f ' y MOST OF THE NEWS ALL THE TIME ACCURATE, TERSE, AND TIMELY VOLUME XXVII- WARRENTON, COUNTY OF WARREN, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1922 NUMBER 29. N. C. EDITORS HOLD JUDGE J. H. KERR GIVE BARBECUE IN HONOR MISS BAILEY Gold Strike at Washington, C CO. B. RETURNS FROM CAMP GLENN MEETING IN SHELBY IS CALLED UPON r n , J A V - St .- ) - 1 . , - Over Hundred Editors At The To Decide The Results In The Opening Session; Hot Con- P Recent Primary Between test Over "Loving Cup." The Two Candidates. HARDING SENDS MESSAGE MAKES NOVEL PROPOSAL SHELBY, Julyiib. lne "Uolden HENDERSON, July 24. Called Jubilee" convention ot tne Worth upon to rule on the respective merits Carolina Press Association began this of Mrs. George Buchanan and P. E. morning with a swing that forecasts Rowland, incumbent for the Demo ml l j I . . . its big success, .mere were auoui a crtic nomination for Register of hundred newspaper folks present at Vance county, Superior Court Judge the opening session this morning in John H. Kerr today proposed that the assembly room of the Cleveland both waive their claims and permit Springs Hotel when President John the electorate to again pass on the B. Sherrill, of the Concord Tribune, question at the general election in called the organization to order in its November. 1 T- "1 il I fiftieth annual session, wiiue tne The nvel Dronogal was PTrf:p,, hv and afternoon trains added largely to both caodidates through their attor- the number, uny a nunarea ana hi- neyg but Thomas M pittman, chair ty members were present at the after- man of the Board of Elections and noon and night sessions while there the only member of the' board pres were many visitors irom aneioy ana ent declined to commit the board from the state generally. The very the absence of a ma;oritv of the mem cream of North Carolina editorship bershi and th hearinr was continu and newspaper folks in general is ed until August 24, in order to permit here. the Board of Elections to consider the Lively Contest. proposal There is a lively contest on fori In the Democratic primary of June the Walter H. Savory, "Loving Cup"j3, Mrs. Buchanan and Mr. Rowland offered by Mr. Savory, representing were the surviving candidates of a the Mergenthaler Linotype Company I field of four, with the present Regis and one of the two honorary mem- ter leading the ticket. In the second bers of the association, for the best! primary of July 1, Mr. Rowland led North Carolina weekly or semi- by a majority of two votes. However, weekly typographically, in make-up at a hearing on July 11, the Board of and in general effectiveness, which Elections threw out five votes for the has been issued during the past year, man candidate on the ground that In the entries the papers and the they were cast by Republicans and editors are: Northampton Progress, I declared Mrs. Buchan the nominee waiter vv. iawaras; iseauiort xsews, Numerous charges of irregularities W. Giles Mebane; Smithfleld Herald, have been made by both sides, but J. W. Beaty and Mrs. T. J. Lassiter; evidence has been presented only in Ayden Dispatch, John t,. Andrews; the five cases in which votes were Lenoir News-Topic, Fred H. May; thrown out. Attorneys for Rowland Cherokee Scout, Bryan W. Sipe; The have rested their case on the ground Pilot, of Vass, Stacy Brewer; Eliza- that the Board of Elections had no beth City Independent, W, O. Saun-1 right rto:' go - behind ' the returns and ders; Shelby Highlander, B. M. De- took out mandamus proceedings to Priest; Warren Record, W. Brodie compel the board to declare their Jones; Selders Weekly, of Rocking- client the nominee Vnrvi A OU T 1 - Al -., . ouei, csuii uuiiLy action WftS the one that. Judge .ournai, 01 ayiva, Jjan lompKins; Rerr continued today and the one Albemarle Express, J. D. Bivens. The that he wU1 haye tQ " upQn .f the cup is a beauty, is handsomely en- Board of Elections declines to accept Knvea ana wnen won Dy tne same the proposal tendered today. Judge LI1xee yeai wixi "- Kerr based his decision on the-belief tne property of that paper. that any ruling baged upon technical- Message From Harding. , ities would be unsatisfactory to the At the afternoon session of the electorate. convention there was read a tele- I Widespread interest has been man- gram from President Harding. Ad-ifested in the controversy and a large dressed to President Sherrill, it read:! crowd was present for the hearing 'Please extend my best wishes to I today. the members of the association at fiuT ?atherine ian,d assure