VOLUME IV. 'WASHINGTON, N. C, lUESOAY, APRIL 9 1889. NUMBEU4. DIRECTORY. MAILS Northern and Greenville Due daily . s p m, Cfoses at 16 p m , ..hand South side river mail Due londav, Wednesday and Friday at 6pm Closes at 9 following mornings. 0Bce hours-9 a ui to io p m. Money Order and Registry Depart- inent-9 a m to 5 p m, . SUPREME COURT. " .. .- ' r navk of Franfcnn. james c anepncra !oi Beaufort, and Alphoaao Arery, f Burke, Associate Justices JUDGES SUPERIOR G0URT.J st District, Goe H Browiijr. of Beau 1 fort. " - Second District, Frederick Philips, 0 f UJgcconibe. ' ' . J hird District, H G Connor, of Wilson. 'our'.h District, Walter Clarke, of Wake. Fiftli District, Jokn A Gilmer, of Guil 1 ford. Sixth District, ET Boykins,of Sampson Seventh District, James C MacRae, of Cumberland. Eighth District, R F Armfield of Ire Ninth District, J F Graves, of.Yadkin. Tenth District John G Itynum of Burke. Eleventh District, W M Shtpp, of Meek leuburg. Twelfth District, James H Merrimon, of Buncombe. TRUE LOVE. I think trne love is never blind, - . Butrather brings an added light; An inner vision quick to find. The. beauties hid from common sight.;;.:;.':.)..; k: J'- No soul can everclr.rl see Another's highest, noblest parti Save through the sweet philoso- Chief Justice, Wm N H Smith, of Wake j : i - : . , .- Augustus S Merrimon. of Wake. J J And lOVlUgWISdom Ot the heart. - n Ty ir 11 ti 1 iiiihv n .iipti 11 - .....--' -- - . . i - - Your unannointed eyes shall fall On her who fills my soul with . light; You do not see my friend at all. --. You see what hides her from your sight. I see the feet that fain would climb, -You but the steps that turn astray, I see the soul unharmed, sob-lime, You but the garment and the clay. You see a mortal, weak misled. Dwarfed over by the earthly - clod, I see how girlhood; perfected. May reach the statute of a god. Blind I stood, as you now stand, Till on mine eyes, with touches V jSwset, Love, the deliverer, laid his hands, Apd . lo I I worship at hgr jfice that may never come. The old, old, story of a man sr denly trying to come greater th: his Creator is being once more t tcted here, Wanamaker, wK was made j Postmaster-General 1 Senator Quay, has dared to recou. mend a Pennsylvania appointmen without conselting Quay. Foolisl Wanamaker. Does he think tha; Quay and Clarkson propose to al low him to monkey with te big j offices under the Post Office D.e- jtK PRi V 1 ONGEKSS. Senate, Zebulon B Vance, of Buncombe-Matt W Ransom, of North hampton. Houyeof Represcntat' .'es, First .Dis trict, T G Skinner. tnd Dist. H P Cheatham, (col.) 3rd Dist. C W McClimmy. ' 4th Dist. B H Buun. ' " 5th Dist. J M Browjr. 6th Dist. Alfred Rqwlani. -7th Dist. J ii Hendersou. Sth Dist. W H H Cowles. ' thDist. H If gyai: STATE gOYERNyEf. Hor.ors Easy in Cincinnati. Cincinnati, April 1 IThe inter t in to-day's election was occa- incd by the reform? movement, d 1 y Daniel lOne, - to strictly nforce the law regarding the sale f beer on Sunday. The contest esulted in the election of a mixed icket, four Republicans and four democrats. : - ss - Mosby, Republican,' for Mayor, ias a plurality of about, five hun- 14 red. Moye3, for! judge of the partment ? Such friws . as Superior Court, : Herstman, for Governor. Daniel G Fowle. Lieut. Governor. Thomas M Holt. Secretary of State, William L Saunders A 1 Ut'jr, W L San.lcrhu. Treasurer. Donald Wiiain. . vSupt. of Publjp IqstrnfiQrt. SM Finger Atttrney;GeneralrT a pjjdsou. cq'JtJTy. Sheriff and Treasurer, R T Hpdges. .Superior Court Clerk'.' 0 Wilkens. Register of Deeds, M F'Wjllan,spu. Surveyor, Mavo L Waters. - Jiomunssioners, ur. vy j buiio,; chair'n Tho I Waters,' PI' Hoqge$; Hoard of Education, P. P Wnkiflgn chair'u, P IL Jokusou.anJ )iB hi I ford ; ' - J;' - - .'