w ; V-' SECOND PAGE FRIDAY JANUARY, 12, 1917 THE W ARREN' tlECORD Telephone Number 17. . HOWARD F. JONES, Editor and Proprietor. T. J. TAYLOR, D. D. Contributing Editor. MEETING OF BOARD OF lion and examination of teachers law heretofore fixed the compen- HEALTH .and superintendents ' there is- sation- for taking; .the coitus at .,: ; . much to commend. We should be ; three cents per name nfid ordered The Board of Health met at opposed to an unsympathetic cen j the census taken each year. Un- ten oclock Monday morning, ititral board examining and grad- 1 der Mr. Daniel's bill the census! -v ; . is taken once in two years (bi ennially) and the compensation Entered at the Pose office at War renton, N. C, as second-class matter zander Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. being the second Monday in Jan- i ing teachers from questions pro- uary and the time fixed by law pounded by men or women who for "The first meeting. Messrs I are not engaged m teaching and I is six cents per name. It is ev- P. M. Stalings, John W. Allen j not in personal contact at any ident that this office of Census and Howard F. Jones were pres- jtime with the applicant. How- taker is no additional cost to the ent. Doctors Peete and Morton j ever, Mr. Joyner's proposed bill County. The advantages are who were appointed members of remedies this very serious ob- Subscription Price: (Payable ia Adrance) One Year $1-50 Six Months........ .75 Three Months 40 i said Board ; failed to qualify. Thereupon a Question of law jection by creating a board whose duties brings its membership to arose as to the legal . right of ! each county in the state for a Messrs. Stallings, Allen andJones to appoirit other physician BE ; FORE their first annual meeting and before the time expired for the original appointees to act they having the power to accept and resign a dozen times within that date, and no power except Advertising Rates: Display, per inch, one time.' . . .15c. net r-k t m : .r lOi f IQg net llic' uuai Having uuwiunuj vv "Electrotype . . . "Reading Notices, 5c per line each issue ; Circulation Books Open to Legiti mate Advertisers and Prospective Patrons) . . . . X . . accept their resignations, and no : date fixed by statute law for the meeting and organization of the 'Board before the SECOND Mon- I day in January for the purpose cost the State one penny more son to tttr record for ; of accepting resignations, or mak than the present institutes now , two weeks Institute where all of the teachers meet and have two weeks of personal touch with the examiners. At the end of this Institute an examination is held and the examiners know "Miss Mary Smith's fitness for applying her knowledge of text books, and I that we have a "true and accu rate Census of the children be tween the age of 8 and 12 years ; an accurate record of children i between the ages of 12 and 21 who can read and write, and adults above 21 years of age who cannot read and write" for the bill requires the Census taker to o in person to every home in the County, and prevent the Super intendent from paying his order the thoroughness of that knowl- for services until he makes cath edge, and by inquiry from all available sources find out the de gree of success she has had in her work. This Board will not to that effect. GRAND SWEEPSTAKES publication must bear the writer's name and address; not neces sarily for "publication. FRIDAY JANUARY 12, 1917 good suggestion. In this day of , tion was amended that the Board progress and science the trend ratify the action taken at a meet r , i.i i u 4-T,ir, ! mnr ViPid on January bin. ine A Warren County boy wins all 1 raizes in the Pig Club Contest. Mr. Joe Fleming wins prize offer ered bv Mr. Shav,the Gold Medal j offered bv the Progressive f arm ! er, and the prize offered here for j bet rig on day of exhibition, i The Warren Record offeres con gratulations to Mr. Joe Fleming and to the county for carrying en from the record. This mo-lren and other counties, meeting j 0f all honors; to the Bank of in? rules or regulations of any cost, and this character of exam- kind or nature, or performing I ining board would remedy a very any other duty. Mr. Jones hold- serious defect in the present incr the above view of his duty method of examination, and give under the law moved that all ac- I a Certificate worth something as 'tion taken at a meetine held on a standard, of education, and good rri Jnocfinn mHp Vv Dr January 6th be rescinded and the Sail over the State W.ith practical Trif w w.rrPti rmirstv have an minutes of said meeting be strick men and women coming to War- j nuit umu , , w.j. . . t 3 rru : "all-time" Health Officer is. a preventing diseases rather than waiting to get real sick and send for your physician. It would be the duty of the County Health officer to visit the schools of the county and inspect and prescribe for all children needing medical attention ; to giro free public health lectures to all of the whole county. They kaye such an of ficer in Vance end many other counties and valuable work is be ing done. The grave question in the way of ie accomplish ment of this work is lack of funds. If the dog: t&x funds could fce applied to this purpose, we be- lieve our folks wbud Willingly pay the tax, and supplement the fund from other sources"; rather than appy it to lengthen the school term from one to seven days. The United States Supreme Court has upheld the constitu tionality of the Webb-Kenyon law which prohibits delivery of whiskey and other intoxicants to citizens residing in a "dry" State when the laws of that state make it unlawful. Under