SECOND VkGfi FRIDAY FEBRUARY 2, THE WARREN RECORD Telephone Number 17. HOWARD F. JONES, Editor and Proprietor. T. J. TAYLOR, D. D. Contributing Editor. Entered at the Post office at War renton, N. C, as second-class matter under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. ICE TRUCK Subscription Price: (Payable in Advance) One Year Six Months . Three Months $1.50 .75 .40 Advertising Rates: Display, per inch, one time. . . .15c. net Display, Two or more times.. 12c. net Electrotype 10c. net Reading Notices, 5c per line each issue (Circulation Books Open to Legiti mate Advertisers and Prospective Patrons) Matter sent to THE RECORD for publication must bear the writer's name and address; not neces sarily for publication. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1917 WE LEARN FROM OTHERS We have advocated in season and out of season an adequate school building for Warrentqn's and Warren county's need for the present and for the future years. A personal letter comes to us this week from a Fresh man at the University which brings to mind what Bobby Burns says: "O wad some power the giCtie gie us To. see OURSEL'S as others see us." This letter was not written for publication, but it touches a sub ject so near our hearts (a cred itable and adequate school build ing for rich and poor alike) that we are going to give our citizens the benefit of the opinion of one who loves this town and com munity and who desires it to (like Abou Ben Adhem's name) LEAD ALL THE REST. "I went down to the school build ing last night to a picture show. It was a very good show, and well attended. ' It was under the aus pices of the Betterment Associa tion. They have a show onctx. each week, and in this manner raise money for the school. They show only those pictures which have an educational feature. Perhaps, our Betterment Associa tion could try something similar. If the pictures could be shown once a week, and only educational and moral pictures were shown, I believe it would work in War renton. Our difficulty at home lies in the lack of a good school building with an adequate au ditorium; but I predict that such a building will result, sooner than some would expect. Energy, you know, makes the t world go around." Think of it, citizens of War renton! A building with a splendid auditorium, heated by steam; with plenty of comforta ble class rooms ; with a Commun ity Service room, a Library ; , with a splendid basement tor the little children to play in during rainy days: in other words, a common meeting place for all of the activities of the community. Why not have such a school building? Is here a , reason why Warrenton should pay less for education than Manson, or Wise, or Norlina, or Embro, or Macon, or Vaughan, or Epworth, or Epworth, or Warren Plains, or Nutbush, or Afton, or Vicks boro, or Littleton, or Churchill, or Ellington or Warren Plains, With the exception of Afton and Axtelle each of the county com munities is paying more tax on the $100. worth of property than Warrenton, and yet Warrenton (as the County seat, and a well known educational center) should have the very best equipment as to building and to furnishings. We can have a four years High School at which any boy, or girl, in the County can attend free of cost. We do not know of any one thing offering more advan tages to this town and this coun ty than a public High School here, with all grades suitably housed in a modern building. We should be willing to work with this in view for the near future. Something was said last year about the delivery of ice by truck. We thought then, and we think NOW that the City Fathers should buy a one ton truck and make deliveries by that method, rather than drive a horse through our streets dur ing the hot days of Summer. We believe it. will be cheaper, and better in every way. We believe deliveries will be prompt and that the service will be economi cal and more expeditious. What will our Board of Com missioners do with the recom mendation of the Grand Jury in respect to the Court House. The Court room is in very good con dition; but other parts of the building are in bad shape. The walls have broken places in the plaster, and the original coloring has brushed off on the coats of the tax payers. Fix' it up gen-i tlemen and NOW is a good time. The suggestion to extend Church street and have it inter sect with the public road from Fork and Fishing Creek 'is a good one. It will give two out lets: one from the upper part of town next . to Methodist church, and the other as at pres ent, by Jail. We trust our road folks will go over the roads with a drag and knock down the ridges and fill the holess before the roads harden. A little work of this kind will give a smooth road-bed. A failure to do this will mean a rough and discreditable roadbeu. WISE ITEMS Mrs. T. J. Holt has been spending several days with friends in Raleigh the past week. Mrs. A. E. Opie