-"":" Superintendent of Public TustrucHfWl, Rev. Nat Harding. ' Superintendent of Health, Dr S T Nicholson. ; CITY. Mayor, C M Brown. Clerk, James H' Hovt. Treasurer. W Z Morton, Chief of Police. E T Stewart. C ouucilmeu, C M Browni J G Chauncey rohn Small, C W Tayloe, fcd Alfred D Peyton. CHURCHES. Baotist. Rev. Tosiah Elliott, Pastor, Services every fourth Sunday, morn-! nd niht. Sunday school at 9:30 1 m W W Thomas, Supeiinteae. -Episcopal, Rev Nat Harding', "&$$p.f Services every Sunday morning nd night. Sundav school at ' 0V m Rev. Nat Harding, Supenteiident Presbyterian., Rev S 1$ Smith, pastor. Services erery Sunday morning and night. Sunday school at 3:30 p Superintendent, Jas L Fowle. Methodist. Rev W R Ware pastor, Services every Sunday morning and night. Superintendent, Warren ' Mayo. Sunday school, 3300 p m. TEMPERANCE MEETING. Wastiiugton, March ajth 1889 Harrison has rewarded another inslgniflcient son of an illustrioi s father by appointing Robert Todd Lincoln Minister to England. It is certainly a queer appointment, when the delicate relations just now existing between the United Spates !i4 England are taken into cpnsidertion. yould naturally eenj a man of gre experj enc and ability wftuld have bien selected as cur repjefeutative at ih, g cqur fof"St - Jarue s.;,Robert liucpln has peiiher; le is a lawyer. oj rather ?as been permitted on account of his pame to join a firm of Chicago layyers, Rud imagined hat lie was by legal work earning living for irrself and family, 4iis ability was tested h orn. Si ta Peed, 05 when ne was secretary 01 wa.r and the general verdict of the great mnjority of these that had business yilt hiu yas ta,t 9 yus I regular 'chnn,' offering y) an agrayated cae of hig Va-. Jhc only reason that 1 ca.t se for his appointment is that Blaine pre fers a nonentity to represent us in London, because iu case of anv. complications he w:R have f:bettej excuse for pers-mally taking things in hand, an i Horrison in making the appointment was doubtless ac may have wandered .through, thij craniuiB a few days ago, buf it is very safe to say Jtl?ey ae jiof all gone glimmering npvst' 'xetyzri again. Wanamaker actually had the impure wqe jto? ojfer jtb Post1 mastership ,of hfjadelpiiia fto a highly respectetf ? M that staid old tow;) $?ho Usd - beea known ip tjie pe$f past to vote against thefiij n.onjinees of the RepubJI.cai) psrty. Wanamaker's selection applauded by the business interests of Philadelphw rre$p(ejetive of politics, but when ua.y iard .of it he got Don Came ron and together they read the riot ac tp,oor Wanamaker aud de- niau,dfd the positipo for a machine politician. Wanamaker bravel slui? to his friend in spite of all threats from the Senatorial pan. JJig war was then carried to the White House and Harrison was as- fiured that if the Jiominatiou -of Wanaraader's friend was sent in it would be rejected. Harrison hav ing more political experience thau "Cheap John," saw that a ctmipro mise would have to be patched up so Wanmaker was sent for and toli: that the best way out of the whole trouble vould be to get his friewt to decline atid then, to confer will: Quay an I CanierQ:! as to wh should bg selected, This was not at all palatable to ' 'Cheap John." but he finally agreed to have his man decline if yuay and Cameron would withdraw their man. And that's the stauuing of the - muddle ity :" Sohcfjor, and? iefler, for Tf"asurerrwere elected. J.vT.er peuiocrats who: worr were : eyensCToitontrollerik;;"Eriristoi for ptjjice. Jude, Corcoran for Prosecuting Attorney of the Police Court, and Hooker for ; Infirmary Director, Stone, the citizens' candidate for. Mayor, received boltt seven thou and four "hundred v&tts. '. The election . shows a heavy Democratic gain. Harrison car ried Hamilton county jlast year by 4,900 plurality over Cleveland and in 1887 Foraker 6,730 majorit over Powell, the Democratic nom nee for Govt rnor. , . . : An