' 1 J n r. ! jars T THE WAfifiMNECORD TUESDAY MARCH 20TH, 1917 SECOND PAGE OJJVv'' mmm " i 1 I THE WARREN RECORD Telephone Number l. HOWARD F. JONES, Editor and Proprietor. T. J.-TAYLOR, D. D. Contributing 4 Ifditor. EnUred afthe Post office at War &ntrea crvnrl -class matter ronton, . uMarih 3. 1879. under aci ux wu6v--' -- anhtfAtitioh Price!:, 1! Vl Om Year v 75 Six Months Tferee monuis.; (Payable in Advance). ArfTrtisin Rates, Upon i Request Circulation Books Open to Advertisers ana JrrospevvM r.rt.T i ..s Matter sent to Hie WaRecoor publication must Dear w -P name and address: .not. neces- , . -frtf r nlicatlOn., i ,i : Plase Address All Correspondence $o ase Auuic Warrenton. The Kecora,JT5."iwis " r. j I il 2 X f ' :' ' . ...... ,.jaea - - - . , -,Tvfr- ' : : : : - 1 . ' ..-. . "My Country "'Tim ' o Thee," , Sweet Land of Liberty."' TUESDAY MARCH 2QTH, 1917, DON'T CONFUSE ISSUE There is some effort .being made to confuse the iue in re spect to our school building,. JJie editor of this paper believes i it to. be the duty of the citizens of this. Special Tax District to erect and equip a modern and commodious, school building in- thistown.on the Academy lot. We believe it is a duty we . owe ourselves. jmci our posterity, ' We do not think it ecomomy- to-spend money Jn temporary makeshifts. -We be liveve we should make ample: pro vision for our sons and daugh ters, as well -as -the; . sons. . and daughters of our neighbors,; inso far as High -school education .js nrrerned. This High school in struction can, be. had without any, increase in our , present special Taxes for schools, because jthe, State and the General County renuired to aid in this mrh school work? Therefore ..aft that is essential is to provide a buildinc of - capacity of . Class rooms and toilet, and. heating .es sentials sufficient to care if or the total number -of -pupils tin this district from -the . First.. to the Eleventh grades, .. inclusive. Therefore if Warrenton Special Tax District is not, willing. to pro vide these essentials, then in, all food faith we say Jet.the; ecmcar. tion of its boys ana giris m uune by some other community : with progress enough-to take- care, of its children We believe, we will have an enrollment, of .two hun dred, or more, . with fifty, in the High school possibly x seventy- - five- Two thousand dollars ior High School instruction by State, County and District iVitfTeat-rr of our present finances possi bly more,. The confusion, beih brpugnt about is this; "Establish a' Coun ty r" rm-if e. , sch b'ol 'nd tax all the County a small tax, arid erect, vour buildings1 and have your High school with your Farm-life school." This is a step which will defeat the establishment of a Farm-life school in Warrenton, - for the following reoirs1.1 7 1 ! 1st. It means' ah elSctibh1 by the entire county' aftd- 'a favora ble vote on $25,000. of bonds by the County for "(we are quoting the County " Farm-lite ' school law)" a school building-with ree itation rooms and labatories and apparatus necessary1 for efficient1 instruction in the prescribed sub-j jecta of sttldy; domitory build ings with suitable accomodations for not less than twenty-five boys and twenty-five girls ? a' bam and dairy building 1 with - necessary equipment, a farm' of not' less than twenty-five acres' !of -good-Arable land: All' of said build ings shall be located on said farm and shair be constructed-in -accordance with' plans approved by the State Superintendent of Pub , lie Instruction f - and the entire equipment shall be subjecttohis- approval and acceptance after in spection." The law quoted has a provision that upon" recommend dationrof the trustees and satis. faetory (to'State 'Suptv) -reasons a- suitable ' and properly equipped gehool building, ' located hv reas onable distance of the farm may b accepted, and the farm reduc cd in, acreage to not less than ten , acres. -r.w.