-t. . 'Mi it - f r ' - " ; Washington ::: Progress- PUBLISHED fcYERY TUESDAY. MORNINQ. " W, K. JCQBSON, Edjto.r. OUR RATES: M!Wri;in Advance, - - .$t.:5- Watered .at the Postoftce at Wapi ti An,' N. (. as seep ad .diss 3.1 . jU Matte TUESDAY July 14th, i1 enormous deposits. of iron and coal, topped by laxuriant forests of gre it economic value, cannot be overes timated and is not easily corn pre. bended. Although in certain sections some of the trees were cut away in WHAT THE PRESS IS SAVING, which the new railroad is to .pass. ; TO DISPKL COLDS. . .. ., , tn l'nnll, Wr- dozen strong candidates have de ante-bellum days to supply cnar-, , , XT ,r . , . , .. r ichned the honor N. . Ad. coal turnices, over a. quarter oi a century has passed since even the I second growth of the forests have HONORABLE H. A. , GILLIAM 'echoed to the ring of an axe. The DEAD. - varieties are walnut, white oak, . i -. - chestnut oak, black hickory, pop- Tirboro.-N.. C. Tulv o. Tudsre ------ . -v.-i . .' J " " . , 1 J ..1. lar. asii. mapie, rea oaK, sum, and UenilocK It will run between the road of the The Boston;Jounnl admits that; Atlantic Cost line and the cost, and un'ess the Republicans nomina I e a i wjH shor'en the d ist J nee bet wee n strong candidate agaiuss him, G v j ciiarleston and Pbiladelp ha i 'o' Russell will be re-elected by the! tunes . The virgin forests and Massachu-efs democrats. Aud aifertje trucking sections through which it will pass were described. clined the vertiser. If McKinley shbuld happen to be defeated in Ohio it wou drive "the dismayed Republicans into the Blaine camp. On the con- Mr jam's said that he telived that, properly located and built, the road would pay from the time 130 miles were - completed. It could be equipped f.,r $12,000 a Headaches ' and ; Fevers,: . to cleanse ihesys'tem effectually, ye gently, when costive or bilious,' ov ! when the blood is un pure or s;u: gish, to permanently cure habitr.i constipation, to;.awakt,n the kidn- ' and liver to a healthy activity, wi. out irritating or weakening thei.. ue vrup cf 'Figs- POTATOES! A Henry A.. Gilliam, one cf bur esteemed citizens, pass.ed away -at . noon; tp.-day . He had been very .feeble, for a .long time, and his .mental faculties had become much .impaired. iHis disease, was soften .ingof the brain. He lived a lon life of, usefulness and his death is .greatly deplored. He was seven ty-six years of age. BATH. t? fiFtw-towtfe in this Stat retain rtbt look of a hundred years, and .Hone are more calculated to make tht visitor feel that he lives in a past century than the antique lit 4lt totvn of Hath. Ween the feet of th traveler's horse nrst touch .tht bridge before the town and he looks towards the mouth, of the little bay on which it is situated Jnto the broad Pamlico bevond, his eye rests on the very spot where ; Leach anchored his dreaded ships, .when under the black flag, he laid the country arcund under contribu tion. There on a little peninsula near the j-treak which divides the bay from the river tradi'ion savs .that noted pirate buried his plun dered wealth. There time and .again, idle , men who hope for .wealth without toil have dug with out success. . But let us not delay here, but follow the visitor through the si lent streets, overhung by houses , seventy years o'd, thin moss-cov-tered roofs cove-ed with ivy, in .which the little sparrows chirp .merrily with little fear of interrup ts from below. . flock f pigeons are seen sail jing gracefully about the tops of the ftall elms, the motion of their wings ;sending sweet music down into Tthe quiet street. The visitor stops iis horse in front of an antique old house and is soon welcomed by the proprietor into the sitting room', resembling that. of an old English jinn, witk its high mantle and huge re place, where our ancestors sat in colonial days. We nextsee the .visitor approaching a ni;dest old tedifice, which bears last century's inscription over its door, and with ,pride his attendant admits him to Jthe brick floor of North Carolina's ,pldest church. There over the pul i;pit hangs the old sounding board, iwhich kas echoed the voices of cen turies. Here the pious people m -t, .ani with their united , prayers im plored God to help the struggling 'patiots in their fight for