A MERRY CHRISTMAS THE WARREN RECORD A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR PAGE FIVE TUT rut THAT AlO WACY . MOM YOU PO JAiP OA A WAtPOW THAT WAV. I'LL SHOW u-r a ciiw LI6HT SWEET HOME M THE RIGHT YOU MOW place'ul Pa WOM HABIT VSLi PCJNT IT FOR. f OU- FROM .w. f HUSBAND 9T ON PA HiT CiGASi ASHES Oaj "THE NEW Oscar gets his hand in. Terry Gilkison e ACT O CASTE I FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1922 A KNOW HOW- IT - I 1& UUCH; y - l k GTAY5 UP WHEN I 1 j . - - - :"X P. V - III - V- PERSONAL MENTION Mr. L. C. Witherspoon wiir pend the Christmas season with his family at Roanoke Rapids. Mr. J. N. Hart will spend Christ mas in Statesville with Mrs. Hart. Mr. Lloyd Wood was a pleasant visitor here this week. Mr. McRobert Booth of Winston Salem will be in the city for Christ mas. Miss Mary Garland Allen, en route to her home in New York from Pine hurst, was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Burwell the first of the week. Miss Annie Burwell has returned to Warrenton after spending several days at Pinehurst. While there Miss Burwell won a prize for markman ship in a contest between the guests of various hotels. Mr. James Y. Kerr of the Universi ty of North Carolina is at home for the holidays as a guest, in the home of Judge and Mrs. John H. Kerr. Mrs. J. E. Waddill has returned to Carthage after visiting her sister, Mrs. H. B. Porter at the Parsonage. Mr. John Henderson of the Uni- versitv of North Carolina is at home for the holiday season. Mr. M. J. Davis ot lllianiston is spending the Christmas holidays in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis. Miss Lillie Belle Dameron left on Tuesday- afternoon for New York City where she will spend the Christ mas vacation as a guest of her sister, "Miss L. Josephine Dameron. Mr. Bill Patterson of Davidson Col lege spent Wednesday night in War renton with Mr. Jean Booth. Mr. Patterson was en route to his home in Littleton. Mrs. Howard F. Jonse was a visi tor in Henderson this week. Miss Emily Hilliard is spending the holidays wth her parents, Mr. and " Mrs. B. C. Hilliard. Mr. John Allen Hilliard of Wake Forest is spending the holiday sea son in the city. Dr. T. J. Taylor has returned home after attending the Baptist State Con vention. . Miss .Lois Draper, who has been teaching school at Boardman, is a. guest of her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Draper. Mr. Leon Draper of Baltimore is spending the Christmas holidays in Warrenton. Mr. Edgar Williams, a dental stu dent of Baltimore, is spending the holiday season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Williams of the Fork. Mrs. Katherine P. Arrington has returned home after a visit to Wash ington and New Yprk. Mr. Van Wyche Williams df Greens boro was in Warrenton this week. Messrs. William A. and Harwell Burwell of Raleigh will arrive this week to spend Christmas here. Mr. G. B. Gregory and daughter, Miss Katharine, are visiting in Rich mond. Mr. John H. Newell of Trinity Col lege is at home for the Christmas holidays, and was shaking hands with friends Tuesday. Mr. Hal T. Macon, who has a posi tion with the State "Highway Com mission, is at home for the Yuletide season. Mr. Russell Palmer, who has been living for some time in Halifax, mov ed this week to Norlina. Miss Sue Williams left yesterday for Philadelphia where she will be join ed by Miss Alice Vaiden Williams of Greensboro. After a visit to relatives there they will go to New York for a few days. Miss Hattie Connell is at home from ' Spartanburg for the holidays. She is a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Connell. Mr. Forrest G. Miles of Winston Salem spends the Christmas holidays here with his- mother, Mrs. M. J. i Miles. , , Mrs. Jack Scott of Edgewood was in town yesterday afternoon. Messrs. Tvl. and E. E.' Gillam leave on Saturday night for Morganton to! spend the Christmas holidays with relatives and friends. Mr. Douglas Henderson of Phila delphia is at home for the holiday season. Mr. Charley Herrin of Ridgeway was a visitor in town yesterday. Mr. Robert Fleming of New York is a guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Fleming. Mr. Frank P. Hunter, a medical student at Chapel Hill, is in Warren ton for the holiday season. Friends of Mr. Roger Dowtin, who is in the employ of the State Highway Commission, are pleased to see him in town. Mr. Robert Broom of State College is spending the holiday season with his sister, Mrs. J. Edward Allen. The Rev. R. H. Broom of Roanoke Rapids is a Warrenton visitor for the holidays. Mr. A. J. Boyd of Rosemary is a Christmas visitor to relatives and friends in the city. Miss Dorothy Walters, who has been in school at Converse, Spartan burg, S. C, is a guest of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. N. Walters. Mr. Roy Edwards of Macon High ocnooi nas returned to ms nome in Pttt County to spend the