Thrift and Wat Buy f VOL- XXIII. (TUESDAY) (FRIDAY) Number 9 . A -WM -M. -K k- ' -M.- -L- m. M J m a mm. - . Tn - fi r - - j 34 lk-I"EEKLY NEWS PAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTE RESTS OF 'WARRENTON AND W ARREN COUNTY 3c A COPY CLIMATE OF BEL GIUM AND FRANCE. Though Far Northern Than We Cold Not As Severe Or the Changes As Sudden- BUY THRIFT AND A BETTERMENT EXPpSSIOR OF A ORDER TO HOUSE HELP KEEP THE WAR STAMPS NOW. MEETING AT WISE FINE SENTIMENT. - . WIVES OF COUNTY. BOYS A-SMILING. i r - - - . . - . . . . . - i i i -- , . The people of this country now that they have friends and relatives in FrVnce are .interested in that country 1S never before. Many mothers are anxious to know how their boys m tne trencres are faring these excessively, cold nights. The climate of Belgium and France is a subject of intense solicitude as they think of those al ready there and those to go. We learn from "Weather Review Climate of Belgium and France" these items, which are matters of informa tion to most of us: France and Bel gium occupy together that part of the Western coast of Europe extending from north latitude 42 degrees, twenty minutes to 51 degress, twenty min utes which corresponds nearly to the portion of the American coast lying between Boston and the North end of Newfoundland. Therefore, they lie largely to the North of the United States. Mrrpsille the most southern important c.ty of France is further North than Boston, while Paris is nearly 500 miles farther north than Chicago. Brussels in latitude 50 de grees 51 minutes is farther north than Winnipeg, Canada, or in the same latitude of Hudson Bay. Paris time is 5 hours later than New York, thai is when it is noon at N. Y. it is al ready 5 o'clock p. m. in Paris; seven hours later than at Denver and eight, hours later than San Francisco. Thus during the longer days of the year as the sun is setting on our Western coast it is rising on the fol lowing day in eastern France. The area of France is slightly less than 210,000 square miles; of Belgium 11 000. - - Many will be surprised to know that in this far north latitude it does not follow that the climate is correspond ingly cold. The climate is modified by proximity to large bodies of water to their western border and possibly also in southern France from breezes from the Mediteranean sea as well as the topography of the country. These countries are favorably situated for marine influence on temperature. Pre -vailing winds from the sea modify the temperature on land in large measure over bothe countries. There are . number of ocean currents which carry relatively warm water long distances. The great Atlantic Drift (Gulf Stream) carries the warmer water from the Gulf of Mexico and the nor mal western winds blowing over these waters carry their warmth .to these lands. Brest, on the west coast of France, has about the same latitude as Deviln Lake in North Dakota. The averat January temperature at Brest under these influences is 44 degrees Fahren heit, while at Devil's Lake it is zero. On the other hand, the summers as Brest are cooler with an average tem perature in July of 64 degrees while at Devil's Lake it is about 68. Farth er south on the Atlantic coast district of France the temperatures through out the year resembles those of Ore gon and north California about like the coast of the Carolina's and Geor gia in winter, with less variations and extremes. Winter in France is not severe from the standpoint of low temperature bu! there is a constancy of cold weather net common in the United State. On the battle line in January two thirds f the days have a minimum temper ature as low as freezing and as a rul ? about five days of that month have temperature continuously below freez ing. Summers in northern France an Belgium are cool as compared with ur country. The daily maximum temperatures in northern France are usually less than 80 degrees and min imum 60. This gives a general idea of the climate and shows that in France our soldiers will never be exposed to such extremes of cold as we are having in orth Carolina, and the summers are mi1ch cooler. Embro SchooTMakes Donation The Embro Colored School - Satur day brought to this office a donation Five Dollars for tie War Y. M. C. campaign. The money was turned v to Mr. C. R. Rodwell, County easurer, who expresses thanks to school for this act. County Organization To Perfect Plans of Arousing the Peo ple Upon This Subject, With Mr. John Graham as county chairman, ably assisted by a commit tee to be nominated by him composed of influential men from all sections of Warren, and embracing heads of churches, schools and business interest the county is to commence a drive for Thrift and War Saving certificates and War Saving Stamps in the near future. , As a part of the nation's two billion Warren people during the coming year must invest $445,52 in these "baby bonds." As soon as the organization is per fected a speaking tour will be on in schools and churches to acquaint peo ple of Warren with the desirability of these stamps as an investment and to awake, a power long asleep in oui National life a power to save and en courage investments. The thrift stamps may be bought for 25 cents a piece and 16 placed