iife MB-Jh iUJIi Jtdji"A'4lW "iUUkttllt SECOND PAGE THE WAftfiEN RfiC0fil TUESDAY MARCH 13TII, -It11 THE WARREN RECORD Telephone Number 17. HOWARD F. JONES, ' Editor and Proprietor. T. J. TAYLOR, D. D. Contributing Editor. Entered at the Post offie at War renton, N. C, as second-class matter under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Subscription Price: One Year... $1-50 Six Months -75 Three Months 40 (Payable in Advance). Advertising Rates Upon Request Circulation Books Open to Advertisers and Prospective Patrons. Matter sent to The Warren Record for publication must bear the writer's name and address; not neces sarily for publication. Please Address All Correspondence to The Record Printing Co., Warrenton. ,2T "My Country 'Tis of Thee, Sweet Land of Liberty." TUESDAY MARCH 13TH, 1917 REPRESENTATIVE DANIEL er" so to speak the requirement that the Commissioners levy a fixed per cent, to be increased each four years until it reaches ten. per cent for maintenance simply kills the goose that was eypected to lay the golden egg. This feature vof the bill simply kills its usefulness. Our com mendation was" based upon the general purpose of aiding the counties to build roads; but we are sincere in the opinion that the author makes it impossible for counties to accept aid by tacking on to it his compulsory maintenance tax. He should have left the amount of this maintenance tax to be. fixed by the different County Boards of Highway Commissioners. We have been forwarded a copy of the law through the Legislative Reference Library, hence our knowledge of all its provisions. RURAL CARRIER EXAMINATION "Twouldn't Help Him Any "I've noticed one thing while jour neying through this vale of tears." "Pray enlighten me." "You never heard a henpecked mar ried - man excusing himself on the ground that he is too proud to fight. Hon. S- G- Daniel was in town Monday morning for the first time since the convening of the General Assembly. Upon com menting upon the work of the General Assembly, and especial ly his part of that work, as it ef fected Warren County, he re marked that he had done what he believed to be the best inter file citizens of the county, and what a large majority de sired done. He said he "expect ed criticism from those who thought that 'No good could come out of Nazareth " and possibly has received it. He talked enthusiastically of the value of the Highway Commis sion to the County, and for its "preparedness" for Government aid nearly 250,000 dollars of Government money coming to North Carolina this year, and more ach succeeding year. We gather these facts from a short conversation, in which he ex pressed himself as being apprec iative of the endorsement given him generally throughout the county. Those disposed to criti cise can await the publication of the Laws for comfort if they can find any. The United States Civil Service Commission, has announced an exam ination for the County of Halifax, N. C, to be held on April 14, 1917, at Macon, to fill the position of rural carrier at Essex, N. C, and vacan cies that may later occur on rural routes from other post offices in the above-mentioned county. The exam ination will be open only to male cit izens who are actually domiciled in the territory of a post office in the county and .who meet .the other re quirements set forth in Form No. 1977. This form and application blanks may be obtained from the of fices mentioned above or from the United States Civil Service Commis sion at Washington, D. C. Applica tions should be forwarded to the Com mission at Washington at the earliest practicable date. 1 4M&?mfMMi nq Tl o K5: 5 dEl j" 0 191 7 When tlrtp happy kn ilnfi he kuh . . kuk .kuhr It ta wet music to th poultry man. Ha knew that ta hen larvsraatr f or "Sfgil Mara ts Lot of gfnV Help tha han to ataff. If ahqut to mannf acturo ara, she mat have eroper material "YSannai Nan Feed" ''Happy Han mn4 "Manna Laying Fa ad" ara eeseatial. They promot health, ttrength. riger and e?ff predutkm. j EDGAR MORGAN OO. MINMM,TiNN. Ask for Bulletin No. far 8ala by For Sale by Dealers in Warrenton WHAT IS SENATOR McCOIN The General Assembly has ad- adjourned and Senator McCoin has returned to his home. We believe he has represented his District