2. i s; J I .if v SECOND PAGE THE WARREN RECORD : TUESDAY, FEBRuatv j THE WARREN RECORD Telephone Number 17. HOWARD F. JONES, K Editor and Proprietor. T. J. TAYLOR, D.D. ; Contributing Editor. Entered at the Post office at War renton, N. C. as second-class matter under Act of Congress, Ma rclrS; 1879 Subscription Price: (Payable in Advanse) One Year.. Six Months Three Months $1.50 .75 .40 Advertising Raten: Display, per inch, one time . . . . 15c. net Display, Two or more times.. 12c. net Electrotype 10c- net Reading Notices, 5c per line each issue (Circulation Books Open to Legiti- mate Advertisers and Prospective Patrons) . Matter sent to THE RECORD for publication must bear the writer's name and address; not neces sarily for publication. TUESDAY, FEB. 13TH, 1917 SHALL WARRENTON LEAD? This town has been noted for generations as an educational center for both male and female education. It has sustained that reputation to the present time ; but the education given has been from private funds, and conse quently only those could send their children to our schools here who were able to pay the price. That the education given has been worth the price is admitted. But the time has come in North Carolina when education in' our public schools has progressed to that extent which enables the children of all of our citizens to obtain an education where facili ties are in reach. This town has been backward in giving the en couragement to public education that it should have given because of the excellence of the private schools here, and even at this date, the public school Will not entirely eliminate the private schools ; but for the masses, the public school has taken, and must hold precedence $58.28 will retire a debt of $i000 in 40 years at five per cent therefore an annual payment of twenty-five times $58.28 will re tire $25,000 in bonds in forty years. Thus an annual payment of $1457.00 will pay our debt and interest. How Can We Do It? Ten cents on $100.00 worth of property in Warrenton Special Tnv District raises $1311.24. An increase of only fifteen cents in the Special Tax of this district will take care of $25,000 bond is sue,and have a surplus left which can go into the fund for educa tion. Or to change the proposi tion: Make the Special levy (in cludincr the present levy) 35 mi . - -i cents on $iuu. inis win raise $4,589.34. Deduct from this, the amount duetto pay; interest ron the $25,000 atM ioi- sinking fund-$.X457, and it leaveS'a'bafc ance for School purposes--bf $3; 132.34. We now: have for special; j school purposes $2,622.48." So that thirty-five cents will provide our building, pay all the teachers we now have, leave a balance ol $909.86, and the amount from the State for High School, and from County for High School to be added. Think of it ! Norlina is paying sixty cents for school and building; Macon is paying fifty-five cents for school and building. Littleton is paving thirty cents for a $15,000 build- . -r-r-r I 1 J. mg. W arrenton, Dy paying j ust five cents more than bandy Creek, ( Vicksboro) , Nutbush, or Embro are paying for schools alone, can have an elegant build ing for the boys and girls of the county, and a bigger and better school than we now have. Here are the schools, citizens of War renton, and the amount that each pays for education: Wise, 30 cents; Churchill, 25c; Oanville, 30c ; Vaughan, 25c ; Ma con (bonds included) 55c; Nor lina, (bonds included) , 60c ; Ax telle 15c ; Embro, 30c ; Af ton 25c ; Warren Plains, 30; Vicksboro, 30c;Elberon, 30c; Ellington, 30c; Nutbush, 30c; Littleton (for bonds) 30c; Oine, 20c; Epworth 20c ; Warrenton, 20c. Five cents more tax than the citizens of Warren Plains District have to nay, and we can have a school MILDREDINA HAIRKEMED Y Grow Hair and We Can Prove It by Hundreds of Testimonials. - r . It never fails to produce the desired results. It enlivens and invigorates the hair glands' and tissues of the scalp, resulting in a ,'continuous and increasing growth of the hair. Let ters of -praise are 4 continually coming in from nearly all parts of the country stating that Mildredina Hair Remedy j cases that were considered absolutely hopeless. A lady from Chicago writes: "After a short trial my hair stopped falling: and I now have a .lovely head of hair, very heavy- and over one an a half yards long.'! A t G-7 rrL.'