^FRIDAY* AUGUST 10, 1934 gj Society gj hems FEAST AFTER ABSENCE J .;y meat shall be. now you are here, I swift flesh of your laughter, j q^H r.j: bread your hands to hold, myl yjl I long hungered after. I 3 J fx nine give me y0Ur klss' fire-' I vsujbt less can slack my thirst, I ijd lesser food would make desire / i bitter ache accurst. I /Jl inj if the feast you bring shall be J j^B nut W'ef' 1 shalJ not careJ* tfM Ei?us if 1 shall stay to see / B ae -plendid table bare? I ^ * " ?Merle Price. / ylisses Ann Scoggin and Eliza-1 H jjjii Gordon Taylor returneTT to I ??tin on Monday after visit- I H jfisses Charlotte Porter ana H Davis in Greensboro. M Rere accompanied home by M ^ 'ana Mrs. J. P. Scoggin and jjjss Katherine Scoggin. W yrs, Kearnv Williams and daughMiss Margaret Williams, and jj; fiance, Dr. Clair Cartier, of Grand Rapids, Mich., arrived yes ;er?jay for a visit at Warrenton. ^B Mrs. G. H. Macon and daughter, ^B jliss Anne Macon, are visiting relaH jjVes in Florence and Marion, South I ^B Mis Arline Taylor of Towns vine I ^B tjsa visitor in Warrenton on Mon- I I Mr. Sol Fishe; of Wasliington, O. ] c, and Mr. Goode Roberson of I ^B ynchburg were week end guests of I Mrs. Fishei and little daughter, I I Josephine, at Hotel Warren. .Miss Dorothy Walters has re- J B :jned after visiting friends al I IS fillianrsburg last week. B| Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roberson of ] Bf Lmchburg were Week end guests] H 4Mrs. Sol Fisnel at Hotel Warren.] Miss Edwina Taylor of Towns- ] ^B vfflews a guest of Miss Mary Guy] H So.rd Sunday night. I (9 Vaster Charles wunams <>i Louisville. Ky.. is a guest of Mrs Whit Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Johnso i spent Friday in the home of Mrs. Johnson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pryor Rodwell. They were on the way to their hoifte in Greensboro after having spent two weeks in the I Catskiil mountains of New York Sate, and also were visitors in New 5'crk City and Atlantic City. Th;y sere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis IV. 5. Hutton of Gilbertsville, N. Y , 1 tor a week. From there they traveled over the beautiful and legendary Rip Van Winkle trail and ' over the Storm King highway to West Point and New York City. After spending two days at Atlantic City they left for their home in Greensboro via Warrenton. Mrs. Johnson was formerly Miss Hattie Rodwell. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Williams and family are sending several days nth Mr. Williams' mother, Mrs. Whit Williams. Mis Kathryn Gardner of Ella- 1 Me. Ga? left Warrenton on Fritej to: Richmond, where she will several days before going to ; Washington, D. C., to spend some j?e. Miss Gardner was the guest < :.er aunt, Mrs. T. V. Allen, wniie tee. 1 Messrs. Tom Riggan and Ernest ' Whitby and Miss Annie Shearin of River township were visitors here , on Monday. , Mr. Sam Daniel of Littleton was a visitor here Monday. Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Brickhouse and family^ the Misses Sarah, Mae and Betty, and Master Robert Brickhouse, returned to their home here after spending several days in Creswell and Columbia, North Carolina. Mrs. W. A. Burwell, Misses Olivia Burwell, Anna Cohoon of Suffolk, Mary Hinton Watson of Darlington, 6hd Mr. Pett Burwell of Yonges bland, South Carolina, attended a supper in Enfield on Wednesday hliht given by Mrs. Ivey Watson. Miss Mariam Boyd returned on I Monday after spending some time ^ Raleigh as the guest of Miss s?ra King. Misses Kate Hawks, Georgle and %le Tarwater, Mary Terrell, and Jk James Polk were Visitors In ^hmond last week. Misses Julia and Lucy Williams Ridgeway were visitors in Warr"^on on Tuesday morning. John Vaughan Jr. of Raleigh Haggwood of Clover. eyes examined and glasses fitted Every Monday morning from 9-W) to 1100. Office with Dr. rufus toies, the dentist, over Citizens Bank, Warrenton. Main office near O at Roanoke Rapids. dr. e. d. harbour OPTOMETRIST I Warren ton, North Carolina . > ' i l|i News i t ! i^ Junior Golf Champ Wwis % ^ SUNSET RIDGE, III ... Shirley t Ann Johnson (above), is the new r junior U. SI Women's Western golf champion for 1934. She defeated j Hilda Livergood in a desperately ^ fought final round. 