Enemy of his Race. In the last No., cf the Fonim Albion W, Tourgee has otie of his infamous articles libelling the j southern i people and threatening! that the northern people will" re-;lovdy that would be." sorttodesnerate measures in order! - . r4. , . He Appreciated Them HUMOROUS. Took Him at His Word. Chalmers' 'Love you? Why, Id jump off the bridge for you.'V Roman tique "Oh, how Miss man in this section, He even goes so far as to suggest incendiar ism as a remedy for the wrongs against the negro which hecharg upori the 7 souirieru people. Wt Submit that ; neither The Forum nor any .other respectable moutl.ly ought to allow such articles as Tourgee 'writes lo appear - in its pages: ' He is self confessed, ene my of his own race! ' He hasn't enough; of. sympathy, with the white people to enable . him to know that United States soldias sent to the South to put down race troubles would, side with ' the whites;; The negroes would stand mrchance of assistance from that quarter. Richmond Dispatch. Arts of the Chicago Dfttmel. Cathard. "How beautiful thi roses bloom on Miss Sigourney ' cheeks!" Say sit Anyhowe. "Yes, I a ways did aJmire hand-painte flowers." , Nothing New. ' Mrs. Fangle "Well, this i strange!" " ' Mr. Fangle "What is it, my dear?" . "A man in Paris has taught an ape to black his shoes." "Oh, there's nothing remarkable about that, my dear. I've often heard of monkey-shines- . Wasted Sympathy. "Ethel When does your breach of promise suit take place, Clara? row. ., ..J.J......4-.... ....,....... ;.....m..1L....,1. ..- - -- BANKINO HOUSE OF . . O. M. BROWN Mala SlrtcJ, , WasiiuKiii, D. C. ollectious soliptcd ard uoiittatceri made promptly. ' ISExchange hought and sold E. S. SIMMONS. ; Attorney and Ccuneellr-t-L Washington, N. C. I uir Office on Market St. near CourtHons .... - ..-,1 .. . . . 1. W. B. RODMAK, W. B. RODMAN, Jl . w. b.:rodmajt & sow, Attornev-at-Law . ! ' WASHINGTON, . . Nit f J. B. ROSS, now. To use the hnguige of a sport ing man newspaper men of the Re publican party are playing it big luck. Reform Club, ' Regular meeting every Tuesday night at 7:30 p ni. Y C T U, Regular meetings every Thursday, 3 p m at Rooms of Reform - club. - . : Club and. union prayer meeting every Sundav. in Town Hau, at 2:30 p m Mass meeting in Court1 House ever 2d Thursday night in eacn mourn. The OUest Inhabitant." In his description of fu Presi dent's reception New Year's, Wil Ua,ro, 1: Curtis tells the Chicago News this incideut: In the socie ty of the oldest inhabitants of the District of Cotumbia, which always appears in full forcfc on New Year's day, were, several of the characters of Washington. One or them, he v&nfcrable Mr feeder, was very anxious that Col, Wilson. who, Was making the intr dacaons Oideredto Samoa. Washinton, April i; Secretary Tracy has received repliea to tele grams sent by him to the comraair ders of the Alert, the Adams and the Richmond, to ascertain how soon these vessels can be made ready for sea service, in order that they may be sent to Samoa. The Alert is in excellent condi dition and can leave Honolulu, where she is now stationed, al once. She has been ordered to do this, and wi:l reach Aphi In about thirty days. The Richmond is atr tached to the South Atlantic squad:ou, aud is,now?at the mcutl; of the La Platte River. She is ii good sailing order, and will proba bly be a: Apia shortly , after . the Alert arrives. ten ajys to get :or sea. She will arrive at Api within a week atur the arrival 01 the Alert, and following closely 01 the Richmond. Commodore Ramsey, the com mandant of the Brooklyn Navy Yard, telegraphed to the Navy De- paitment to-day that the Yantic van be gottou ready for sea by the ioth inst. She thirsts for mate admiration, m de wmdow las m?ht an eu Specia, ' attentjon vea . tw0 de young lad.es play.n on coIlection of cIaims and ( itllU bAU , UHU l.Vh t'twv It wiU r take about the Adams real tricks to obtain .it. If she sees some old man in her car some old gentleman whom she knows hmiah hpr mrents. but whom she Fond Mother. "I admire Mr. r would be very chilly to under ordi- Quillhoover greatly Julia." naryScircumstances she hastens Fond D a u g h t e r.