.i, d QmallaiP-R6medy,l bassea long, tmcK $5.50 ; from Louisburg, $6.00 ; from Norlina, $6.00. . ' .. . r Spend Washington's Birthday at our National Capitol During the session of Congress, taking advantage of vthis , exceptionally: low rate. Tickets will be . on sale for all trains, regulalrly scheduled to stop at stat 1917 itions shown above, February 21 st? I If jyou wish to bu7o7 17, limited to reach origlnarsfarling lands,' plantation sell houS(i Or ftt;lrwj point . prior, to mid-nierht of .Febriiarv her: spp 24th. For furthirrmatoh: call 1t lie . lte.to toe , . . ! same, with : - JOHN T. WEST, " Pivisibh Passenger Agent, : "X .' ": :: - Raleigh, N. C. what- you desire. I may 7 satisfactory to you.' ; 1-12-tf. Warrentnr, wrttAeW Mrs A. Falardef Jefferson CityMpif Jii ' - Ribbon. Take no other. Buy F yr W DIAMOND BUAND PILLS, for twenty ncsitcsi, Always Kmaaib i Sample vby mail for lQci Out-of - tewn ' customers supplied by parcel; post. Mildred Louise Co., -.Boston, Mass. 50c. arid $1.00at Hunter Drg Co., Warrenton; and WalkerV Drug Store, Norlina s. "; ' , - - - ' ' ' ' ' -LZi. WASHINGTON'S, BIRTHDAY EXCURSION TO . WASHINGTON, D. C. VIA r ' Seabdard Air Line Railway : From Principal Points in the State Wednesday February 21st., 1917 Round Trip Rates From Henderson, DIAMOND LADIES I Ask your Dmnlrt for CHI-CHES-THR S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red andAX Gold metallic boxes, sealed with BlueC A Vi. ' 'I ' 2 MiwaMiitiiiiiitii)iwi!aimii,aiiyiTOiWn ,TnMMlMii.lMufflwinTWHrnBiBMiHoim.nw L'UJliT4!H!'W"'l!lll'l'WJ''''u",l!'t!''ll''"'ni'!," "!"limiil.ilH.jH.,.,.1,ll,un, . It is only fair that we should tell our customers that our : I f EARLY BUYING Means a Large ; : - MOKEY s ESylllSPILLO ' Jr BRAND ':; 7 '.' n years regarded as '. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS . EVE3YJYH FXC.g Vaporize" Croup or Cold Troubles Warrenton neks a Stated e3 Hisrh School, and the time is'ripe for our citizens to g-et such a school. Such a school is not en tirely a local" affair; but belongs to all the children of the county who attend its High School De partment. This means that any boy or girl who has completed the seventh grade can attend the four year course in the public high school here. This will mean an influx of country boys and girls to Warrenton to obtain pre paration, for College or for life, in this school. Combined with our present school there should be ah enrollment of at least 200 pupils in the public school. The question is shall Warrenton lead or follow in the preparation for a public High School in this com ..munity. Shall we be content with present facilities, or shall we have an equipment worthy of the traditions of the town, and wor thy of the present citizenship. Such equipment is within our v reach without much additional eost. A building to cost not less than $25,000 is needed. Such a building will be an-ornament to the town, and the pride of our citizenship. Such a building would give us a splendid auditor ium; equipped with steam heatr electric lantern slide, and mov ing picture fixtures to be used for educational purposes, arid would afford this town more real'; cen time enjoy ment,and be the means of disseminating more informa- tion than any one invest ment of the community. This, building would oei the community center. and we could get on a circuit of some of the first class Lyceum courses, and get rich returns from our investment m pleasure and knowledge. Soloman wise ly said : "In all thy getting, . get understanding." He asked for himself wisdom. Every penny invested in a building of this character, and placed in charge of a competent faculty means an investment in childhood ; an in vestment in the hearts and minds 4 of our children, and is, therefore, an investment in knowledge and wisdom. :-" - .' What Will It Cost? - ... -Interest on $25,000 of forty year bonds, at 5 per cent will be $1250.00- Secretary McAdoo in his Farm Loan Primer has pub lished a table giving the number vapor treatments for cold troubles ax : better than internal medicines, as the va y facultv of seven or eight teachers ' P018 'Z the : medication dttectjo the t -i. t - n. iuncs and air rassaees without aiatnrbin9 rA Unciuoingmusicana expression; the stomach. and a 25,000 building for our present and future needs. A F0R instance, take White Dress Goods-, These were bought , early last Fail from one of America! best dealers. The LARGEST SHIPMENT we EVER in bur store before January 10th. Had we waited to buy Mse - when we went td New York in January, the priceould have been from: : 25 tb 33 per G more, is means money inourppeket d;l'- ! You, no;doiibtv ; last season. Be wise! Start our; work