SECOND PAGE TOE WARftlN.HECOMX TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27T1I, 1917 THE WARREN RECORD Telephone Number 17. HOWARD F. JONES, Editor and Proprietor. T. J. TAYLOR, D. D. Contributing Editor. Entered at the Post office at War renton, N. C, as second-class matter under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Farm Life School law, and is within the reach of all of our citizens. The first requirement is a High school, and in such high school shall be maintained "a de partment of agricultural instruc tion, and a -department of train ing in domestic science and home economics in order to better pre pare the boys and girls of said Oo-u-n-t-y for farm life and for home making. attendance. A school ideally lo cated, and a school which will educate this community, and this couixty in all the essentials. Say it takes twenty cents to combine High School and Farm life school, and get all the neces sary esuipment: the State and the County each contribute $2, 500 annually to this school for maintenance, besides the salaries the district now pays its teachers Subscription Price: une x ear v oix ivj.uiii.iis -r Three Months 4 (Payable in Advance). Advertising Rates Upon Request Circulation Books Open to Advertisers and Prospective Patrons. Matter sent to The Warren Record for publication must bear the writer s name and address; not neces sarilv for publication. Please Address All Correspondence to The Record Printing Co., Warrenton. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH, 1917 The Headlight with apparent gusto reproduces a "private let ter" written by Mr. A. J. Connor? editor of the Roanoke-Chowan Times in which Mr. Connor "con gratulates" the Headlight upon its political editorial. We know Mr. Connor well. We know he would not be guilty of the im propriety of "butting in" to War ren county matters in respect to its purely local affairs- We be lieve in critcism for the public 1 good ; we believe that the News paper does a great good to. the State when it makes criticism for the good of the State and for the good of organized society; but criticism of a public servant in matters that are not essential to the welfare, the happiness or the peace of our citizens is a ser ious matter, and should not be entered into lightly or unadvised- The requirements for State aid all of it spent in our midst, and are: A Dunamg wren it;ciLciLuii h"" rooms, laboratories, and appara- and of their parents when they tus necessary lor emcienx in- tu wwi . T-,iPtinTi in the nrescribed sub- Can there be a question of the jects of study, and such dormi- wisdom of establishing such a tnrv hin'lriinfrc. as the Countv school in THIS town. Isn't it "RnnrH nf Education mav require, the best possible "factory?" and a farm of not less than ten Isn't it the best possible invest- - - - 1 i I j o rn. : . 1 acres 01 good arable lan-a, saia mem,: m papex ueueves u, lnnri r Yto sitnntod not more and earnestly advocates -this than one mile from the school school. buildings- "Trm miirsft of studv shall CIVIC LEAGUE meet the approval of the State Supt. of Public Instruction and The Civic League under the presi an advisorv Board of Farm Life dency of Miss Amma Graham is plan Schools to be appointed by him." ning its work. Committees have been One of the strone: TJOints in formed, and a general observance of this farm life department is that "Clean-up week" is to be asked in the foaMiPr nf jro-nVnltnrP and near future. Much good can be ac- the teacher of domestic science complished by this organization. shall work in harmony with the County Demonstrator as the agent 'of the State Department of Agriculture and the United States Department of Agricul ture. They are to hold township and district meetings m the coun WILLOW BROOK ITEMS APPLICATION FOR PARDON CHARLIE HICKS OF Application will be made to the Governor of Carolina for the pardon of Charlie Hicks convicted at thp .Tanimrv 1912 Tprm " nf Vio Rn ty Irom time to time tor tarm- perior Court of Warren county for the ers and farmers' wives and to crime of Burglary in the second de- stimulate and aid in directing ee and sentenced to a term of ten . j nl J"5"18 otates jrrison at nara . M -WW. 1 1 I lite work m tne mgn SCnooiS ana All persons who oppose the grant elementarv schools of the Coun- ing of said pardon are invited to for ty, and in providing instruction wd fTx Protests to the Governor through the teachers' assodia- This th 2;h . ftf Ffthrnnrv 1Q17 L1UI1. J. II iX 1CW WUXU. LU LCdll the teachers and to aid the Farm Demonstrator. Another "drawing card" of A man's ledger does not tell what he is worth. Count what is in a man, not what is on him. if vou would iy, tor sucn criticism always re- such a school is that pupils OUT know whether he is rich acts. of the Countv mav be admitted We are connaent that ivir. con-, by paying tuition : but no boy or or poor.