PAGE 4 The Warren Record Published Every Friday by The Press Publishing Co. One Year For ?$1.50 HOWARD JONES, JR. BIGNALL S. JONES Editors HOWARD F. JONES, SR. Contributing Editor That Justice May Ever Have A Champion; That Evil Shall Not Flourish Unchallenged. Entered at the Postoffice at Warren ton, North Carolina, under Act of Congress of 1879. O bless our God, ye people, and make the voice of His praise to be heard; Which holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved.?Psalm 66:8, 9. It never pays to go looking | for trouble; it's too easy to find. Happiness won't have anything , to do with a man that likes trouble. The moment a man stops looking for trouble happiness will look for him.?Ir- * ving Bachellor. 1 THE ESTABLISHMENT : OF A CANNERY i Word that Warrenton may obtain a government : cannery to take care of the 1 beef from cattle shipped here from drought areas of t the west has aroused con- s siderable interest among E citizens of Warrenton and it is believed that a large t crowd will bY on hand for the mass meeting to be t called as soon as Mr. Nance i of the Department of Agriculture can come here to * make known his plans and what will be required of the i Warren citizens to obtain t the industry. s It is understood that thej1 cannery will give, employ- t ment to about 100 persons and that its monthly payroll 2 will be approximately $2500, 1 covering a two-year period. ( It may be that the town e will be asked to supply water and power and build- { ing, but whether or not this r is the case can not be defi- ] nitely known until Mr. Nance | meets with the citizens. Until then the only defi- ] nite fact known is that Warrenton wants this cannery 1 established here and that its 1 citizens are perfectly willing c to make concessions to ob- 1 tain it. i1 j | The advantage of an in-;s dustry locating here for a 1 two-year period giving em- ? ployment to 100 citizens * with a steady payroll is per-l( fnnfltr aKiti'aiio f a oil Alir hllQ- M AC^fctjr UUV1UUO w ??? uux iness people. We feel that * it should be so obvious that ( merchants will donate a con- ] siderable sum towards the 1 raising of necessary funds beyond that which may be | granted by the town and . county governing authori- J ties. Quite naturally, the main consideration given the venture has been one of profit to be derived from the government payroll and from the steady employment of an additional number of citizens. There is, however, another angle to the matter. The cannery is to be established as a relief project by the government and its product distributed to the destitute citizens of the county. Under the circumstances any sum of money raised by the citizens of town and county will be in the nature of a contribution to help the Federal government help our READ and | ?3 I ^tz?Tihel60^cholce ixwi ported tobacco?that's < John Bnslrin at 5c. Con brand* now selling at 5c. and f M Rmkln U httitr IstMag and an BETTER sad MORS HAVAJ f W | Smoke a few today?y I 1 Jnhn Rnikfai hand*arc rrrtai inal L LewisOnrMftCo,U J. B. POINTER CIOAR CO., RJ Warren ton, North Carolina own people. Therefore, with this dou ble objective, we feel tha our citizens are going t( make every reasonable con cession to have the cannery established at Warrenton. Calvary-Thelma Itemi Misses Polly and Myretta Elliott and friend. Maxine Gully, of Richmond, are visiting relatives hen this week. Mesdames G. Harold Myrlck, J. C Myrick, R. W. Harvill, and H. L King and Misses Virginia Jenkins and Fannie B. Johnston attended the short course in Raleigh last week. Mr. Charles Taylor of Castle Point, New York, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Lula House. Miss Sue House is spending the week with friends in Enfield. Miss Mary Bell Copeland and Mr. William Pete Copeland, ac :ompanied by their mother, Mrs. Sopeland, of St. Stevens, S. C., are visiting their sister, Mrs. Edgar [sles in Thelma. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Myrick spent Sunday with her people "in Macon. Misses Virginia and Sally Atkinson of Lawrenceville have been /isiting their sister, Mrs. Harold vfyrick. