"it - I " )i : i iis dMlGAL vm: VOL. XXII (TUESDAY) WARRENTON, NC (FRIDAY) No. 45 A SEMfcWBEKINE -5c A COPY . : (Continued f row Friday Edition) q, YottlUtve iSpe&ett the point oftijew.MHh farmer fepr rower. -, Suppose I have mcmejto in vest, how doi thi "systleB' Interest banks' ought to be' V very attractive investment for yon.- X Why? r i A. Because-vthey-rare' secure, will command . steady A inaike 4 andTj be cause they are free frora'attforras 'at taxation. , - '- - ' ."' 'QA Wfrr'We -Tsecare? ? - A. Because 'they, iiave. specifically pledged ' as security? first; mbrtgagW on ; farms, the appraised valuation of which is ,twice. as great as the- ebfi gation against thein.y : C : ; - Q. VIa that thi isiettiity- there is?, A, No, The assets of all the7i2 Feedral land banks are behind tire bonds of all the banks. . ' Q. And is thatall? V " ; A. No; they are secured also by the 6 per cent stock owned -by each farmer-borrower "and held as collat eral security by5 the localloan asso ciations. -rV" - Q; -Is that althe? aecnrity? v A. If thatra not srcScient to in eet the bonds, there is the additional 5 per eent - liability- against each farmer stockholder. X -: - - So, as a matter rt fact, th S3e cnrity backfW beia i twlcetdr, face valne plus the iestarce of,e Z Federal land banks plaa the indarse jaent erf the iCattonal Farra Loan A- sdciations. -. : v - - A. Ynid; Wldi the further as suranee thai the wide distribution of the BBcuiityv sd5 unaffected by local condition: in any part of- the Nation, will contribute to the - valnii and jEsta bility fif the security and make lotsm almost' an-Impassibility. ".- , Q Yon; say the feeja Mr&ii&t f mil forma of taxfttisnu -DoeiSai t- chsde' Htcoirie'-tax' f"arni8;';f State and muaidpal t&x f y wklnd A. : Tes.-IwlX . 7 r:; And is the vteatm- f .aU;to.e be2 also frea ef txattra?; .A YeS. . ;-!- -j ; Q, Does the eoremtMsii naran tee the? bonds? ..-.. 't. A; No; baitlB8aic-nder the aope8iba-tfw"6wrmro"iU can noi be isattedttitir Goveirnktent authorities have passed , upon the se curities and satisfied -ihetaves that "each 'dollar of bonds iBsned is secur ed by at least $2 wrti of , land, ajn4 each bond will contain ite face certificate of its' regjalaxi Uie FederarFarm i Loan i Cinission er, a Government officiaL q. In what deaorainationa r these bonds to be issued? ; r ' A. In. $25 S50,$ie. $5Q0, sndf. eonnterf citing? - , C; ; 5 A. .They will be printed and . en graved by the Government bureau of Prmtingiiand- Engravint? -ths same aa money is printed, and swili be as t".eMr lally protected bti-ieo&t)ui money ;is .-protected. : - bear thciinenrteei! 'n A.'v;PrQbb eo,ual security and;awntualtv anteed. . . ::- Q. Mhatsk get authority from the Federal FiU!ii7la Ird sue bonds? :'J;..-r- A. Yes; . and;-the bank-nray -issne them only after it has. taken-approve first ttortgag;tfi-,whicli;r-4' secure them and deposited sndt mortgages as collateral' security. ' "- Qw . Can- yon teir; what ratej of inf terest these bond will cearr A. N6yet.!iTh?ratewnVde: : tmon sunnlvii And : demand. ViVThe -, rate will be st as. low a possible Mr x :. dispose of, enough ofsthe to. keen the bank -suiedWith imoaev-; to 'meet &V dema4" :& U ANSON ITEMS Rev. Uv-RNelson of Henderson, was a pleasant visitor in the home of Mr. S. GCfcampion Friday niglrt -jf last week. Miss Etta Fleming &n$ mecepWrn Louise Wilson, spent : the week nd with friends at York.' - Mrsartha Hayetfddelnn was a ylsitor in?onrmMst some days- ago. (-';, vi are jgladx1 say tht Mr. J. D. Chaapien who has been dc for the last two weeks i&.nraea better. Miss Lillie Brack i?eatriday niglit t Creedmore. v . Mr S. J. Satterwhit spent a -day of. litst wje. at Uen&ertco. - - rr R;r L. Vfatkins made business trip to Youngsvilie and Littleton this week. " ' Messrs. Jack Williams and Frank Pinnell spent Sunday night in War reraton. . i An- automobile en route for Hen dersohcaught fire here Sunday night. Tlxs-passengers being unable to extin guish the fire, the car was entirely de strpyed, and only the iron framing is Standing on the road. nlr Jack iuke,T,of Middleburg, was in town Wednesday. " ; . Miss Pearle. Fleming spent Saturday afternoon-in Henderson. i Mr. Hamel iKmball and wife return ed to their home at Buffalo,New York, last week. : 1- . -; rix 'j : Mrs. J. B. -Brack spent a day of last wijek' in Henderson. ,.;--M r tu O. .Reivier made a' business trip to Warrenton Monday. - " i MTNatWiIliamsi i of Drewry,i was on our streets "Wednesday. . r, .: Messr Ji W.