- nor, editor of the Roanoke-Chowan Times, had in mind only this broad view of an editor's duty, and not that of "taking a hand" in Warren county matters. In respect to Mr. Daniel's ser vice to this County, we believe he has earnestly and faithfully tried to carry out the wishes of the citizens of the county; we believe he has comes as near pleasing all of the people as any man could do. He has not known faction or clique ;but has legislated in the interest of the Democratic party, and a majori ty of its membership. We think no criticism has emenated from any of the county officers, nor from any citizen represent ing a following worthy of note; but rather from some individual who wanted some special or spite legislation "just fix it so John Doe can't be re-elected, and I don't care what else you do." . In Warren county our citizens are at work on the material pros perity of the County. They are making good crops, getting good prices, and gone to work to build up their homes, their schools, their highways. If there is any serious objection to our laws (since the reduction of the tax on dogs) we have not heard of it. The people have elected their County officers and they are dis charging their sworn duties. A Farm Loan Association has been formed for the benefit of the County; the Farm Demonstra tion Agent is at work in the in terest of the farmer; Pig clubs are being formed; bonds have been voted in several townships, and the money is being wisely ex pended ; the school houses are full to overflowing with children, and prosperity is abroad in the land. With these conditions con fronting us, and with the exper ience of the County for the past four or five years of divided de mocracy it is the duty of paper to help, to hold up the hands of its public officials in the sworn discharge of their duties, rather , than criticse such official because he may not measure up to all of his opportunities. We believe that our County of ficials are conscientious and com petent; we believe that our Re presentative is likewise conscien tious and competent, and hence the Warren Record has taken is sue with the Headlight in its criticism, and believes that such criticism is not for the public good. girl in Warren county shall pay ONE penny for instruction in domestic science, agriculture, or for High School instruction. If Warrenton Special Tax Dis- Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the tnct Will provide the equipment wellknown tonic properties of QUININE tV.o Stqta j,nrl tVia flnnnfv W1-ii and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives J M.M. V V W V A W W V W4. a. K aJ T AAA We are presenting this week an article by Mr- William A. Con nell advocating a Farm Life school in conjunction with our proposed High school. This ar rangement can be harmoniously and advantageously carried to completion. The law under which we advocate this school is known as the Guilford County provide maintenance fund $5, 000.00. Here's your opportun ity the "Tide in the affairs of men. A school of two hundred stud ents located in Warrenton will benefit every business interest here. The only question is one of capacity in building and equip- jment, and efficiency in Faculty. We can have these. The High School material for leadership is right among us ; a teacher of agriculture and a teacher of do mestic Science is to be added ; the present school is to be under the management of the High School principal, who with the teacher of Agriculture and the teacher 01 Domestic Science is to be the fac ulty, who combined with our present number of teachers will give us a school that will "lead all the rest" in equipment and out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Your druggrist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching-. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. Tne first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c. EVER SALIVATED BY CALOll? HORRIBLE! ! ; (Continued from first page) faces as they met their teacher Miss Nannie Fleming. We hope that some day they .will scatter much sunshine in the dark corners of this dear old world, as they do here. Mr. W. H. Wright has accepted a position with Mr. J. E. Northington, and is now carrying on his wholesale business at Vaughan. We hope that he will make a host of friends in his new home, and that much success shall attend him. We were glad to have Mr. J. E. Northington, of Roanoke Rapids,in our midst Sunday. We extend to him a hearty welcome at all times. We are glad of the indications of spring time by the beautiful rays of sunshine o the past few days. We ; hope to seethe little buds peeping out ' soon. PEGGY. DONT forg: m i 1 There is a Rexall Weather Chart Calendar, tells everything but the time of FOR YOU Call and get it at Subscribe to the Warren Record BURWIELIL DRUG CO. The 7K'aJZJL Stor& To Cure a Cold in One Day j T3TTT3 TTV LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stoni tTw I -t U JLVX JL X Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the cougn ana ieaaacne ana works of the Cold. Drugrgists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 25c. ECONOMY SERVICE l&cd your liens and i-p you - CN -1 Mf ky NO It used to bft thought that anything was g-ood enough to feed the chickens. But the busy hen has proved that yvith a good, well balanced ration she will lay more eggs and hatch mor chicks. She has proved that proper feeding pays big divi dends and that one dollar invest ed in Edgar-Morgan Co's feed pays