Christmas holiday with his parents. Mr. O. W. Felts of Merry Mount was in Warrenton yesterday and re newed his subscription to The War ren Record. Mr. Fletcher Bobbitt of Macon was in town on business yesterday. Mr. B. D. Wright of Macon R. F. D. was a business visitor in Warrenton yesterday. Air. u lliam J. Boyd was a visitor here yesterday. Miss Olivia Burwell. who has been attending school at Spartanburg, S C, is a guest of her mother, Mrs William A. Bui-well. Mr. M- H Hayes of Wise was' in town this - week. Miss Janice Fleming has returned to Warrenton after a visit to friends in South Carolina. Messrs. Jack Scott and Spencer Scott were visitors in Norfolk this week. Mr. W. M. Baird. who has been ab sent for some time in New York, is here for the holidays. The friends of Mrs. M. C. Winston welcome her return from the hospital. Miss Mary Cozart is spending the Christmas season with her parents in Stem. Mrs. Dick Hight leaves on Monday for Franklinton where she will visit relatives,! Miss Annie Joe Lancester of E. C. T. T. School of Greenville is at home for the holidays. Miss Maria Graham of the faculty of the E. C. T. T. School- of Green ville is in the city. Miss Lucy Katharine Tucker of St Mary's, Raleigh, was in town this week en route to her home at Palmer Springs. Mr. Nat Hayes of Crafton, Pa, is spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and "Mrs. M. H. Hayes at Wise. Mr. Will Price was a visitor in Macon on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Price and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Price Jr. .of Kingsport, Tenn,, arrive in Warrenton Christmas for a visit in the home of their parents, Capt. and Mrs. E. C. Price. President Alexander Webb of the North Carolina Home of Raleigh is confined to an Atlanta sanatorium fol lowing the setting of a knee which was broken in a recent accident. Mr. Will Bell of the Majestic Range sales force is with Mr. W. A. Miles this week. The friends of Mr. Bell wecome his return to Warrenton for the Christmas season. Mr. J. J. Tarwater left yesterday for a short visit to Richmond. Mr. John H. Kerr Jr., a law student at Wake Forest, is in Warrenton for the holidays Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Ccok will welcome their arrival in Warrenton on Saturday from Wash ington City. Mr. and Mrs. Cook will be the guests of the H. F. Jones family for several days. Mr. John H. Fleming was in town yesterday on, business. Miss Tempe Boyd, who has been attending school at Randolph Macon Woman's College, is a guest in the hcme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Boyd. Miss Delia Wickeiv left yesterday for Greensboro to spend the Christ- j last week making a mas holidays with 'her sister, Mrs. J. T. Champion. Mr. Will Martin of Epson was here well for Mr. T. D. Blair. Mr. W. H. Boyd is in Warrenton for the Christmas holidays. Miss Evelyn Anderson, who has been in Rowland in attendance upon the Litch-Townsend wedding, will re turn home for the Christmas holidays. Friends of Mr. James K. Polk of the University are pleased to have him in Warrenton for the holidays. Mr. Charles Anderson will spend Christmas with his relatives in Mor ganton.. Mrs. J. E. Rooker and Miss Alice Rooker were' visitors in Henderson on this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Myers and lit tle son. are spending the holiday in Brookneal. Va. Miss Beulah Dempster is spending the Christmas holidays with her par ents in Kershaw, S. C. " Mr. and Mrs. F. C King and Mrs. James C. Moore were in Henderson on Wednesday afternoon. Messrs. Ed. Hicks and J. P. Scoggin were business visitors in Louisburg this week. - ! The friends of Miss Mary Burwell are pleased to welcome her to War renton from Sullins College, Bristol, Va-Tenn. Miss Burwell -is at the home of her parepts, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Burwell. Miss Gladys Gordy left on .Thurs day for Salisbury, Maryland, to spend the holidays season with her par ents and friends. Messrs. Dock Loyd and-Exurn) Clark were callers at this office on Monday, Mr. Clark, whose home is in Hollis ter, has just returned froni"England. He left New Orleans on The West Imboden in August andhis trip took him to Scotland, 'England, and the coast of France. Mrs. J. A. Hulsey spent Monday in Henderson shopping. Dr. Packard of Norlina made a professional visit in town a few days ago. Mrs. Vann Dortch expects to spend a few days during the Christmas holidays with her mother, Mr. Moss near Littleton. We wish "The Warren Record" and its many readers a very happy Christ mas. CLASSIFIED ADVTS. Notice Taxpayers. Those having tax receipts whose land, was advertised for sale through error, will please present them to the Board of Commissioners that proper credit may be given. D21-22 JOHN L. SKINNER Chm. DON'T LET Your Radiator Freeze use denatured alcohol. 