the old man may like it or not, as he ill. ' . . . . " But . ! - Give me no buts, Toe. Do as I bid you ; Go about it at once, and I " You will stand by me?" ' Yes, to the last. I know you Toe y-you're. & good t fellow- anda good workman, and will make any- " The old fellow will be so mad, though." :. j " Who cares. I say ? Go on qui etly but quickly.'' . "To-morrow nightJ then," said Joe. - : " : . -j ' ' ; ."Yes." " I'll hire Clover's horse" " No. you shan't." "No?" v "I say no. Take my horse the best one young Morgan ; he'll take you off in fine style, iu the new phae ton." r ; . . . " Exactly." i" As soon as j ou are spliced, come right here, and a jolly time .we'll have of it in the old house.' " But the old man might drop in on us." , ,. "Bah I He's an old fool, whoev er he is ; "e don't know your, good qualities, Joe, as well as I do. Do not be alraid. .A nint heart, you know, never, won a fair lady." xne ia man win ueastounaea, ?"Nevefmind, go on,.' We'll turn the laugh on him. I'll take' care of you and 'your wife at any rate., ("I'll do it." said Joe. "You shall 1" said panforth, and they parted in the best of spirits. An hour after dark, on the follow ing evening, joe made his appear ance, decked in a new black suit and looking really very comely. Tne old man bustled about the barn with him, helping to harness young Morgan" to the new phaeton, and leading the spunky animal himself to the road. Away went the , happy Joe Walker in search of his bride. A few rods distant he found her, as per previous arrangement, and, re pairing to the next villiage, the par son very quickly made them one in holy wedlock. Joe took tl e bnde ami soon. dashetL, bark to the town ot,P , and halted at the house of Dan forth who was already looking for him and received him with open arms. ' Is it done," said the old man. " Yes yes," answered Joe. "Bring her in, bring her in." con tinued the old fellow in high glee ; never mind compliments ; no mat ter about the dark entry ; heie, here. Joe, to the right, in the parlor, we ll have a jolly 'time now," said the anxious farmer, pushing away for 1 gins and returning almost immedi- I am married ).,,- "Yes, yes " i "And this is my wife," he added as he parsed up the beautilul bride, .1- 1 1 me-.- tne Dewiuning ana loveiy aiinnie Danforth. - What I" roared the father. "Joe you villain, ,)ou ecamp, , you auda cious cheat, you you-- you " . 'It is true sii; we are lawfully mar ried. You assisted me, you planned the whole anair, you lent me your horse, you thought me last week fth o( Wg daug1lter.vou me the cottage at tne foot promised of the lane, you " I ,didi Jt I . I deny it I Jt You c not prove it. 1 Jtou re a- a a'" " Calmly "nUw,- Mr, tontinned Joe; and tne. entreaties of the. happy couple were at once united to quell him to acknowledge their uuion. The . father relented at this. It was a job -of - his. own manufacture w.iuu-wi-i 1 . I L 1 I lua ne aw now uscicsa n woui finally to attempt to destroy h. ould ' be He ave,in. reluctantly, and the ' ! fe.f MlBlue Danforth was overjoyed to be duy juknowiedged as Mrs. Joe Waiker: The marriage proved , a hip Qn and thc original asscrtion o( jWorth, proved ' truthful in f resect. The cunning lover every-. resiect. xne cunning wia a nn.A d-n anil faithful hticHlnrl Tland lived many ve rs to.enioy the . - .. u .,if-. ri 7 . .. 7 . . . runaway match, while, the old, man n.vr i iml In hnr much aticmt the . .. f fa dopcmcQt i for h MW how compietel he . ha had . overshot i,:,.lf i 1 ) J -Thc Best Sheep. " ' As v a rule ; t pure t bred rJR - J, - .., , ;1.a"V ,r" T UT Jnl VV . c , , Am I to raise foT mutton! 