-- W h y, to recall herself to him, in order mother? hat she may bring into play, in ? "He is such a spleuded and sue chat with someone,; those , pretty cessful business man. ittle arts of conversation which "I dotrt think sR' He lias been Ue President, should get hi tuated by sentnnent to associate jnam.c ont TTCNTION is called to the fact that while working in the interest of prohibition I have not neglected my Mercantile Interests, but bought Goods hile North Lower than I ever bought them before. t .. A " , utke public has given me a large share f its patronage, not because of m Prohibition proclivities, but because it knows where to get the best value for its money. . . , "Business is RusiueSS," and I ask no man to trade with me on the grouvd i personal friendship alone, but because it will be to the interest of both of us. This is-a free country and every man hs the legal right to vote to sustain the liquor traffic that wants to (I don't) but remember when you want GOOD3 that money saved is money made, and be sure to get my prices before buying It will cost you nothing to do so. Respectfully, Aurora, NC. J B -BONNER. . Logical reason in e and thebries may convince a superficial observer but earnest seekers after truth demand ex perimental nowledge, found only in the the testimony of those who have e xperienced th virtue of an article. For this reason the thin ing world knows that B. B. ?. (Botanic Blqod ilm excels all other blood purifiers, ju dging it as they do from convincing truths they see publisttea irom time w time.. the name of Lincoln with that of Fred Grant who had already been appointed to ofHce, . tnd besides can never forget how much he himself owes to being the grand son of William Henry Harrison. Murat Halstead, editor of the bloodiest of the bloody shirt organs, the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette has been nominated minister to Germany. Let Bismaik beware now, how he discriminates against American pork. , - , .. Allen ThorndykeHicev editor of the North American Review, has received his re Ward for. publishing the notorious 'Arthur Richmond" attacks on iTx-Secrctary Bayard, by being appointed . minister to Russia. It's pretty big. pay for very small work. ; Blaine had paid off some . of-his Irish debts by having Pat Eg in, who was once President of the Irish National League appointed minister to Chili, It is to be hoped that there will be no more guano claims brought against that country Genrre B. Lorinsr. who was a ,-0 , conspicioui failure as Commission er of Agriculture, has been ap pointed minister to Portugal. The army of office-seekers here is beginning to thin out considera bly. binding that they could not hurry matters 1 y remaining here the most of them have filed - their applications and gone home to wait as patiently as they can for the o- vit is an easy and a common name1 nesaia. ana mere is no reason whjr it should be mispro nounced.." "Mr. Decker,v- shoAtel Col. Wilson, without entervi Jin to the discussion. "How do you do, Mr. Decker?" said the President. 