- - 2nd. There d3 'no assurance f the building3 being located at r near Warrenton. j Bids must ba invited and the school shall b looted at the place offering xr Qn rrtnrnnnt.;-having dub regar4:qtdesirability and suitability Jor locawoii. 3rd -'Ifino fpndstare, availa- bis tor Jtiign ocuuui ""'-r-rr" from the State, then one of the rTPent Hiffh Schools shall be SSSM and the High School appropriation tmnseu ,u? Farm-life school- xiu&, -woud defeat the ; measure for Smith: Creek, Hawee anu ridtUTdWouid ow ' - measure,; ana ow ci through courtesxior rntaii L-tw 'A maintenance, fundpt. $2,500 'mute Vrided eac year by tne vomy i .yt" to th!e present, school .taes. isrtrenhat.WftPu4q.Wj.. each year from .the .State, bnt for' the i disbursement ms,the Farm-life department only, " 5th. section.. iu' Wianfenance of SUCh tilgn school' department of theCounty1 farm-life school, tne, sam vuuu ty " and State, appropriations , as are now made and required by first class thigh schools..;' , t, 1 So that the Rafter, cost;: enters t.hft matter, and,, we sn crreax exxeni mat,wi? cnhnnl cannot be ' established-- and'cerinly-with.npetete.JOr. Si o -l ATI - t . . ,..u.i.. ...'! -RTTT the consolidated buildr riii-hh wft are asking the, tax payers of Warrenton Speeia!Tax District to. erect wiu- w.v TiniVPTYip.rits for the first seven mHoc Sinn 5M1UH1UU. a.V" vWifr'h school course. and ai? in fVfhvidfl a snlendid auditorium oil rommunitVi gatherings, iTtrri4-on ia nhlp to do. this. and vv l l 1 UlilWAl - Warrenton should do it. A fail ure to do - so would, place jnw. community, in-no enviable posi tion. Teachers in Agriculture, and Domestic Science can then be added at any time, with state aid; as laid down in the Guilford Farm-life School plan. Don t confuse the issue; don't have our folks lead off by taking a vote by all the " County, because it "cost less on the district." Put up your own school building; invite every country boy and -girl who 'desires High school education to come "without money and with and if the County royifa tn establish a Farm-lifeJ school place your equipment at its disposal and join in with all theitizens to build up a first class school of agriculture and domestic science at the Uounty seat. ' 1 .!... - Citizens: fifteen cents , will erect your building, 20 cents will taltP r'are of vour first . seven vrzdesz the State and county will. aid in ybur High school, the tfet- . , .. . .. . j in . terment Association win iuwb than'do its part in every instance and Warrenton can then say to all of our country boys and girls ;. "Come 'to Warrenton and we will give you every advantage of an education that we give our own ;" come wihout money and without nrice.1 Good rOads, good schools, good churches, and educated cit izenship go hand in hand. Go -from the portals of our High, School equipped to enter college, or to :golin 'business, and in the y.ears3to come you will rise, and call us blessed. Grover Cleve Jan&said .Public.office is a .pub-, lie . trust" i but .Public , education is alo, a . public .truskand i tha jpatrons, are the. trustees.. ; May our: trust be wisely administered! through th;e;cefitr;6f the streef coutT; be sowea aown in?grass auu seoui u shade :trees, .aa is. cione m waux jmes and towns, (tHat we ould kaveone of j. tne fflOSl -Deautuur iutu; yimagco in the State. If this idea is found to be impractical, it is hoped that our citi zens will not neglect, to Want, new shade trees along the sides of the road L in" order that the future passers-by may be in a melstlfe',pr6teCted f rom the midsummer sun. UX-F0S IS WMSS'ROVZauCASCA A A it. tr '.JSTfTT - ... iA cine but is composed" of the folldwix. 5f r i REF ORT OF THE CONDITION OF OITIZEJN- BAlK at Warrenton, in tne State of North. Colin at the clese of J usiness, March 5th, 1917. Resources old-fghioned roots and herbs : t , OASCARA DARIC i? f BLUE FL AQ ROOT 4 RHUBARB ROOT BLACK ROOT- f 1 MAY APPLE ROOT C SENNA -LEAVES-.