1 W", beautifult how ? : Age dims the 1 . r malt- th'lonjr. lustre of the eye, aad pales the rosesl loo'dcar ne wool . . wools. furnish loot much. fat in. pro portion to lean to be , profitable , to the ebnsumer of mutton. -! The South downs supply fine grained lean mea, but they have. the drawback oi being a trifle small. - A cross between the outhdovn rams and . Merino , ewes produces a ; fayotite las- o(r lambs forithe'astern markdts, . They are I hard v.. mature 1 earl r.' a hardy, .mature early, and strongly display the eacelknt Jlfcoutndown points.""; ir these graaes or, aoutn down ewes are crossea,. witn a juou wold or Leicester ram,- the ; progeny will be large: the growth rapid, while tne flesh' will have a choice flavor. To supply early lambs for ' thebuicher, this is probably as', good, a. ctoss as can be maae, as there is always a de- Bfetnd for such lambs in New York and other eastern cities at profitable prtces. : ' -. : "l: - : -.J :-- 'iYoung Men, If If yes want 'good Suit 6f clolhcsand anics bat, for liule mwaey, call at Grandy k FOOD FJ THOUGHT. terror loves to walk arm in arm with truth, to make itself thought re spectable. No affliction would trouble a child of God, if he knew God's reason for sending it , That man lives longest that wisely divides the occupation of life' be tween brain and muscle. ManjbeaL abojut the walL-,vUlj ' a hammer, fancying at every blow that the nail on the head. V The majority shrewdly? employ their time in obtaining favors, while tne minority employ theirs an ie-1 .1 - t . ' . 1 serving them. There are some natures who do not know how to fail, and who nev er do fail in what they set themselves to accomplish. - - ' Lopping off the branches of sin is labor in vain, and always to be re newed ; there is no way but laying the axe to the root. T If it is a small sacrifice to discon tinue the use of wine, do it for the sake of others ; if it is a great sacri fice, do it for your own sake. Is this j The narrow-minded ask : " one"of our tribe, or is he - a stran ger?". But to those who are of a noble disposition, the whole world is but one family. . It is never too late with us so long as we are still aware of our faults and bear them impatiently ; so long as spuauvoa, -"kv.i iui uuuu.icai, stir within us. As the Sandwich Islander believes that the strength and valor of the enemy he kills passes into himself, so we gain the strength of the temp tations we resist. Temptation is a fearful word. It indicates the beginning of a possible series of infinite evils. It is the ring I ing of an alarm bell, whose mclancho I ly sounds may reverberate through eternity. Like the sudden, sharp cry of . "fire 1" in the night, it should rouse us to instantaneous activity, I and brace every muscle to its highest ra wno nave soia it to moulds, equ . . ' 0 I ally testify to the upeuority kl this pre- lien, as a rule, are easily attracted I by a beautitul 'ace, but still it is an internal beauty of character by which a woman enn exert the great est amount -of influence A true minded man, though at first enanti ored by the glapi of personal beauty, will sjon teel the houowness ot us charm when he feels the lack of beau tv in the mind Inestimably great is tne innuenee a sweetmindea wo man may wield over those around her. It is by affliction that the heart of man le ni.ririi ,nfl t n t t th. Ihminhle ...... ' i.vrU6. i are fixed on a letter state. Prosuer-1 ity, alloyed and imperfect as it is, I has power to intoxicate the magi nation, to fix the mind upon the proent scene, produce, confidence and elation, and to make hitn who enjovs affluence and honors forget the hand by which they were be stowed. It is seldom that we are otherwise thari by affliction awakened to a sense of imbecility, or taught to