DECEMBER 22, 1922 A MERRY CHRISTMAS THE WARREN RECORD A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR PAGE THREE mrrii i mm iaifuiii i m .i uua Ii. 1200,000 AT MINT ifsked Men With sPved"off iVlil .?UI VILO Resists Hold-up. 4BI) SHOOTS LEADER . r'VEK- Colo.. Dec. 18. Masked -an;'- i wren sawea-on snot out regard for humati , I.,,- t-itnilv wounaea Charles r,i oi the uenver orancn ITU u" ' ro-- Citv Federal Reserve fi-j i i. sto'o 200,000 in currency -of !'t mint ana escaped, ine ed les than a minute's ' -parent o ery highway in the i diirhorit'.t.' have dispatched arm- iv soven men, who were ,1 r,-..- Dovthwara snortiv ai- robivv, y. One of the occupants , . .t .... bloodii'U' pnuuseiy, according- to a report. F " " . .... The rob!K'!.v occurred while the i i i ev was iving transierrea irom mint to a Federal Reserve deliv- , mint to a reaeral . I L trunk. Fiftf packag I Cf -54.000 o;ich was seize ges of currency ed by the rob ustnesses ditter as to the num mon participating in the ors. or oi V-tjp. Denver police unhesitatingly declar ithehohiup was the largest and the L, CJlSa L ' i 1 t'Vll I'AClULfU ill Vi- rsdo. With sawed-oif shotguns, two of -e bandits bombarded the front door -'the mir.t as they leaped from their utosobile. Guards Fire From Windows. Fifty government employes sum- l or.eJ by an alarm bell seized shot- h-Tsand rushed to the doors and win- 175 of the mint shooting at the hold oireii v iio returned the fire and at -same time calmly proceeded- to i the fifty packages of currency :j their own car. I T' four members of the Federal pserve Bank crew employed in the transfer of the funds. J. E. Olson, L-sshier; 0. T. Linton, J. Adams, and William Havener, had just left the en hance of the mint and were walking Lward their machine standing near --ii:'jrbir.g; when another car contain- the bandits drove up along-side :he wire enclosed truck. According to witnesses, two or three men carrying guns leaped from ..... o" 1 n-itVi o cVirvnf- n f 'Vi o nrl c; i . il " 7 1- ap oner.ou are on tne reserve uaniv eniplojes. Guards of the mint, and other inside employes then rushed out upon- the steps of the government building to shout at the robbers. Linton, according to the police, at tempted to throw the money into the grilled back compartment of the re serve truck at the holdups' command ar.d he was shot by the leader of the bandits. Linton died without regain ing consciousness. Their work of transferring the cur rency which they had taken from the guards to their car completed, the bandits i-.j -entered their automobile amid a ruin of bullets from guards in tie second .story of the mint and sped toward the civic center. Bandits Wounded In Flight. As the car gathered impetus the leader if the highwaymen, standing on the running board, turned toward tie government building as though to fcea. final volley at the guards.. As did so, Peter Kiedinger, a guard was on duty at the main en fece, hrod with a rifle at the bandit 6-fl was seen to crumple up on the ed running board and was pulled inside car by the driver. Kiedinger is Positive he wounded the fugitive. The money was the property of the e Denver Federal Reserve Bank, fte mint merely being a depository for due to the lack of sufficient vault in the bank building. LEGAL SALES. FORECLOSURE SALE y1 I . By virtue of the nower contained a Deed of Trust executed by A. P. chail and wife on July 9th, 1915, rordei in the office of the Register J; IjH'd.s of Warren County in Book u &t Page 212, default having been jpe in the payment of the debt 'herein secured, on request of the Wder of the same, I shall sell for f h' public auction, at the Court ;use door in Warrenton, N. C., to l;e hitth(;.st bidder, on the 10th day of jnuary, 1923, the following describ- pronertv .A tract of land conaining Fifty es rnore or less situated between fmson and Drewry and bounded by glands of J. W. Fleming, heirs of C. Capns. heirc: nf TVT. J. Hawkins, be- H th( same land conveyed to A. P. 'tn.aii by Alex Clark. T. T. HICKS. Trustee iW, 4, 1922.' Henderson, N. C. TRUSTEE'S SALE. virtue of the power conferred "e by that certain deed, of trust Jan. 1st, 1919, recorded in Book in Gome On; h-1 : j fc. ' " " if. f ? 1 5 - i . . i I .v . - - - :' -V -y - y t P- ' " t r -',--" f ' i .- ' '- j. ; - v...-.' 5: . r : : . . " " : ; .' I J ,3 V - V - - - " V " ' )'- - i !' : r i . s - - . f - i. II .. . . !' - in . i! t bt Fl 101, page 127, Warren Registry, given by Ollie Baskerville, I will on ; the 30th day of December, 1922, self; IZTkJlL IV0.11' . to r'iV- ' l"c L ,U1. iiu.ur -u )OT :auu?