PAGE 4 The Warren Rceord Published Every Friday by The Press Publishing Co. One Year for $1.5C HOWARD JONES, JR..... Edltoi 8IGNALL S. JON i5S Assiciate Editor That Justice May Ever Have A Champion; That Evil Stall Not Flourish Unchallenged. Entered at the Postofflcii at War. ran ton, North Carolina, i.inder Act at Oangrew of 1879. Pride goeth before a destrurtion, and a haughty spirit before a fall.?Proverbs 16:18. _ The lesson of life is to believe what the years and the centuries say against the hours. ?Ralph Waldo Emercon. FEE SYSTEM AND JUSTICE Far better that ten guilty - - ? j v persons should go iree, man that one. innocent person should be punished, is an axom of the law. We presume that most persons caught at a whiskey still are guilty of breaking the prohibition laws and as offenders should be punished as prescribed by the law. If this is not just and according to popular will, then the law should be changed. At the same time it is conceivable that an innocent i person may be caught by officers at a still. That is a| matter to be settled without' bias by our courts if the courts and the law are notj to be brought into disrespect. We hold that any fee system in the prosecution of I such person tends to defeat! impartial justice and for this reason we oppose it as a matter of principle. It is possible that every link in the chain that leads from the arrest to the verdict of judge is of pure gold and that self-interest will play no part in the final verdict. At the same time it is conceivable that one of these links may be just a little bit tarnished. And so it is within the realm of possibility that an innocent person may be arrested at a still and be brought before a magistrate for a preliminary hearing. The scales of justice are first brought into play here and evidence is weighed. If the defendant is freed, the officer is out just $25, the magistrate, loses his fees as well. Testimony and verdict * < *__ are subject to being miiuenced by personal interest in the first step of court procedure. After the magistrate has found probable cause and sent the case to the Recorder's Court, it is possible that the Solicitor may be inclined to believe that the accused is not guilty and take a nonsuit, but under the present system, if he does he will lose a $5 fee. It is upon the evidence of the arresting officer that the Solicitor will depend for conviction, and if this testimony is too favorable to the defendant the case will be lost. In that event the officer will be out $25; the solicitor $5, and the magistrate a few dollars costs in the case. Just so long as such s system exists not only wil be enacted a travesty upor justice whenever an accused is brought into court, but the guilty will be freed along with the innocent by juries whose members are citizens who see the pettiness, the shalm, the hypocrisy and in justice of it all, and the courts and the law will be dragged down another stej toward public contempt. There has been an epidemic o milk fever among cows in Pamlic Cc.unty. Six cows were sick in tw weeks time, says the county agent. Warren ton, North One Of The I KM A ># IlL im rnuS INLUriL B tax ReruM c re cSV/7 ! Public Pulse Readers are invited to contribute to this department. Articles should be written as briefly as possible. V j ' FOR TAX RELIEF Editor, Warren Record, Sir:?In your last issue you stated that any promise made by a candidate for the Legislature to economize 'should be disregarded," -and in the next column appeared a statement by me that I favored reducing expenses. I wish to substantiate my statement by the following facts. Everyone knows that my campaign two years ago was fcr economy and equalization, and I refer you to any member of the last Gen. eral Assembly to prove that I stuck .0 it truly and persistently, through all kinds of opposition for nearly five months, with as much zeal and earnestness as any one could and by it helped to get some tax relief. I refer you to the house Journal which shows accurately how every cne voted on every tax bill, so that you may have indesputable evidence as to how I voted upon these bills. It contains too many instances to even give the number of them here on the pages upon which they appear. I refer you to Senator Rod. well to prove that I proposed to him that we reduce the number of salaried officials of the county and the salaries of others and that he refused and stated that "he did not think there were too many officers or deputies or that they were getting too much." Had he agreed to it, you would be already convinced that I was honest abcut it. I refer you to Senate Bill No. 420 authorizing the commissioners of certain counties, Warren county included, to levy a special tax of five cents for certain purposes. See Senate Journal, pages 304, 313, 332, and 338. It passed the Senate