I I ACCURATE, TERSE i timely I YOLUME XXXIV I Sm CHECKsl I RECEIVED HERE Vouchers Aggregating More I Than $40,000 Sent To B Warren Farmers I b expect other CHECKS B Sixteen hundred and twenty-six I B cotton rental checks aggregating J B j4flj00 have been received by 1 B County Agent Bob Bright. Practl-1 ca]jy all these checks have gone I ??r to Warren county producers, I /yi?? Mr Bright said last nignt. ^0 hundred and eighty-one checks, amounting to $6,500, are still due as first part rental payment, but it is expected that they fill be received within a few days. Mr. Bright said that as soon as the checks arrive he will notify the owners. I Ihe other half of the rental checks is due the latter part of August, and about the last of December Mr. Bright is expecting the ' parity pay, which is one 'cent a J pound on 40 per cent of the five yea: average production In pounds. I on the slip accompanying the! II checks the word allotment Is used and some producers are under the impression that the figures used v with it mean the number of pounds t of cotton that can be raised, but r that is not the case, Mr. Bright r said, adding that the word allot- r ment is used to tell what the grow- s ers are paid one cent a pound on. s In commenting on the amount of soney that has already been re- t teed in the county from the Fed- c era! government, Mr. Bright said c that in addition to what the farm- i ers have been paid, he has paid out c 112,000 for clerical help since June i 13,1933. Time Limit For 1 Cutting Tobacco ] Crop Extended v Time hfs been extended for s signing agreements to curtail tobac co acreage, it was learned last night g from R. H Bright, county agent. Mr. Bright said that under a provision of the Kerr bill that farmers can sign u > through July 28th and receive the r parity and rental pay the same as those who signed the contracts during the extensive acreage reluction campaign which was carried on in Warren several months ago. In making the announcement mj regard to extending the time limit for signini; the tobacco contracts. Mr. Bright stated that there had been an e rtension of time for tagging cotton produced prior to 1984. Several days ago it was announce! that all o d cotton must be tagged Wore July i, but due to the fact that those in charge of this work have been unable to get the tags, the time limit was extended until August 1. Any person having old cotton on hand and intends to hold It later thAn August 1 must apply tor tags. the county agent said. Claude Inaitncock will be in charge of tag- , gtng the old cotton rather than , Dick Hawts, Mr. Bright said. Robert Cheek, 29, Dies At Hospital | Funeral services for Robert Cheek, 1 died in the Roanoke Rapids 1 hospital late Sunday afternoon, 3 ?ere concucted from the grave at 1 ? 0. Th irrington's cemetery on 1 Monday tfternoon at 3 o'clock by 1 Rev. C. Brothers, Methodist minister. ' Mr. Ch:ek, who was about 33 j Jars of :tge, was carried to the hos5ttal oo Saturday afternoon and . ^ folio ving an operation. Re was the son of Mr and Mrs. J A. Cheek and lived near Liberia. Before his sickness he carried on , wmint operations on the Henry ??enon oiace. In adc '-Won to his mother and ather, the deceased is survived by and three children: Doro?y. Helen and Robert Cheek. childr sn day services tT EMBRO ON SUNDAY j ?ec&us i of bad weather on Sun M aay night, July 1, the Children's! Day Serice at Prospect Church, Embro, vas postponed until 7:45 on Sunday aight, July 8, it was announced this week. The public is ^vlted to attend. Misses Phoebe and Margaret Scott ( ot Ridge way spent the Fourth in ?] WARRENTON, CC HOTEL WARREN Ml BY STEPS TAKE I? i Seeks Governorship L DENVER , Miss Josephine r Roche (above), one of the best E known woman industrialists of .the ^ U. 8., has announced her candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Qovemor of Colorado, h E Frank Neal To t Replace Lovell As r Night Policeman v The cloak of authority under vhich C. E. Lovell has served the * own of Warrenton as night policenan for the past six years will be emoved from him the end of this ^ nonth and draped around the houlders of Frank Neal for 30 days * it least. 