2 N. C., and Mis. John Haggwood of V LaCrosse, Va., were guests of Mrs. B. P. Terrell last week. Mrs. Ed Hail and Miss Susie Hill * of Weldon are spending some time r here. J Mr. Sumner Watson of Petersburg, Va., spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Eva Watson. t Misses Sue Williams and Alice u Vaden Williams of New York City "V are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Taylor. 1; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davis and F family of Clayton, N. C., were here on Sunday afternoon visiting Mr. h Davis* parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. R Davis. d Mr. and Mrs. W. Barham Davis R and family of Liberty, South Carolina, are spending this week with A Mr. Davis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. r J. Davis. SI Mr. and Mrs. Robert House and son, Bobby, of Chapel Hill spent h this week in Warrenton with rela- R tives and friends. o Miss Caroline House of Chapel R Hill was a guest of Miss Nancy Moore last week. w Miss Susan Williams of Louisville, li Ky., is a guest of Mrs. Whit Wil- C liams. R Miss Kate White Williams is R spending this week in Louisburg. Dr. and Rlrs. Frank P. Hunter and h Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Jones spent n several days at Myrtle Beach and Virginia. a Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burwell left S Warrenton last week for Georgia where Mr. Burwell is engaged in the a tobacco business. Mr. Sydenham Williams of B Louisville, Ky? is spending his va- T cation nere witn nis motner, ivirs. r Whit Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Petar and' B family spent the week end at Vir- o: ginia Beach. l? The Junior Girls of Warrenton and vicinity returned on Sunday C from Camp Penick at Vade Mecum, a: North Carolina, after spending two weeks in camp there. d Mr. and Mrs. William Mustian n and children of Afton were week ei end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wilson. h Mrs. Louis Scoggin, Mr. and Mrs. V William Scoggin and Mr. Edward & ; OUR == REPUTA1 , We're rather proud ( about our drug store. P other day one of our cusl <4T llxr onm x uiuii i/ x canj c*iyb" until a few days ago wh i where along my route d that looked as good s tried to buy a sandwich larger towns than Warre did not keep them. I wj renton when I thought , tain and the fact that in lar line of drugs you h available at all times." WE THANK YOU, 1 Bovce E 1 WARREN! 11 "Wi = THI and Evei Scoggin of Louisburg were visitors lere on Sunday afternoon. Mr. P. P. Hunter of Portsmouth, J&.t spent several days this week vith Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Stallings. Mrs. L. C. Kinsey returned to Varrenton last week after spending ;ome time in St. Luke's Hospital in Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Watson have eturned after spending several lays in Lynchburg, Va. Mr. Henry Hunter Fitts returned in Sunday after spending several lays at Virginia Beach. , r_ T-?_l TMi-i- -T T J ill ? mr. rauner rnrs or iiuursvuie, Centucky, is spending his vacation it his home near Macon with his nother, Mrs. E. P. Pitts. Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Allen and Miss Clizabeth Allen of Oxford were visiors in Warrenton on Sunday afterloon. Mr. John Tarwater and mother, Jrs. John Tarwater, spent several lays last week at Timberlake, near jynchburg, Virginia. Mrs. E. S. Allen spent several days nth relatives in Oxford this week. Mr. T. L. Brodie of Raleigh, who las been visiting his sister, Mrs. loward P. Jones for several days, eturned to his home on Sunday, lis daughter, Miss Paige, remained lere for a visit in the Jones home. Mrs. Haywood Clark of Wilmingon, North Carolina, arrived on Satrday to spend some time at Hotel Varren. Mrs. Henry Thompson is criticalf ill at Dr. Tucker's Sanitorium In tichmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sowell of lonroe and Mesdames W. T. fuckles and Rufus Daniels of Henerson were the week end guests of fr. and Mrs. L. W. Wood. Mr. Brantly local manager of the itlantic and Pacific Tea