the present State law citizens may receive quart shipments every two weeks, and until that act is re pealed (which looks now to be headed that way)- quart ship ments may be continued. The trend in all the States and even in the District of Columbia (right where the boys have been making their Mint uleps) is to prohibit the sale of whiskey. amendment carried, Messrs. Al len and Stallings voting "aye , and Mr. Jones "No." There upon Doctors Holt and Perry came forward by virtue of their appointment on January 6th, and took their places as members of the Board. The first question before the Board was the elect ion of a County Physician. Mr. Jones nominated the then incum bent Doctor G. H. Macon, Mr. Allen seconded the nomination of Dr. Macon; Doctor Holt nom inated Doctor C. H. Peete, Doctor Perry seconded the nomination of Dr. Peete. The Chairman cast the deciding vote for Dr. Doctor Holt stated that he felt that fwe should have an "all time" Health Officer; that the County State and National Gov ernment were contributing to a fund to look after stock treat HOGS ; then why should not War ren county have an officer quali fied to treat and prevent diseases in CHILDREN at the public ex pense? He thereupon moved that the Board meet in joint ses sion with the Board of Commis sioners on the first Monday in February for the purpose of dis cussing ways and means by whioh Warren county should have a physician employed all the teachers and associating for two weeks in an Institute should give the very best knowledge of fitness and adaptability to the very trying and difficult work- of teaching in our rural schools. There should be an earnest ef fort to increase the High School appropriation. The State is suf fering for lack of schools adapted to taking our boys and girls from the seventh grade and preparing them for College to bridge a gap which heretofore has been bridged by the wealthy through private funds; but should be bridged by public funds in the in terest of all the people. This character of High school will give the poor boy an opportunity to meet the rich boy at the College door with a preparation equal to the best and "the poor ye shall have with you always." We doubt the expediency, the democracy and wisdom of a State Board being formed for the pur pose of appointing members 01 the Board of Education for each county. It is taking jwsfrom the school patron that partner ship which should exist between the payment of his school taxes and the privilege of saying who shall administer the trust. It will not remove from factional or partisan politics one single ap pointment. Knowledge of the his time to look after the public j character and fitness of each pro- We have not seen the bill and only have our information from those who have been to Raleigh ; but we understand that the DOG LAW has been amended in ac cordance with Hie petitions pre sented to Mr. Daniel. That is to say: River; Judkins and Roa noke petitioned to repeal by over whelming majority; the remain ing ten townships petitioned to amend to One dollar on males and two dollars on females, and tax payable in October. Our inform ant says that the adjoining coun ties to Warren are having a dog tax more strigent than the one Mr. Daniels has amended. A bill for the creation of a High way Commission to have charge of the Highways of the County has been passed by the Legisla ture. A bill appointing two members on the Board of Education for Warren county has been intro duced bv Mr. Daniel and passed through the House. Senator Me. Coin took charge in the Senate, nnd the bill is now the law, hav ing been ratified this week. The Game law has not been cKvi'yed; but there is a probable change extending the limit to March 1st, instead of February 1st. The counties of Franklin, Vance, Northampton and Halifax are endeavoring to get together on a law with Warren county which will be uniform. health, including sanitation and public inspection of school child ren and school premises. ur. Gid H. Macon, who was present, heartily endorsed Doctor Holt's suggestion and said he had taken the matter up with the State Board of Health from time to time, but the time seemed not to be ripe for the necessary expendi tures ; that he was not nor would be a candidate for that position, but heartily endorsed Dr Holt's suggestion. Doctor Macon has made a splendid County Physi cian, serving his first term with the entire approval of the Boara of County Commissioners and the Board of Health. Dr. Peete is throughly qualified for the po sition, and has a large number of fr-'ends who wish for him suc cess in his new official duties. The fitness of neither of the can didates for the position nor of either of the physicians proposed for membership on the Board has been called in question ; their qualification is admitted ; the per sonality of neither of the candi dates, nor friendship entered in to the matter for both are friends of the writer; but the question of taking out of office, after only ONE term, an efficient economical official endorsed by the entire membership of the Board of Commissioners, and by the entire membership of the Board of Health, who placed him in office, was. a question which should be decided upon its merits without fear or favor, and there fore the writer voted to sustain the incumbent. THE RECORDERS COURT The evidence of a saving iron the establishment of the RE CORDER'S COURT is very con vincing, to say nothing of the re lief to the maa in ail. We un derstand that the cost for Jail fees has been reduced from about ;$600;00 to $120.00, and that the total saving to the County