8 p The change in the personnel of he town's police force comes by way t >f an order from the board of town :ommissioners, the city fathers havng agreed at their regular meeting ? v .. 1 J i J * H W ? in Monaay nignc 10 repmce ivir. , jovell with Mr. Neal for 30 days. ' As compensation for his service, n the capacity of night policeman vlr. Neal is to be paid $65 a month, le will be assisted in guarding the >eace of the town by R. L. Wilson, vho has worked with Mr. Lovell or the past several years. Mr. Wil- ? on's salary is $50 a month. No specific charges were brought tgalnst. Mr. Lovell. In commenting ^ in his removal from office, one of c he commissioners commented yeserday, ''We all liked Mr. Lovell lerson illy, but it was the feeling of he board that he was net as active us he might have been." r Although Mr. Lovell will no Ion- 1 rer be: custodian of the peace of 1 Varrenton after the end of this nonth, he will continue to serve as 1 ailer unless he resigns or Sheriff 1 7f. J. Plnnell makes some other ippoir.tment. e E. L. Green, former police officer or the town of Warrenton, also ap- . >lied l or the job as night policeman ' rere, offering to do the work of the ;wo men that the town has emjloyecl for this duty for the past leveral years, but the commissioners j Jecided that two men were needed \ 'or this work and cast their vote in 'avor of Mr. Neal. Mr. Neal served as deputy sheriff )f Warren county under Sheriff O. 3. Williams during his tenure of office Fountain Holding Services At Macon With the Rev. Richard S. Fountain of Weldon doing the preaching and the Rev. R. E. Brickhouse of Warrenton assisting, revival services have been underway at the Macon Baptist church this week. There are two services each day, one in the afternoon at 4 o'clock and the other at 8 o'clock in the evening. The series of sermons which have ' been conducted by the Rev. Mr. Fountain will end with the service 1 tonight, after which time the Rev. Mr. Brickhouse will do the preaching. lhe revival will be brought to a close Sunday night. The Rev. Mr. Fountain is well known at Warrenton, he having spent a part of his youth here while j attending school under the late Mr. John Graham. "Mr. Fountain's messages have 1 been splendid, and I feel that the 1 meetings have been truly worthwhile," the Rev. Mr. Brickhouse 1 commented yesterday. TO AWARD CERTIFICATES " ** ?-1 Mimlle The transferring 01 several from one department to another In the Dally Vacation Bible School at the end of the course was responsible for the following not receiving perfect attendance certificates on Friday night: Nancy Jones Moseley, Hamilton TaTry Boyd, Francis Morrisetle, and Eugene Wilson. Certificates to these pupils will be awarded on Sunday. 1 ht Ms )UNTY OF WARREN, N. C., 1 JCH IMPROVED I N BY COMMITTEE 1 fcoof And Woodwork Repaired And Rooms Are Given Treatment A -OBBY IS REDECORATED By HOWARD JONES JR. R I went on a trip of inspection 'esterday with Jim Boyce. Our lestination was Hotel Warren. pr The hotel, entirely municipally iy >wned by virture of the fact that th he town bought it for $16,500 sev- ju iral months ago when it was put up ne it public auction after attempts lad been made to throw it into the ~" lands of receivers, has been underloing treatment from carpenters 1 ind painters, plumbers and plas- 1 erers for the past several weeks and ? in Monday night "Doc" Boyce an lounced to the board of town comnissioners that the hotel is now in tl 1-1 shape. I had a general idea of what was Dc >eing done at the hotel but my ap- nQ >reciative senses were not fully ^ iwakened until I had gone through ^ he entire establishment with the Ju nan who, with Clifton Bobbitt pj, ind Herman Rodwell, had super- co ised the work. gt A casual observer might note in fo: idlng or walking by the hotel that by here are some green benches which m ook enticing as they rest on the bo erdant lawn beneath the shady ie( rees and that the outward ap>earance of the building had been rej Teatly improved by coats of white Cc >aint applied on the porches and ither wooden parts of the mostly CQ irick structure. This same observ- Sj. t might see newly purchased blue- K] (Continued on Page 5) M: 6d Company B Men Entrain For Camp y Glenn Tomorrow Sixty-six officers and men of the Varrenton unit