NOR 111 CAROLINA Hr.RALD liKiltl sait,- m I'ropiiarora WHISK -iiAV. in-niHKK Vi'l.I'MK II!. th liii. . tit.- V.. .f V...i 111. Two Id. whether we haw 4,. t . ourselves an 1 ! Tho lir.H j.urt w - . the aet.-mid ii.- ! t t respond. a ,. . w e h it i r . i . k ' 1 . j t. iiiiieriii; .Not one welfare of . in tniiijuir ..f (!.. peopi lh.i; pv.irt hale Hot jlil- I'1 y.;ir3 c. tiling to JH'I ii . tilluut,- pro.- a . o 1 1 -. and illlK All M'U.IFC ATHiN IN A! A INK. A man n:i'io .1 li'l'ior into A.'.iiiiv iio-io in !!, o HcnV ii.'i.'icl f..r the jinlp' of liio rsi iiii'cortid i "in Kuropf .ttnl un.i! pa.-k.iiT's. soliiti" li.jiior. NiljwTinr ourt ehiirjicd the jury lliat the act la a violation of the law of Maine. The judge kn.v. -that the law of M:,,n, is Void unl.i law of the I tlle5tiici hay i tfic Sllprcitn' I S.alcs .is .'oiio .lu.. T,i, Tin- -jii. i .ii ri i ii y r. u'a'c ar.l.-nt ypirii. nr. lent .-pints, u snpenor to tin it. t Tl.u -.tti.,1 l.y .e l'nit.,1 the eas, : r a state the Jaie of rt.ttion of nation of ed bv I 'on- regulation f the . ' T imp j'iij). tin Which !l:U l.o'll ; gress. Is such a o fonicn comium ternal iratlie ..f tpie.-tloit oiiine .it tourl for the lir.t of ltrown th, C H Ih aton, A III there I ilia; ;, iw.r-v-tf ','. ,f t !l, I.. inc. i i ! lie lalc.f A rd 'tli .r.!.i..,l. e'c.ifrt nuthor- for i c-r;vc- . fl in was imvmM) the Chief .lustiet A-ioptiii. tlitMf .rr-, !, rnU a" aid down in Hi'iihh vs. Mm vt.tml. I pnoc-d t" :ipp!y )t t- On- ff Mjissafhll-ii1! ! iiinl ImLiihI. Tin law.i (.'mii';- r.-;'i!,itiii f'irt'ili ri ''"" rn rn.- -in '.' I tw import-ill iMfi uf .--.rits, il'utici h'jiiunr!.', !i ! 1 1 i ! : r. mi t-.tks or Hot I''iUMj rh:itl i cvrtjiin (jiiiiiitsu. -i-.-i I In tin. llWA UJinl) this Ml'ij-i-!. .''"' ifth-' $,ttt l.'tn , ; i ,..-' ,',t ,'.!,. ion trn'k ih'-wf'h t .i.'-'c.'.., -;w,7 prevent tl of i'h-tr'i. ' ', in- ,,nff.t h'in or .n f ,,t !!.- -i ' .( (.if ii tliMtttrr Hi !!.' n,'f. i ' r.i,y (- set m tr.'n- h l!tr't ,. , (( tmt.hl f,l( ;' t,'n ."!-( fu NOW, if thf MilUlf IMH'fd with tlair iitii.n-t. rli.-v !:;,u' to be wli;jiKd Hit" !ih.. Tin !if if L-oinin on uf n r , ., I time, fur the tob.icro f .tv r . i , ,,,, close, and nmiiy t Ii-ku upI I 'dnit :! nx-n W'mll like tin' jilj t.f innki-.r' Ma) ih" su'itnit t' liu1 I.iwh nf tin; Vnton. Volimtwr TliKtli. We rt'p'trtvd liie nit'ry of tiic VulunUir on Svyt. in our hut idsuu. The di-i mid r;ii ilid nut Take pla;-c on Sept. x'Ttij on a -utit of dt-iid i-.ilrn, hut ) -'n-day Si-pf. a St, IT l.rc, , n tvr hoih y i litis tt cluin.,' n tiu-ir Ki-afiiniiK ualniir. '1 tn- prt'psir:, tory (inn w:w fiud t 10:M:2. liuth vichU i-n8iid thf liiu- t.t lw V iluritt'er p.dnin it sturl And kt't-p-it) the Itud throulinil ttu- met . 