75c. per gallon. HICKS SERVICE STATION. FOR SALE Thirty-three acre farm 1-2 mile of Warrenton. Farm is in excellent state of cultivation. Will make a bale of cotton or ten barrels of corn per acre. A five room house and an acre lot on the edge of town goes with farm. Priced very low for quick sate. Apply P. O. BOX 74, W'arren ton, N. C. - nov-24 BIG LOT Room-size Rugs just in at - ALLEN & FLEMING CO. ALLEN & FLEMING CO. ALLEN & FLEMING CO. are show- ing this week some of the best values of the season in Ladies' Coats. Call early while we have your size. VERY NOBBY STYLES Men's Dress Shirts at ALLEN & FLEM ING CO. FOR SALE Several Young Horses and mules that we have taken in and will sell cheap. ll-17tfc. ROGERS & HUNTER. CLASSY STYLES in Young Men's Suits and Overcoats at ALLEN & FLEMING CO. FOR SALE SETTER BIRD DOG, well broke, fast hunter, good retriever. HAYWOOD DAVIS, Warrenton, N. C. DON'T MISS those bargains in Ladies coats; brand new styles and cheap, too. ALLEN & FLEMING CO. 666 Cures Malaria, Chills and Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever. m ir; FOR SALE Cheap Ford Roadster. HAY'WOOD DAVIS, Press Pub. Co., City. No Service at Prospect the 5th Sunday There will rbe no service at Pro, spect Church on the 5th Sunday in December. J. T. DRAPER. . MANSON ITEMS. ANNOUNCING the opening of a Clean, Sanitary Dairy under per sonal supervision. Rich,- creamy milk, -delivered . to your home . for 15c. quart. ,Customers wanted. ARMSTEAD DOWTIN, City. NICE FRESH Home Raised Celery pulled as you need it for your hol iday table. Notify WILLIAM PERRY", City. 15-2tc. m m m m m m m m Let us Turn From The Talk OF INSURANCE To The Since Assurance That We Appreciate Your Business And Wish For Each of You A Merry Christmas A Prosperous New Year WATSON & WITHERSPOON 1 Representing the Insurance Company of North America Founded 1792 (Successors to The H. T. Macon Agency) Office In Telephone Bldg Phone 43 Warrenton, N. C. FOR SALE Dry Pine & Oak Wood. Mr. John Hanselman of Emrioria, j ltc. M . P. BURWELL JR. Va., was a pleasant visitor to his peo ple here recently. Miss Sue Watkins wTho is teaching at Weldon was in town' some days ago as the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. V. Fleming. Mesdames J. B. and WB. Brack, and Miss Thelma Brack spent Mon day in Henderson. Born To Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wil liams a son on Thursday the 16, Ed ward Lee. Mr. and Mrs. J.-D. Ghampion visited in the home of Mr. Louis Daeke at Ridgeway a few days ago. Masters W. C, and Benjamin Mar tin of Sanford will visit in the home of their Aunt, Mrs. Vann Dortch thisj week, v Misses Arnie and Minnie Wilson j spent Sunday night with relatives at , Norlina. Mrs. Cumby of Littleton is spend ing this week with her daughter, Mrs.,GREAT yALUES in Men's Overcoats COAL! COAL! Car Coming. Leave your orders with JACKSON & TUCKER, City. ltpd. AN UMBRELLA Makes an Appro priate Christmas present, and we have just received some brand new styles. ALLEN & FLEMING CO. FARM FOR RENT Large dwelling, good stable , and tobacco barns, near Macon. This is splendid land. Ap ply to 'Box- 47, Macon, N. C. 4w. BIG LOT of Ladies' Coats just receiv ed from TSfew York. Very cheap at ALLEN & FLEMING CO. FOR SALE Two well-located lots in residential section of Warrenton,' size 56x150 feet each. Good sites for) new buildings. Apply P. O. BOX "74, Warrenton. nov-24 js fja re rue; vs r! r- rj2 rjs pj me ys? rjs iuh "-"2 an! srO Sni sre r. srO SfO stj sn sjD stj si! si- au sni art sni an. 2Tj a- a sru SrS S13 arj a2 aru arc an; arJ su sr. z -z m m . - am m m m m m m (liT; 33 m m m aft cilll J. A. PIPKIN Jeweler Warrenton, N. C At this Yuletide season expresses his appreciation to the public for their business ' And wishes every one a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. B. F. Williams. Mr. E. L. Hecht and family of Nor lina visited in town recently at ALLEN & FLEMING Don't fail to see them. CO - DON'T LET YOUR RADIATOR FREEZE Alcohol 75c. a Gallon (No Container) BOYCE DRUG CO; Warrenton, N. C. FOR SALE: Farm two miles or less from Warrenton, on good road. Variety of soil, good state of cultiva tion, tobacco barn, good pasture, more tWnn pnoiiph cord wood to nay for I i txr txr m a VT nD fH-ir place. VV VV . iniuvn, viKj. NICE ASSORTMENT Bath Robes, Ties and Hosiery, also most com- FOR LUMBER, BUILDING MATERIAL AND HARDWARE Sent Us Orders. You get it quick and its right in Quality and Price. C. D. RAY & SON Oxford, North Carolina, rp.r rn nn rrri rpr rpn 'T'n rpnipfun 1 "T5 r"J5 US "JS"-T5 la.aJj2nia.Tia.Ti m m m m m m (LTH aiafl arfla.nsuc?j isia - To My Patrons And Friends Accept my best wishes for A Merry Christmas . and w A Bright, Prosperous New Year "Your kind co-operation has contributed materially my success and I appreciate it most cordially. R. REGISTER "Watch Norlina Grow" Norlina, N. Cf to A m m s m mm -v X

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