early; get through Jhe; hardship of sewing before tHe hot wieather commences, i -- w mm ftj)iio i . IF I In Every Dotal L tho LoadihStorG of Warren Count&fancf Sfioinliy? ! .1 air passages without disturbing ', plied over the throat and chest, -thesva imviwiwUliiHiiMiwwtrmirilimjHHiium ,.. , ' buildingthat will be an ornament i gSs3tftS parents. We should be satisfied with nothing less. Certain it Is that some provision must be made for the needs of the pres ent. We believe that the time to move in this matter is right now. For your children's sake, for your community's sake, for the good of your town this mat ter should have first considera tion. A BEAUTIFUL PRATER The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. Bishop Collins Denny, of Richmond, Va., offered the following prayer: O thou great and glorious and mer ciful God, we come to acknowledge our dependence upon Thee for all things. Vhile we can not remember all Thy benefits, be so favorable to us, .0 God, that we may not forget them all. We praise Thee for Thy guidance of our I fathers; and now, Lord, we, who are Thy children as well as their children, ' come to pray Thee that Thy guidance may not depart from us. Especially ' at this time, O gracious God. give wisdom to those upon whom in Thy . providence the guidance of the affairs of this country has fallen. Upon this Senate, upon the Presi dent and all who are ih authority grant us, most merciful God, ,tht heretofore having. been for $a'nf. years kept m the peace twhicTrrlias been Thy gift to us,, wemayWcoh tmued in peace in this country; " Keap -F r 4 i - xcii . uu . liuin our nomes, irom our loved ones, war and all its conse quences; and while we know, for Thou hast taught us, that whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap, and while our sins have been many, ! manifold, and heinous, gracious God,: visit not on. us. the legitimate conse quences of our own transgressions,but show Thyself merciful to us,and grant us the safe and the honorable way through all the troubles to whichj; we seem to be exposed; and especially grant to Thy servants here that daily blessing which they need to do Thy will. We ask for Jesus's sake Amen. Extract from Congressional Record, February 8th., 1917. t&PNUlfiJE: HAgjJTWS. MAKK. mfTP croup end Pneumonia Warn Are You a Woman ? Talte o The Woman's Tonic FOB SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS F4 BRANDS: Millcr'n 1, . Yellow Leaf Brown & Primrose HannaVd Special - Pitt Co.'s Special "Bob White r MbillLb n onnfoi yjuuiiu mi MANUFACTURERS COWETA BRAtWl ' . Perfectio: Seabird StanJar ;J(. Sucre Goweta Standar Super PhosphaU Acid I liospliaie LAX-FOS is an improved Cascara . v(a tonic-laxatiiftjipleasant to take ; InIAX-FOS the. Mascara is-iinproVed by -the addition of certain harmless chem icals which increase the efficiency of the Cascara, making it better than ordinary Cascara.. LAX-rFOS is pleasant to take and does not gripe nor disturb, stomach. Adapted to children as well as adults. Just try one bottle for constipation. 50c. To Cure a Cold In One Dav Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Drusreists refund money if : it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S Signature on each box. 25c. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Ud S vat em The Old Standard general strengthen ing tonic, GROVES TASTELESS chill 1 fl,0arv t.n retire Farm hLy, arives out Malaria, enriches j cai c ' 4. tt tne Dlooa. ana builds up the system. Loan Bonds at five per Cent. He a true tonic. For adults and chndren. sajs that jin annual pay.ment of 50c. f: ; . f r . . : . . - Wood's Special brass 4"? ju over Seed Mixtures Best for Permanent Hay - ; and Pasturage Yields. Put up in proportions as experi ence has shown best suited for the different soils and purposes for which , they are recommended. Enthusiastically endorsed by our customers. Wood's Seed Catalog for 1917 gives full .information, to gether with letters from customers giving their experience. ' Catalog mailed free on request. Write for it and prices of any Farm Seeds required. ., . ...... ' T. W. WOOD & SONS. SEEDSBIEN, - Richmond, Va. Sow Wood's Evergreen Lawn Gras n "o J mm ... Ill .SS:is':(:,,' : ;':''' . ' life ' 4 he i s(iid nosi for beatit'ful gren lawn. Write for special. JLarn circular; of Bnt Iaq :- ' - :: wis GROWNVrrHbUR iuMb It you want the BESTse salesman, burdealers?or write oui 5 i. Watrca Plains, N. A 1r TO VIRGIN A' ir

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