Co., has eturned to work after an illness of everal days. Mesdames William Murry of Duram and Webb of California and liss Eula Wilson were dinner guests f Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Wood on last londay night. Mesdames Willie Mabry of Ridge'ay and Marshall Brown of Burngton were visitors in the John iraham home With Mrs. George IcLaurin, e former schoolmate, on londay morning. Mr. P. B. Burwell of Yonges Ismd, South Carolina, is visiting his lother, Mrs. W. A. Burwell. Mr. W. A. Burwell of Raleigh was guest of Mrs. W. A. Burwell on unday. Mr. Pryor Rodwell was a visitor t Norfolk yesterday. Mesdames J. H. Thomas, N. D. ioyd and MiSs Julia Boyd of 'ownsville are guests of Mrs. G. W. oindexter. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Spencer of ennettsville, S. C., were the guests [ Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Foindexter ist week end. Miss Betsy Peay of Columbia, S. ., is a guest of the Misses Lucy ' nd Edith Burwell. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis and aughter of Greensboro spent Wedesday night with Mr. Davis' parnts, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis. Mr. Frederick Williams of Inez as returned after attending the /orld's Fair at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Weston and [TON )f what the people say 'or example, just the ;omers remarked to us: reciate this drug store len I took a trip. No lid I see a drug store is yours, and when I in several in much inton I found that they is right proud of Warabout your soda founaddition to your reguave good sandwiches kiicrroi fllJ I Cil\l >rug Co. 'ON, N. C. ; WARREN RECORD its of Int< VW/i 1ATCST ? Du Patricia Dow paXtcAJrt \ \ \ \ JL U 1 8296 Ui U |i Designed in Sizes: 14, 16, 18, 20, with bust measures 32, 34, 36, 38, and .40 and 42. Size 18 requires 5 yards of 39 inch material with l/(, yard contrasting. f For PATTERN, send 15 cents in coin (for each pattern desired) your NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER and SIZE to Patricia Dow, Warren Record Pattern Dep't., 115 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. T. children, and Mrs. P. M. Stallings, and Mr. C. C. Hunter spent Wednesday in New Bern with relatives. Miss Emma Kelly Moseley will entertain today for Miss Susan Williams of Louisville, Ky. Miss Sarah Faulkener entertained a number of friends at her home here on Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Henderson spent the week end here. Mr. Forrest Pridgen has returned I after a trip to the World's Fair. Mr. Jim Stanley was a visitor here Saturday. Mrs. P. P. Hancock and little ^ ^pm;nffi!inH|HjiiniMiiNi.'::ii.'ll!li! nifnniftii|inr.'imnii:nn^m|nn BIG RED ON MEN'S WEA I Ties Reduced From 65c to 39c Sample Straw Hats I Reduced I To 1-2 price These are high quaality merchandise and a purchase now will mean a big saving to you. War rent on i Store G Warren ton, ] srest to V daughter, Mildred Ann, have returned after spending some time in Laurenburg. Mrs. B. P. Terrell spent the week end in Greensboro. Mrs. W. R. Strickland entertained the Presbyterian Circle on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Bob Bright was hostess to the Y. W. A's. on Wednesday night of this week. MARSHMALLOW TOAST Mrs. Whit Williams entertained at a Marshmallow Toast on Tuesday afternoon for her granddaughter, Miss Susan Williams of Louisville, Ky. Miss Mary Guy Boyd was presented a handkerchief as prize in a word contest. Misses Janet Hall and Mary Hinton Watson assisted in serving cake and lemonade. Those present were the Misses Susan Williams, Mary Guy Boyd, Kelly Moseley, Nancy Peete, Mariam Boyd, Nancy Moore and rtimpf tv^ioo pnvrtlmn uaiipo gutou, xvxaoo uai uunc xxuuoc * Chapel Hill, and Laura Ellis. BRIDGE LUNCHEON Miss Olivia Burwell entertained at a bride luncheon on Friday morning for some of her Oxford friends. BENDER-PHIPPS Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Phipps of Middleburg announce the marriage of their daughter, Ida Rose, to John Alfred Bender, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bender of Ridge way, May 23, 1934. DIETITIAN FOR HOTEL Mrs. Evelyn