with distinguished abil ity, and with great satisfaction to his constituents. His zeal in two matters of State-wide im portance has made his name and ability known and recognized throughout the State. These two especial matters were the bill to elect members of the O-rty Boards of Edu-ntion, and the bill to give Newspapers a reasonable compensation for Legal advertising North Caro lina Newspapers are now get ting less than in any state in the Union except one. The Dem ocratic members of the Legislat ure could not have unity of sent iment on the question of method of selecting County Boards of Education, as all bills submit ted to" the General Assembly had serious defects, and it is a credit to Senator McCoin that he should solve the problem by pop ular selection with Legislative confirmation. As we said in the beginning these measures, in connection with his proven abil ity in other matters, has made his name prominent in all sec tions of the state, and he looms large in the public eye as in line for promotion. The Warren Record takes pleasure in com mending Senator McCoin to the people of the State for further public honors. THE STATE-WIDE BOND ACT FOR ROADS We have written heretofore of the Road Bond Act passed by the Legislature for the building of roads and commended the act. The purpose of the bill is to al low counties to issue five per cent County bonds for road con struction, and exchange them jfor four per cent State bonds, and the difference between four and five per cent would pay, the bond off in forty-one years. Up CHURCHILL ITEMS Miss Vergil Coleman, of Wise, is visiting in the home of Mrs. Lucy Gardner this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowers and lit tle son are visiting Mrs. Bower's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gardner. ner. Messrs John and Jim Bell, of War renton, spent Sunday in our midst. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Harriss and lit tle daughter spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gardner. Miss Maude Sadler spent several days with her sister Mrs. J. G. "Wright last week. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Coleman spent the week-end with Mrs. Coleman mother, Mrs. Lucy Gardner. Mr. B. H. Sadler and daughter Mil dred of Richmond, Va., spent Satur day and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sadler. Mr. Walter Haithcock, of Warren ton, spent Sunday with friends in Churchill. Mr. T. H. Gardner, of near Weldon, N. C. spent the week-end with his wife in the home of Mr. W. E. Sadler. Messrs Herbert and Macon Gardner near Vaughan Sunday. DAISY. LAX-F0S IS AN IMPROVED CASCARA A Digestive Laxative CATHARTIC AND LIVER TONIC Lax-Fos is not a Secret or Patent Medi cine but is composed of the following old-fashioned roots and herbs: CASCARA BARK BLUE FLAG ROOT RHUBARB ROOT BLACK ROOT MAY APPLE ROOT SENNA LEAVES AND PEPSIN In Lax-Fos the Cascara is improved by the addition of these digestive ingredi ents making it better than ordinary Cas cara, and thus the combination acts not only as a stimulating laxative and cathar tic but also as a digestive and liver tonic. Syrup laxatives are weak, but Lax-Fos combines strength with palatable, aro matic taste and does not gripe or disturb the stomach. One bottle will prove IvAX-Fos is invaluable for Constipation, Indigestion or Torpid Iivef. Price 50c. CALOMEL DYNAMITES A SLUGGISH LIVER - AT - Rinn mam S Mm nut Hordes, 9 Warrenton N. C. M ules. Cows, Buggies Wagons. Tiocne off Sal 1 an a CM Said Sale Made to Satisfy Debts Secured Chattel Mortgages. sOOD BARGAINS Sale will be Made Rain or Shine. X X T AM. W ATE m OME Crashes into sour bile, making you sick and you lose a day's work. A Giveway. Mrs. Blabbitt I don't like her "at all, dear. She's a deceitful woman. The other day she tried to get me to say something against you. Mrs. Goddeigh She did! How? Mrs. B. Why, she asked me to tell her confidentially what I really thought of you. Boston Even Transcript. Heard on the Train. "What kind of coal do you use?" "Egg." "Egg ? How do you get it;, by the dozen?" BoBston Transcript. There are self-made women, too, but you never hear them bragging about it. Ex. , Wouldn't Be New to Her. Miss Giglegunm (single and roman