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Myrick and amily and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jones pent Sunday in Weldon as the quests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Myick. Mr. Vernon Vincent is spending he week with Mr. Robert Myrick. Mr. H. D. Myrick Jr. is spending he week at White Lake. Mr. Joe Mitchell was a visitor in loanoke Rapids on Sunday night. Mr. A. S. Johnston was a visitor vith friends in Garysburg on Sunlay. Mr. E. S. Jenkins of Roanoke Rapds spent the week end at his home lere with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Sadler of Richmond pent this week with his sister, Mrs. Yeeman Myrick. Mr. Furman Myrick was a visitor n Enfield Wednesday. Miss Dorothy Myrick entertained i host of young friends one night ecently ih honor of her house guest, Jiss Marie Morgan of Elizabeth ZJity. After the party, the guests mjoyed a hay ride to Warrenton. Misses Catherine Mitchell and /irginia King were members of a jicnic party at Roifioke Rapids on rhursday night given by Miss king's sister, in honor of her louse guest, Miss Vernie Robertson >f Norfolk. Messrs. Robert King, "Ferdie and Macon Moore were visitors here on Saturday night. Miss Virginia King entertained in lonor of her house guest, Miss /ernie Robertson of Norfolk on Saturday evening. After a number >f games, watermellon was enjoyed, rhose present were the Misses Maxine Gulley of Richmond, Marie Morgan of Elizabeth City, Polly md Myretta Elliott of Richmond, Mary Bill Copeland of St. Stevens, 3. C., Vernie Robertson of Norfolk, Catherine Mitchell, Roberta House md Dorothy Myrick; Messrs. Charles Taylor of Castle Point, N. f., William P. Copeland of St. Stevens, S. C., Robert King, Firdie ind Macon Moore of Littleton, Ran iolph Allen, Furma'n Myrick, John D. House, Archie and Webb Harrtlh SPEEDY RELIEF FROM BUNIONS-SOFT CORNS No sensible person will continue to suffer from these intense, agonizing:, throbbing bunion pains when the new powerful penetrating yet harmless antiseptic Emerald Oil can readily be obtained at any well stocked drug store. Apply a few drops over the inflammed part and see how speedily the pain JtlRA disappears and the inflammation is reduced. So marvelously powerful is Emerald Oil that soft corns seem to shrivel right up and drop off. Wt DO OUR PACT Guaranteed. Long-Used Laxative .To be bought and used as needed for many, many years, speaks well Tor the reliability of Thedford's Black-Draught, purely, vegetable family laxative. Mr. C. E. Ratllff writes from Hinton, W. Va.: "My wife and I have used Thedford's Black-Draught thirty-five years for constipation,?tired feeling find headache. " I use It when I feel my system needs cleansing. After all these years, I haven't found anything better than Black-Draught," Sold In 25-cent packages. Thedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT "CHILDREN LIKE THE SYRUP" PROFIT |1H( Havana plus other im- IMV/ what you receive in IIMI ipare them with other l|ll| era will mare* that John ' lUtr ? becmuir there It / ?all MA In John Rnmlrin, f ouTl like them. I WM tkCnnUblepnmhimi. I n fl altera, Newark. N. J. LLEIGH, N. C? DISTRIBUTORS THE \ mmmcnn?i>??Miinnniin>ii>Mm t" 1 MOSTLY I -1 PERSONAL I ' | By BIONALL JONES So long as there are enough citi ) zens In Warren county who are will ing to work for the prevailing wag t scale rather than to except highe per hour pay as objects of charit; - on government relief rools, I am no unduly alarmed about the govern ment's policy destroying our labo market. In spite of the relie ! agencies, there are any number o 1 citizens in the county who are anx ; ious to secure jobs as laborers pay ing from 10 to 15 cents an hour 1 That being true, what really mat ters the government's 25 or 30 cent: an hour for a smaller number ol hours per week? Neither am I greatly alarmec over charges that many citizen: working on relief projects are lazj and inefficient. I think it true thai thom foil int.n this cateeorv UiailJ Ui ViiWUI ??VW ? ? s??? but there are others so employee who are just down on their