I I PAGE 6 gutmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmi / | Society i i i I Items f'? WHAT DO WE SEE? What do we see as we till the soil, Is it sweat and dirt and grime; ,Or do we see there A picture more fair, A vision of bud and fruitage time? Do we see there fields of ripening grain, Catch the breath of the clover bloom; Or is it just soil And unending toil A9 we fellow the plow at noon? Do we see there bread for a hundred homes As we crumble the furrow's sod, ,See the teeming life With which earth is rife; Or do we see there only a clod? It is what we see as we till the soil, J 1 *"" 1 fVia r?l /-vH Mrs. R. B. Boyd, Jr. left Sunday for Richmond, to be with Mrs. R. B Boyd, Sr. at St. Lukes hospital. Mrs. Boyd's friends will be glad to know that she has recovered sufficiently to be able to return home. Mr. R. B. Boyd accompanied them home on Thursday. Mr. Norvell Palmer of Hookerton was in town on Wendesday. Mrs. Louis Scoggin and sons, William and Herbert of Louisburg spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Kate Williams. Miss Baoe uayior 01 uurnam ana New York is visiting in the home of Mrs. Prank Allen. Mrs. Edgar Brantley of Wendell spent a few days this week with Mrs John Garrett. Mrs. W. A. Miles and daughter, Sarnh, visited Mrs. M. L. Haskins at Stem on Sunday. Mr. William Hester and sisters, Elizabeth and Katie Lee, visited their aunt in Stem Sunday. Miss Mary Frances Rodwell has returned home after spending several weeks in Louisburg. Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Bobbitt and daughter, Bettie, and Miss Annie Bobbitt of Raleigh spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bobbitt, of Axtelle. Mrs. Roy Perkinson of Wise shopped in town Tuesday. .Miss Elizabeth Taylor left Tuesday for Durham where she will viuit Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boyd. Mrs. Lucy Williams spent several rlc.vfe vAnAnflir TonlroAM nHfVr hor Ul.Jfo 1 UWVli VAj m i/(tvaovit n*v*4 4?v4 daughter, Mrs. Wilkins Lewis. Dr. Ivey Allen of Bloomsfield, N. J., is visiting his brother, Mr. Gerald Allen, of Warrenton. Messrs. W. H. Riggan, Prank Series, Jr., and Dr. G. H. Macon were visitors in Kinston on Tuesday. Mr. M. C. Johnston of Norlina was here this week. Solicitor Sam Daniel of Littleton and High Point was here Monday. Misses Pauline and Eunice Simons cf Colerain are visiting their sister Mrs. T. R. Tunstall. Mrs. Tom Hawkins and Miss Sarah Hawkins of Charlotte spent several (jays recently with Misses Annie Warrenton, North Carolina ine iuig ucjouu i/w. That lightens our task And leads us at last Into closer communion with God. Miss Alice Cole of Richmond is I visiting Miss Anne Burwell. Mr. Charles Ray RodweH of Phil-1 adelphia spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. IP.. Rodwell. { Mrs. John Mitchell and daughter Fairfax, are spending several weeks at Virginia Beach. Mrs. Malvern Hayes and Miss Lallah Perkinson of Wise shopped in tcwn Tuesday. Mrs. Ed Bullock who is spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Brame in Macon was in town Monday. Mrs. Walter C. Burroughs and children of Afton were in town Mon. day. Mrs. M. M. Drake and son, John Drake and Mr. Roy Smithwick spent Sunday in Rocky Mount with Mrs. Mary Smithwick who is improving after undergoing a serious | operation in Park View Hospital. Mrs. Ed Powell and daughter, Caroline shopped here Monday. Mr. Numa Weaver is improving after an appendicitis operation in Maria Parham. hospital. Henderson. Mr. R. D. Perkinson of Raleigh was in town Tuesday. Misses Mabel Davis and Louise) Allen and Messrs. Gerald Allen andj Davis Egerton spent Sunday with relatives in Cxford. Mrs. H. C. Painter who has been a guest in the home of Mrs. E. S.j Ailen left Sunday for Oxford. Miss Sue White Massenburg who is attending summer school at N. C. C. W. spent the week end at home. Mrs. Claude Bowers and daughter, Mary C? left Wednesday for Morehead City to join Capt. Bowers who Is in charge of Co. B. at Camp Glenn for the usual summer encamDment. 