'i he VolnnttMT wuh by 11 nunutt ;' And ."4 sccunds. !rcidrr.t Cleveland. Southern and Western trip, lm own i r , elfcU Ins o.t ii n his hirei rnnt- ptny, mid nh hi h '-ti and U ctoU' traveling ami otiu r ex pen At en route, liie any th'T ciii.t-n. Tuiji is a Jc mo -ra; ic ad mini r.ilmt, . A rhef i lie Ciiixrn, On Wednesday lait the New York OcutocraJic f-uovf nricni at Saratoga nominated the Mlnwintf ticket : 1 or twcrct.iry nf State, Frederick f'ook; rvmptrdh r K , f Wniph ; 'JVetwurer, L J Kit.trId; At tor licy Uenral, Cha K 'l uhor. The .Ma8acduett Kepuldiran Vate t i ke! ; (iovcrnor. tiver Ami': Kt.-Oorernor, J A Hr-K-k Secretary of Statp; 11 J iV:jr.e; ''rvMi!irer, A W Heard; Auditor. C R Lftdd; Attorney tieiier!, A S Wftferinan. '-iffrer from lb rffuru of rjulninn, h-4h rvmd tir cfailb and fnver l, tu!d Uf Afrr' A true Cure. This pfep art.tnn la a pnwttrful ionfr. wholly veiro ft, und wiihnut prrtict of maj box , jujt ,:. 4ruj. H arnuiid a uro cwr. - . i i-, i.e ini-:" I ' ' u.s.':- t of I he . .- 4 iT. i- St X 'f-t -H. v i' ', !$00lZ- in which it i JiUIlTH :!: ful.oM!!. Iit Of CUtiT pri.M-s rer rled dining Julv. August and Svpti'irt1, the diillmt oinMtlit, of the year : i Ail., nnirl. l';irk,T Unld Mine. An.'. r..pi l. "it. .Il l (1 ii r null. Ai. i. ii;iii i null, iipoki- A han- .!!.. f... ry. llro.nn faetury. -- Tinware farturv. - -.i. i ' Aurora -I rt e Hi- l-'alla-itii. it lile- Ire factory A Hour mill, tirit mill and (fin. i. 1, u in her mill. -Cotton mill. Smnlv Frcehoid tiojd- lin. a (limited ) Hioa-luay I'lour and corn mill. : Hr-'.id ;tv Pottci f . i Buffalo I'iiper .Will Shuttle and ; hohlon fiictory. An. ilir!iiii;ton--Kiilarged mill. I iui. t reek Kl.nir mill. t' I .!! ! touiftv Cottoll illll!. I' Fulls -Knl. ir'cl cotton mill Charlotte Clt hilt j; factory. 1'ulp null, t ' 1 .iv count v--M unng. t'hnton - liiiek yuril . Coilv - tirnt mili. Concord Colt. .a mill. ( ''vrr- -S.tsh and door fict'ry. Ii.ili.o)' NjMiku and handle factory. I Mi rlcim lint' factory. " Ice fiictory. KUviihoro Cotton nidi. F-iVitrtviilt -I'otton iwd oil n.dl. Toharro factory. " Khnir milt. u Woii curding facjorr. ' Cotton nidi, (ioldf-lmro Wiiti-r works, t in.Ti4diorn Tidj;trro fuotnry. Uronni fiirtorv. T SAsplialt Conduit Co U iinitf-'Ti New saw null. H. inlrrsnti TobaiM'o factory. , Ih rid- f-fnt Miniii;'. Uicknrv dliiriMd factory. '.mil -Miiiwn Knhirjfcd cotton mill. di'iub'tr-.KiiIarcd foundry. Kcrhnw lrist mill and gin. Kind's l..untain M imng. l-t' .(ills- Saw mill. I.cnu -:saw null. l.iiHolnton Cotton mills enlarged. " I'otton mill. .!.ik. iVwdle Saw mill, .t.intcti Xiw fin Hit, 4e. ( :,r''V Unur and grist mill. M ", j -niry Co Nam Clirintiaii Hydraulic Cm., ruining M ir-jjrfon Capdv facturv. Muya ll.'dlv .Varhhto Shop. ( lier'ke Iron A Marb. Co cw Berni--Saw mill. New bt-rne FfTtdiicr factory. " Ship yard. C.ri-it mill. Pamlico risl mill, l'-'!k jrointv .1 iniiijf. I'Mtioota l'rii k and Tile Vrkn. h'alciIi Si.ntht'rn printing Co. Mrick works. ! Tiibac co prize factories Kiitwllcioan - diiitiinial macliinery S lU-rn I'apcr nidi. oford - Foundry A maclnne shop. . ! i ! in r v -- I'o!i;n co factory (I'iiVnci ) -!.n ry- -Saw mill and gin (It, 11. ( OH iltl. J Shtdhy -Cinnrry. Shdhy--Cotton"milL Snicdimc 'linricrv. M tin-it A ininh'T mill. 