MISSES BURWELL GIVE -"cm timi tne nne support tnat press fyifcli . r""" " l - : : e Large Crowd Enjoy Big Feast At The Hospitable Home Of Mr. G. G. Egerton. SPREAD UNDER THE OAKS ' Panning gold almost within the shadow of the capitol building at Washington, D. C, is now being done. The strike was made across the Potomac. The picture shows Senator William H. King of Utah., a gold expert, looking on while discoverers of the placer mine pan, the gold for his inspection. PLENTY OF MEAT THEN MONEY CROP Mr. Editor: Our good friend, neighbor and progressive farmer Mr. J. H. Thomp son Jr., inyited Mr. J D. Newell and myself to come over and ride over his farm and take . a look at his crop When we arrived Mr. Thompson had three horses saddled and we proceed ed to inspect his crop. It was an in spiration to see what a man with brains and energy can accomplish in the way of farming about acres. Fine tobacco ideal in size and quality beautiful cotton, corn , and peas delighted the eye. Mr. Thompson's Slogan is plenty corn, wheat and meat, and then make all the market crop you can. Mr. Thompson works 4 head of horses and mules; runs a tractor, owns a wheat thresher, wood saw and engine. A fine gentleman, good neighbor and progressive farmer, his example is worth much to the County. P. M. STALLINGS. and public are giving to the govern- PARTY TO MISS ALSTON. ttnt in a trvine timp is nrnvinc o x - both inspiring and helpful. Ad plause greeted the reading of the Misses Annie and Mary Burwell de mesage from the Presidpnt. liehtf ully entertained at a "Guess- Just at this time A. W. Burch. ing Contest" Tuesday night compli of the Charlotte Observer,' called at- mentary to'lMiss Jane Alston of New tention to the fact that the ball York city. team of Shelby was to nlav ball Miss Bobby Jones and Mr. Hugh Wlth the Kings Mountain team this! Holt won the prize as the best gues- aiternoon, and as a recognition of sers, while Mattie Wiggins Dameron tje great hospitality being shown by land Mr. William Taylor were award- Hie t)Pnnla--P C"l 11 i i a l x I .1 'UV--cr tirian outuuy, suggestea mat i cu meeting adjouurn so as to add One of the requirements of those he crowd at, the game. Like a I participating in the guessirig was to me motion offered was adopted, I guess whsre the bird's nest was swin me atternoon ession closed, ging in the bough and to expertly u tne members going to the nlace the birdie on its nest . j Mr. John Burwell, Jr., being de clared the most expert at this form game. Kiner. of GrppnsVinrn was Dir:Z' TT. of guessing was awarded a bird, and Growers' r "I...- . . t. little Miss Nancy Ellis winning the fin i.i "pctauve Association, 10 , I " e place of the late John M. booby' .. A1 Callaway, hv v, l The ruest of honor Miss Jane Als nf 4.1. me uuttiiiiiiuus action i " , , -j. , UI tie Bonr.i n!.... . . Ifnn was nrpsented a fan and Mr. John i 111 I J I rPPTfiro O T XTflOTflT. I "V" X " aayg meeting- at tiu ua Burwell. Jr. was delegated the honor lano nriviieuue ux nii.iiis f-- I JT-- is a l . sentation. of prizes, which was . ac- TVoo . Mx fo- tuuaccu liiuwci, i - .... -i - v.use inend of the late Mr. cwpeu wit, l0Way and i Those present were: Misses Jane Gall arehouge Cnrnr,,Qf; -c Alston. Louise Davis, Anna Williams th! fi "1Ct 0f North Carolina. From Lallah Fitts Palmer, Katherme and Mie first he W u -p0rr Mmisp Scoerein. , Elizabeth i x I TP o nn IT Hnnsfi j uccii mm r iiiTW sun- r--" L; er.of the Tobacco Or Hn. Boyd, Willie Hall Johnson, Nonie "UCTati,,. . f f I - ' , tt exDe; r Association, and has had Taylor, Sue Massenburg, aran now Pernce both as a warehouseman ard Ward, Helen Gibbs, Kathrine and u an j " ' -r i-i . rv.w Tntips. Mildred of tnrw, 'menx; manufacturer J ane weuxy, uco- Allen, Lacy Virginia tfarciay oi vir- lar JeC0gnitin of the million dol- ginia, Mattie Wiggins Dameron An oan from t, . . E1Hs and Alice Littlepage Bur- b2 t0 the Association, placards well. Messers Armistead Boyd, Pett n. " ng Prepared at. p0ii t,00j Rnvd. Charles Ray Rodwell, John and bankser" WhJch be sent to those Walker Burwell, George Bumell, ti - are aidino- Hue-h and Tom xioil, -" ' TA ,V O MtJQVbJM- I c - r f thP " tne first deliveries Frank Alien, v. -s-iuzea growers. senburg and William xaiuexu. MRS. R. T. 