and two children, from Mt. Airy, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Michael. Miss Helen House's pupils at the the Week-end with her aunt Mrs.' M. H. Hayes. Mr. D. P. Hicks accompanied Mr. J. R. Paschall on a pleasure trip south, leaving Sunday. Miss Mary Sally Perkinson has been spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Perkin son. She returned to her studies ? at Oxford College Monday. .Don't forget the recital given by Miss Helen Houses pupil at the schoolhouse on Friday evening, Feb. 2nd. Oyster supper before recital. The Sewing Circle met last Wed nesday with Miss Mattie Hicks. Tne ladies are invited to Mrs. Leet's this week. There were 107 present at Sunday School Sunday norning You .just ought to have heard them singOn- ward Christian Soldiers' hey sang as if they meant it. There was also a large attendance at the meeting of the B. Y. P. U. in the eveining. No one who saw and heard the young men and women take their parts so cheerfully and well, need have any fear for the future material welfare of Sharon Church. . Mrs. M. H. Hayes was hostess of a merry party given in honor of Miss Beasley and Miss House at her home on Friday evening, Jan. 26th" from i 8 to 11 o'clock. There were about twenty-five present. Progressive hearts and progressive conversation were the favorite games play ed.H? oft music from the Victrola played in an adjoining room added much to the charm of the scene. The refresh ments consisted of Salads, Sand wiches, Olives and coffe. Among the invited guest were Misses Eva Wat ford, Ava Craver, Eleanor Coleman, Mary Sally Perkinson, Myrtle White, Helen Weldon, Mattie Hicks and Helen Hayes, Messrs. B. R. Palmer and Edward Tucker from Paschall, Dauglas Egerton of Macon, Edward Petar from Ridgeway, John Satter white of Henderson, Ben Newell of Richmond, and Professor Craver, Mr. Thomas Weldon, Messrs. R. L.-Mus-tian, Jimmie White and Mr.' Fleming Hilliard and Mr. D. P. Gicks of this place. ? Hilliard and Mr. D. P. Hicks of this Record! u OONT FORGET - There is a Rexall . - - ; ' Weather Chart Calendar, tells most everything but the time of day, FOR YOU Call and get it at BURWiXIL DRUG GO. The 13&xa8SL Store PURITY ECONOMY SERVICE The many words of praise for our semi-weekly edition is pleas ing to the entire Record Staff. We are trying to give our read ers what they wish for in a Coun ty paper, and we believe we are going to succeed at it. Miss .Effi i iiiftoi YOU WILL FIND" Satin Mat's For Between Seasons Wear Pretty and Stylish New Ginghams for Spiiii LACES AND EMBROIDERY New Lot of Ladies Silks, Crepe De Chiene and Voille Waists. Other Good Values Not Mentioned. Make Our Store Headquarters While In Town. YOU WILL FIND WHAT YOU NEED. Mi 1SS t Warrenton, Erne Respt. Elli mgton North Carolina 1 urn ...KJ've :.j m .1 ar r Turn over tlie Page. The year is New, And all of the Old Year's griefs are dead Too late fcr the kindness we meant to do, Too late for the word we-left unsaid, The old year's gone with the eld mistakes ' But over he Mil a New Year breaks. Turn over the Page and begin Planing , Come to NORLINA to do your shopping. Your opportunity for buying the best is Here And we sure can save you Money in HARDWARE A Big Stock of Goods. We are Anxious for your Trade ' Come to see us and you will be well repaid. Yours for Service, .0o mi a 0 a vl j m m . a . u n fi u x & v.. 3' i in I-A t nv:.!.:.-., i ' n It Isn't the Getting Up It's the dressing in a room like an ice-box that sets your teeth on edge. Your dressing room would be z.s warm as toast every morning if ypu had a Perfection Smokeless Oil Keater. It starts thawing, out the chills the minute you strike a match and you can carry it' wherever you need heat bathroom, breakfast room, or pantry. Clean, durable, good-looking. Inexpensiva to buy; cc less to run than any ccal fire. Ask any one of the more than 2, 000, GOO users, or examine it at your depart ment store, hardware or furniture dealers. - I ::::: : : :i L' H:::;::::::::::::::::::v iZj- tl Washington, D. C. Norfolk, Va f 1 - r-' S f ViS 0ooo Om ?TVd lift; J 5 fM. Vfea.rv - f - ' ;-iVt - - a c.. .. fl I, Iir - .. - j Hi Charleston, W Va. V Charleston, S C- p2 - -3 . Use Aladdin Security Oil for best results STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Richmond, Va Charlotte, W. C. nowaro Smitb. who has made numerous visits here as the representative of the A. K. Hawks Co., of Atlanta, Ga., will be with us again on Monday and Tuesday, February 12 and 13 and at regular intervals thereafter, to test and fit glasses. Dr. Smith is one of the most experienced and proficient Eye Specialist in the State and will give you the best of service and furnish glasses in any style you may wish, at moderate prices. Examination Free, and all work guaranteed by us. Don't forget the date. Two daj s only. HITMTP' 8 h w v. Warrenton,.. North Carolina I u TION HEATERS mm lil ill W.S 1- jlL:.