Rod. well voting for it I refer you to public laws of 1932 chapter '41, page 756 to prove that Warren County was exempted from its provisions in the House, and 1 refer you to Mr. John L. Skinnei to prove that I had it done againsl his energetic lobbying in the House to get it through, for which he ha* upon several pubhc occasions denounced my conduct as a represen. tative. Now Mr. Editor I want you tc know, as you seem to doubt it, thai my promise is as gocd and sacrec as your oath. If I am elected to the next Gen. eral Assembly the laws of God anc the need and wishes of my fellow man as I understand them wil regulate my conduct as a representative. I want to say also that the devi has run politics so long, that anj one in position to . represent th< people, who falls to stand firmly I for economy land equalization ir this sad hour of distress and impo. 5 sition is a knave and traitor ant ought to be in prison. I will reply to your questionnaire before long if you will allow m< ' space. I I thank ycu. JOHN S. DAVIS, Macon, N. C. * ?i r EXPLAINS POSITION | Editor, The Warren Record Sir ' Last week's Record carried ar i article stating the amount paic t4- accc i optrumi wmucia. it &ai u iiav. been paid for the capture of eight' een stills and six men. Part of thi 5 amount was paid by the county % and afterwards paid by the defend ants. Then returned to the count; } cutting down the amount some. I think si xmen could not cove the number of men. We have { worked up cases and had Federa o men with us and caught men tha o the county never heard of. Th I article called attention to the fac Jk Deserving Poor $ <& . - 'I that two of the defendants were tiied in Federal court. It seems that some people do not like the idea of Federal Court. I do. It seems hard to draw a Jury in Warrenton that will convict a bootlegger I had a member of one jury to tell me that they did not doubt the defendant's guilt but did not like the way we caught him. (I suppose they meant with liquor on him). They found him J "Not Guilty." The $555 wa3 the amount that has been paid to m ydeputiea, my. self and others who helped uf from time to time. Claude Fleming has resigned as my deputy. Jesse j Shearin moved away. Cary Wilson will not work with me any longer.) John C. Davis will work with me from now on and whoever I may deputize when needed. I have been relieved of the privilege of appointing deputies in *-u ** fXTVi?rtrmv-itv s?Aiir+.a THa act mc vvaiiui uviutvj wm*?w> ? w that made me special officer says I had the same power and author, ity as the sheriff has. Now it has been said in court by our county attorney that the sheriff hag no right to appoint deputies to act when not with him unless ordered on the special occasion. Judge Taylor says he can find no laws that give him the right to do so. Now that my deputies have been disarmed why is it that nothing has been said or is being said of his deputies doing the same work. As for the feies paid, a sheriff's deputy gets $20.00 for capture of a still. Exactly the same as I get and he gets $20.00 for the capture of a man. Why is is so much more to pay me this fee than to pay the sher. | ill's deputies? It's not the amount it costs the county but the amount It costs the bootlegger. The Literary Digest poll says North Caro. | lina is dry. I am dry. never took a swallow ' of liquor in my life. I believe the majority of Warren county is dry. I would be dry if it wont. I don't 1 believe any good cornea from ' drinking and as I have the place ' I have, I am going to do all in my ; power against it. 1 do not believe there're so many people in Warren. ' ton for whiskey, only those that ; are, raise such a terrible howl. 3 Some few want it Just because it is whiskey. Some say it saved their lives when it ruined others Just as good, and some Just hate to give } up their morning (tea). t I have 13 months more and ex. 1 pect to carry out my duty to the best of my ability. Any help frcm the good dry people of Warijen ' countv will be erreatv appreciated. ' On account of sickness I have not been able to do any work since January, but from now on I expect to be out. I guess Warren rounty is the only county that can boast of the fact that a citizen has an officer tried in court for cairylng out the law. Some coop, eration with the officers. E. D. DAVIS, Special Prohibition Enforcement Officer for County of Warren. Seventy-five fanners from eight counties inspected 126 head of beef cattle fed at the Caledonia Prison farm tills winter, says J. B. Britt, Halifax County Agent. A meeting was held at the farm on the day . the cattle were shipped. i l What a Bladder Physic 1 Should do. Work on the bladder as castor oil on the bowels. Drive out ? . impurities and excess acids that cause irritation which results in Y getting up nights, frequent desire, burning, leg pains or backache. BUr KETS (5 gr. Tablets) is a! pleasant bladder physic. Get a 25c test box 1 from your druggist. After four days t if not relieved go back and get your *j money. You will feel good after this e cleansing and you get ycur regular :t sleep. Sold by Hunter Drug Co. . 