'WATSON ENTERTAINS (Received too late for lst issue) Mrs- R. T. Watson delightfully en tertained last Thursday morning from 10 to 12 o'clock at her hospi table home in honor of Warrenton's bride, Mrs. Pryor Allen. While the guests hemmed eup towels for Mrs. Allen, delicious punch was served from an attractive booth of ferns and flowers, by Miss Mary Louise Allen. At twelve o'clock a dainty two course luncheon was daintily served. Baskets of Mints were used as favors. Those present were Mesdames Pryor Allen, J. Edward Allen, Ray Weston, Walter White, Roy Davis, and Misses Louise Allen, Mamie Gardner and Kate White-Williams. SCRAPS WOODEN SHIPS AT BIG LOSS Three hundred wooden steamers, h but sixty-five of the huge fleet an chored in the James River at Clare Mont, are to be scrapped for junk in the near future, according to well founded but unofficial advices from Newport News. " ' One hundred of the ships are to be sent to New York and junked J one hundred are going to Baltimore to be scrapped and sold and another hun dred are to be torn to pieces by v. New Jersey firm, it is said. Officials of the Shipping Board de cline to comment on the report, other than to say they know nothing con cerning it. The wooden ships cost the United States Government nearly one million dollars each and it is said they will not net more than $1,500 each when scrapped for junk. NOTICE. Dr. T. J. Taylor announces that there will be preaching in the Bap tist Church here next Sunday night, and that his subject will be "A little Maid." He has just closed a very interest ing and successful meeting at Macon in which nine accessions were made to the church there. Dr. Taylor was assisted at Macon by Rev. Fred. N. Day, whom Dr. Tay or gives the credit of the preaching Dr. Day is from Winston and is a preacher of power and great influ ence. A barbecue and brunswick stew was given down at Mr. G. G. Eger ton's complimentary to Miss Stella Bailey of Baltimore, Md.y on last Friday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Vance Fleming of Middleburg, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wiggins and nephew, Gideon Alston, Mr. and Mrs. W. L Wiggins of Littleton; Mrs, C. W. Pinnell of Richmond, Va.; Mr. M. P. Powell of Newport News, Va.; Dr. P. J. Macon, Mr. and Mrs.W. A. J. Pinnell, Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Pinnell, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Pinnell Jr., Mr. and Mrs. E. JL Pinnell and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Limer and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Milby and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, S. H. Limer, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burroughs, Mrs. Mamie Temple, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Parker and son, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Egerton, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Welch and sons, Mr. -W. E. Twitty and sons, Mrs. Lola Bennett and grandsons, Misses Stella Bailey, Lot tie Egerton, M2ry Russell Burroughs, Eflie Ellington, Ethel Pinnell, Laura limer, Martha and Grace Burroughs, Ethel Powell; Messrs. William Bur roughs, Faulk and Arch Alston, Fred erick Egerton and James Limer. About .2:30 o'clock a delightful din ner was spread beneath the large oak trees., which consisted of barbacue, b.runswiek stew, fried chicken, pickles and cake. About 5:30 o'clock the people left for their homes after spending such a delightful day and hoping, to meet there again in the. future. Warren County Boys Make Fine Record While In Training At'Mbrehead. CAPTAIN ADDRESES CO. MISS SCOGGIN ENTERTAINS Miss Lucy Palmer Scoggin enter tained Tuesday night in honor of her house guest Misses Elli'ce Bounds, Annie R. House, Marvel Mitchell and Virginia House. Various games and contests were much enjoyed by a large number of the young people of the town, after which delightful refreshments were served. TANK UP ON GASOLINE. Revival Services At Sharon Church. Revival services will begin at Shar on Chuurch on the 5th Sunday in July. We are pleased to welcome in War renton Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Myrick. Mr. Myrick holds a responsible po sition as electrician at the Canal, and with Mrs. Myrick, who was Miss Ed- gerton, daughter of Mr. Zollie Edger ton of Louisburg, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Allien. Mrs. W. T. Marks, Mrs. S. S. Pitch ford, Miss Bettie Rue Marks, and Mr. Frank Neal were in'Warrenton shop ping yesterday. A BOY CHAMPION FOR 1922 Sit Gene Sarazeq, of Pittsburgh, Pa., not yet 'ZX years old, s the new open goK champion, of the United States. Tom years, ago he was a caddy. He played 72 holes- in 288 strokes to winShis laurels m the national tourney at Glencoc, lit. ".iJM ! 1 4 J? Jl.