on a Thrift card are convertable into a War Saving stamp, maturing in 1923 with a five dollar value. Twenty War Saving stamps, formed in this manner, compose a War Saving Cer tificate maturing with a hundred dol lar value. War Saving stamps may be bought for 4:12 now, but a penny is added each month during the year as they are bearing interest thus in Decem ber a stamp will sell for 4j23. An individual can not purchase-over a hundred dollars worth at one time, but may make ten purchases until he has bought a thousand dollars worth. Each member of a family may do like wise. As distributing agents the post office here, the Bank of Warren and the Citizens Bank are all busy selling these stamps, and will be glad to wait upon Warren people. Later, as the organization is perfected, distributing branches will be convently located over the county. Literature upon this subject, pa triotic posters and soul-stiring epi grams are in charge of Mayor John B. Palmer who will be pleased to dis tribute this datafrom the Commis sioners room at the Court House, at s to give any .information a close study of the War Saving plan has brought to him. In charge of this important work in North Carolina is one of the most prominent of the State's banker's and successful business men in the person of Col. F. H. Fries, of Winston Salem. Warren's share as to township's is given in "the following table: Warren County $445,852.00 Fishing Creek Township 33,154.00 Fork Township....... 29,810.00 Hawtree Township ..... 43,956.00 Judkins Township ...... 41,030.00 Nutbush Township 31,966.00 River Township 43,384.00 Roanoke Township ..... 8,910.00 Sandy Creek Township. 32,186.00 Sixpound Township 36,894.00 Smith Creek Township. 34,936.00 Warrenton Township . . 82,148.00 shovel ' DAY lias y our Coal shovel been tagged yet? CTATW "Don't worry! To worry about the past is to dig up a grave; let the corpse lie. To worry about the future is to dig your own grave; let the undertaker attend to that. The pres ent is the servant of your will." Had dock. Regular Meeting of Betterment Association To Be Held On Next Friday Evening. The regular meeting of the Better ment Association at Wise will be held next Friday afternoon at the school house at 3:30. Let there be a larg attendance. The weather this winter has been exceedingly bad, and there are many calls for servicebut there never has been a time wheriwe could ill afford to relax our interest in our school work. There never has been a term when a greater effort should be put forth to maintain its intergrity and its high standard of excellence. "The community that shows the "reater patriotism now is the commun ity: that provides good public schools. Neglect in providing proper facilities for the education of American youtn is a neglect of America's greatest r.oset. The nation's call for increased food production is crowned with the appeal to increase the production of manhood and womanhood. Right now is the time to begin the part of shrewd discretion by taking stock of what your community is do ing for its boys and girls. "There is no jesting with edged1 tools," and there is no jesting with a community or a nation that sharpens the wits of its children. While the young manhood of the na tion is healing humanity's wounds with blood, the folks at home also have their responsibilities for humanity's snke. The community with a ram shackle, dilapidated, antiquated, dingy, insanitary, poorly heated, poorly light ed, poorly ventilated and poorly taught school is squandering the time of its children and is a blight on patriotism. Make the School Better In this age when brains, training and well-directed efforts are the great prerequisites for human success it is the part of criminal neglect to let boys emerge from ragged schools with regged minds to face a world that ex acts action and training. It is just as hard to stand an empty bag on end as it is to make an empty-headed boy a success. Institutions alone can create! a nation, and the public school, is America's greatest institu tion. Make America greater by mak ing its public schools better. Certainly it requires money to do it, but it will be economy for the com munity tightwads to loosen their purse strings. Money spent to train the minds and character of children not onlyj places a blessed heritage upon your own flesh and blood, but is is a display of patriotism that will make your nation and your greater. The Country Gentleman. COUNTY HOUSE TO HOUSE SURVEY. For Food; Canvass To Be Made By Mr. F. B. Newell In Next Few Days Ready! Compulsory under an Act of Con gress approved August 10th, 1917 Warren County has been selected by the Secretary of Agriculture to make a household food survey. Mr. F. B. Newell, Agricultural Agt., will visit you in a few days for this rmrDose. It is necessary that each household give a correct list in detail as the report will be the basis for food regulation. The Agricultural Department real izes that it is placing a tremendous burden upon the shoulders of the Co. agents, and stated in its letter to Mr. Newell, appointing him to this impor tant work, "It was only in the abso lute anticipation of your doing this work successfully and because the sur vey is compulsory with "the