-'Dowling arid W. W.: Wilson spent Monday in Henderson. n SONGS 'AND READING . Those , wbq were . fortunate enough te be at the Becital and Musieal given bit . Mrs.', .Renshaw,. Miss .Allen, Mr. Harris; and Miss Chandler under the auspices of the Red Roses -on last Fri-duy- night were' delighted. No enter-: tfiinment of 5 any character; has been pirodnetive of more real pleasure than tl as entertainment. : ' ' As a Reader, Mrs, Renshaw has not b sen surpassed by any , who have ap psared before Warrenton, audiences Sh is just" simply, highly gifted, and makes the very best use of her 4 gifts, i -;iMiss Atlens beautiful Soprano voice ; was a dehght;-her personality charm- , iiig. She ,: was encored repeatedly. ! Vrocrrenton always has a warm wel- i cums. f or ; Petersburg ? gifted singer, J acd we trhst she will visit Warrenton again in the near future. Mr. John Harris has sung for t'home folks" repeatedly, and always . with pleasure to them. He has a fine Bari t me voice, And. has it under splendid 'ebatrol. He, was at his best Friday night, and his audience appreciated tile faet. r Like the private soldier, who does all the fighting, and the generals get le credit, o an accompanist is "taken fsr granted? and the Singer gets the boquetsv Miss Chandler, as accom panist, 'however, r deserves the "bo quets! too, for the? harmonius blend ing af . her touch with the voice of the singer made the aousie all that could the desired. - ' Tile entertainment was a suecess, and the Red Roses deserve the thanks of -theVV people - of. Warrenton for their effort: to .give 3-to the people here an i.otir8 pleasure by talented friends. N. B. -When we get that steam Jwsated tmditorhmi; these evenings of fdeasure will not be so rare. OAmrrWRECK The iold isigr,thafc,one -wreck luings two more in its train, prompts us to' announce that the Seaboard has now had its share, and will doubtless have freedom? from misfortune for florae time to come. 'Let us hope so.; x The Head-on collision yesterday afr iiernoort . between . N6. 14 and ; No. 3 rhich ocenred ' near La Crosse was Iue ; to "htzman frailty not tev def ect in roadbed .-.or;. quipment.. ' An , error ivas made by the engineer in his order; buttoVCoiidiKJtorr-discoirewd it as ijoon aS the siding -was v passed r-and gulled theAemergency, but toolate to srevent the Collision ; but soon enough to slow the train; and prevent a bad 5masbup,'and a loss of life. - No. 3 ran past a siding; but before the Conduc- f tor could puRerengmeercdorn and get back into the: siding. No,-1 came aroun'd aciirve and'wasrapon ; him. Both5 engine arews -after, applying em irgencyinml -nd: were not ierionaK hybtirli.ii-:No'' oassenxrersjwere hurt. top Ichetransw able to publi artter? paper ; (a rsure-nui ;P per)f :' and -wonld prevent all of these vtie&2k& in addition. ..r . WARREN PHARMACY, NG. The i Warren-Pharmacy was incor porated since our Friday's edition, with the -following stockholders:-Dr. a: H. Macon,Dr. William" Rodgers, MrrLixie?Tarwater. 7 - The Warren Pharmacy is a believer in the we Prtnte fnk, and we havno dmbtjthatrits useof the Warren Record has been of service in bringing it to the attention of the pubfie, as weH as has its courteous management el batdifciste diend net be able to ieave-the : werfd any bettefor one'a little life "ii it.