of the National Juard, Company B, will entrain for Jamp Glenn, Morehead City, to- w? aorrow at noon to spend 15 days. ca Men were ordered to report at the Tj Irmory tomorrow morning at 10 i on 'clock to pack and make final ca reparations before departing for pu amp. Pinal drill was held on Tuesday ^ light, and Captain Claude T. ^ lowers stated the Company was repared to leave. $5 The three officers and sixty-three ro nen who will make the trip tomor- ar ow are: W Captain Claude T. Bowers; Lieut- m, nants, Harold Skillman and An- su (Continued on page 6) pa rei Citizens Make Gifts th To Warren Library By way of expressing their ap- ar jreciation for the work which is jeing done by tne Warren County 1 Memorial Library and to make its lew home on the court house lawn nore attractive, citizens of Warren- fo on and other towns have already of :ontributed, or signified Intentions co >f contributing, gifts which will be te ilaced in the new building. The rifts and donators are: _ A beautifully carved mantel R 1W0 <Hvpn bv Mrs. Henry Boyd o-'? ?V tnd family: painting of Main street ind court house square In Warren;on about 1810, now in the office of ^ Polk & Gibbs, but belongs to B. S. Bronson who has signified his in- g, ^ntlon of giving it to the library; w Jolored print of President James K. 0f Polk made by Currier and valuable ^ is an antique, given by Mrs. Cleve M Stallings of Littleton. Lj It Is expected that the new library tc will be ready by August 1. tii fC Dog Owners Must cc Pay, Says Board tc Owners of dogs in Warren county ^ must pay the tax fixed by law or become subject to indictment. n< The Board of County Commis- c( doners on Monday Instructed Sheriff W. J. Pinnell to have warrants issued for the arrest of any / citizens refusing to pay this tax. " Sheriff Pinnell requests that dog owners come to his office and pay this tax promptly. Failure to do so Is a misdemeanor,- he said, and clti- to zens arrested for this cause will be n taxed with the cost of a court ac- V! tion in addition to being forced to 11 d pay the tax. a FORMER CANDIDATE HERE R. T. Fountain, former candidate fi for governor, and Mark Williams, E both of Rocky Mount, were here on (p Monday visiting friends. f irmi < FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1934 'OTERS CHOOSE" MEN FOROFFICI pproximately 2500 Ballot Cast In1 The Second Primary Saturday esults of election: Warren voters entered the secon imary on Saturday approximate 2500 strong to elect a member c e House of Representatives, idge of Recorder's court, a Core r( two members of the Board c A table of the official vote by precincts wffl be f o a n|d on page 3. mnty Commissioners and thre ambers of the Board of Educa in. As a result of this vote J. l >wtln was chosen the Democrat! uninee for House of Represents res, defeating T. H. Aycock by ijority of slightly more than 30i dge W. W. Taylor defeated Mac idgen for Judge of the Recorder urt by a majority of 143. Jaspj learin was high man In the rac r Coroner, defeating Frank Alle 129 votes. In the first primar r. Allen led Mr. Shearin whil th Mr. Dowtin and Judge Taylc 1 their opponents. John Clay Powell and R. L. Capi main as members of the Board ( >unty Commissioners, having ot Ined the highest vote in a fiel m posed of themselves, form* leriff R. E. Davis and Sam I Ing. The vote of 1443 cast f( r. Capps was the highest receiv by any individual among the 1 (Continued on Page 5) /hiskey Cause Of Three Men Facing Recorder Taylo % Trouble brought on,toy whlske is responsible for three oumih ses that were before Judge W. V lylor for trial in Recorder's com . Monday morning. The other tw ses were charges of disturbin iblic worship and bastardy. R. A. Parks, white man of Her rson, was found guilty of operal g an automobile while under tt fluence of whiskey and was fine 0 and costs, sentenced to tl ads for a period of four montt id had his driving privileges i arren county revoked for si onths. The road sentence we spended on the condition that I ,y his fine and satisfy the clerk i gard to court costs. The upshot < e whole thing was that It co: m around $70 for driving an autc obile after he had been drlnkln id he won't be able to drive a ci this county again for six month e said