legisla tion of Congress, that we have se lected you to represent your County as one of the units in this survey." The immensity of this task is ap parent, and Mr. Newell asks that cit izens of Warren co-operate with him and enable Warren's report to be thoroughly accurate. Though Expressed Worthy The Consideration Of Us All; Speaks Number of Truths. (Gov. Bickett Before Grand Lodge) Some one has said, "Opportunity is a fleet horse. Ever and anon he comer, bounding along the heights, pauses for a moment and invites us to njount; in another he is gone, an we hear his clattering hoof strokes sounding-fcw, i the corridors of the past." Today Masonry in North Carolina stands face to face with the sublim est oppotimity to justify its existence and make sure its grip upon the souls of men that it has ever known. The destiny of the Order will, largely de pend upon its seizure or its failure to seize this opportunity. Masonry can not hope to survive the shock and strain of earth's most perilous hour by resting upon a luv-age that reaches back toi the shadowy beginnings of time. Age is venerable only when found in the ways ,of righteousness. Grip, and guard, and pass will become solemn vanities unless now, while the clock of destiny strikes, they shall open the wicket to the world-wide arena of selfless thought and high en deavor.!' The majestic music of our ritual will become "sounding brass and tinkling; cymbal" unless under its mar tial strains we shall fall in with those shining!' legions that count it joy to die than honor may . live, and right eousness rule the earth. The might of Masonry is its loyalty to God,; to country and to our fellows. That loyalty is now being tried in the fire and my hope and faith is that every Lodge' in North Carolina wil? come out pure gold. North Carolina is patriotic to the core. I know' the State. I have been in all -of its one hundred imperial counties, : and I know there is not ii streak"bf yellow in it from Cape Look out toSlick Rock Creek. But there is someTignoranceand some misinfor mation, and no Order, in the State can do more to remove this ignorance ar.a correct this misinformation than the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. We touch. virtually the life of the peo ple, and I want every Masonic Lodge in the State to be a citadel of loyalty and light within whose radius neither ignorance nor treason can live. MEETING OF SEA BOARD D. SOCIETY. In Henderson Friday In Chamber of Commerce Rooms; Dr. H. N. Walters In Attendance. Dr. H. N. Walters, president of the Seaboard Dental Society, returned to the city Friday night after presiding at a helpful, interesting and practical meeting of that body in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce in Hender son on Friday. The regular routine business was satisfactory disposed of. The Society heard with deep pleasure an interest ing paper by Mr. Peace of Henderson, on "The Painful Part of Dentistry." The paper was full of good pointers, humorous enough to keep the spirits up, while Mr. Pace drove home facts. The paper was splendidly conceived, and was the feature of the gathering. It will be of interest to know that it was resolved to participate whole heartedly in a joint meeting of the Raleigh Dental Society, Durham Den tal Society, and the Seaboard Dental Society at a meeting to beld in Ox ford on Friday May 3rd. If the plans work to perfection, as is expected, the meeting at this time will be one which dentistss of this section can not af ford to miss. . NOTICE COLORED TEACHERS You are requested to nake & spec ial effort to be in Warrenton on Sat urday February 2nd, regular meeting day of your Association, for the espec ial purpose of being advised by Dr. C. H. Peete, County Health office, in respect to making examination of colored pupils in accordance with data sent from the State Health Depart ment. You are directed to meet in the Court House at 11 o'clock a. m. HOWARD F. JONES, Supt. To Observe More Wheatless And Eatless Days In Each Week; This Is Necessary. Raleigh, January 26th The intensi fied food . conservation program that has been planned by the Food Admin istration as a result of the desperate cries of need from the other sidef calls for the observance of two wheatless days in the week, Monday and Weu- nesday, and one wheatless meal every day; one meatless day, which shall b3 Tuesday, and two porkless days, which shall be Tuesday and Saturday,: each week. Of the two wheatless days and at one meal every day all consumers oi foods, private homes, hotels and res taurants, etc. are requested to use no wheat bread, biscuits, crackers, pas try, macaroni, or breakfast food con taining wheat and to use wheat flour in no form except in such small amts. that may be needed for thickening soups or' gravies or for a binder in corn bread and other cereal bread. On Meatless Tuesday no meat shpuid be used except fish, poultry and game. On Porkless Saturday mutton and lamb should be used in preference to beef. "Porkless" mear.s without pork bacon, ham and lard or other pork products. If the United States meets the food demands of its Associates in the War and provides for the starving neutrals of Europe anything like the amount which our shipping will be able