- AfjPl PfTPRlN - j ... a a 3 V- , Miss Hattie May Lassiter, jRai-i eigh, has been visiting Misstiouse af Mrs. Haves'. Miss Helen Hayes, of Oine, spent "few days with- her aunt, 1 Mrs. M. H. Hayes" last; week, t -1 Loans and disceunts. Uverarairs. I AHther-ockSi-BoTids fan Bankingv Houses, 837.64; si;ursiure .andjitures, $1500 . Demand, loans ....... .r - -v Tin a from National Banks . . . . . . State uanKS ana rmnKers . ... . . , 1- i only as a 'stimulating laxative and cathar tic but also aa a digestive and liver tonic. Syrup laxatives are weak, but J,AX-.f03 combines strength with palatable, arb iaatic taste knd does nbt gripe or disturV tk - stomach-r One bottle will . prove XjCH-ToS is invaluable for. Constipation, . Zs4igestim mt Torpid Iaver. Frit50e. MIT HflHE SOBS FOR JrtSTY CALOw at "fhe schbolhouse on the evening of March 9th Ten cents admission was cARA, and thus the' combination acts not charged, and the proceeds -amounted' to about $16, whkh wafi turned over- to' 1 the J Betterment -1 Association for school 'heeds. Miss Clime-1 William won tne dox i canuy-giveii-io-inc prettiest girl. The s new J lamps 5 just purchased by the Betterment Associa tion Iightd the audetorium very -satisfactorily; p . -4i - Mr. ICraver's pupils will repeat their-f play, "Jumbo Jum' on Friday ' even ing March- 23rd. - All those whom the haH ' weather kept f away when' this play was given in February1 will have another opportunity to enjoy an even ing of fun, We were 1 treated -to a novl and ll I.IIHI.ir. I 111., aaiir . A IX w a. wvit kA T At u w ' . . a . : , i. wEverv Idxusrjnst m town -yov person pi ia-womtu muF- f v - Lsr 'Int lono-'heeh: aware' that woman in her. fy , jr?,7J " r ru- o . 1 ,U n nntlIOH O fTfifi T TQ I I1TI (T.nil 1 T 1 I.I I ( aH march, has .invaded .nearly. aU L 5 nCTi 1 or 2 ' l- Due from Cash Items Gpld.Jtems. ....... ... .... ....... .... ........ .; Silver , cpui, including-all .minor cQinLciirrency4. . . JsTational bank, notes :ani other, n,f,S.;Noes . . v. . . I "f. t : .. "$1 71,472.21 2;718.3g 1. 20,912.51 ,8,637.64 : I7,i::5.ii " 72,4oS.G5 I J10;4I6.0S 1033. e 3 1,130.01 --1,721.39. ,4,550.01 ..Total .Liabilities i f .5.? i Capita jStckpaid in Surplus., fu.d . -' . A !. . .. Unliyided pre-fits, Jesscurrerit vexDenses and .taxes ,paid h i. Deposits subject t check.... . .v.;.,. Time Certificates ef Deposit . .. . .. .. Cashier's Checks outstanding. ; - l-ir- 1 - ; J -.-I -vy - -- -Wi- -iL ?- . Due, to State Banks, .Bankers ana lrust companies, . Starts your liver without maki - you sick and can not .. .o j ...... salivate. j . . .... onwarc i f L ' - - . of the occupations, formerly .acknow Dodiont Idf& toiie ' edge W Deicmg rne euna we aaas, . its place.' Vi oT-f nf rr th mi cht hobohood or tramn- I . , .r -, Ancrud Interest due depositors'". 1 - 1 Total . - 31226.21 $.20,000.01 - 20,000.00 ,5,485.7$ 193,109.94 69,403. 61 .it lt379.7 ... .. . 787.11 .. . 2,000.11 ............ $312,226.21 STATE JOFNOfeTH' dAOtMAountynof Warren, March 14th, 1917 " 'f R T.! Watsra." Cashier 1f th-bove-naYnei''Bank,' dV solemnly swear tkat the abVve statement is' true' to the "best of wy kriowiedge and belief"" CerreerfB;:toYD; W. G.J ROGERS; if A'skElttOLK, .-.;. ::-tJ - ; " Directors. " " Subscribed ad swern V before' meV this 14th day "of March"; 1917' i -Ji. v i j ...,-? .,1 ,ij i . "''xrAfow'Pii'KKi- heretof ore thought hobohood or tramp dom was still exclusively a masculine .it l)bdsiil,: X.iVerJTon pursuit. The chiet, distinction De- . f ,i &f -d- better rei wdoti a TnnKfmline and a feminine I -A ,0.1-x1 j j u.tv... I tmi-ro ' aain a nrnrn i iih.ii i. i i 11 i ui ixid- tramp seems to be that the women! oasOli'g. Liver Tone 13 -per- 0 . I BOnaily Kuamxitceu uy uiug- bed cover along. - ' .f who sells it. A largt bottle n KO rlftnts - and-if it fails to sive We hope our