- OJ- xv- Z?,? mian-te- mg Known as Shad Hall Place. ihis Nov. ,102. 12-l-4ts. B. B. WILLIAMS, Trustee. ; SUMMONS Bettie Alston. Williams, Louis Als- j ton ,Albcrt Alston, Littie Boswell, the. i 1" . . . Af :u" xnax Tharrington, I will, on the 1st day of Biackwell , ifnu oounaea on the January 1922, at 12 m. o'clock, at , place of "UI" v l"e ian"s. l- ? German; the Court House Door in Warrenton. This D -asi. o lanas oi vvynn and Edwards; c S(?h that tract of land j i ooutn Dy lanas oi J . Jordan: West bv heirs at law and descendants ox Court- ; iw-iT.VPV ?H any other j B virtue of deed of -t t datod tfoThas' been Itin thise&v f Book 107, Page 214 War Court of Warren County for the pur- irTen ReVT' 1 n th 3 ? pose of selling real estate belonging i Jan- 19. sell, xor cash, at public to the late John Alston to make as- auction, m Warrenton, N. C, at 12 sets. The said parties wil appear be- ' Lot No- 12 MaP recorded m Book bore the Clerk of the Superior Court , 84 PaSe 46. being lot situated m col of Warren . Count v on or before the'ored section town of Norlina. 23 day of December, 1922, and answer j This Dec. 12, 1922. or demur to the complaint filed in ' B. B. WILLIAMS, Trustee. the "cause, or the relief demarulsd therein will be granted. This the 23rd day of November. 3922. JOHN D. NEWELL. Clerk Superior Court. ll-24-4tcbbw. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND - i County in Book 109, at Page 479, de- Under and by -virtue of the power fault having been made in the pay and authority conferred on me by a mSnt of the debt therein secured, on certain Deed of Trust executed to me reciuest . of the holder of the same, by J. II. Smiley ar.d wife, Jennie T. miley, on the 20th. day of March ' 1920 and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Warren County, State of North, Carolina, in Book 111, Page 2, default having been made in i the payment of the bonds secured by said Deed of Trust, as therein provid- : I will at 12 o'clock . M., on the 16th day of January, 1923, sell at. the Court House door-h": Warrenton, N. C. at public auction, to the highest bid dre for cash, that certain tract of land in Warrenton Township, War ren County, State o'f North Carolina, bounded as follows: On the West by the lands of W. W. Taylor and on the South by old road, and on the East by the lands of the Over by Es tate and on the North by the lands of S.- G. Wil on. Beginning at h lav key Oak on the East bank of Reedy Creek- at tho crossing of the Suck Springs road, thence along said Pond South 33 West 69 Poles 1 Link South 79 West 50 polca 7 links to a stone in Overbv line, thenoe alon said line North 7 poles 17 linns to a stone; thence North (5 1-2 YTest 156 poles, 12 links to a stone.. Price and Fletcher corner, thence North 71 1-2 East 62 Poles 15 Links to a Maple on the East bank of Reedy Branch, John B. Pow ell Corner, thence down said creek as it meanders to the beginning, contain ing 102 1-2 Acres, more or less. This December 12. 1022. B. It. PALMER, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred upon me by a certain Deed of Trust executed to me bv Rosa E. Alston, Sam E. Alston, Willie E. Alston and Walter E. Als ton, .bearing date January 1, 191! and recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds o:: Warren County, North Carolina, in Book 99, page 341, default having been made in the pay ment of the Bonds therein described and thereby secursd, I will, at the re- quest of the owner and holder oi saia Bonds, sell at 12 o'clock, Mv on the lUh dav of January, 1923, at public auction, at the Court House Door m Warrenton, N. C.; to the highest Did der for cash, the tract of land con- veyed to me .by said Deed oi iiusl, lying and being in Shocco Township, Warren County, iNortn taiumw, bounded as follows: Beginning near an old Mill mm oa Rich Neck Creek, and running thence North 86 1-4 degrees East 22b leet to a Stake, thence South 24 1-2 degrees East 1657 feet to a Pile of Rocks, thence South 26 3-4 degrees East 384 o nod Forked Elm. thence or tVience alone: Eerert 24 3-4 degrees East 3830 feet to a Stone, thence North 74 degrees Wrest 1210 feet to Rich Neck Creek, thence up Rich Neck Creek, as it meanuers, to the Beginning, Containing loo acres, more or less. This the 11th ds.y of December 1922. TASKER POLK?, chff-whd. Trustee. South -59 1-2 degrees East 1U40 ieex to a dead Sassafrass, Egerton's corn- on s line iNortn ntay vv . , if 5 W f i 5- tV- ( ll 2 vi . TRUSTEE'S SALE By powc.r conferred on me bv Deed of Trust recorded in Book 99 Page 235, executed by T. S. and Bettie B . beginning at Shearin's. corner, thence ; S. W. (p 1) L. to R. J. Davis' line; jthen 53P to white oak: then S. E. 32P 12L. to road; then to beginning con-' taining 7 1-2 acres. This Dec. 1 1922. B. B. WILLIAMS, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE. FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue of the power contained in a Deed of Trust executed by J. A. ;Meecler and wife, M. II. Stone and E. ; Y. Kittrell recorded in the office of I the P.egister of Deeds of "Warren I shall sell for cash, by public auction,' at - , the Poplar Mount door in Warren Countv. 