to take to them our own people must save at least one-third of their normal con sumption of wheat from now until the next' harvest. The same thing is true of pork and approximately true of beef. A LETTER FR( -SAM M. CONNELL. The Beauties Above The Clouds When All Is Dreary Below Graphically Related. Houston, Texas, -January 21, "1918 Dear Folks at Home: I wish to relate to you a soul thrilling experience which I had this a. m. I felt lonesome and de pressed: the clouds hung heavily over me, shutting out the sunshine, and everything looked dark and dreary. Meditating, while sitting there in my barrack, the . thought came to me that hank of each cloud, where the sun still shines, there is a silver lining. I at once went to the hanger, ran out my plane; determined to go above this gloom. To me it was the most beautiful and inspiring sight imagin able. The artist's brush or human imagination could not portray it the ocean in all of its beauty and silent grandeur, falls far short: Beneath me the clouds rolled like billows, and in their sombre impres siveness, played upon by the sunlight from above, made a scene indescrib able for its beauty. Such a scene, to my mind, can oly be surpassed by the Resurrection Morn, when all who are faithful shall pass up to a haven of rest and beauty eternal. I actually was persuaded to imagine that I might see angels floating along with me This as I saw it was a revelation which I shall try never to forget: I am fully convinced that the darker the cloud, the brighter the silver lin ing, andl shall try harder to dispel the gloom by remembering that each cloud has its silver lining discerna ble always and forever if we only look up for it! With a heart full of love, . Your son, SAM M. CONNELL. "Economy and everything which ministers to economy supplies the foundations of national life." "We have not studied cost or econ omy as we should, either as organizers of industry, as statesmen, or as indi viduals" Woodrow Wilson. Start Right Today! Buy a War Sav- ings Stamp. Buy A Smileage Book From The Town Committee and Send To Friend In Camp. Mr. M. C. McGuire as chairman, Mr. Joe Macon as Treasurer and Mrs. Kate Pendleton Arrington as head of canvassing committee compose War- renton's committee in an effort to raise $100.00 here by Feby. 4th for Smileage books. These books represent tickets to performances given under manage ment of the committee on social camp activities in National Army Canton ments and National Guard camps. A book entitles its holder to see per formance of high rder and will mean a span of smiles to its owner. The, following clipping from the "Smilage News" on What Will the Soldier See" gives an insight" into this matter: The men in the camps have a par ticular craving.- They want to sec shows." In the evening they are tir ed; they are sometimes very lonely; they want to laugh; and they want :regular" performances. If there are to be any amateur performances, they want to be in them, not merely looking at them. Four comedy companies are already assigned to this new field. They are Broadway . organizations, presenting accepted Broadway successes "Turn toi the Right"; "Cheating Cheaters";. "Here Comes the Bride"; Inside the Lines." Four vaudeville bills have been as sembled by general manger E. F. Al bee, of the Keith Circuit. Their routings will be arranged of course, so as to prevent an unvaried succes sion in any camp of any one kind of entertainment. In the regiments are scores of pro fessional actors and vaudeville per formers. The men manifest special interest in seeing their own comrades on the stage. So there are to be reg ular amateur productions, between the professional offerings, that the men. may have part in the enterprise and of much more importance that when they have gone to the front they may be able to provide suitable programs for themselves. YOUR FLAG AND MY FLAG (By Wilbur D. Nesbit) - Your flag and my flag, And how it flies today In your land and my land And half a world away! Rose-red and blood-red The stripes forever gleam; Snow-white and soul-white The good forefathers' dream; Sky-blue and true blue, with stars to gleam aright The gloried guidon of the day; a shei ter through the night. Your flag and my flag! To every star and stripe 1 The drums beat as hearts beat " And fifers shrilly pipe! Your flag and my flag!. . A blessing in the sky; Your hope and my hope It never hid a lie! Home land and far land and half the world around, . Old Glory hears our glad salute and ripples to the sound! i Your flag and my flag! And, oh, how much it holds Your land and my land -Secure within its folds! 5 Your heart and my heart Beat quicker at the sight; i Sun-kissed and wind-tossed Red and blue and white. The one flag the great flag the flag for me and you Glorified all else beside the red and white and blue! Save food. Always leave 'a clean plate. Vary food used with the work done. Eat all you need, but no more. Have meat but once a day. Every morsel saved is A shot againstt he enemy. Let fish replace meat. The food you eat determines Health, and health your happiness. "Teach economy. That is one of the first and highest virtues. It begins .with saving money." Lincoln. Buy ' a ' War ' Raving- Stamp Today. Start!