't;v **? . - fe WARREN RECOR LEGAL NOTICES g th TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au. of thority conferred upon us by that ec deed of trust executed by Irene pi Ramsey and J. K Ramsay to Tas_ pj ker Pope. Trustee, dated May 1st, H 1923. registered in the office of the c Register of Deeds of Warren coun. vi ty in Book 115. p. 266, default hav. b ing been made in payment of the bonds thereby secured, I will, atifr the request of the owner and hold, j & er of part of the indebtedness se- ^ cured, sell at public auction to the a] highest bidder for cash at the in courthouse door of Warren county. G1 at noon on the 23rd day of May, 0i 1932, the following described tract ai of land in Warrenton township, Warren County, N. C.: a Beginning at a point on the C( West side of the Warren Plains ai road, H. M Kearney's corner, and ir running thence N. f E. 148 feet to the S.E .corner of Haywood's yard, h said Haywood's earner, thence ^ Westwardly along said Haywocd's n and B. B. William's lines N. 84 1-4 r( W. 1271 feet to a chopped White Oak on B. B .Willis ms line, thence along said Williams; line n. es w 21 342 feet to a chopped Red Oak on a a Branch, thence down said 5, [Branch as it meanders, 226 feet ^ to a Wire Fence, thence South s, 87 1-2 East about !625_feet to the J beginning, containing 7 acres more or less. This April 21st, 1932. WTLLIAM T. POLK and a FRANK H. GIBBS. Administrators of Tasker Polk, ? a22-4t Trustee. " h SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY b PUBLICATION Ci North Carolina, Warren County. In the Superior Count 11 Warren County, Plaintiff, " vs. 11 Robert Johnson and Mrs. Robert ^ Johnson. f The defendants, Robert Johnson " and Mrs. Robert Johnson are re- b quired to take notice that an ac. a tion, entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court I of Warren County, for the purpose I of foreclosing the lien of a certain | certificate of tax sale which was executed and delivered to the plaintiff, Warren Countjy by the Sheriff of said Warren County, N. IC., on June 2 ,1930, against certain land in Judkin Township, Warren Ccunty. North Carolina, listed in I the name of the defendant, Robert Johnson as of May 1, 1929, and described as "One store in Vaugh. an. Judkin Township, owned by listed in the name of Robert Johnson for 1929 taxes;" and the said defendants Robert Johnson and Mrs. Robert Johnson will further J take notice that they are required 2 ' to appear at the office of the Clerk ? of Superior Court jfor the Coun 1 ty of Warren, at the Court Housein Warrenton N. C., not later than thirty days after the 23rd day of April 1932 and answer or demur to the complaint, filed in said action or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the reliet demanded in the complaint. I This the 20th day of Ap:il, 1932 I W. K. NEWELL, i Asst. Clerk of 'the Superior Court. Julius Banzet, Attorney for Plaintiff a22-4t STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF . AUGUST 24, 1912, <5f The Warren Record published Weekly at Warrenton, N. C., for April 1. 1932. State of North Caro'lina, County of Warren. | Before met a Notary Public in and for the State and ccunty aforesaid, personally appeared Bignall Jones, who, having been duly sworn ac- 1 tent-dins- to law. deDoses and says 1 .' that he is the Manager of the Warjren Record and that the following 'is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, A n /-\bh beware of Look for the nam# Bayer and the word (enulna on the package as pictured below when you buy Aaplrin. Then you will know that you are getting the gtnulnt Bayer product thouaanda of phyalclana preaeribe. Bayer Aaplrin la SAFB, a* mil* ? ? v. I T* I BUUfl ?U IIIH U1VV J/iV?OU. IV uvw | Mi depreaa the heart, and no harm* ' fal after-effects follow ita use. -,;i Q Wam 12, embodied in section 411, Postal c iws and Regulations, printed on ( le reverse of this form, to wit: : 1. That the names and addresses ] ' the publisher, editor, managing : litor, and business managers are: I ablisher Press Publishing Commy, Warrenton, N. C. Editor 1 oward F. Jones Jr., Warrenton, N. . Managing Editor Bignall Jones, tarrenton, N. C. Business Manager ignall Jones, Warrenton, N. C. 2. That Che' owner is: (If owned y a corporation, its name and ad:ess must be stated and also im- ( lediately thereunder the names id addresses of stockholders own- i ig or holding one per cent or more ' itotal amount of stock. If not vned by a corporation, the names id addresses of the individual vners must be given. If owned by