Harvey of Charlotte has accepted a position as dietitian for Hotel Warren. BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Nancy Moore celebrated her twelvth birthday on Saturday night, August 4, by playing hostess to 24 of her friends. Many games were played by the guests and Miss Caroline House of Chapel Hill won the Inrize in a nin contest. A vellow and white motif was used in the ding room where individual cakes, each having a tiny candle, and ice cream were served. Dolls and bean shooters were given the guests as favors. The hostess received many presents on her birthday. BRIDGE LUNCHEON Mrs. Roy Davis entertained her club and extra guests last week it a two course luncheon. Mrs. Jaok Scott won the club prize for high j score, and Mrs. Henderson was i awarded the visitors' prize. Trophies were presented each of the visiting ladies. The extra guests making up the three tables were Mesdames, Horace Bass, Baker, Suggs, Henderson, Bundy and Wichard, and Miss Louise Dowtin. Renew your subscription. lyiminiinilinf,,^ MOTION I ruv v ivii RING APPAREL' Freeman Sport Shoes Reduced $1.00 per pair Cotton Suits Reduced 20 to 25 per cent Department 1! ompany 1 North Carolina / ??????????????????????????$ f i^omen l|l J tV >??????????????????????$???! Macon, Route 2 ^ g Mrs. Laura Neal visited in the home of Mrs. Emma Dickerson on Sunday. f Si Mr. W. B. Robertson of Warren Plains spent Sunday in the home of his sister, Mrs. Lillian Gray. 113 Mrs. N. J. Robertson. Mr. Na- 81 thaniel and sister visited in the home of Mrs. J. J. Marshall Monday afternoon. Mrs. Sallie B. Shearin, Miss Mary A Shearin and Miss Beulah Tucker g( called at the home 9f Mrs. Henry Marshall on Monday. Mr. David Hight called at the ^ home of Mr. N. J. Robertson Tues- ^ day night. Mrs. Eugene Dickerson and chil- t< Idren visited in the nome 01 Mrs. l Emma Dicker son Sunday. s( Mrs. M. D. Collier and Mrs. Wilmer Collier of Roanoke Rapids 1 visited in the home of Mrs. J. C. iy Stegall Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. T. Robertson, Miss Patty Harriss, Miss Estelle Robertson, a; ???????bp??????l^.? When your energy sags and you fe< In a few minutes your vigor sna next move with a smile. Enjoy t] as you want, camel's costlier too "Get a LIS wii ;.;Kn?mnmnnnTTmnnnmn:rmtnTnu{ 1 th I WI! I THRI v\ ' V If Is: If: Every successful busines V J ; si!! thrift is the Touchstone c | IN YEARS OF PLEN' OF ADVERSITY, T FIRST BUSINESS ( ?H cr?D Tuner WHO t \/l\ A ? A WW m, ? -w | ECONOMICALLY IN fi | It may be said as truthf I i. develop to his full growt fa] debt and plaguad by cr i;; may make the years brin $ : Thrift breeds solf-donial || acter. i TAKE THE FIRST STI || START A SAVINGS A< || 1 # v8 wiV-I CITIZENS IS WARRENTC m 11 fM ummmtmmmmmtxm PAGE 3 Fashion i Facts 1 [r. Nathaniel Robertson and Mr. r. J. Cole attended the meeting at ethlehem Sunday. Mrs. Sue Shearin Is spending a !W days with Mrs. Henry Marlall. Mrs. Henry Marshall had the Jsfortune to fell and break her rm last week. Mr. Waverly King called to see Cr. N. J. Robertson, who is still on le sick list, Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Walter Robertson and Mr. . Devenport of Rocky Mount visiti in the home of Mr. N. Q. Rob t.cnn TnpsHnv nicht. Miss Inez Carter is spending a >w days in the home of Mrs. Lilan Gray. Mrs. F. E. Robertson and daugh;r visited in the home of Mrs. iilian Gray and Mrs. N. J. Robertin Sunday afternoon. Mis Mary Shearin and Miss helma Stegall shopped in Macon ionday afternoon. We are judged by what we do, nd not by what we claim we do. *NDTHE: CAMEL! il discouraged?light a CameL ps bade and you can face the lis wholesome "lift" as often iccos never ruffle your nerves. th a Camel!" E 1 SE ,E 1 FTY I s man realizes that :8 >f Achievement. 8 IT OR IN YEARS HRIFT IS THE CONSIDERATION i WANT TO BE i| I DEPENDENT. nllrr fViof nn mflTl CftH 88 WAIjr UiUV *4W ?uv?M ??? XXV h when hampered by editors. The thrifty l|:l g happiness. :|| which develops char- \\% IP TODAY % CCOUNT WITH US i)| 18 J : BANK I >N, N. C. i I j tuvt?":tiiiti Piiiiiiiliwl >x-, >3H'j>2K< >5Kv> foac^acwai

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