-Abramati-Lin- MS Last Sunday Mr.' C. A.rHaithcock and family, Mr. Clifford Robertson, the Misses i Clark, Mrs. f Tom , Davis, Miss Sallie Powell, and Mrs. M T. Duke spent the afternoon with Mr. and . Mrs. Mark Duke. ; ;. The Saturday night : before Misses Clark and Powell with Mrs. Russell King spent an enjoyable : time in: the combined homes of ;- Mn 4 Tom . Davis, his wife, and: mother, Mrs. Mary C. Davis. They'; called to : see ; Mr. . Jim Cheek and family who' now live at or J near Buffalo Station. - :.- .: : Mr. Russell King; of; Oakville, is visiting his wife for, a couple of days at the home of her father. ; Mr. S. R. Duke visited his daughter Mrs. Harry Leonard at Essex and her little wee daughter, Ertie, Hope, Sun- 1 day.--;.::- . l 'Mrsr Bettic M. Haithcock and dau ter-in-law, ' Mrs. Leonard Haithcock;, spent Friday with Messrs. C. E. and S. P. Haithcock's families : of this place in spite of the rain and ? snow which fell almost all the forenoon but whieh-cleared off in ;the afternoon. . Mrs. Russell King: and Miss .Bessie Powell spent a couple of days visiting V Mrs. J. D. Riggan the first of this Week. :";-:;-:r- " A -'5 ,?-We have to keep so close to home dutisv and the fire that news Is some tnmg ot tne past. , MiitfAti, ARCOLA ITEMS Miss Lizzzle. Davis, of-- NashvilUe, Tenn., arrived Saturday te be with her people here for some time. ; - Don't forget the Church (Conference at Bethlehem Church Saturday after- noon. .Mr. Walter Duke was orthe to co market in Warrentoii'Friaay Miss Beaufort Hunter spent the past week with herT grandmother,, Mrs. R.- becca Davis. 3 jsoxztjj Mr. Herbert Tharringtonthasac cepted a position as salesman-with toe Fosburg Company at Hollister. .a r .c, Messrs. Albert ColemiandiRofeeri Arrington - eeem! .towyefondi quite MARM an"attr actionatr6ve "Hlik?aJlMesars rain or mud seems to be as the days. of. June when they are plodding $Heir way toward the Hill. -. . - . . - : ? Measles and war are thet chief ; topjes. of conversation. t According to the prediction of the subterraneous weather prognosticator we will, have about thirty days more of real winter. . V l:VJri.; ;'-The Union here is growing in num-bersT-It now-has about all of the far mers . in this - community enrolled and a number from adjoining sections also. We hope this strong band-of de serving, people will get wide' awake, on the education of their children. We have made great improvement in the past few years, but let's don't be satis fied until we have the best for the children of this community- Let's have anr.-eight months- School if or this dis trict next term,? anf three good tea chers. What's to : hinder it? Some of the children of this -district walk six hundred miles each session to ands front schook j Bad roads and in clement weather seldom keeps them from .being present. .Boys and girls who are anxious: to attend . school even if they haw ta walk a distance greater than the length of sur State, deserve a term of ' sufficient length and a course of - study which when completed ' will meet4ihe A grade college entrance requirements- at least. Let's lay aside selfish motives, if there be any, and brings this:-thing to pass at an early date. ' ,1 U;- (Vote Special tax for education, and have a r three teacher school. ; When Fishing -Creek gets her good roads, you can build at ArcoWan educational center.- Editor.) ; nTEACHERSAND CITIZENSHIP "E ver y person ' appointed ;as a teacher- in the public: schools should fur nish proof - of American ; citizenship as one . of the required qualifications' jiThns PresMentijyilson writes to the New York Board of Superintendents, in answer to a question as to what he thought about public" school teachers and American citizenship. The Pres ident added: "I had 1 assumed - that this was already the rule, and am, sur prised that it has not been so.'! It is reported that there areroyer 00 New York teachers who are -not American citizens.