11 News * and Lucy Hawkins who accompanied them back to Charlotte for a visit. Mrs. Baker of Greenville and Mrs. Davis of Kinston after visiting Mrs. Roy Davis for a week returned home Friday. Mrs. Roy Davis returned to Greenville with Mrs. Baker for a visit. Mr. Harry Williams of Grand Rapids, Mich , arrived in Warrenton Saturday for a stay of several weeks. Miss Margaret Graves of New York visited her mother, Mrs. Matile Graves this week. Mr. and Mrs. Erskine Clements of Henderson were visitors in the home nf Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burton Sun day. Mr. William Davis of Detroit, Mich, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burton. Miss Betsy Peay of Chester. S. C. is visiting in the home of Misses Lucy and Edith Burwell. Miss Elizabeth Allen of Oxford spent Wednesday in the home of Misses Lucy and Edith Burwell. Mrs. R. T. Brown and children of Anderson, S. C., are guests of Mrs. A. B. Crosland at Hotel Warren. Mrs. J. L. Newsome and children have returned to Raleigh after spending several days in the home of Mrs. Newsome's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Frazier, of Warren Plains. They were accompanied to Raleigh by Mrs. Frazier and daughters, Miss Ella White and Pattie. Miss Ella White remained in the capital city for a week's visit with her sister. Mrs. W. A. Newell of Palmer Springs, Va., and Mrs. Clay Newell and young daughter, Alice Long Newell, of Wilson were visitors at Warrenton yesterday. Friends will be glad to know that Furney Rivers, who has been ill at his home here for some time, is improving. Mr. Kenneth Loyd, who has been working at Greensboro for several months, spent the week end here with his people. He departed on Sunday ror Baltimore wnere ne nas accepted a position. Mr. John P. Reid has returned to his home at Littleton after spending three weeks here with his son, Mr. H. P. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Jackson and children of Rocky Mounut spent the Fourth in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Reid. Miss Frances Reid is spending the week end with her grandfather near Littleton. Misses Ruby Lee, Maywood and Gladys Modlin are spending several days with relatives in Smithfield, Va. Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Todaro of New Orleans, La., Miss Reba Minor of Macon, Ga., and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Codova and little son of Raleigh spent several days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond * r- Jl.!? iviuuiin. Mr. Raymond Modlin and the| Misses Ruby Lee, Maywood and you need j no longer / am be told */? jk Jjj that you /{j /m expensive lmk a aaaa to EEE-S.;:?s I to 12^1 mmr jt? fl[ flMflP5r dated ! Coa?t-toWarren fon Warrei THE V im;m??i?numnminmnniumiminiE and Even ? - - - ? -a 1 . f i Gladys Moann motorea 10 cvwk,j s Mount on Monday of this week. I | Messrs. C. M. Jones and Curtis Gardner of Smithfield, Va., spent r Wednesday of this week with Mr. e and Mrs. Raymond Modlin and family. d Mr. and Mrs. Martin Davis and s children are spending several weeks at West End. e Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and t: children of Florida spent the week end here with Mr. Davis' parents, a Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis. a Miss Bessie M. Davis, who is attending Summer school at Chapel ^ Hill, spent the week end at her home here. , Miss Rie Alston was a visitor at ^ Richmond this week. Dr. John Donivan returned to Washington, D. C., after spending f a few days at Warrenton as the * guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Jones. y Miss Dorothy Walters, who has accepted a position as a librarian in * Wake Forest for the Summer, spent 11 Wednesday at home. Mr. Norman House of Enfield was * a dinner guest in the home of Mr. 1 and Mrs. G. R. S:coggin. * Misses Estelle Davis, Janet and ? Josie Hall were guests of Mr. and s Mrs. R. E. Williams at Inez Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burroughs 8 spent Sunday in Henderson. s Messrs. Ed Faulk Alston and Kearney Thompson of Inez were in 1 town Monday. ^ Mrs. Elizabeth Slade is spending this week with Mrs. Mationette ' Cassada and other friends in Lit- s tleton. Miss Blanche Burroughs of Afton * was in town Monday. c Misses Janet Hall, Grace and s Elizabeth Wagner spent Monday in 4 Roanoke Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Strickland I and children of Macon were in | town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood spent Friday at Ocean View. Miss Sarah Boyd of Townsville is a guest of Mrs. G. W. Poindexter. Miss Lucy Marshall Johnson of Raleigh was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. Ray Weston spent Monday at South Hill, Va. f Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smiley and Mrs. Numa Weaver were visitors in 7 Henderson Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Watson