'I h"niu ii!f- (mill mittiii. '.MM.'.il.t ' ;iT.lilM' IiicU-iy. l!icl;ind--,iw null. Wiit t-r ullcy Ad'n'l mmh'nrry. U thuilit'Ml Uice ntilhs. " lyp works. JA-dicines. (til A Creosote Co. ;i (t Coit piers. WIN U lib Puinf f.iclo-ry. .'otton nmpresa. Tl.w following we dip from iHiit ; K. rncrvillc w.tnts a bank. KvvctU ville is to have a roller flour mill. Jno. Kilihtn will build flour mill at Linetdiitou. Iron ore miiirn art to he developed at .Nun! hvillc. tinoind low Ueu broken for a hank at New Heme. j A m w hotel will be erected at Murphy, at a cost of 15.000. - V. L. Anthony will entabltsh a ' ciinning factory at Naitdaha, N. (J. A M Klhson. High I'oint. will ornuo a furniture factory. I i reciijthoro j.i soon to have street .! (.)t'ctrie lights. The Uiih-.h Street luiilrond Co., will extend their road. Work in thu new' cotton factory at Aaheviile progresses rapidly. At ustiiiigton, n. ( a com- p:my a In nig or(;uiiLd to build a hotel. Over 10.000 boa been aubacfibed to build a cotton mill at Kinaton. The Henrietta Milla l'oiiiaiiy ia hmldtng a cotton mill at Uuthcr furiltoii. Kellv Itros., Joncaboro, are put ting additional machinery in their fun ndry. ( anion Hna.' apoke and handle r.ietorv, at Charlotte, began work September lit. A rlothiim faetorr at Charlotte ia on-diicd with turning out 500 paira iti ureeciies h n.'ty. The eftiatructton of a wilwar from Wilmington to Wrigbtavill appear to tw certainty. J. n. t'arr will make eitenttre improvement to the electric light pUut t u-r.-orss. Ufly. lfll'1'.OVKMENTS IX CAROLINA. A manpaneee and nicke! mine, in CIhv county, is Winn developed by .1. 1. Culpoii, uf Murphy. Wilmington has voted to sub - srniie unit .ihw to t no n mniiisnni Onslow unit Kast Carolina Railroad. The congregation of the r.piiii'npal elmrch of Charlotte is to build new church at a cost of 1 0,000. Onrhmn linn a prospect nft.hreo new railroaiU. If she gets them she will soon he the largest town in the Slate. The new furniture factory at Ooldshoro is now about ready for work. A broom factory is also in operation there. The Oolden licit .Manufacturing Comitany recently ortriiuised at iMirham with i;().tti0 capital, will manufacture bat:. Hacks, shirts, etc. The ilnrfreesboro Hail mad com pany baa been orgniiized with li II Win borne as pnnidcnt, K V Kiee vice president, and K W Wmbnrw treu rtr. At IJncolnton. (leorge UifdiRrds. Dover, N J; l V Hoke and J C Winder, uf ltaleih, and others, have incorporated the Lincoln Lithia W Hit-F com puny, cftal stock, 10,(hh. S G Worth is making arrange- 1 menta to entabliah a rock fob hatch ery for the goTernniciit, in the' Koanoke llivcr, nearWeldon, . C. ; It will be on a lurge scale. The location id chosen. t i J he On k riffle Mitnnfactarinfr Co. j at damestown, is putting in 1,J new j