-Current JSvents. CRUEL COLD IN "SUNNY FRANCE' . France has lately been jin the grip of- a cold wave, said to, be the most severe in 114 years. :The shortage of coal makes conditions i much har der, and there is cruel suffering among the soldiers in-the trenches. Current Events, y . . ; - - - - "All -- YORK:ITEMS : i M I will not fear, 4 Though .storm clouds- gather, fast; -Though kingdoms fall and mountains ; :; crumble into dust, When every -'ship1 comes home with ' : ' ' - broken mast, - , : And every doubt of earth and hell a s- t. sails my trust, " Then whether Heaven : above be dark -or clear, :; -- . My ; anchor chain will hold I will- not fear. ' I will not fear ' When dearest friends turn back, .nd earthly-ties are snapped by un 7 expected strain ; ,enC'those?-once dear now follow lX : in , my tracks, : . - And rend" me, then, though bleeding; :;Z!J .wilLnpt complain V v -1 shall expect my , Lord -will then appear, - To shield his : trusting ehild I will not fear. . I will not fear, v When,, everything , goes wrong; j When losses, crosses, pains and sor- rows overwhelm; UWhen. days are dreary, nights are ;:;!-dark and long, And storm blasts . hide from view the t Master at the helm iv l; see-Him not but while His voice I hear 'Unfalteringly 111 wait ? I will not fear . - t. - v.. Life is a short day, but it a working day. Activity may lead to evil, but inactivity cannot lead to good. - I; War, war, warrtseems to be in trie 0H&T4ir iusthingtf definite has result- Jed) at'this, writing, everything possible i0;i"Ui.-: is- being' mone to get ready for the . ., t T ; . stzifefihould it come. Xsl: ns hor IthawarjLrn for the eruelty-ofait 4s beyond compare. Mri R.fW. Mjtchejl.made a business trip' to Henderson; Friday, . . . ' .Mr'E'i JU Mossyiof . Keats, Va., pass ed .through Sunday: en' route to visit Snriownsville. Xxunge6if Prewry, were visitors m bur vicinity -Sunday. " " i?Mz3rten: Watkins, of Middleburg. apeai.thei Week-end .in our midst. We ;, were glad ..to ..see r Mr. Ernest Buchanan and wife, of South Hillf Va., in bur little village Sunday. Mr. J. Clardie Catkins made a bus iness trip to Henderson Friday. Mr. Abb K. Fleming and sisters Misses Lucia and Loilie Fleming spent Friday, in Warrenton. - Mrk :Willie-FCa!iss, of South' Hill, y4 'V"" ,m.C- il,UuM from near Newmans were united in holy wedlock at Mount Auburn Chris tian Church Sunday, February' 11th. We extend hearty congratulations to this young couple and trust joy, peace and ' prosperity may accompany them on their" journey "through life. ! -Mr.-W. H. Kimball, from Henderson, spent a couple of days, in the home of Messrs. W. W. arid J. A. Kimball re cently. y:i - Mr. F. F. Fleming made a business trip to Manson Friday last. i4.Mr. Peter Hilliard and family, from near Palmer Springs, Va., were on our streets Sunday,, Mri. Edward Spain and wife, of Gold Laf, Va., were the guests of Mr. arid Mrs George Spain a day of last week. ' -; . - Mr. -Willie Cole, from near New mans, was on our streets a day of this week looking after business, ' r ? Miss Loilie Fleming spent Thursday in Henderson. , a ' " z '. Dr. F. E. Perkins, of Henderson was a welcome visitor in our midst Friday last. '' - " . Rev. Charlie L Reid, of Washington, N. C, returned to his home Monday; after being most . delightfully enter tained in the home of .Messrs. W.TW. and J. A. Kimball and other relatives and friends in our midst. . Mr. William Stewart, of Middleburg, was among the out of. -town visitors who attended the Heid-Robinson mar riage Saturday .., ; r Miss Etta F. Fleming , and niece, Louise, from Manson, spent the-week end In the home of her sister, Mrs J. A. Wilson. - ' Mr. W. W. Wilson, of Manson, was ( on our streets Friay looking after bus iness. - Mr. Ernest Hecht, of : Henderson, was a business visitor in our midst One day last week. .;" Mr. Milton- Capps made a business trip to Manson Friday. Mr. Howard Alfort, of Golf Leaf, Va., still makes his frequent visits in the home of Mr. George Spain It is E. Z. to guess -what the ;attraction is. Rev. W. C. Merrit, of Norlina, spent a ceuple cf days-last wtik'in the hecae oMv JcM.