that he had taken tw inks when he was arrested. Johnny Watklns, negro, wi und guilty of unlawful possessic whiskey. He was fined $5 ar sts and given a 40 day road ser nee, the latter being suspendc (Continued on Page 6) lany Cotton Blooms Sent To Newspape Charlie Q. Alston and Washlni n Alston, colored tenants on tl rm of Frederick Williams of Ine ew the first cottdB' bloom thi as reported this season to tl flee of The Warren Record, bi nee Mr. Williams called up r onday to announce the discove: 1 the red bloom, which was sa i have been a day old at th: me, other blooms have blossom; irth In various sections of tl mnty and have been brought he i compete for first place. The first bloom to be received le office was grown by Arthi rrington of Inez and was broug] sre from the office of J. M. Gari ;r & Co. This bloom was also di >vered on Monday. Other fara (Continued on page 10) ^hilci Welfare Survey Continue Public Child Welfare Survey h een continued for three weeks, a " - " n.Wa. riQ ounced J. Kusseu rnuuu, ? asser, this week, and anyone ha tg physically handicapped ch ren, write: Child's name, addre ge, grade in school and handica] Veterans are asked to get car rom the office of Jesse Gardm ielief Administrator, fill out cot letely and return them to his c ice. Scrni Subscription I TV/O PUBLIC DRINK ,, TO BE INSTALLED C J County And Town Cooperate To Provide Public With s Good Drinking Water WORK TO START SOON g Pltinty cool water for citizens of the county who journey to the d county-seat town and raise a thirst i- under the sweltering heat of suxn,f mer will be provided in the near a future as the result of co-operation i. between the County of Warren and .c t.he Town of Warren ton. Two drinking fountains are to be installed on the court square The Board of County Commissioners in regular session here Monday agreed to provide funds for the purchase of ~ the fountains. The town has agreed :e to bear the cost of installation, to keep them in repairs, and to furnish v/ater at no cost to the tax^ payers of the county. ic Action by the board was taken i- after Town Commissioners J. B. a Boyce and A. A. Williams appeared D. with W. R. Strickland, plumbing y contractor, before the commission's ers vrtth a blue print of the foun>r tains, a proposal that the county :e pay for the same upon condition n that the town would bear all other y expenses, and pointed out the need le for some measure of relief for citiir zens who travel to the county-seat. The county commissioners agreed )s to appropriate $218.25 for this pur,f pose and expressed the hope that the fountains would be installed d with as little delay as possible. ;r Work is expected to be started as ) soon as the fountains can be )r shipped here. fl Town Board To Meet Monday To Consider Budget The tentative budget, yardstick |* by which the city fathers measure their expenditures in running the y town, will be submitted the board of w team, commissioners for appi wrf jd j. a special meeting called for Monrt day ;aight. o The budget was made up by the or finornn nommittoo rnmnnqpH flf >Q liilOrAJ.VV vvt*ii?u v v v v f w _ Herman Rodwell, G. H. Macon and i- A. A. Williams, on Wednesday fol> lowing the regular monthly meetie ing on Monday night, at which id time it was discussed by the entire ie board. is Before going into a discussion of n the budget on Monday night, the lx commissioners heard P. P. Hancock is relative to repairing the streets of ie Warren ton, received a financial ren (Continued from Page 5) )f st Mrs. E. M. Moseley j" Dies At LaCrosse ir ?-? Funeral services were held at the 3' LaCrosse cemetery on Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock for Mrs. Emma Mason Moseley, mother of H. A. 15 Moseley, Fred Moseley and Mrs. W. ? H. Wesson of Warrenton. ld Mrs. Moseley, who was 75 years of age, died at her home at La: Crosse on Saturday night about 11 o'clock. Her health had not been good for some time, she having suffered a stroke of paralysis eight ? years ago. She Is survived by four sons and j. three daughters: M. K. and L. C. ie Moseley of LaCrosse, H. A. and C. ,Z( P. Moseley of Warrenton; Mrs. W. at H. Wesson of Warrenton, Mrs. L. ie M. Hardy and Mrs. J. R. Matthews at of LaCrosse. Her husband preceded ,n her to" the gTave by 25 years, ry Among Warrenton citizens atld tending the funeral were Mr. T. V. at Allen, Mrs. B. P. Terrell, Dr. and ?d Mrs. W. D. Rodgers, Mr. and Mrs ie 8. 