tic) "The shower of soot and ashei from Vesuvius must be an awe-inspiring sight. Would you not like to wit ness it?" Mrs. Potten Pans (mar ried and prosaic) "Oh, I don't knew I've seen my husband take d r.vn i stovepipe." Judge. CHANGE OF PERS6NEL The Burroughs Grocery Company has made a recent change in the per sonel of the Company. Mr. Stephen Burroughs has purchased the interest of Mr. A. D. Harriss in the business, and he and Mr. William Burroughs are now sole owners. This is a live progressive firm of highly esteemed young men and we predict a continua tion of their past success. Attention is called to a change of their adver tisement in this issue. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the wellknown tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. NOTICE OF SUMMONS LICATION BY PUB- North Carolina, . . . . Before Superior Warren County Court... J. M. poleman, Admr Madison Harris vs Sam Harris et als, heir at law Madi son Harris. to this point and with this gen eral plan the bill is all right ; ti wtt.t.tams BUT, and here comes the "jok- Attorney for Plaintiff The defendants, Sam Harris, Willam Harris, Lizzie Harris, Pat Williams Harris, Jacob Harris, Al Harris, Dan Carter, Effie Carter, Carrie Carter, Ida Carter, Alia V. Carter, Ethel Fain, and Sam Fain, Jr., will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Warren coun ty, to sell land to make assets with which to pay debts. And the said ae- fendants will further take notice thai they are required to appear before the Clerk of the said Superior Court, at the Court House in Warrenton, N. C. on the 20th day of March 1917, and answer or demur to the complaint fil ed in this cause, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This February 9th, 1917. J. R. RODWELL. Clerk Superior Court. Calomel salivates! It's mercury. Calomel acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel cornea into contact with sour bile it crashes into it, causing cramping and nausea, j If -you feel bilious; headachy, con stipated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and. get a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone, which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without mak ing you sick, you just go back tnd get your money. If you take calomel today you'll b ick and nauseated tomorrow; be sides, it may salivate you, while if you take Dodson's Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. It is harsaless, pleasant aid s&it t gp.T io children ; they like it. TOWN OF WARRENTON BONDS FOR SALE Notice is hereby given that the Town of Warrenton, under the provisions of its amended Char ter, will issue its Bonds for Fif teen Thousand Dollars (15,000.), each Bond m the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.), dat ed March 1st., 1917, bearing in terest from March 1st., 1917, at the rate of Five per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and each Bond to be due and pay able on or before March 1st.,. 1922. These Bonds will be exempt from Town of Warrenton taxes. Sealed bids will be received up to 3:30 p. m. on the 6th. day oi March,. 1917, and opened at 4 p. m. on said 6th. day of March. 1917. The Town of Warrenton re serves the right to reiect anv and all bids. JOHN W. ALLEN, Mayor of Town of Warrenton. R. J. JONES, Secretary and Treasurer. TASKER POLK, Attorney. 2-23-4t-c 2-20-4tc. T-F. Solid Comfort Any time, anywhere, the Perfection Smbkeless Oil Heater means comfort insurante. No matter if the bed room's so cold you can see your breath just touch a match to the Perfection and it thaws out the chills before you are ready to dress. For a warm bathroom, a cozy break fast room, or a comfortable living room at the end of the day's work, get the Perfection. x Clean, handsome, durable. Inexpensive to buy, inexpensive to use. Ask any good department store, hardware or furniture dealer Use Aladdin Security Oil far beat r&soltn 5MrKn.r..c 4 n . on PERFECTION HEATERS fcl 1 STANDARD OIL COMPANY II JTl ) )ttt-&i$ (New Jersey) I I L ,40 BALTIMORE V . 'n..,..., Washington, D. C Charlotte, N. C 0i'J . O ." " . 1 i'A::'-:'::y " sNv Norfolk. Va. Charleston. W. Va. f -'"Y.'Z'&T'Zl ""l f;'' ' . " : ' ""- "

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