-Holloway, when n rotite to,; Tabernacle Church near Wooas- worth to fill , his regular appointment, Mr.,Henry Wmiams, fromnear Man son, was on our streets Sunday. lr- 2;:?fPPS mai? a tusiness Messrs. W.Ci Fleming, Jr., and Ado K. Flelming spent Thursday last in Henderson. ... ; Mrs. -Fi Fg Fleming r spepnt , several days of : last - week : with r relatives in Keats, Va. Mr. rWill .Riggan, of Oxford, de lighted his" relatives! by -spending a couple of days last, week very pleas antly in , their homes. - ; Mrf E. L. Moss, of Keats, Va., was a business visitor on our streets .Wed nesday. ': ; ';-T- Mr. C. B. Scoggins, ; of Palmer Springs; was a welcome visitor in our little villiage iThursday. .MrW. Wr Kimball made a business trip to Henderson Wednesday." : - ' Mr L. D. Paschall, from near New- 4 mans, was a visitor in our. midst re cently. -.; Mr, N. Milton Capps visltea rexa - a ..j-. r : " tives and friends in Wise some few days ago. ' . ? " v f Mr -Jake Moss, - from 'near New mans, -: passed through last -Thursday en route to .Henderson on business. Mr Fletchers Bobbitt, of Palmer Springs, was on our streets Wednes day en route to Henderson. We,? are glad to welcome Mr. 'John ,.. Ai m. . r . vvnuam5,,oi wise, m our miast again, after a. few-days absence .on ' account of measles. -: : The carpenters . seem to be getting talong nicely on Mr... Williams' new res idence, and we hope to see it complet ed soon. -- Mr. C. H. Buchanan made a business trip to Henderson recently. Mr. Lee Wilson, from near Towns-! vjllewas on our streets Thursday en ' . . , . route to Manson on professional, busi. - r Mr. . J. Willie Paschall, from near Newmans, was a visitor; in our midst since our last writing. - -' : Little-:'.. Miss... Mary Burcr Kimbalf spent Thursday night with her friend Miss Elsie .Watkins at; Newmans. Miss Loilie A. Fleming left Monday lor icmho We . trust her . stay: may be pieasant and profitable. . ' To the worthy Editor, Aunt Betsy as York Correspondent; this weelc of fers her resignation y - .But- commends to, him "Queen of Girls" who lives upon , the same plan tation,. . ' Hereyes are soft, her voice is sweet . And she promises to give you news from week to week. She is the dearest girl in all the world to me, "" . Aj T arn sr frt lrMrtw KT- a?e many 0 11. Many, years I have en joyed the War- ren Record's pages, . and read them over and over, and if all goes well," I hope to be able, to read them more and more. - -' '" . Littlej Alton Fleming,, age 7 yearsf tells us . the War , is enough to make George Washington turn over in his grave. When the older people were talking of the War in his presence the other morning the above is what he said. It. made ,them . all stop and think.,. The little fellow was about right. ' - , :T A PRATT-S YKES The friends of Mr. W. E. Pratt, pro prietor of the Norlina Hotel, and of Miss Lula Sykes, of the Norlina-Graa-ed school faculty, are congratulating them on their marriage. , ? The infor mation which reaches us is that they were happily married at the home of Mis Sykes in the western part of the State; and that they will be "at home" in Norlina after their return from the honeymoon. r The best wishes of the Warren Re cord, . and of their many friends go with the happy, couple through life. FREE SPEECH Henry Ward Beecher 1 says r "Free speech is to a great people what winds are to oceans and . malarial regions, which waft away the elements -of dis ease and bring new. elements of health; and where free . speech is stopped mi asma is bred, and death conies fast." BUTTER USED FOR SOAP : Butter . sells in -Moscow, for- $1.70 a pound; jbut in parts of Siberia it is so cheap that it. is used ;f or " soap "and axle-grease.j 1 Lack of railroads causes this differenee.--Current Events. ; Just and noble minds . rejoice in other mens succeses and help Jte . aug ment their praise. Pean. ; ' " .. . -.;m:t. Editor of the Warren. Record: ! .