libertv. -Here they offered thanks for that liberty, and with steady zeal each .simple mannered inhabitant joined jn kvmnj, of praise. Here in the .corner we see the visitor stooping ?4o read the inscription on some din gy stone, on which many now dead .and forgotten have gazed. ' Harm j left the o'd church - he is jjixt seen standing on a steep prec ipice overlooking the bay, recall ing history in connection vith the objects he sees. Tae sun sank be jhind the Western horizon, leaving - a dark blue hue on the water, broken here and there by little .spots of white, as the fish chanced to bteak. These were all lost in .the darkness of night and old Bath fslept as in. the colonial days, to awake to pursue the same quiet Routine. A Young Travklkr. chestnut, turcb These forests are a promising field for ihe Northern lumberman whose limits are becoming circumscribed. AU kinds of wood working fac tories could be established with profit; material would be cheaper because so near at hand in the North. Th?se considerations will weigh htavily hi favor of pcrsuad-" ing capital to seek this field for safe and profitable investment. tmry, if McKinley saould pull miie. The steidy' "gro.vth aiul in- through he would be a stumbling ; creasing prosperity of the South block in the way of both Harrison i w'ere ruentioned, especially, North anu Blaine: Muoh. depends on the j Carolina. The rotcl will cut - 1 . cast of the die this year in the'.; through the rich pine lumber sec- DIED A MISER'S DE-VTII. San JoS, Cai, , July 5. Pro fessor Her man Kott uger, at one time a famous violinist and an er uidite educator on the Pacific coast, died to-day in a mean little shau y at No. 44 Colfax Titteet. Although worth hundreds of thous ands of dollars and with $,coo in eold coin hidden in the bed-clothes beneath him, he would not spend a cent for medicine, and for a week he had absolutely starved. He was ninety years old and came here sixty y ears ?go with a Stra divarius violin that he had olten refused a fortune for. : This violin and his writings of baoks speedily made him famous. He was author of a number of works and poems, au elementary history of the world and numerous text book, on free thought. The old man's violin," when found, in his right arm, clasped to his breast, while his left hand was buried beneath the soUed bed linen and clutched the gold treas ure, the hoarding of which, cost him his life. V'hen the news of the old mains ieath wis made known two fierce bulldogs that he kept in his yirdhadto be killed before the Coroner could get in the house. The dead miser's relatives are now overrunning the place, des-r pite the efforts of the police and with hammer, axe and spade are ransacking the house high and low and also digging up the gar den in search of buried treasure. Although the o!d miser pos sessed many houses and lots, thus for not a deed to one of them has been found, nor anything except ing his violin, books and the 2,000 in gold in his bed. Twelve years ago Kottinger drove his wife and children away because, he said, they were costing him too much money to feed and c'othe there. Buckeye State. Phil. Dem. - '1 Record- Now i the time for the Republi- can brethren to rally around Mr, Quay. He is beset iu his : own State by members of his own part who charge him with corruption, j Does President Harrison beliewi that Mr. O. is a wicked man? Louisville Courier- journal- The harvest prospects of Russia, from whose . granaries Imrope draws large supplies of wiieat. have grown much worse Yet in the face of 'threat cued scarcity the Protectionist Governments of Ger many, Frahch and Italy persist in maintaining their barbarous Coin Laws. Phil Record. . ' How fortunate for Harrison that B laine is riot likely to be able to tion of'North. Carolina forests that have never been touched S-eaking of v the rich trucking district of Newberu, Mr. J si vis said that w hen 1 30 miles had been built the roa d ' w c uld cc nr.t c t v h 1 5 miles of independent roi ls, lhaf .-'at present have no outlet, except su' h as the Atlantic Cox st line' chose to jri ve. The balance of the develop men'.s of the a unity ( 1 p il t route of the road were discussed. In many parts the line is practically out of the territory of the Atlantic Coast line, and will not antagonize it to a great extent. Mr. Jarvis closed by speaking of tbenrrirg capacity of the At lantic Coast Hue. It pays the interest on irs bonded debt and if For Over Iifty Years Mrs. Wjcslow's Soothing. Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their., children while teething, with peifect success. Tt wnndifs the child, softens the gums. nliavs all rjain, cntes wind-colic, and is . the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It ! will relieve the pour mcie sunerer im mediately. Sold by Druggists iu every part of the world. Twenty-five cetns a bottle. Ke sure and ask for "Mrs. Wir.slow's Soothing Syrup, 'r and take no other kind You -AND- S3 General :-: Goinniission :-: Merf , r 1 1 . 1. l ; 1 1 1 uuarintee mgxiest. marvel prices,. quicK saies anu prom accent" the next Republican noin- ination for pVestdent.of the' United Per Cfnt- on its sfofk. -and also b.s States. We make because in the Iowa this4 remark 51 hma out w,,lcn n b'ni(!s Renublican! branch roads'. "Its stock is not en State Coil veu tion of Yt dn esday the mention of Llaine's name called forth t inn ters'of applause Harrison will be nomination. AY ill the market. Give your orders to J. R. Wynne for fresh fish whp will send them to you every moruiug. One house and lot for sale on'Gladen street apply to.. J. UUKcbi'nson, at the bridge. r To Nervous pebihiated Men. If you will send us yoilr address we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet, explaining all about Dr. Dye's celebrated Hlectro-Voltaic Beit and Appliances, and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor, and manhood Pamphlet free.;. If you are thus affected, we "will send you a Beit anf appliances "on a trial. Volt tic Bilt C ) ..M ir shall. Mich. CONT-I-RKNTE CO.-Sir. TJie w ri'er overhcar l fc me chat r-t Harrison be content to run just to j the di.-aiict confere nce at Aurora sotrse be defeated? If not Ihe'would do1tJay!!'aS between a visitor and a red- well to get out of the.;-way of the -i dt-nt. Democratic "iiotninee: Richmond Dispatch, "Secretary Foster says the Far-' triers' Alliance' movement is "a spasmodic erupt. on.'-' Thu was probably Mr. Ligall's impressb)u when 'tire Alliance once spasm odically eje c t e d hi in fr o m 1 public of'- not : The vi.M'or sa d tcf rtsideul: "This is my first visit to jkur thriving little town. I had never drerniid that it was the pla. e it is. I lia.l heard nuich of it through the I'rcc.res.-;, hut thought it sotnewlm pu.fs I I ave taken the trouble to inveigale the bnsincss of the town and I Gud thi:t ihe pto;le arc all. full of pusli, but Ibere is one thing j I do not undcrstsu.l .-. ! I want you U jcxplain.it In leokii tr around I find spasmodic! that Mr. Alex liudneil stems to be do- c Makes tUc lives of mnny rcpf3 miserable, ami cttea leads to self-destruction. Distress after eating, soar stoiaacli, slch .neadachc, her.i-tburn, loss of appetite, a faint, " all gone " feeiiiig, bad taste, coated toagiie, and "irregu- larity of tho; bowels, arc U I Stre3S seme-of tlic mors common After Eatin?? life. But, t " ... .: . f ; 1. i . , , i:ie inuvc'iicni tor tr.v . jut; ir.e larsrevt :ns;:.es-; o; t:u- r ace 1 1 - present is a factor of coiisttiuence! 1 .don't know thnhe ks s much in Ametican politics, and the po!i-i'ar"?r st,J . . - , , . is havi-ic ttcian or statesnx 1:1 who baih t . " overlooks itrnust reckon with it a the end . Y. World. -. ' " " ! " oecrctarv roster, alter muiv jiarg?r stocv i h m svin? ot!c:s, fut. he Hie tnJc of th? iLViU f.ud I va-it t. know nhv t!rs is." KeMknt up'ic-s in an un'e-(one. "Well, I cm) U-I1 vou v.-hp it u; lie is a popular you'i2 tnau biim f.ijl ef busi- tl nr.SS: h- fr th, rn h oi-rl c.Olc experiments, has succeeded in u-jjor the e:ih ;u knock do pri es and yenting a form of monthly sate-i lhe pcop!c ar& c ndi.lfr tllis Put you ment that. shows an apparent bal L,i, ; t, , .,- . , ...w.A '' i J5cehe 13 set.mg fie trade. He is tht HUv.c IU NIC IIC3MHV ilU.l calling attention to the increase of j indebttdress during the month. srmitoms. Dyspepsia docs r.ot get v.cll of itself. It 'a reouires carefur. persistent attention,- and a rcmcily like Hood's Sarsa parilla, whkli acts gently, yet purely and efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good