know how little all our acquisitions! can conduce to safety or quiet ; and how iustlv we may ascribe to the su - perintendencies of a higher , power those blessings wmch, in the wan tonness of success, we considered as the attainments of our policy, or courage. We may iudge a roan's character by what he loves what pleases him. If a man manifests a delight in low, sordid objects, the vulcar song and debasing language, the misfortunes of his fellows or animals we may at once determine the complexion of his character. ! On the contrary, if he loves purity," modesty, truth it virtuous pursuits engage ; his . heart and draw out his: affections we are ..tii-A.! k. 4n ni-.rireht man Whpn iiai.cu -,..6..v ........ we see a young man fond of 6n Ctotnes ana raaaing a sup oi . oiiuacti, it a sure sign that he thinks the world consist? of an outside show ana oeieniatiou. auu c tct,u make an unstable man, without true affection or friendship. fond of rhmrc and excitement, and soon weary of those objects and pursuits V . ... , r which for a time gave him pleasure. Grow; Beautiful. ' i .i:' ..j c uul become healthy, by proper attention to the laws of their physical consti. tutions. j By moderate and daily ex - ercise, men may become active and J rufonK llm . init mntr J Kilt " - ! I...- .... -U-L. uil. fwrtm-Cmt furroughs, wrir,kles, lost teetn, gray hairs, bald head, tottering umos aoa iroDing feet most sadly mar tne hu man form divine. But dim. as the eye is. as pallid and sunken as may the face of beauty, tod lrau ana feeble that once , strong, erect and macly bcxiy, the, immortal soul, just fledging its winfp for its : home in heaven, may. look out tnrougn, tnese failed windows as .beautiful . as. thc dewdrops of a summer s morning, as melting as the tear that glistens in ai- fectipns ey by growing kinaiy, oy cultivating sympathy with all human kird 1 bv cherishing torDearance to wards the foibles and follies of our race, and feeding day by day on that love to God and man which lifts us from the brute, and makes ".us akin to angels. ' -j !;1 f READY-MADS CLOTHINQ. AH in want of a nice siit si bottei prices, call and xmiae ours. ctt5tir Caawny at . . tr , Just Received. ?? A pretty lot of picture frame, pictures, ,nwttof ' mh" ? g chanT "IT " p.casn. Not. 18 Boots and Shoeaj f For great bargains call at Grdy A Bro's Chew Jackson's Best Sweet N-ry Tobaccr. 7i BOOTS AND SHOl'.S. We have a .. stock of thfi on hand. 'nd w,u grantee Mtisfactipni;both as to i 1 . " 5 ? 1' MU HUBU,7- -n octistf GnANi,j St Bao. GRANDY receiving a 4 BRtfi- Are now fine Iot$f Fall and Winter goods. Call and examiii there be fore purchasing. I . y - LADIES ! M WTio want a fine pair of Buttii Shoes or Kid Top Lace Gaitersl can fji them at Grandy & Bro's. ; ; M r . 'j -:. Just Received. fV . A fine lot of Ladies' Scarfs, R&ffs, Hand- kerchief, Kid GloYe Menno su, &c A REMARKABLE REllrjLT. " ' . - . Tt makes no difference how i 'any Phv- siciana. or how much medicin vour have tried, it is now an established fact that lierman syrup is the only remedy which of Lung Diseases. It isiVue there re yei inousancis 01 person;,', who are disposed to Throat and Lung uffection hSSJ5 Severe Colds sett'ed on the br ist. Dtieu- monia, whooping cough, &c.,twho have no personal knowledge of Soschet's German Synp To such we 'oi Id say mas ou.uvaj uozen were 60JcJast veaM wuuoucone complaint. Con-ftimntives . ... . ... it 1 try lust one Dot tie. iteiruiar si 75 eta- Sold by T. D. Crawford & Co Oxford. in A Richmond Hair Dri '. This celebr ted hair dv U ,Sennll,d for dying beautiful black a& -brawn, IThe many testimonials the ptUprietoris "any receiving irom merctiatija and bar- our knowledge, in which the ?ast inju ry has resulted from the aptt Jcalion of this dye ; but on the contrary f we have . 