'It's a pleasant pleasant day He Gave the Robber a Ride. St. Thomas, Ont., Marcli -ii. An American sheep exporter, who registereu at the Uake House as J. C. Biggins of Palmyra, 111 came here on Thursday for the urpose of purchasing breeding sheep to export West, He vis ited a number of farmers on Friday and returned at night and related .he coolest and most daring case of highway robbery ever reported ii: Ontario. " Biggins stated that he was pass ing a piece of woods," two n:Ues; north of the city, a mau standing in the road asked him to give him a ride. He stopped his horse and lithe man grabbed the lines and pulled a revolver, with the remark Good Fit Guaranteed Repairing done at shortest notice and at reasonable rates. , Thanks for past patronage and hope it will be continued. ' yriiry Why it is that a young lady ma "Ethel ( sympathizingly)! am street car likes to appear vivacious sorry to. see you so overcome r and pretty in the eyes of the stran- Clara dear. gers about her? She does, though. "ClaraOh, it's nothing, Ethel, There may be nothing of the flirt 1 am simply practicing for the about her, and she may be quick to juryt wua a wautu6 j Convincing Evidence, adrflnrs nnon the nart of a strance w nvm- fn Bink s Coachman, (colored )- aDoear bright and winsome in her 1 1 ni yu sayeu yan IU1K5 . W mnnfr Shrill slvlv wet her was 50 dog-gone nch. . ' . .. e link's Coachman, (Celtic.) nwy lips to give iuem more " .;L4 ' . i:.. mm l A color, and will cast arch glances Will nratice in the Conrt nf W. Z MORTON. M V rom her more or less pretty eyes. 'Huh! I guess not. I lnnVd lJli"-C ill liic VOUriS OI UI district ana in martin county. ;de same -pianny. Guess you all ancing. has ter economise.' ' - 2 Ik, Not lv;nch of a Business Man. Convcy Office formerly occnoied by the late C. U. Hill. ' 11 ' Z. HABOURJN, -DEALER IN will cause the men sitting across visiting rae for two years and .he vjay to lay aside their papers has not talked business yet." :iid watch her. if she can do n0 wanc his, she has gained her point and is happy. Chicago Herald. he Confectioneries, Ht wThey Fcut. TOBACCO AND CIGARS ALSO ... Napoleon laid it down as a spe cial rule that professional study in some form is ihe first condition of practical success. . Wellington,-at the close of his last ereat campaign, confessed to a junior staff officer his persona) obli- business I am yours truly." Cation tO daily Study. An O.dlnary Case. It was Frederick the Great 'who Miss Breezy, a charming girl from Chicago, won the heart of Mr. Gotham before she had been in town a week. So he declared lis passion in fervid words. Miss BOOT & SHOE MAKER. 9 Breezy considered the matter houhtfully for a moment remark 1." G. Telfair. My Boot and Shoe si op is u .1 r mi a hn the rear of the building. With "Mr. Goiham, if you will cross competent workmen I shall endeavor your heart and say that you mean to sustain my previous reputatibn in .v. vuimi iauwduuiiu vitrei w, m men I tV.A ctnr fnrmoi'ln nnonn!..1 k1 . IV this, my old line of business. A full supply of Leaferand Shoe FindiHg in stock. - ' una. iiy. liuuJviiii' uy jiuui inTTTMn at w dXTn!t . L.'irf thof m4r ic o cmphop 111 cnrw. 1 it. : ht... . . l H ' I -v...... ... --r- cue paoer.)' isn i mis stranger j , nor men, an art for ordinary men U Californian after a fit of illness ATTORNEY-AT-LAWT And and a trade lor ignorant men. was absolutely unable to remember REAL ESTATE AGENT Marshal Turenne, the greatest of his wife and did not believe she WASHINGTON ; N C those great soldiers of the age of was the one he married." be at Aurora every 'ist Louis XIV., thought that the art Mr. Testy. "Well, I dunno. and 3rd Wednesday nights" and at . . : - ! ' i r. . , '-a , Mr. Fletcher," said Mrs. Cleye -it. still, or I'll blow your brains emerging from his study, , where he of war was learned more from It's pretty hard work sometime for Pantego every 2nd and 4th Wed- hnoks that from. battle fields, and hi min fn rpaliA that hie wifp ic ASday nigntS. - i.VU. feis great talents were the fruit of the'sarae woman he once went th't deepest study. The Archduke Charles, who first showed the general of Europe tha: Napoleon could be beaten, formed hi . reputation as a strategist uponj Mr. land. " - I "Delighted to. see you, Thach'T," said Miss Bayard. "You have, seen a