spent Tuesday in Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hunter and Miss Sallie Watson were dinner guests of Mrs. P. M. Stallings on Tuesday night. Mrs. Charlie Frazier and Mr. and Mrs. Fate Weaver visited Mr. Numa Weaver who is in a Henderson hospital. Miss Lallah Fitts Palmer who is attending Summer school at Chapel Hill spent the week end here with her mother, Mrs. Jeff Palmer. Mr. Hadley Weston of New Holland Is a guest of his brother, Mr. Ray Weston. Mrs. Jim Stanley and children spent several days recently in Tarboro. Mr. J. H. Duke of Kittrell and Mrs. Boston Jones of Elberon spent Enna Jettick / g\\ s every Sun- / / \ 1 P.M. (IE.S.T.) / / IV IZ and Asso- i I M Stations in a / I Jy Coast Broad- /A -r\ . Cw Your Friends, And $37 is only one of the unus tore. Our stocks are co is for anything you ma n't it in stock, we will g . T? !i... ^ ruriiiLUJ "Everything fo Credit ^ ^ mjm f^ll forth Carolina iiimnimuimiiiiiHiiiinniiHiinnuu /omen I1 I Roxboro arid Mary Howard Palmei of Macon. A red, white and blue color scheme was used throughout the house. Punch was served bj Misses LaLlah Palmer. Mary Drake won a string of beads in an "Independence!" contest and Nancy Bullock a Ik>x of bath buds in a pir contest. {Catherine Williams received a purse as prize in an advertising game. Matching 4th of Jul] caps for supper partners was another attraction and an amusing "pill' stunt was enjoyed. Red, white ant blue flowers adorned the tabl< where an ice course was served Miniature flags were presented a: favors to the 2<> girls present. NIGHT CLUB ENTERTAINED Mrs. Ma.tilde Graves delightfully entertained the South End nigh' club on Thursday night. The aousi was beautifully decorated with Summer flowers. Mrs. Howard Alstor received a box of Cara Nome fac< powder as ladies high score priz< and Mr. Al Williams received a dec! of cards ss gentlemen's high prize The low score prize, a book, "Th< *itAA nirtn TV*? T 1 yjxxiaiiy wao awaxucu x-rx. x. v Holt. A delicious ice course wai served. Those enjoying the occasior were Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Holt, Mr and Mrs. A. A. Williams, Mr. anc Mrs. V. P. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. How> ard Alston, Mr. and Mrs. L. 1 Beddoe, E.nd Mesdames R. J. Jone i tmrnmtitnttitttnniiMUMHiiuuuw The Cash Co., Inc., Off Men's Ithaki Pants, special t Men's Holeproof Hose, 50c ai or 15 pair for 75c. Men's Hose Supporters, Sing row Elastic, Your Choice, 19 When buying Men's or Boy Cash and Save the Different | THE CAS jj Sell for Cash for Less ing Value Of teanon |?j Attractive ) ibre Si Seats. Hand Wove And Comfort. A Suil Only L 4 ^ '.50 sua! values you will fi mplete and our prices ly need for the home, et it for you on short n re & Supp r the Home" / / j Warrenton, . jl uonion 111 \jaciA ttttmmnmiuumnMiimHmttaajl : .Katherine Arrington and guest, i^l ,1 Williamson, of New York, Missel 'J White Williams, and Messrs. Bet.! rlbert Alston and J. J. Tarwater 1 51 birthday celebrated i '1 Master Billy Boyce entertaiaJ 118 of his friends on Friday aft#.| 11 noon in honor of his 8th birthday! 'IMisses Mariam Boyd and Kj^l ' 1 Gillam and Master Fitzhugh R&jl 11 were winners of prizes in guesjJ I contests. Interesting games o! all .1 kinds were enjoyed. Bed, white 1 blue crepe paper and red flovr>\ !|and candles decorate - . , "? amitt 5 room. Miniature flags were sented each guest. Ice cream ? and candy were served. Billy?. ceived many gifts and best win* r JEFF PALMER ENTERTAINS t Honoring Ben Robinson Jr_ ; of Rev. B. C. Robinson of Hamlet - and guest of Paul Bell Jr., Jeffpjj. x mer "entertained at dinner on Tu*. ? day evening. A color scheme of m ; white and blue was carried out h c the dining room, with center^ . of exquisite red gladiolus, old bi* ? china, and white cloth. Jeff's guess were Ben Robinson Jr., Paul gg s Jr.. Jack Kidd, Weldon Mall Jr., ^ t John Drake. 1 Six fanners of Onslow coat; made a cooperative shipment j 3. lambs to eastern markets and? s, port fair prices, gSSSSSSSS S3SB tmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiinritiiiiiuaflBW er? For Week of July 14th, | ,o close out the lot, 89c. | id 60c values, fancy patterns, 39c | ;le or Dougle Grip, Wide or Nar- 8 c. pair. s* Wear, Shoes or Hosiery, Pay 8 re. iH CO., INC. Buy for Cash for Lass i???tm??Miiitmmiirimiiimiiiiiiin '1 | | H i lite m Fibre With te You Will Be - i- t | nd at b riffht.. If we p; lotice. r i/ )ly Co. ,. 1