1 1 : ai... : L ..1 . ir5uu to ucucveuiai u) its g-Jlie fcllin- ulant property, it has been suiessful in iiivigoratiiig the growth of thejjair. The oftues of the hair is preeertd. This is no .aonnerii numpng, dui ayome pre paration, prepared by J. BlairjiDruggiet and fbarmacutist 831 Broad t L. Rich mond. Va., and iateptfor &e in Ox ford NCbyT. D. Crawford" Co., and It. J. Jlitchell & bons. - - H-seDl7l v .3 , New Bstks! Cheap Retinr ! 1. .. .. . . . I dooks nave, appeared iu thecnijp, clear- It minted "Tm Lakeblds L ikabt." siles : 4 io. Tii-Tii., uame tsira oz trt u. o 1. 1. , . t rrn. . a book for sportsmen, by Tb-nias Alexander. Price S 20c The Lakeside Cook Book, Noi,'.?. a new compilation of cnoiceKe- celpts. Price Li ' 10c Xo. 224-223; The Dilemma, a te f the India Rebellion. Price i 20c 15e Xo. 209, Cripps, the Carrier, ty' R. D. lilac k more , Price i No. 237.. The Haunted Hotefehy Willie Collins. . His last sw 'i.ir?..v J.r.M k' f... lOe 1 SkI1L 1 Ji ll Gibbon, a very spirit ed and jeep ly interesting book. Price ,715s No. 109.' The Fur Country, by'feules Verne, 25 illustrations. 'Prtjfe- 10 No. l-64. Daniel Derondafiby George !EUiott; complete.- kThe . master pieee of this greater of this greatest ox modern wrvrs. ' Prie - i - " ; i -. 20e Ne 233. Lat of the Haddor(t; by Jars. ewman. une oi the bjrjgiit estnewbooksv Prica '. : : 10c. Sohl by all newsdealers, er ei;1nl post paid by the publishers, "1 -3 - " " MUKiir, vasiette a t t, dee 24-4t j Cllcago. CATARRH VAPOR? I . Prof: vV.! Paine,' A. M."M. 15 i hae de I voted more than 30 rear to th hivesti voted more than 30 years to th 4 lnveti- . . u Ag regult h ered ftrtoinates. tonns.-or I Q plain worte. parasites, that f atch and I grow in the Kving tissues, henf , to cure &eiUH of S'tJfS hthvtn element of fthe-air) n,i . iinnMiAnnli u h n llnntd alwolute cure for catarrh, by octroying I k iu . . "VnGaf ... tl iuc kci turn nwui uiiuc ib. . xirz I . - true in regard to diphtheria. pnsump - dtinfectaii Otone I tion j ,j.urt. ... L4fl.naaf.f H-hPrf.laaWithe.dis- wt.im.. D.,,inliPii i.rl the wmOTaI of all liwr ,nd al faction, 0f the bloorl tomacb ;fid Li ver 1 tonic for tlie cure of all case debilitv. fne price of Gzone I el a hottl Blood, ftl"iu''' - V? wv. it i t Dtii., at kv ltver aveuovauog rui wunyci uv. proL bM erected aQd -Wan, hotel--the Peabody, &k St. be- . I 1 U7l . Bl.;l..1nlnl.;. .u-KrMtAM ceives paueura irom au par? oi iu 1 WAalst anrl eilMB t hAliaQ llla VaBl Ckf world, ind cures thousands of!-ases of catarrh, consumption, cancer and . all other diseases that no other reatmen Sn hfNo one vkitlng Pf8delphia should faQ to stop at the Feabcjy. Only xx rjpraav. iteaiciiies sent wrienoruer 1 ed. tehort band practice sent ji reoeipi of a three1 cent stamp.' 'lietrilnes for sle by all ' druggists and H agents. Address, Pmf. W. Paine, M. m, Peabo dy Hotel; 250 and 9th. St- PblXi Pa.; . Aprfiyrv-- .: : , sr:j- - c ; - -. . . l --.;- Tk. nr..4 C.atr.1 8.U m. Darha.,N.'C.i... elegsaifarrssjed ertablkhmenVjaBdiste Durhaakat Gf aad CeaUal Hotel is to New , fork. (that Islheterybest'jvCaCili, t proprie- tor. keeps st-ila wiaea aad 1ft, aa thosa whm patrbnixe kiaa.are pleased. Tk. orth CaroUna AgricaUi ji Society awarded fciaa a diploma for U b'jtwbuicyi . -,-?--vr' . , rt r 71..... mn T-l..,l .ti niii deC I7-3m01. ! - ' ' W.trtu.nklT. Herelr satfc az.00. jrrr !" IP I MISCELLANEOUS.5 iT- IB. Cannady, COUNSULOft AND ATT OR N E Y-AT-LA W OXFORD, N. C. ; Collection of claims a specialr. Office over . Crawford & Co'a.. Store. fman' JliTO. "W: TT,A.1Z3y ATTOSNEY ACOTOSSLLOS fAT UV, , OXFOHB. K. C.