0. Nunn, Mr. T. B. Gardner, Mr. re and Mrs. L. O. Robertson, Mr. Clifjford Robertson, Mr. Walter GardIh ! ner, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bobbltt, ar | Mr. John Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. J. ' E. Elooker, Mr. Edward Rooker, Mr. E. T. Odom, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. s_ Wood, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Daniel, 1_ Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Rodwell, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wood, Mr. H. W. Rodwell, Mr. Jack Rowan, Miss Betsy Rodwell, Mr. J. T. Mustian, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Blalock, Mr. Ed, d Blalock, Miss Mattie Warren Bla- I dock, Mr. G. W. Poindexter, Mr. J. as E. Poindexter, Mr. and Mrs. Edn mund White, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. n- Darneron, Mr. W. B. Fleming, Mr. v- Arthur Petar, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. il- Kidd, Mr. H. C. Montgomery, Dr. ss, and Mrs. C. H. Pdete, Mayor F. H. J. Gibbs, Mr. arid Mrs. Alpheus Jones, ds Mr. Clyde Rodwell, Mr. J. A. Daniel, er, Miss Ida Daniel, Mr. W. W. Haithn coc'r, Mr. C. M. Haithcock. Miss )f- Mamie Gardner, Mr. J. B. Massenburg, and Mr. William Taylor. Price, LING FOUNTAINS >N COURT SQUARE jTPnWlfrf - WASHINGTON . Tr Maj.-Gcn. Benjamin D. Foulois (above), chief of the Army Air Corps, proposes to fight to the last ditch his removal as recommended by the House Committee on charges of "dishonest, incompetency and gross misconduct" Fields Negroes Placed In Jail On Robbery Charge George and Lewis Fields, negroei of Warrenton, were lodged in th< county jail in default of $300 bond on Wednesday morning to awaii trial in Superior court on charge: growing out of the robbery of Rici Mustian's store, opposite White'; Flour and Meal Mill, Tuesday night or in the early hours of Wednesdaj morning. The arrest of the two negroes bj Sheriff W. J. Pinnell took place a few hours after Mr. Mustian discovered that his store had beer broken into and looted of cigarettes tobacco, candy, cheese, cannec goods, meal, and perhaps othei items. Some of the stolen goods wen found in a suit case belonging tc the Field negroes, and it was Stat ed that George Fields admitted tha he was guilty of robbing the ston when something was said about ar ? C .IfliAaui n,Vi/V ko# resting one 01 iiu oiaucio wuv ??? taken the suit case to a neighbor! house while the Fields home wa? being searched. Entrance to the store was mad? through a window, and the thief 01 thieves departed through the real door, which was unlatched froir the inside, with the stolen property Although only two men hav< been placed under arrest for thi crime, officers are inclined to be lieve that George and Lewis Field were assisted in the robbery b; another person. They said tha (Continued on Page 6) Swimming Course Ends Here Todaj The course in aquatic safet; which has been given at the War renton Golf Club swimming poo this week will come to a close thl morning at 9 o'clock when the six teen boys and girls who have beei receiving this training under th< tutelage of James Mayfield are pu through final examinations to de termlne their eligibility ror emDiem and certificates which are to be glv en by the National Red Cross. The course in life saving is belnt sponsored by the Warren count: unit of the National Red Cross an< before any boy or girl is eligible t receive a certificate and emblem, h or she must have learned th breaks, carries, holds, approache; and artificial resuscitation used ii saving lives in the water and bring ing unconscious persons back t consciousness after they have bee: brought to the shore. Mr. Mayfield, who qualified as Life Saving Examiner at thS Nat ional Red Cross Safety and F'.rs Aid School in Brevard several week ago, has been doing all the train (Continued on Page ft) Conference To Be Held At Hebroi The third quarterly conferenc for the Warrenton charge will b held at Hebron on July 14, the Rei O. I. Hinson, Methodist minister a ttt onnniinppH this week. W tXL1U11LVJAA) (MU4VVM*V?