- la resident of your County, but a read ier of the. Warren Record, therefore I : venture these few words of approval of that timely article by Mr. Connels in a preceeding issue about the Farm Life School. - We have all come to see that the University, State Normal, and the Agricultural and Mechanical Collets, and other state schools are absolute necessities for the State. They are institutions that we can not do with out.: .Although these institutions are necessities, they are not reaching and benefiting directly the masses of our boys and girls. According to the best information available, we find that far less than one-fourth of the young men and women of school age ever attend one of the State colleges or higher 1 7 V " " K'- .therefore, the great majority of our people that have no opportunity of training save that which is furnished by the county schools. These are be ing improved and we desire to see them made more efficient in all prac tical training". We need an educated rural population. These rapid im- MV,0 i, , A .terns - will soon give us a better edu : cated citizenship. nf- w ' The vital question now is shall we make the same mistake that has been made t in the past, namely that ve shall fail to see.the necessity of the need of the individual. 1 have been connected with the school work of tne State for six years, and I have not found in - our present school system the opportunity for the right develop ment of tbe majority of the pupils in the schools, v Our courses of study are planned with the one thing in view, that the boys and girls should be pre pared to. go to College, but the great mass of them do not go; they soon drop out of school without any spe cial preparation for their life's work. I believe the time is close at hand, and that it is the purpose of the State Board of Education to establish in practically every county m the 'State a school that shall bear the same re lation to that .county as A. & M. and the State Nonrial bears to the State as a whole. A school in which every boy and girl in that county who desire it may get sufficient training in their chosen profession to make them a ' success. This -school will be the Farm Life School, a school that will offer s course of study that will make bet ter, farmers, better housekeepers, bet ter professional men, and a better County. .V Mr. Taxpayer, your money is being spent for the support of the schools why not have the best you can get? The children of , Old, historic Warren county deserve the best it is possible for them to have. What will you do about it? "H." SQUARE DANCE On last Thursday night there was a delightful Square dance in the old armory. . The figures were called by Mr. J. R. fWilkerson -with the old time "pep", and with that ease of mannner Trhich denoted a -thorough knowledge of the figures.-. The music was furnished by Davis brothers, and it too had the "pep". -Under such inducements, we could but help having a most delight ful time. Among those dancing we noted the following: Misses Mary Harris, Sue Palmer, Nan Rodwell, Louise Allen, of Richmond, Fair Polk, Lulie Price, Ur sula Pellatier; Mrs. James Burroughs, Miss Katie Burroughs, and Miss Cath erine L. Hodges, of Afton; and Mes srs. Alex Macon, William Burroughs, Anthony Harris, Alfred EllingtonWil liam Polk, McRobert Booth, Horace Robinson, Walter Haithcock, Jack Als ton, Gid Hunt Macon, and John Pled gers. STUDY-BIBLE-DAY Next Sunday, February 18, will be "Study-Your-Bible-Day" at the Bap tist Church. At the morning service Mr. J. Edward Allen' will address the coniiiegation in the absence of the panted Dr. Taylor, who is to be in Lenior. Mr. Allen's subject will be VHow thejBibleCame To Us." .. At .the "evening hour very interest ing, special services are planned in th; interest of the Organized Sunday School ; Class Movement. There will beattracive music, and addresses by visitors of r experience in Sunday School. work who are known to be ex ceedingly interesting speakers, PAn pi)lf I CPTTOn 'UlV V AlVlll Llrli aUiUU j (Contributed By Educator) i -

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