Whiten cards; also slubbers, speed- ers. sptutlh-s and twisters, and have built 90 feet, two stories lo factory. .1 V i'omemy, of Charlotte, and !' U Hardin and C K Hardin, of liraham, havo! the Falls projierrv, and will build a eottofi factory at once. They will pnt in '-J.niHi spindles at first, and increase to ij.OOO spindles later. Tlie Kuisfll (iolj Mm... f .lA.nt-1 ''"'"X. ' ,'n ul" gomerv count v, ha, onlmd two u;'lu-. Until Scalfi, liiiiie Sow larjft.cru.ln.Mi su automatic r(. j PiarU 1 liompton, Mary Thom fifily, ami ninu concent niton, j Tht-Hf, With tlx. Iitrifc li.Mt rcct'titlv mss t'.t citola sioosg'a koov. icrcctcd make tltc equipment of thu mint, altnoat perfect I. :.. .... . nee'lleha to .U1 that the ii. burg Iron Work secured lhi order, and in the fnce of strong conrpeti tion from Northern and Western buildera of mining ma.:h.uery. A representative of Dixie drop I peil into the works of the .Jeeklcii himr lfrtn W ork At CloirL.tM . ri CltiShippniK.rk wiu the hurfu st. Orders for thri-eluri;". and uiie nicdiuni sized saw tiiill had ( been received that morning., ttttd the shipping clerk wus endenvoring to keep up with two tea ma of large, i itctjvt'lior8c8. As we walked through tlie works it w.w plcanunt to note Lhe act i vc, hny work men, whose every motion helied the charge that our Simthcrn jteople are slothful, und unhdeiit. j lnn't tlhttut i-vrrvlMtv bv hawking. !.Inui,.., .wl -..illin. luti'iKo hr ttn...-' ratrrti K.-mr.!y bm.1 br cun-1 - . "I uAvt uktn, w.iiiin tim p,vi ji. Sfveril tMilitfH f Ayitr's Hars4MirtHa. nnl fit it luImiruMy tidapltd In tin iiftnW f an fuivcrlli'il Kpstctn, I um ('ituvincnl (hut tlii tircarrt( us a lilmxl puriticr, i iirn'ijitiltii " C. I:m, I'asior Conri-VMional churTli. Ainliver, Me. NEWS OF THE WfiEK. The Germans have seized Saiuoan group of island- The public debt has been the 1 created lGf,r0(t,O0tNitiring Septe ber. (termany and franw have set tled their frontier dilhVulty on terms honorable to both. Fire damp liiu killed four per aona and injured eight more at Fottaville, l'a. Tlirwi more nf tli nuirawn of' the Aleaia have died of cholera. Th, remainder are atill qtiitrun-i tilled. Mra. Otto (iohlachmidt (Jenny Lind) haa had a stroke of general pnrulyaia. Her mind is unimpaired. Itacc'rYot in llrazonia Co., Texas, causes bloodshed. The number of killed so far amounts to eight, j The Voluntr wina the aecond race, thereby kcpiiiK the Interna tional Cnp. England tnuat do bet ter to get tbe cnp back. Prohibition defeated in Tennes see by SO.OtlO. The election was quiet and a large vote polled. The steamer "T. B. Sims" born- ed last Friday; at Inland Forty, 15 mile north of Memphis, lenn. One life toat, A British consul has arrested King Jaja on the roast of Africa for interfering with 'nle and cut ting off the heads of one hundred ami fifty of hta aubjeela as a warn ing that his order to U enforced. A Home W'httCaa Talk. Kveryhndy has beard of a "boras laui;b," hot who haa ever seen aa equine gifted with tbe puw.r of apGeeh t Koeh aa animal would tie prwtminred a wtira ck; tml ao wouhl the telegraph and lhe telehnne have been a hnndnil year airo. W hy. even very reeeolly aourc fur con stimHien would have been hMiked tiinn aa niirai'iiloua, but aw De.iple are-tieKln-ainu lo realise that luauiaeaw ta nnt in- romlik lar I'laror' Dolden Meilieal Riaeovery will cure it, Ir taken ta time. Thia wurld-rrnnwoed remedy wtll ma wiake Dew luniia. but H will reatore dia al one to a healthy -tale when ail otbr bsTC Tswmim, rnmnaiMlf rati 1 gratefully hisUfy t Ibla. All dniggiats. j Roll of Honor, , Tha following is the Honor Roll j of ,he white Oraded School for the 1 munth ending October 5th : It. 11. XIZKR a noon. Atwell, Paul Itcrnhardt, (111 Pim:trok Cappt, Sam Johnson, Clarence Klutta. Louis Swink, Ar thur Shaver, Tlico. West, Lottie Alatll Mollnr- Canhlr, Mnggie face, Bcasia Treiier, .Nannie at son, Annie Atwell. II. J. OVERMAN S KOOM. Uobert Meroney, Pavid Julian, Walter Linton, Lonnie (iaskili, Vance Sharer, James 1iuicr, Kr- iit Woodson, Charlie Shater. Iht id KmIiwmw, fhti her Ihuli-v, ('harlie Crowell, Vivian Holt, Heulah liernbardt, lilaiiche Heard. i JJtiiHy iStnim, ixittic Kaie. dennie fl KaIe, Josie Atwell, Mabelle Curne Kichwmc, Mabel ticorgia Cushinir, Kmmie Aylmer (triftin, Mary Kcstle i sic iiorau, niunctie cntt. MIS tltSSIE . neklt'h uoom. j i t arm; ( auble, Mary 1 uliiiijr, I Lottie (lallimorc, L la Ithickwdl, I JeWHt 'Ttl-ott Kr etHvf.r4r ' Kannie Tlunn, Hello ndleman, I Alma James, Mat tie CritVwi. Mattie 1 Kd wards, Kuphy Atwell, Paisy Thompson, (filbert Swink, Frank (iaskdl. La 1 1 cas tor James, dailies Sprinkle, Walter Mcriernach, War ren Klnttz. Clarence ltrown, Travis Wvat,t, Uecves HadenT" Thomas Cowan, Jellie Kosemond, Charlie! Woodson, .Ldin Kamsav, rrestun Swicegoori, . S illiiJiu Waller Pool, James I Udcii, liarfey d sines, Willio Johiiiitun. M1S.1 FUHtKNI.'E WOODSON & 0(1 11. ; John K)ile, f'harlie Pace, (ieorge 1'imiI, Munnii' line. Hob Ia-b l!ie nKtn, Auiif WuNnn, Huj(h Yopp, limn It.ii lev. Maggie Bsilcjr, Amur : llrjwn, .Mnry Kirnbardt, Svvy ! (,'jiiipH. Suho" Cajijn, JSttllio C'rnw- ,.,.. -,m. .,, R i.uiiu t.iii.a.i tintt'S, iioruc wine, UarriH Alwull, Linn It.rn hurdt. John Cuhiiif, Freddie Kd wards,1 John Kreenmn, Charlie Kreenmn. Lanier (iriflin, Jirnmie JutH'a, Knddiu Iloiteman, fciudie Sirink!e, V.ui.nio Sjiriqkle. HriHKfwhfciittjfii.speiwaoilbaw.. Ami, en' w mibikwijjkio uie nnjf, S lri-u liiv oljtt t v( bin pring." S. tltseuM, tti myriad forma, fMirn it f n n uMn the biuno rac. luiiliwi who HiitTcr iront ditrt'UitiK itlnwnii uittr to tiu-ir wi "Ijouhj ue in. fierce a cure for (lie ni'wt r. implicated and nlwii n.ile ( of h iinirrlirii. eircwivr flow-in-.', painful iii'-n-(rualiio. uanalural Miiiiri iMii. prfihipott. r fntlintr of the woiul), wi-iik Uu k. "f4-nmti: wivtknejw," ft'itejfersloQ, r iitivi'riou. lM-iihn? down Ht-nJiniioni, clironie cui.'i.fttioB, lutt.nnnia J ti-'ii mitl ulccTiilton of itir wojnlt, tullani liiatlmi. jmiii und li-tidwrtivs In ovarh-i, a-rouipAnict wilti " tirtt.'' MiJnivijt' Tin- Tr.inMuiHiUittf lU'al rSidic and Tnhi Com piny, lto.m 4.1 KiiL'U Hl.K-k. A!i.