^ - _ _ Homing coming day for this ol historic church will be held Sua day, July 15, the Rev. Mr. Hlnso said, adding that all former mem bers and friends are Invited to li present for the all-day prograi which has been arranged. Thos .who can do so are requested t (bring lunches and well filled bast ets for dinner. most of the news >lll the time 11 f number 27 || i BOARD RESTORES 11 CUT IN SA1<AR1ES Appropriate $750 To Continue Work of Foreat . Fire Protection A DELEGATION APPEARS A ten per cent cut In salarlee of all counly officials, ordered as an emergency measure two years ago by the Hoard of County Commissioners, \/as on Monday restored by that bod?. The riling cost of living and a sattsiactcTy state or tne genera fund due to Improved tax collections was given as the reasor. for the restoration of salaries to the old scale. Commissioner H. L. Wall of Roanoke was the only commissioner to cast his vote against the measure. The Beard voted to Increase the appropriation for the prevention of forest fir38 from $500 to $750 an nually. This step was taken after V. P. Ward, C. E. Jackson, Dr. C. H. Peete, and M. P. Burwell, large landowner and taxpayers, appeark ed to ask that this step be taken. ' Mr. Ward, acting as spokesman for the delegation, pointed out the lm5 portance of this work and told 5 how on numerous occasoins large 3 tracts of timber had been savt ed for taxpayers of the county. . M. P. Burwell stated that in carrying on this work the county was | not only protecting the property of the citizens but was also conserving 't a tax source. Commissioners Skinner and Capps Joined In with the endorsement by relating how the ' work of the fire fighters had pro1 tected their town property when ' fire was discovered on their places. 1 Advertisement of the names of delinquent taxpayers, postponed for 1 30 days, was ordered published m ' The Warren Record and The Norlina Headlight. The former new*i paper v/as Instructed to publish the ) (Continued on Page 6) t 17#1 AUtnn Ffti'm a tJVl fcWA* * Ma mmApproved; To Be 1 Sent 100 Cattle 5 ! The Ed Alston farm In Fork township has been approved as : suitable pasture land for 100 head r of the cattle that are being brought r into tbils state from the drought i sections of the middle west, it was . learned yesterday at the office .tt : Jesse Gardner, relief administrator i for Warren county. It is expected - that another 100 of the animals will s be placed on the Frank Davis farm, / but this contract has not yet been t approved, it was stated. Just when the cattle will reach Warren county is unknown. Before the animals are permitted to be placed in the various counties of f the state they must undergo inspection and it is expected that this y will require a week or more. " Weldon has been designated as 1 one of the points in the state for 3 receiving the animals. The cows ' that Warren county is to receive 1 nrfii h<? brouaht from Weldon by I truck, according to present plans. ??????????? 9 Negro Schools To Open August 6th ??? l Negro elementary schools of Warir ren county will open on Monday, J August 6, it was decided at a meeto ing of the Board of Education held e here. The two negro high schools e In the county, at Warrenton and >, Wise, will open on the first Monti day In September. Earlier opening of the negro eleo mentsry schools in Warren has been n the practice for the past several years. The schools open In August ft In order to take a recess later In . the fall at cotton picking time. it Authorities have discovered that such action has materially Increased . the average dally attendance records In these schools. Miclwives To Be | ^ i / i Uiven insirucuuiu 9a e By C. HOBBS e State None r. The State Board of Health and f the Warren County Board of Health have arranged to hold mlclwlfe d classes In this county. All practicing - midwives In the county are required n to attend one of these classes, i- The midwives will be Instructed e at these meetings what to do and n what not to do in order that they ie may do better and safer work for ,o the mothers and babies they attend. They will be shown a model (Continued on page 10) Ml -i

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