& Mttg..M..Y.... i n ...,.r It may be timely to suggest that our gasoline users should lay in a supply of gasoline fill all tanks, so that the Gasoline Companies may replenish thetr local storage tanks. The Railroad strike may be pro longed, and those who must have gasoline for trucks and machinery should be prepared for an extended strike Company "B" returned to its Ar mory here Monday after an absence of two weeks and two days. The boys r.eturned in fine condi tion and were delighted with their treatment while in Camp. - They left camp early Monday morn ing, arriving in Warrenton about nine o'clock on special train from Ralergh. Captain Rodgers addressed them before he dismissed them in the ar mory. He thanked them for their loyalty to duty and for their kindness and consideration to the officers; for their cheerful obedience and soldierly bearing. He stated that it was especially gratifiying that not a member of Company "B" was in the guard house, nor had the remotest chance of being there; for- all were orderly and obe dient. He remarked that "I didn't see a card or a set of dice in Company "B" on the train going to or coming from Camp." The boys said they had "the best cooks in camp," Peter Collins and Baker Plummer, and the best food and service. Warrenton was delighted to have Company "B" return to its armory, as the strike situation had called from Camp other Companies, for guard duty. The Companies were called out' in respect to seniority of Commission. DR. NEWCOMB.. PASSES BOARD WITH HIGHEST MARK OUT 58. Fifty-eight new names were added to the list of licensed physicians in North Carolina at a recent examina tion by the State Board. To Dr. Andrew Purefoy Newcomb of Henderson is accorded the highest rating, making 93 2-7ths. Warren county feels a pride in Dr. Newcomb's success. His mother was reared in this County, a daughter of Mr. Theo Stallings and sister of our courteous and efficient Auditor Mr. Peer M. Stallings. Dr. Newcomb 'will locate for. the present in Philadelphia and continue a post graduate course, and practic in the hospitals of that City. We congratulate Dr. Newcomb and wish for him unbounded success. A negro, on a farm was asked to hold a cow while the crosseyed far mer hit her on the head with an axe The negro observing the man's eyes inquired: Is you gwine to hit whar you look boss," "Ya-as," replied the farmer. "Den hold de cow yourself, sah!" Victorian. A Good Oat Grower. Lias Christmas, a colored farmer of this County has some record as an oat' grower: "From one bundle of oats was sow ed one fourth of an acre which yield eu nine Dusneis. uut oi tnis nme bushels four and three-fourths was sowed, which yielded ninety-two bushels." These are unusally good yields. RAPIDLY APPROACHING. We want to call your attention to the fact that the season for sowing Fall clovers and other legumes is rap idly approaching. You will remember that this Department is offering the farmers of the State nitrocultures for their legume crops and pulverized imestone for agricultural pu:jposes at cost of production. v At present the price of nitro-cul- tures is 50c. per acre and the price of imestone is $2.00 per ton bulk, f. o. b. the plant. Bridgeport, --Tenn. Yours very truly, T W. A. GRAHAM, . Commissioner. I SUPT. ALLEN RETURNS. Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Allen re turned Sunday evening from Wil mington and Wrightsville Beach, N. C, where Mr. Allen spent the pre vious week in attendance upon meet ings and committe sessions in connec tion with the work of revising the Masonic cod and Constitution of North Carolina. NORWOOD AT MACON. Saturday will be a gala day for the Cooperative Marketing forces at Macon. . President George A. Norwood of the Tobacco Assocition will deliver an address. Brunswick Stew and a bas ket picnic will be provided by those who are in charge and the neighborhood. A real live baseball game will be a feature of the afternoon. The Association will convene at eleven o'clock and is under the aus pices of Mr. L. V. Morrill Jr.., of the Field Service Department, and Mr. R. L. Moss, Warehouse Mgr. of Nor- lina. Mrs. John B. Powell and Miss Ann Hall Powell are spending the week in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Walter White, who have been enjoying a visit at Virginia Beach, returned to Warrenton Wed nesday much refreshed by the outing. Bishop Joseph Blount Cheshire was a visitor in Warrenton this week, as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Fleming and granddaughter of Norlina are visit ing 'Captain and Mrs. B. P. Terrell this week.