firm, company, or other unin>rporated concern, its name and Idress, as well as those of each idividual member, must be given.) Duke Jones, Enfield, N. C., oward F. Jones, Sr., Warrenton, . C., Howard F. Jones, Jr., War:nton, N. C., Bignall Jones, War niion, N. C. 3. That the known bondholders, lortgagees, and other security olders owning or holding 1 per ;nt or more of total amount of ands, mortgages, or other are: (If there are none, so ;ate.) W. R. Strickland, Warrenton, N. Citizens Bank, Warrenton, N. C. 4. That the two paragraphs next bove, giving the names of 'the ownrs, stockholders, and security hcldrs, if any, contain not only the st of stockholders and security olders as they appear upon the ooks of 'the company but also, in ases where the stockholder or ;curity holder appears upon the ooks of the company as trustee or 1 any ether fiduciary relation, the ame of the person or corporation i>r whom such trustee is acting, ;s iven; also that the said two pararaphs contain statements embrac. lg affiant's full knowledge and beef as to the circumstances and jtfves barber-shop as shovino 9 mm fnrrJ iVERY ACRE ot Wheat oata and rys in the county should have Korean Lcapedeea put In It In February or March. My yield last year was from 2 to 3 1-1 tons per acre. 1 hare the seed and will sell them for cash or for time( aa money It scarce) or will trade for ifva. stock cr farm commodities. My seed are as good as the best and price cheap as the cheap?;t. Warren County Seed and Stock Farm i. a DAVIS, Manages VARICOSE VEINS Healed By New Method No operations *or injaotions. No ofo reed rest. This simple home treatxisnt permits you to go about your susinesa as usual?unless, ok course, rou are already so dlaablad as to ba ;on!lned to your bed. la that case. Emerald Oil aets so quiekly to heal irou:: lee aorta, reduce any swelling tad and all pala, that you are up and tbout strain in mo time. Just follow :he simple directions and you arm sure to be helped. Tour druorist won'* ceep your money unless you are. 'IRIN Imitations Bayer .Aspirin it the universal antidote for pain* of all kinds. Hsadaslias Colds tore Throat Rheumatism Neuritis Neuralgia Lumbago Toothache Genuine Beyer Aspirin 18 eoid at all drugciate in boxes of II and inbettlea of 24 and 100. | Aspirin is the trademark of fiayer manuIfacture of monoaoetioaoideeter of ealicyliaacid. mton, North CaroKna ?nditicns under which stockhold:rs and security holders who do not ippear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and iecurtC.~3 in a capacity other than ;hat of a bcna fide owner; and this affiant has no reason iic> believe ihat any other person, association, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. 5. That the average numoer of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during six months preceding the date shown above is... (This information is required from daily publications only.) BIGNALL JONES. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18th day of April 1931. J. L. Henderson, My commission expires December 19, 1933. p? ITIR It is the sworn sta jority of the motoi I most miles on thei: than they can do s I Atlas J i With their "guar a: | j much less expense I j er tire-Buy ATLA j through the depre: | i j ^ ?O? A\\>fc*vA\\\\s\\\Vi^VftW(.\\\\\wlV\VO j Riggan' J Special f I Week |j|; Cocoa 2 lb. can ... Ill: Peaches No. 2 1-2 1.1 I' Tomatoes No. 2 c; ||: Pure Coffee per It i Crushed Pineappl for Change your 1 PUR GROV For Healthy an (W.H. Tha Old Reliable?Tl With Chain v&www Profitable feed* for livestock try. They lower your cost of p and make you more profits. FRIDAY, APRIL 22, ,93J I Pains Stopped wJ Lady Got Strongs I "About a year ago. my health I not good," writes Lire. ^ F qT M toy. 8800 ItaJCow. ham, Ala. I felt weak, tired, t VfiH pains In my back. , I knew by these l("52S?l symptoms I needed lEMOSfc h H something to build in&j/a & H me up. My mother ItgiKVjg 19 H advised me to try ft Cardul, which I did. U I lound It was what IfSSJgl & |H I needed, for It tullt | me up. The pain In II a F my back stopped, II4 ft, (I and I telt better atdllljj?. jh [H stronger than 1 had i In some time. I took I about 7 bottles otll "s*ss*? Cardul In all." riu 11^5'S | carduim i Sold at Drug Stores i c el tement of the ma- j I rists who put the! I r car in 12 months j I o by using | H Tires jl ntee" service with B than with any cth- I S TIRES and ride I ssion. j IBB ll I I n I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I n I u I I I M I I 11111111IIIIII^M iW?5wil ??SXV?NNVT/tVVSNNW\N-.X\\N\\NSX\V.NNXS\V.v s Store! Vices forB : End 1 can 3 for 50c fl an 4 for - 29c'^B e No. 2 can 3 IF 3aby chicks on M 'INA I VENA I dl Strong Chicks M -4 II Riggafl I 11 Owned SW | 16 nunw? ^" Stor* Pr'Ce4^^^\ l and poul- i roduction

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