-vill. Nrtti Cir..lin. V. M MiLoru. t'n-std. nt. N, I'i.i m . imikk, M.iiiurr, dt;il ri In iuiitt-4, mining piMprrlie", mitl ii kimin nf rtui rxtnle. ri'rrrptiitlelict- invititl frui nil puriirt Riivin niinemi claim fur di Vfltipint'iiL AwNayn f Uidil jmI SiUvr rf, fJ.W. i Aimlytm f oilier ir i a r;t.Im i All mytntr done pr.tmpity til ; pati) i lalKirttcry in AlieviHe. 47ui Wallace's Store! New Fall and Winter Stock Jut Bonght, and I am d:dly reccivloi thi- ni'Mt cum plete atock I have evvr iiffi-nil lit thi market. My line of ltoimnllc try Flannel. 'i:tnak'. HhaaU. lilHuki'U, will Lie complete hy tJetotxT dlb. CLOihiiiSt CLuTUi.6!! CLOTHINS!!! Tbii Hnr OvercoiiU, Paaii, Mti' nd Hor't 8uiU, will t noli) at tuch low price lu to atittoniftb yon. My Hue of SHOES ait of such make, tlml those who have trhtl me, are twsre lhal ttiwy bavu jjittn them entire Miajfutlun. A Urge iltjcU tt( Mvn'a, Bor'i md Chiltlrvni HATS, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, nil n full Hnr of furoUhlnff gomSt. A full uj couipleii' rtovlk uf Wooden Ware, Groceries, Crockery. Uy 8lck in too Urve to enumemte wer) tluog, eo come uhI tee for jourif . MI WHOLESALE DEPABTMIST tt complete. 1 flutter my If that my ex perlviK uf 90 reare euatiltt me to kuow your wanu. I Lave tbe lenrett Mock I errr hiwl, sWm! I bought for nfmti cub. You will HdcI it to your inwrvirt to call wo oie before buying elejw bitfe. All kiudi uf Coantry Produce bought ftf cub or barter. 1 uankwiT you lor ynr pnlmnikge in (he peM I aia. oura truly, t V. WALLACE. STOVES COOK STOVES, HAKGES AND HEATERS. New Block, eiVcmnt dcelfftin, latent Ira-provi-mfuts ami tbe very Uiwesi rix:k hot torn trivr. 1 bave Mnvee for ibe parlor and the dininf room, tlie kitcbea and tbe oittre. Hi etore and Hie nrhool nwm. tiTLarEeat Stork erer brouifhi to iSai- i uourv i aud um me. WM8. ?'J(SKOWH. PRESIDENT GHOVER. CLEVELAND WILL BE IN SALISBURY ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, AM) KVK1IY IIODY SIIOL'I.I) COMK TO TOWN' THAT DAY AM) SEE HIM, AM) ALSO THE Mammoth Stock A T v;hn men $ wimm. 0 ON THAT DAY WE WILL SELL DItY GOOIW 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER, SO AS TO GIVE AIX A CHA.NC'K TO 1SU Y AT 1I0TT0M PlilCKS. DRKSS GOODS, irttKMS ' DKKSS " DliESS 10 eta. 12 J eta." 30 ctll'" 47) eta. 57J ta. Trinaings To Match Lvlion Kmbroiilertd Kid Oloroa, l.ailit'i l,i lion llnmlkcrvhiefa, from Linen Towolf, Largo Nia, Tabic Uanaak. Turkey It-1 and White, " Oil Clth brst (iuola, Illankcla, ll.Oii ptr pair. Six J'aprra of I'ina, lliir Line Ijidica and Miaaea Jeraera, ( luaka. Wrni and Jacketa aa low down aa any New'York houae. YOU WILL FIND KVEHYTIIIN'G AT THE XEW Y0KK Don't order from elaewhere when advantiie. J'ojte and ace na,. 