appetite, audby.tLus Sick overcoming the local synsp- u JL . tn:s rcmcvc3 tlic syrapa-MGSdaCnO thetic effects of the disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes the tired mind. " I have been troubled "with dyspepsia. I had but bttlo appetite, and whaM did eat upnr. distressed Eie, cr did. me j ; " little good. I11 an hour UUm after eating I would" .expe rience a f aintness, cr tired, Rll-gon feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trou ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, w; ich is that of a painter, and from being more or less shut tip iu a Giir ' room with fredi pr.ir.t. Last ew spring I took Hood's Rarsa- vtOmaCrl rP.la took, three bottles. It did me an immense amount of goccL It gave me an appetite, and my foot! relished and satisfied the craving I had previously experienced." George A. Tage, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, f 1 ; six for f 5. Prepared only by C. L.nOOD & CO., Apothecaries, LoweU, Mass. iOO Doses One Dollar EDMUND ALEXANDER, Washington, N. C. DEvCATUR MORGAN, 1. p ; Norfolk, Ya. H(,Rx. lh nioti'i (At B. W..Vya?rs Old Stand.) KEW BAR, NEW GOIDS AND A CLE Everytbicgn Good Style Neat ancl Airv Every drink known to the Art compounded in manner and to suit the most fastidious taste ail the mo;; I Carry in Stock the Choicest of Domestic and 1 in ported Beerspn draught and L les DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED CIGARS, AND ATA .' " PINE -TOBACCO- " A welcome for all and a quiet and. pleasant time whi'.c uaer- Yours to Please, '. C C.WALKE sob Iuys a mill that grinds ear corn cotton seed. Buys ah. $3. co corn sheller. c-r'ev,: Buys a ffrst-class 4 drawer ranted 5. years. ' stil. foW cheap .' Washington Machinery Ani v. a?r.tngtou, . C icoini i merchant of Aurora." SOUTHERN FORESTS. As Northern forests have yearly ibecome more and more depleted, jthe questio 1 cf a future supply for tthe thousand arid one building and manufacturing purposes would be serious but for the fact that in the ."Sunny South" lie unbroken - for ."i'iukcu juuner icai nave scarcely fe,lt .the axe, Thousands acres o.f ,it are near navigable streams and skirted ' by numerous railways, thus furnishing uick, cheap and e sy highways to the narkets. The resources of the South are but faintly understood as yei, even bv her THE ITATA MAY GO FREE. The decision of Judge Ross in the United States District Court at San Diego yesterdav dismissing the libel against th schooner Hot - ert and Minnie, which vessel sup plied arms to fieltata, was a great surprise to the officials in Wash ington. It was generall ybeilved that the case against her was much stronger than that which could be inade by Judge Ross in his decision, it is felt that his ac tion will cause a failu e of, the original libel lodged against the Chilian vessel, although she "may still be held on r; some4 techtrcal charge connected with her .escape while under legal detention.- This outcome would be a severe dis appointment to the State and Navy Department officials, after an ex- j penditure, direct and indirect, ' in the chase of the Itata, that is esti mated to run up closely in the ! rieighborhocd of 100,000. v Ttre change is made at this time, of course, for a very obvious purpose, buf it is not in itself objectionable. Provided that all ijtems ar e correctlv stated and are in no way juggled with, the ar fatigement of them is not of the first importance. Vhu Times. NEW RAILROAD PROJECT- Ve have taken occasion to make mention of the road referred to in our' columns before. We think that it is v.-ortli ; the while of our people to mike some efforts to induce tlu building of this road to or ner our town. We take the following from the Philadelphia P tblic Ledger: Have you rer.d the directions wrapped- around tugar coa'.ed Yeast? Have you rea;l the ; directions wrapped around surgar coaled Yeas? A meetirgof the friends of the recently 'projected r Norfolk, Wilmington and- Ckaleston Railroad Company . was - held 5 1 ' yesterday afternoon' at the office ofi the Carolina Constructiun Com pany, ro. 213 South Third street. The pnrpBse of the me? tin r was to heat c' : xG.6i:ern'or and ex Miii- ister to Brazil Th.omas.J, Jarvis of North Carolina, on the country through wliich1 the new road will There .were prosen t J cbn C, E-'OIS ' i,!