3 miles North of Eidsrewav. on the' 13th day of Januarv, 1923.f the following described property: It is the tract of land known as the Weldon N. Edwards place, bounded by the la-mis of Dr. T. J. Holt, L. M. Kil- ian, J. W. Mavlield and others and containing Two Hundred acres more or less. One quarter acre for a cem etery excepted. This land will be offered in parcels and as a whole, with right in the-trus-tee "to accept the best bid. December 8th, 1922. B. B. WILLIAMS. Trustee. iy virtue of the power conferred anon me by that certain Deed of l executed by Richard Kearney wiftv dated the 5tK day -of Nov. and recorded in Book 114, Page . . ,-i dii'.l 1 ; . ) 1 2;o, Warren Ilcg istry, I will, on the A GIFT THAT f. . XT? v. 4 '1 Vl! 4t . ' : l Uy. s "x" I THE WARREN RECORD ($1.50 the year) Provides enjoyment long after most gifts are forgotten. A weekly reminder of the g rood wish of the giver. A clean newspaper that the whole family will enjoy. . ' Send The Warren Record to your boy 1 1 or girl off at school. I from home. . Waitin re1 - ' i " . x : : -, : .:-.:''.-j-S-. t V'.' V.".''v.,,AV.V.'S'J I 4 8th clay of January, 1923, sell for cash to the highest bidder "Lot No. 32, colored section of Norlina, sold to said Kearneys by H. C. Fleming, and Lot io. 33 soici to ivearnevs bv Delia same being present home- Kearneys above mentioned. - ec. 4, 1922. H. C. FLEMING, Trustee. bbw. Notice of Summons by Publication North Carolina, Warren County, Warrenton Township. L. R. Cooper vs Augye M. Cooper The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against said . Defendant on the 20th day of November, 1922, by John D. Newell, Clerk of the Superior Court, of Warren County, North . Carolina, which Summons is returnable before the said Clerk of the Superior Court at his office at Warrenton in said .County on the 11 day-ofDecember. 1922, when and where the defendant is required to appear, and answer or demur to the Complaint or the relief demanded will be granted. This suit is brought for divorce for the cause set out in the Complaint now filed in the office of Clerk Superior Court of Warren County. This Nov. 20, 1922.- JOHN D. NEWELL, Clerk Superior Court. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. Under and by, virtue of the power and authority conferred on me by a certain Deed of Trust executed to me by Henry Davis and wife, Mary Davis, and Frank Davis on the 21 day of March 1919. which Deed of Trust is recorded in the Office -of the Regis ter of Deeds of " Warren County, North Carolina, in Book 104, Page 223, default having been made in the Bond therein described "and thereby secured, at the request of the owner and holder of said Bond, I wdll sell at the Court House Door of said "War ren County to the highest bidder for cash, on the '23 day of Dec. 1922 at 12 o'clock M. the following decribed Parcel or Tract of land lying in Fishing- Creel? Township. Warren County: Begin N. E. Corner Tackson Tract Land thence South 10 degrees West 18 C 75; thence South 71 degrees 26 C SO L to Buffalo Creek; thence up creek- 21 C 32 L; thence North 71 de grees "Svest taining 'l acres. inns .nov. z;, ivzi. ' T. B. WILLIAMS, Trustee, j LASTS THE V ?3 '4 1 K4 ',.'9 '4 S5 '4 5 It is "just like a letter - TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of a-athority conferred on me'by a certain Deed of Trust execuated to e on mthe 23 day of Februaiy- 1921, by Junius Ingram and Lizzie Ingram, his wife, which Deed is recorded in the Office cf the Register of Deeds of Warren County, N. C, Book 111, Page 290, default having been made in the Bonds there in described and therein secured, at the request of the holder of the Bonds, I .will sell for cash, at auc tion to the highest Bidder, at the Court Door at Warrenton, 2. C, on the 2G Day of December 1922 at 12 o' clock M. the following described par cel or tract of -land situated in Nut bush Township, Wavren County: Bounded on the North by the lands of Dock Davis; On the East by the lands of Francis Davis; On the South by Fishing Creek and on the West by lands owned by