will be around ?1,0C3,09 CHANGES IN SCHOOL CHINERY MA- Superintendent "Joyner, the head of education in this State and leader of the school forces made iecommendations to the Legislature through his Annual report to Governor Craig worthy of the careful consideration of the General Assembly. In the J matter- of the uniform certifica- posed member of the County Boards will have to come to the State appointing power through local sources and it opens a wide door for "pull," petition and favoritism. We are of tne opinion that the people should say who is to disburse their taxes, and who is to levy (indirectly) special county school taxes, and not a Body responsible to 100 dif ferent representatives from the different counties for its crea tion, and knowing nothing of lo cal conditions : for we presume the General Assembly would be asked to create the "Central Board". The selection of a Sup erintendent of Schools could be left to a "Central Board" with far greater degree of satisfac tion to the tax payers, than the selection of members of the Board of Education of the coun ty. Take it all in all the. Sena tor and the Represenative from a County are better judges of the fitness for membership upon the Board of Education than any other citizens, and they have the power to carry out the sugges tion of a bi-partisan board if in their wisdom the harmony of school administration will be promoted thereby. Warren who donated the Piy: to County Demonstrator F. B. New ell, who encouraged the forma tion of the Pig Club and gave his assistance, and to Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Fleming, his parents who so loyally encouraged their son in an effort to have the best. The following letter to Joe from Mr. Shay explains itself : January 3, 1917. Mr: Joe Flemings, Warrenton, R. F. D. 1, North Carolina. My Dear Joe :- I am very glad to inform you that you made the highest total score on the year's work in the Pig Club. This en titles you to a three-months old, registered Duroc Jersey pig (your choice of sex,) offered by W. W. Shay, Cruso, N. C. I have written Mr. Shay that you are entitled to the pig and that you would write him, tell ing whether you wish a boar or sow. Mr. Shay will forward the pig upon receipt of your letter. You have also won the gold medal off ered by the Progres sive Farmer to the winner in the Pig Club work. I am writing the Progressive Farmer to send you this. I hope you will remain in the work another year and strive for even creater success. With best wishes, I am, Very truly vours. B. P. FOLK, N. C. Pig Club Agt. PIG CLUB WINNERS FOR 1916. COUNTY SCHOOL CENSUS TAKER. One of the best bills introduc ed by Hon. S. G. Daniel is the bill creating the office of County School Census taker. It is known by all the school folks the teach ers and superintendent of schools especially that is a difficult matter to get the school census. The law heretofore has been that the Committeemen had the cen sus taken, either by one of their own number or by some person designated by them. The result of this method was that the tak ing of the census was delayed in many cases and not accurately taken in others, and in many cases not delivered to the teach ers "before the opening of the school," as the law directs. : The yet abide. Scoring 91.9. on his year's work, Joe Fleming, of Warrenton, R. No. 1, won first prize in the Pig Club con tests for the year 1916. Joe raised his pig at a cost of 5.5 cents per pound of gain, and calculated thai it gained 1.3 pounds per day for a period of 2.40 days. The animal was a pure-bred Duroc-Jersey sow and was placed by the Bank of Warren. Extension Farm News. THE NEW PASTOR (Contributed, but endorsed editorially) The new pastor of Warren Cir cuit, Rev. Marvin Young Self, pud family arrived here last Fri day and at once entered the Par sonage, being received by some thoughtful,' generous members. Mr. Self isra native of Lincoln; county, N. C, joined the West ern North Carolina M. E.. Con ference at Asheville in 1908, but took his first charge in North Carolina Conference the next year. His first four years were spent in serving Perquimans, Plymouth and Moyock Pastor ates m the Elizabeth City Dis trict. The last four years were given to the Garrysburg Circuit, Warrenton District, where he had good success. We warmly welcome Mr. Self and his family, not only to our town and community, but also to the whole county of Warren, a large portion of which his Cir cuit covers. He will have as as sistant as Junior preacher this year Kev. T. C. Strowd, of Chapel Hill, who came Wednes day of this week to take up his part of the work, including Sar epta, Wood's Store and other points. We sincerely trust that these young brethern may ac complish much for the Master in this historic field where so many faithful men have wrought well, and the fruits of whose toil w e Pra race e Preach WE SOLICIT ADVERTISERS 11 To Use the - - - Columns of THE WARREN RE in mm To Give the Folks Suitable Sug gestions in Regard to Business Opportunities from Time :: :: to Ti This is Called Prece ft To Call Your Attention to Our Business Activities and Op portunities Is Example. PRECEPT AND EXAMPLE SHOULD GO HAND IN HAND EXAMPLE: We Carry in Stock Subject to Your Order Blank ENVELOPES, LETTERHEADS, PACKET HEADS, STATEMENTS And We Are Prepared to Print in Neat and Attractive Style Everything IN STATIONERY Our Prices Are Reasonable and Our Work Shall Be Satisfactory. The Record Printing Company WARRENTON, N. C. V v.. i' 7 1 1 1 J H A . l t f i ' i 1 to v.f ll . 1 ; 1 : d; -... J

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