- i ' -ta. Office after DetTrl5th, 1877, ever T. P.Crawford '-. c w store. ; uov20tf s y ATTORN EYiAT-LAW, ' i : s OXFORD, C.f ... -" ' Collections : made in airy- part of the Mills, TAR RIVER! f I HAVE HAD THE BEUNA "VISTA . M I LLS thoroughly repaired, and nave adopted the use of the , most impreved machinery. ; 31? facilities for making all grades of Family Flour are not surpass ed. Orders for ' ' ' MEALi FLOUR, BRAN &C. ari be left at the store of S. V, ELLIS & CO., Oxfortl, N. C With thahks for pat patronage, and soliciting a continu ance of the same, I am, very truly, , . x ! t T-r .in 1 r t : it. u. mjiuauu, ' :y l$-6m ; .. , :, , Proprietor. 1 NOTICE , To hoidersof County Orders Orricc Register Deeds, Granville. Countt, 1: . Dec. 9th, I878. AT a meeting of the Board of Commis . sioners of Granville Codnty, held 00 Monday,. December 9th, 1 878, the following order was passed and the attention of thosa interested is called to the same : ' ' ' ' Ordered, That for the purpose of ascer taining the indebtedness of the County, all persons holding claims against the County of Granville be .-required to come ' forward and have the same audited by the Clerk of the Board within sixty days from this date. This notice to the holdets of all claims as, represented by orders already issued to be published in the newspapers of the couaty. ;iri t ;r, JOSEPH TOW JES. dct7t ' " 'Clerk Bd. Commissioners. NEV GROCERY STORE BEASLEY & HAITHC0CK Are now receiving st'-thelr NEW STORE ou Hilhsboro street, a select lot t CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, Ac. which f they propose to sell at greatly reduced pricea lor , "- Citrons, Dates, Candies," Nuts, : .Figs, Ctirrants, ' Raisins; ApplesOranges, Pick- , - les, fauces, Sar .-, , , dines, &c. r i m W -SpicesPep-, -s, 'per, Ging:er,So- da, Rice, .Cheese, j .. Crackers, Cakes, Teas, " v Corn ' Starch,' 'Laundry' Starch, Soaps,5 Can, Lye, Ac Axle Creases Cheaper tbaa tier We are. selling goods cheaper . than the I same have ever been offered on this market. " - 'We make meal,andfloarA specialty.', . Highest market, price paid for wheat and corn in- cash or trade, u in fact we will 1 ' barter 4or anything produced ia our .; county. -Bring along your produce and . - ah-,in . ,m j- VMI &hAA Term8 8trteOy cash always and no mistake - ' 1 - deca4i6m j . Something for the New Year. : ''J The world renowned .success Bostet. 's Bitters f continMd lor a Quarter of century as stoinachJCi scarcely more wonderful . tbaa the welcome S ,he n,n,"1 Ppejce olUmM. I itft Almanac - This valuable medical-tres- i. . . . , . I nttKli.V.il Km .Cmlth Pitta 1 "X ' . . " i ourz. ri uuer wir own - numcumc a- Prsi. emploTineSo hands inthat: de. . psrtment. Ten cyliBSer printing presses, . foldin machiaes, 5 lob presses. &c are running about elrre. asonths. ia the year this work, and the bsuc o! same for - l87t Beuna' Vista family Groceries will not be less than ten millions, printed ia the English, Germaa... French, VVelsh, Nar- t wcjaa, Swedish, Holland. Bohenian a4 Spanish languages. , Refer- to a copy ef "it for valuable and iateresting readinu ' ca. cerniBg health, aud numerous ' testimonials ' - ; as to.tha crBcacyef Hostetter's Bitters, amusement, varied information, astronomi- - . u catcuiauonsano ' ro.oogi, ne,. - ". "Jr? bV 1 n.' pe Almawc for 1879 n e J'.?? , "fi mrm - v "V" V R. F. BAYTJtr. I --, IKPOBTKBS OF I. : -. . 1 GCIAf ClACS, QUEEHGUAHS tket j ; Af 'P3, AC.. CiiT 1 f . ..iwwh',-'; , . aKPCTACTCTUEE8 0T, . , ; 1 STOItTJlj Wf A 1 - ; V.,.,' o. ' N.,r Balt.Et- "7 ' - -, '7i : ' I m nr-tti asrptis ssaiinrsc. JCU It. mtmm W Ovtmm BUUa, m W. B. Vlllll , I ti w aprU23tf; i

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