friends Who rpartiCi- relief in: everV' easeof liver pae' in church and Sunday school riluffOTshliesi and constipation, you work will not overlook tni importance j hlave only to1 ask5 for- your- monej or interesting tne tenant lamuica m baCK. ' i . ,, . .: ....u each and: every neighborhood. The Dodspn's Liver Tone if aplttsant- Lbrd's command was' to' "Begin tasting,"' purely : 5 vegetablt remedy, Jerusalem," 1 and1 It ribtmUch 'credit to Haiinless to both children and. adults. ii s that so manv churches'ih the South", fraVtf a 'snoonf ul . at niffht and .wake in their worthv enthusiam for a far-1 11-0 feeling ne:no biliousn.esi,:sick.J a-'wav heathen " foreet the &relieious headache, acid stomach . or. congti- heeds of the renting farmer, at- their, pated; bowela.n It. doesn't gripf, Ot own doors, -nis wue, nis coys ana gins. iuu.uu cuv5,.. h v-. . .rr- We have known some -cases, however in which persons of the land owning. class have sought to interest tenants, but without the spirit of fraternity, comradeship, democracy and brother hood, without which it is impossible" te get the heeded responso.o Xf-youare going to fill yourself fulL of the sot ond chapter -of James, - you might? as -wrell let the work alono.--Tho Pro gressivo Farmer. GENXJIE , nTMAJPAYA BERRY plaats jwith, roots 2 years . old. 'Oc!' p4 After 2 years this vine will furnish; berries for a large family. U. NELSON, ,.1. J day. like violent calomel. ... ! 3-2i-4t-c .....i j4ijttletQu,N.o C, j 1. c B; Hi WILLIAMS '! ..1 : Attrny-at-Law . Wkrrekt en","" N.' C2 ' DIAMOND - i I . . ! ; - 1 j iHIOygSYSn SPILLS BRAND DIAMOND BRAND P1XI,S ia Red nnd A Gdt.i ' metaltic boxes, sealed with Bltie Ribbon. Tau NO"OTHEa...Biiy f tm? w n t.o lIT.CIiKS.TKil V '9IA1IOND 'BB AN ! PI L 1.8, for twenty fira ears resrarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD ; BY ALU PRUQGISTS El ES.YWH EPiL ?&YA TIME Flowers of Choice Varieties .. ; j.. jj" . The Quinine That Does Not Affect Tfcs Haad Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA- TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. - Remember the -full name and look for the signature ot E. W. GROVE. . 25e. .1 r WISE ITEMS. f:.Wi are' hegirining to see signs of the approaching spring. Many of the trees are budding, and hlades.of reen. grass are every nQW.andthenfVisible. County " Fami-life ' school 4 The :unfol4ingL of ,Ntwre shQuld.fiJl us all-with real joy and renewea. .nQpe after such a cpld, dreary winter, -The" coming" season also reminds us that it-is ! about time to clean up our yards, to- set our hbuses in order, ad ding fresh touches of paint' and white- wash, -ana to iook to it mai our win dow screens and doors are in good condition,, so" that they' will effectually Keep OUL-OUr aeaaiy summer menauce, the detestable fly. On Friday afternoon, March "9th, Mr. tCravr with "the assistance of his pupils, and Dr. Holt did some 'work 'on the school grounds. The flowers which havebeSen so' lone? leglected wef e'work ed out. and" two new flower beds were $ . m r ;i( j ...... made, .onp on each 'side of the "entrance to.thechuilding. Dr. Holt set out two ishrubs, in I the' yard', "and "promrsed' to help.! further Beautify " thV grbuhds next fall., it being two late in sea- .l.i -i ......... . ; I i . .i son to nlant most ' varieties of trees. The. JP?.en. in "thecolmmumty "Have ' sub scribed about" $15' which will' bemused for the purchase of pecan and other trees. to.be set, out on the school prop ertyf...,. . ... ... , ,r, ii , ..Speaking of trees, reminds us that a greatmany beautiful shade trees have had to be cut ,out in construct- ms the new road, lt .nas been sug gested, that If tfie rfeet through Wise Could ,be huilt ;Js1yrfeerdeJ instead ' - ' f ---- Whenever Yoti Jeed a General Tonic Take Grove's r. 'J J r -:' : The Old -Standard -Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic-is.-equally -.