1'olite.aUf rj.f j)i ' : r -'y.-;;:; VAN WYCK 49 H(;:lLIiTZ A WYCK. !n addition to tho aboec are would call the attention of the pnblic tuimr BOOT, SHOE AKD HAT STORE, Comer Main and Fiafaer afreet (McCnlUina' Corner.) Wt fiam deei dolly the largeat and moat complete atock ill ialiabury, and adding to it everyday. Our Winter Mock of XIVX AMI WmiFV IIP IV? arc purt-Iiawfi anil coming in daily. They wt'r at leotf-d with rare to ml thia trade, nnd wc Ui tlml wv have ni)fMl a itwk aa can be found in tin Northern markcln, and it ta onr iittrntion to aril them aa low as GOOD SOLID GOUlJ.S cud bo aolit. We don't p'rt-tcni! to SJ:i.L, uVT COST, but we do sell on Short Profits, anil our prieea will Hear ns out in what we say. To Ik con Tinted is to call ami examiuc before buying. lWlow we quote prieei on a few ttantlartl goods i MKNS HKAVY 80LI1) HOOTS, - - - li.00 to 4.00 pr pair. ItOVS J.7J t.tS YOUTHS " " " v . ' I.5 " S 00 " I'lllLllH " " " 1(H) .' l.M Men's SOLID KIT Hrogans and high cut Shoes, 1.00 " J.00 " omens solni pegge.1 or SUH.Ur.i Kerew Kip Mhoea .7J " 1.15 " all guaranteed aolnl and aatiafaetory. Men's Rubber Boots, 12.50 Mens, ladies and Miaars ISnbbers and Arctic Over Shoes at different prim. A full line of the old reliable Mandley, ZIK0LKU HliO'S and L'lenient, Will & Hull Indies and Mines Shoes always on hand. We hart nie assortment of SU'tann and MeWille HATS in Stiff, Crush, and Fur. Also Boys Hula and t'a at all price. ; In Oentri IInnd-AIalo Shoes you can select from Boyden's, Aillers, and Taylor X Carr's, all good r liuble goods. Measure taken and fit guaranteed when not found in Stock. We hare juat received new supply of Tcrj attractive TRUNKS. VALISES, UMBRELLAS, and all kinds of Traveling bags, which will be aold at tlx prices. Prompt attention given orders bv "ApAi"'"''" COTJ-2STTI2.Tr would find it to their intcro to eiamine onr atock before buying their winur gi-ius, aa wo uiiiik v,, conj markets ii noi mora, MKaKKa. jho. It. locfc) Cadsox. aco. Wlin una uouneg-. ,i n ""'Jiud courteous attention to all SCHULTZ ' wit of Dry Goods Worth 15. V0. " 4:.. " 60. 73. at Sasie Discount. 75 cl. 10 rta. clt. 30 eta. eta. up. 10 eta. jou enn buy at home to Jjtitcr itives4ia J'ricea -oTIf lm r ., linattrratvl & SCHULTZ, Xejt dimr Hteern'a lrng Store MulT RlinPS RmRPnsI low OEiR'CH.AlsrTS ,av9 them freights from Aorthorn and M. Iluoww, are conneo- ,,, .,.)Wmir .ml nrinnw TOU & VAN WYCK. 1 I f V 1 I i ' U 1 I V J iuo uiciii.r i lie preeeni year bcinjrilue, notice ia htriby givtii to the Taj-payiTi of luwa:i county tlmt I will attend at the following timea and plncca for tbe purpoao of col ?cting the aitme. All Kriia conwrned arc earnest ly requested to meet oie proniptly and pay their taies. lnJJ"kUn Ade"'y. MniHlay, October Vnity-llalley-a Stor-TueaJay. Oct. Senteh Irish ML XmtmW.m, Ort. liia. istn otwriH'a Ttmraday, Oct. Steele !! Vmer Friday Oet. 14!h. 8libnry Salunlay Oct. 15lh. Cbitia (in re MnaOny Oct Kth. Atwell Koiirhrllle Tawwlay Oet IHlh " CnleaoD'a Wntoeailay Oct Locke Oiti.B Tlniraday Oet. Hh. Thlnl Creek Friday tM. 21. 