two dollars profit to the poultry keeper. EDGAR-MORGAN CO MEMPHIS, TCNM. Ask for Bulletin No. 4. "PRINCIPLE of Poultry Raisinq." It is free. For Sale by peclal Sale 4. - To make room for my new stock of Spring Goods, I am offering exceptional BARGAINS in Clothing, Shoes and General Merchandise BUY NOW, and take advantage of this opportunity of .buying good at reduced RATES I also carry a STOCK OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and can save you money on your purchases. Warrenton, - - North Carolina "The Store That Saves You Money." For Sale by Dealers in Warrenton Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria.enriches the blood, and builds up the sys tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. SOe. WHAT 1 ;3 Oil 7 v 1 i OJ) LAX-FOS is an improved Cascara (a tonic-laxative) pleasant to take In IyAX-FOS the Cascara is improved bv ! the addition of rprrnin Tiartnlfcc rViAn Calomel is quicksilver and acts icals which increase the efficiency of the vascara, making it better than ordinary Cascara. LAX-FOS is pleasant to take and does not gripe nor disturb stomach. Adapted to children as well as adults. Just try one bottle for constipation. 50c. like dynamite on your liver. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAX A .TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. ' 25c. Wake Stop Your Dreaming About Hard Times. The ARK Has Come To Your Rescue and WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. Ut NOTICE OF SUMMONS LICATION BY PUB- North Carolina, . . . . Before Superior Warren County Court... J. M. Coleman, Admr Madison Harris vs Sam Harris et als, heir at law Madi son Harris. The defendants, Sam Harris, Willam Harris, Lizzie Harris, Pat Williams Harris, Jacob Harris, Al Harris, Dan Carter, Effie Carter, Carrie Carter, Ida Carter, Alia V. Carter, Ethe Fain, and Sam Fain, Jr., will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Warren coun ty, to sell land to make assets with which to pay debts. And the said ae- fendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk "of the said Superior Court, at the Court House in Warrenton, N. C. on the 20th day of March 1917, and answer or demur to the complaint fil ed in this cause, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This February 9th,. 1917. J. R. ROD WELL, V , Clerk Superior Court. B. B. WILLIAMS, - .; .' ! Attorney for Plaintiff 2-23-4t-c Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel is. It's mer- cury; quicksilver, uaiomei is dan gerous. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sick ening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out and believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel just remember ihat your druggist sells for 50 'cents a large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute foi calomel. It is guaranteed to start your 'liver without stirririg you up inside, and can not salivate. Don't take calomel ! It makes you aick the next day ; it loses you a day's work. Dodson's Liver Tone straight ens you right up and you feel great. Give it to the children because it is perfectly harmless and doesn't gripe. TOWN OF WARRENTON BONDS FOR SALE OA VI TV Given for the Purpose of Raising Funds to Help Rebuild v Bethel Church Which Vas Recently Destroyed by Fire Warrenton, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 2nd : OPERA HOUSE Mis Jane Norman, Reader; Miss Lula Thorn, Soprano; Miss Lucy Leach, Pianist; Mr. Gordon Carver, Baritone Recital Begins Promptly at S.SO Admission, 35c and 50c 2SS Shi Notice is hereby given that the Town of Warrenton, under the provisions of its amended Char ter, will issue its Bonds for Fif teen Thousand Dollars (15,000.), each Bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.), dat ed March 1st., 1917, bearing in terest from March 1st-, 1917, at the rate of Five per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and each Bond to be due and pay able on or before March 1st., 1922. These Bonds will be exempt from Town of Warrenton taxes. Sealed bids will be received up to 3:30 p. m. on the 6th. day oi March, 1917, and opened at 4 p. m. on said bth. dav ot March. 1917. The Town of Warrenton re serves the right to reiect any and all bids. JOHN W. ALLEN, Mayor of Town of Warrenton. ft. J. JONES, Secretary and Treasurer. TASKER POLK, Attorney. 2-20-4tc. T-F. . - : ' 1 ppl I -"T y-S in & V i i " ' '-nn ,-. W S- J - - ii n PERFpSTlOW $MOKELE52AHEATEIlS Wherever You Go Anywhere about the house that extraheat is needed, you're sure of comfort if you have a Perfection Heater. It means preparedness against sudden changes in the weather, com fort insurance when the fires are out. As easy to carry as a work-basket. Clean. Handsome. It's cheap inexpensive to buy and costs far less to use than any coal fire. There's a Perfection driving away every chill from each of 2,000,000 homes today. Ask your dealer. Use Aladdin Security Oil for best results STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) BALTIMORE t Washington, D. C. Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, w. va. Va. Charleston, S. C. ! ! ! I n , , j most day,

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