Dr. Peete, known as the Carroll "Land, containing (40) Forty Acres more or less. . This 25th day of November, 1922. B. B. WILLIAMS. Trustee. - TRUSTEE SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of authority conferred on me by a certain Deed of Trust executed-to me on the 23rd day of April 1921, by Henry E. Whitte more, Dora Whittemore,' his wife, and K. W. Whittemore, which Deed is registered in Office of the Register of Deeds of Warren County, N. C, Book 114, Page 120, default having been made in the payment of the a vo0f if fh T,oiHo. Bonds, at the request of the holder of the Bonds, I will sell for cash, at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House Door in Warren ton, N. C. on the 26 day of December, 1922 at 12 o'clock M. the following described parcel or tract of land, situ ated in Hawtreee Township, Warren County: Bounded on the North by the lands formerly owned by Dr. Fleming known as the Broadwater Tract; On the East by the road leading from Henry Weaver's to Oakville: On the South by the lands of Sue King and on the West by the lands of Jim Harris con taining (49). Forty-Nine ac?"-3 more or less and being the sa.iie lands bought from James O'Mary by John W. Whittemore and since bought by the aforesaid Whittemores. This 25 day of Novebmer 1922. B. B. WILLIAMS, Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having "qualified as administrator upon the estate of Paul Watson, late of Warren County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to me, properly verified, on or before Nov. 25, 1923, or his notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to me. This November 20, .1922. G. W. SLEDGE, Administrator, Littleton, N. C. Is " " '" "' " I RUNABOUT New Price I 1 . P";J - 1 1 II 01 A- i I 1 rj: vfi J? i II - p. O. B. DETROIT l - - i - -' . v.rtfV I HI B i Where can you find a greater value than the Ford Run about at this new low price? We believe, without question, that it is the most economical means of transportation sales men can employ. Time-saving absolutelvdependablo travel at the minimum cost. Terms if desired. ROYD-GILLAM MOTOR COMPANY TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of authority conferred on -me by a certain Deed of Trust executed to me "on the 27 day of April, 1921 by W. IL Hopkins, which Deed is recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Warren County, N. C, Book .114, Page 119, default having "l)een made in the Bonds therein described apd thereby secured, at the request of the holder of the Bends, I will sell for cash, at pubiic auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House Door at Warren ton, N. C, on the 26 day of Decebemr, 1922 at 12 o'clock M. the following described parcel or tract of land situ ated in Hawtree Township, Warren County: . Joining the lands of Davis, C. W. Walker, R. B. Davis and Pullman' containing (11) eleven Acres more or less. See Deed Books 66 and 67 pages 38 and 422, Office Register of Deeds of "Warren County. This Nov. 25 1922. B. B. WILLIAMS, Trustee. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. By power conferred on me by an order issying from the Superior Court oi warren County, I will, on "the 13 V ,0iUec' J,922' . at 2 M at the vuuiu xxuuse .uoor in warrenton, in. C, sell for cash, the late Ras Towns tract of land lying on the West side if "r,31 m:n ti j cr ii. r- Q ert , V 11 A J?? u? X1 j fetf?T fte'Arh S' ?' Smiths land and East of John Parks Acres, situated one- mile South of Manson. B. B. WILLIAMS, Commissioner. This 22 day of Nov. 1922. -4tschg bbwT. FORECLOSURE SALE. By virtue of the power contained in a Deed in Trust executed by Ed ward Henderson and wife Annie Hen derson on Jan.l, 1920, recorded in tha office of the Register of Deeds of War ren County in Book 110, at Page 7, default having been made in the pay ment of the debt therein secured, on request of the holder of the same, I shall sell for cash, by public auction, at the Court House door in Warren ton, N. C, to the highest bidder, on the 27 day of December, 1922 the fol lowing described property: Begin at a planted Post on the North side of an old road John Ed ward's corner, thence along said Ed ward's line N. 143 3-5 poles to a stone, Edward's corner, thence N. 8 23-4 W. 54 poles to a stake Thomas Plum mer's corner, thence along said Plum mer's line S. 145 3-5 poles to a stake in aji old Road, thence along said Road S. 86 3-4 E. 54 poles to the be ginning, containing Forty-Nine (49) acres more or less. EDISON T. HICKS, Trustee. Henderson, N. C, November 16, 1922.

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