8a!Wury Malunlay Oct. M. ProvUleoce Ncwauui'a Store .Monday O. I. atth. Morgaua l"i)ill.,wa TocwUy Oct. ttk. . Miirsu't Milk-nuwii WI nead ay , t 2th. (julil Hill Ttinrwlay, Oct. 87th. I.ltnli.r atiaa'a X Hiut Krid.y On Will. Suli.bury Salurtlay Oi-nlier ?(Hb. t'. C. KlilUKU, (.5 Sin riff uf Uowan. DV 3E3 "W GOODS! ftae line of citaittag of Gi.M ntl Silvr Jewrlrr. tbe taaaarM HI y r HUKAST- I -INS, . KAU-KINtiS, CL'KK IH'TTONS. I JKIinKV l'INS AXDCOMItS. OK NTS' (0LL 1! AM) fUFK I Hl'TToXs, I WATCH ( IIAIiMS A CIIAIXS. A MI I! A M l'lKN W ATCH Kb 1 aiil.liaiulle attlktna tml tbe trry M uf erefi ttiio In my Itiw. ami gunraote9 iery aflut("1iet a: mrtm nHL ' 'a 4v r ias.euw-4'l. M ivmlfmtj taaW iwva pftt Ut. ...... . Veey rkapectftoHy. W. II. KKISXKR. 101 j Tbe Jeweler. IOnTHMMl)Si,)!lttjf1tr5,C4Hi aONiCeiitjJsiftHtoJJ, I8B7. Taao Bl aaai w. " I flfil artl to Tur i;ai ir i e Gji . aaac)r Covr.aT v .N am I dor by tvatract. C'Ahfil.lNA. , I ,... J In the ahi'.r rtuttknl can, h a;iw- iltC In IliC WitialtioB nt Itip VtWt tUi Ihi -frfendaitt ip a forrtpi. otvHWttow. Uit tt h.a pr"fli t Uit fiale, and t wntit atler dnr ttitiirt-wi', I found IlK-ee-w. and lhal a nti of ar-tnw ,ltMa It III tftVfit nf ftlaitillff tt im fk.- fiH nrrien-d Ikal pur,traiLm he maule It ail uvcat week t the Nocrrw ('.. laaiM, a aewnrupcr pBtillabi-d lw a.i,t (nantr. oommarMtlaj Mat dcfemlaot In l. aAd afiprar U lore It.e Jads of cjwt HH rtiir i'iun at a mart to ba brtd fur tin i-iHiaiy of KowaD, t Ui, rTi HilW ill Sitli.tiry, tti, Ittb ad'HMt.T afirr the ttria Mt'imUy of fVf(emt).r. t. aa4 anawer M demar to lh ramililatnt of ilnlntiff. and trt Itteaaid fteft-aiUat tek, atitH that if ii to answer or demar ti Mat nmmlaiat durtnc th Irrm. I ha ptmniilT will afiply f th, nrt for lh. renrr d.aiaail-d ia th, complaint. "y -aw.ia.iih, i of Court ihiatlir VHth Har of -plemtvr. ml. i. X. IIOUAII, flerk. A GRAND OPPORTUNITY " Offered. ! In consequence i)f I be death uf Mr. J. L, Hi teh io, my former part ner I have decided to close out my SEXEIUl lAIDWARE BUSilEU in this place, and now offer y entire stock of Hardware at a very low price, with the beat store room and stand ia Salisbury, to some ant wishing to engage in the Hardware business. No better oppo-tnnity for a good! business hat ever been offered in North Carolina. For further information, call on or write me at one at Salisbury, S. V. W. SXITHDEU. Aug. 31, 1887 48 1m . A. L. STECKEIt, . T PL M O R ! muaniai, 3. v. Dyeing, Soonrinar, Rcptvlr Inc and Altering. All work doae In tbe cheapest and very beat of manner. VCTTIN0, MA KtXG i RKr.UlUXU k BPSCIALTT -T -' At M. S. alure. Urowa's cloUilag and ! , 91 1 r

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