good many INew.Year's Days, kr. Thackery," said Mrs. Whitney, who always has a pleasant word as people pass down the lane. - ' ' A "A happy New Year, Mr: Flan- nery. exciaimea miss raircnuu; aud then when the poor old gentle man, who was so particular to have his name prouounced correctly, got to the end of the line, Mrs. Dickin son called him Flanniean. aud he staggered into the east room and pulled some envelopes out of his pocket to see, from the addresses, who he was when he started. But these things can scarcely be helped when there are thousands coming and going, and the ladies in the receiving line have to jcatch the names as they are pronounced by the one that procedes them. Wiggins had $5 o in his pocket, and the robbef seemed? to know just where to find it1, and immedi ately seized it. Me then' made for the woods and Biggins drove to the police statioir and told his story. -;r";- .''y .Af: ,f'-.-':-'-':.:' FOR IJVSI'EI'MIA Ve Brawn Itnu Bitters. : l'hvsicians re oairacnd it. All dealers ket-p it f 1.00 per bottle. Genuine hat trade-mark aud creased red lines on wrapper. Another Letter From Stanley. London, April 1. -A letter from Henry -M. Stanley, dated Smupu turi, Sept. 4, 1 888, has reached ' a friend of the explorer in Edinburgh Iu it Stanley says he is well and in good spirits. He met Emm Pasha on the shores of Albert Nyanza. They were together for twenty-six days. When Stanley left Emin Pasha the latter was enjoying good health. a A Sir. Frands de Winton is great ly rejoiced over the contents of the letter, which, he says, will occupy five newspaper columns. He' says that the letter will not be published until to-morrow. The Govern ment has 110 knowledge of its contents. had spent many, mouths , pursuing the theory of war, , haying previ- Even the Phonograph Laughed- Washington, N. C. Colum! ia, N. C. Funny Man "Have seen the A LEXANDER & M AJ E'i TE, - phonograph? It is the greatest 1TL - . , l A W-h::" ' lliug out Why, is almost ATTOEVs:AT,LAW d a; human." REAL ESTATE' AQI TS. Funny plan's Friend" What CqLlECTIOK' pROMPILY,KAD- ' 2" Practice v in1 . j .1." i can it uo I'caiucs ituciiu i avntc ui iw-. vun; w runny ftiau-r- ii can apppreci-1 " ,:"M,,au" PhiladdphuVCalU- one of my best, and instead of re- ' 01 etiquexte. no,t;nr -hat T coirt It Af WW "Will you send up a card?" said ha! the girl, to a 5aio Bill cowboy, Funny Man's Friend "Which who called to see some friend in shows it is liable to go insane." New York. "Will I send up a card, did you say?" he inquired, , as he reached ,he breakfast into nis overcuat pocKeu "Yes, sir." t "Islhat the fashion here?" "Yes, sir; at least it's customa ry." . "Well, of course, if it's customa ry, why I'll have to reg'late ray self accordin; which style is con sidered the most genteel hearts, diamonds, clubs or spades? Here's the whole deck, just take yer choice.' Merchant traveler. 1 IF Vfl''.' Mi A A HKS Or you are all wo; u out, n-alir ouil Eur noUiing it i general oeMifty. Try llhOHS'S lltOV t. ITT hits. ; It wiU cure yon. and give a tok1 nnpytittt. Sol-' liv nil di?jiliiis 111 niLiikiuti. . . HOU Adding Insult to Injury. "Mr. Lusbly,' 1 said his wife at you are a btute. Nobody but a brute; would add insult to injury the way you did last night." , ; . . Lushly made no inquiries, but his wife went on. " "You came home in a state of beastly intoxication as usual, and I didn't say a word to you except, So you are drunk again !" ' "What did I do?" inquired Lushly, his curiosity getting the better of him. ClViocVi iitcl fliof'c wVtot A'. A 1 and she wept at the very recollec- -AND ' : i Yrj. L HOOPER & CO., , UO 4 Pratt, near LigbV . BALTIMORE. MD Manuftctaraft of 3; 0 n COTTON AND FLAX uILLT'ETS, f CORKS, SCINS LEADS, &C. ! Sln? Twln of alt .kln. VL v-t .:t ft--:AA'- 'a 1 .... '1'

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