-valuable a& a General Tonic because it , contains thej well known tonic properties oty UiMiiNis arid IRON. It acts on the Iiver, Drives out" Malaria, Enriches the, .Bipod, and Builds up the Whole System:: ;50'cerits. , . , . inn n , o .To Cure a Cpld.in One Day TaketAXATIVK BROMO Quinine. It stops the Couch and Headache and works off the Cold.' Druggists refund jnoney if it fails to cure. K.-WOJtO VIC'S signature ba each box. 35c. -Rosi'In UVCplpirs; double 'Tiqtete, "Sweet Peas, Lillies ! Of! The VaUe .Orch ihVAl.CpIorjNkrci- siis Freesias Hyacinths, And AU.OtEer Flowers In Sea y. Lc l WEDDING FLOWERS A SPECIALITY. 0 0 ' y- V v . ? v : " , Floral Offerings Artisticially. Arranged Qn, Short Notice. Greenhpsjphon j;i;0'0Uinn&:co:, .1... I . 1 Raleigh, N.; C. - i LSI Store Ko. 47. . . . . . RosBuslies, Shruhs arid1 Evergreens In Variety. ; OOUWl . .Mx; J. T. Morgan, of this firm, has batn raising by actual count. -5 of the baby chicks hatched oa, . hit poultry farm near Mempnis. 1 This phenomenal record hs - as- 5 . , cribea in s large wieasure to the .use of Manna Rioe Chick Feed, a feed which " he . evolved 1 - after - years of tareful ...experimentation. .. Manna Lice Chick Feed contains no corn. It is an 'absolutely' safe1 f eed 1 f 6 - -chicks and will.. take... them , safely ,. ' orer the most dangerous period. . - ED OAR-MORGAN CO. ; , ..Memphis "V" T Tennssso Send fr Bulletin Wo. l;How w Rxraa ' OF YooaBABTCro..', It'sfro. ..- ... ; .. i r-Pr - sal By- - - , j For Sale by Dealers in Warrenton NOTICE. OR SUMMONS ? U LIGATION BYyPUB- North Carolina, . . 1 .'Before Suaerier Warren County -" - :s Court.. .' J.. M.iGolerrian, Admr Madison Harris Sum Harris et als, heir at law Ifadi- son' Harris. . i j j .. . ; l -i ... . J 'j L J J . v. J . j ..1 s. 1 1 7 " e---.--'---.- '; :i ; V gooa department store, i "A i X; Vdeafer. ri - . .......jj ; ... ...... t. I I' JL 71 J STAKDARD-OIIS- . . Wf W rP I J , XZ. Washington, D. C Charlotte, N. C. --- p-W ini"V" i-V IWIu ... -i-TS-i--- Norfolk; Va. m Charleston. .W.Va.j s i. . ..r.n ,h.r tit- i sm . . i,, i . . ,lMfl,, . ...-!. . , b i y. ,; if M.J ; u - i I .i i .... j.. 'A.. 7-..;. i 1 .. i - I : 1 ' I -r- l f -rM- ).Mi . ... .. j; ....... ' 4- ii. ' i -i ..-.. ... . . . .......,,. i SMOKELE& .a I 111 Ttl'l I I- ifi Jil.H HEATERS -j.:a Who's Afraid-of CKills? Thi ; wind' can hbwl' fet : the - eaves,'- andr. the ' frost Spin trficeries On the window .panes ; but' nota single- chill gets near the. youngster,. For his bath, beside his crib; -your own dress-., ing, a coy breakfast tables-get a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. . n a i;.. : ..; tfs quick to heatf durable?, dependable-. Ines-, pensive to buy and to use. 11 As easy to carry -about- as ia'-'worlc-basket, andi ; good-looking whervet,i yoil leave : it.- -The comfort insurance . today of more than -2,000,000 'homes. Ask any or hardware..- result COMPANY -4 The defendants,. Sam Harris, Willaia Harris Lizzie Harris. JPat "Williams. Harris Jacob Harris,- Al Harris. Dan Carter,. Effie Carter, Carrie garter,. Ida Carter, 'Alia V. Carter,' Ethel Fain, and "Sam Fain, "Jr., will take' notice' that' an .action entitled as: above Lhas.sbeeni commenced before the' Clerk oi thet Superior Court for Warren oun vy, to sell land to - make assets vwith' which x6 pay. debts And.the said ae- L f end'ants -will, further; take notice that they are required to appear before, the Clerk of the; said Superior Court, at I the Court House' in Warrenton, N. C. on tne 2um aay 01 xviarcn ivi i, .ana answer-or demur to tlie: complaint" fil ed -in this -cause,- of" iftelamtiff will apply: tto the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. ' This 1'February 9th, 191-7., ..-. ... ! rf r:; ROD WELL,,, .v.---- Clerk Superior Court. B. BtWILLIAMS, Attorney for Plaintiff 2-23-4t-c ifiR&2!ltfinaneialaidformain--f thirty and that a narrow stop ir !