-: ! THE SCIIOOM'.R "INLUSTRY," Owned by Capt. U. li. Urajijf. Bath. N. C, regis end at 11 tons, hhe-is near ly neA-, laving btc-u thoroughly re- buUt last year. For an y inf r;njtioit ilfsneJ we wo--: Id refer to Mr. T. tf. B. II. tri, V.'aj-liiiigion, N, C. . At. ply to Cap:. V. R r.RAGG, Lath, N. C. SCHEDULE. The steamer Myer?, of the Oid Do ri'iJo:i Steamship Po.. will, leave .Creeunlle 011 Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5 .a. m , and en f Saturdays at 7 p. III. , or or. arrival of the Atlantic .Coast Line train, makintr close connection at Washiugton with stealer "AinliaV for Ocracoke as follcwi: , r Lv. Washington at 9 a. m. Tuesdays. : Ar. Ocracoice 5 p; nv same day. hv.. " 10 a. m. Wednesdays, Ar. Washiiiffton 6 p. m. same dav. H Lv. - " ' ' o a. m. Thur:.d'.iv; At Ocracoke 5. p. m. same day. ' Lv. " 7 p. 111. Thursdays, Ar. Washington 5 a. ui. Fridays. Lv. Washington 10 p. in. Saturdays, i Ar. Ocracoke at 6 a. in. Sundays. Lv". " at 7 p. 111.. Sundays, Ar Washington 5 p.; 111. .Viondays. Making clcse connection with Str. Myers for Greenville aud land Tar River. , ; . There is one occasion upon'which j McNaugb toiA S.'tadwallader. GreenviHe to Ocracoke, $z; round 6 Lodge J 3 RICK FOE SALE EY - BLOUDT & All orders left at BLGUHT'S OBUO ST Will receive Prompt Attention. C,000000000000000 oooooc ooooccocooo j" A T A T C ) mmui Ml I V VP 11 I I 4 U Ik X I 0000000000000000000 oocooooccooooo i o ; o 00 FOR THE , MOST:: STYLISH; UNDER THE NICil ,on Main street, is th- bet. up Saloon hi the citv. AND Largest s OF Alillinery H '!? u ) J Manufacturing C. To, my many frieuds and patrons: On the isf day of January, 1891, I formed an all.auce with G. A. Phillip's, to conduct the ' - - j;. HARNESS BUSINESS. more extensively. Have secured, the upstairs over said Phillip's store where j I will act as general manager of the AND Embroideries, GOTO : :- J - . O ' O .:-V'.'"V: MISS MOLLIE yiNES : ; Keeps 6u hand at all times, " Cj FRESH 30 IGE CREAM ) " -AND SHAKE :. lEMONAM r. : 1 , !W a?SCMUteiy J-U?.H: --W. Uttieteld, S,H. Wallace i,, tn :o ... .J siness, manufacturing all kind, w ci" uivt. . t r s ing. N- Y. Cora Advertiser THE STATUE OF . STON WALL JACKSON , Lexixgton, Ya., July 7. Xhe statae of Stonewall Jackson, to be iii-Mia- ; mill l H (Vli.ben-i- .T.Tf..T.t, T...,1. A i-t , can be meted out to the fool who i shouts -Fire!" in a crowded build, 1?"$?: . Plt:l The "Alpha" is i every way .a first- ,u.f" aisiaiii. engineer, ol the ! c.ass sreamer, uewlv fitted with every road; foseptelL.Thropp, AYalterj Sdd tw S.K; Vender ter. W.T For particut others. '''." ;:-'t;- - ' Mr.!McNau2htpn presided and unveirea nere juiy 21st, was hn-1 j.urdddcefl s ev.rir.vr ished today. In the'? morning TtT- ir , ' Kr " J -will be photographed, after which l.r alleant reference to :?his it will be screened from viewIunf'VUi f6. 5'ears gP : ! with tn r?H'rnrc tUQ v;:., r own oeoole. TheTdreds of ndmirprQ Prt tW ;h ... . 7- - - LUlUie cf a - ' i Wr.Jaryis proceeded' fo rs, address SPENCER-BROS Props. Ocracoke. Hotel , Washington, N. C. Also Proprietors '.of. v HOTEL NICHOLSON, Washington N. g. qualit ies of haiiie.'s, 1 1 and KETAIE,. and r shall maintain my reputation for good work and low prices. T.:?E WAR II KTlI t i,..-.e 1 :;; il ; She has added recently a . upw and ' select line of . ' - Hamburg, tac'e.-Ribboh" &r.. . whirr, bnewisnesthepablictd examine be-f McDonald's old stand fore purchasing. elsewhere Glv SQfcraPairbf JL (Cuttam-MnrtpV Wj aiannrrs" Remnants. ; 5 1 BotWactlon guaranteed or I money refunded, ; ; , Ty SEN4?hESS FOR SAMPLES ? H ED MONT; PANTS COM PAN V DArlPliO mm We keep in stock - CiiA.viPio. bee: Billiard and Pool tables rear- and even-thing .need:: a first-class place. Respectfully, TOILET SOJPS t EllY AX I) PAl MEI)ICIXES. Mscripiions . iowralelj- ''a ?" ?' ., ' at .Having qualified as' executor o RMessick, deceased, late of co'uty, N. C., this is to notify. sons havincr rlmms affant t lie t- . ; i said deceased to exhibit them or before the 26th day of My. '; "jthfs notice" will he'niond lirf recovery.' ' All persons iadebie eslate will maVe i'niiie iia'e ?' j describe the c-Ju ltry ' f.-ilt Vol i-v t:i':i; thro.'.i 2 Lx'rJohu K. This 26th May, 1 S9 1. , ' V V;