luck seeking to keep body and soul together by obtaining whatever hones! work they can obtain, making a valiant effort to obtain work elsewhere, and turning to the government as a last resort in their necessity. I can feel no shame that thej do not turn in vain to a government that realizes it owes a duty tc those who through birth, environment or hard luck are down beneath the level of those citizens whe earn much more with less effort. And it occurs to me that il charges be true that the government is taking care of a bunch oi worthless citizens who should b? forced to work harder for less pay or starve, still that works no ill luck to our community. For if only the energetic and efficient were employed by the relief agencies, we whe like to have the efficient as oui own employees, would be disappointed and forced to rely upon those whom the government has now removed from our surplus leaving us, if charges be true, the best from which to pick and choose Despite a lot of talk to the contrary about letting people starve, a j civilized people in a land of plenty are not willingly going to let rnis happen. I am not particularly proud oi the fact that the Federal government has found it necessary to hell us take care of people who are oui own responsibility, but as I struggle for my own sdbstenence it seem: that I should not be ungrateful tc an agency that, wisely or unwisely is removing a part of a burden froir my own shoulders. Were it not foi the government relief, I know thai many now being thus supported would be in the County Home anc a direct burden upon the taxpayers of Warren County. With so much of the money oi our citizens dissipated in the greal stock gamble, with cotton and tobacco selling at the low figures thej I An Env( And A ? These 1 equipment mail here, to this bai I close chec only, and i box. On i deposit is your accou Bankinj venient anc away on y you are in venient to son ? Ban Citizens Bi r> n iv/f vj v/ 1yj. hender: > Under the provisions of the and through our Membersb Fund, your money deposited up to $5,000. BARREN RECORD tt have during the past few yeai : with our people burdened wil debts, I feel that the $700 a monl : sent into this county for relief pu: poses is a great boost to busines and sometimes I wonder if it wei not for this fund, and for the othi hundred of thousands sent in f< B crop reductions, how we could mar " age to pull through. r Churchill Items y Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gardner an 1 daughter, Anna Egerton, and Mr Anna Gardner are spending severs ? days with relatives at Beaufort. Mrs. Claude King of Wise is vis iting in the home of Mr. T. W. Dun can this week. Mrs. Hershburg and little son c Richmond, Va., spent a few day this week with her sister, Mrs. C. I f Burrows. Mrs. H. L. Wall and daughter; , Mabin and Hazel, of Elams an , Miss Geraldine Wesson of Whit ' Plains, Va.; spent Monday in th . home of Mr. W. W. Haithcock. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harris o I Vaughan were visitors in this com munity last Sunday afternoon. ' Mr. Walter Bell of Henderso! . j visited in the home of Mr. C. I " I Burrows this wppk Messrs. John Scarborough an . Russell Nicholson of Raleigh sper . last week end in the home of Mi r H. V. Scarborough. Miss Clara Fleming Pope of nea ) Vaughan is spending some tim . with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pope thi . week. > Mr. H. V. Scarborough spent las week end with relatives in Raleigt ; Mr. James Duhcan of Raleigl . spent Monday with his parent I here. ! Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Allen of War ' renton were visitors in the home o : Mr. W. S. Gardner last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Haithcoc ariC daughters, Edith and Catherine ? were visitors in Raleigh, Durhar ' and Greensboro Wednesday. i As a man gets older he's afraid t i admit it by leaving a party, so lx , stays to the bitter end. . Report of T. B. Gard 1 ner, Sec'y-Treas. O: Town of Warrentoi c FOR MONTH OF JULY, 1934 UblNLUAL MJflU Receipts 1 July 1?Balance on hand.. .$4231.2 " July 2.?1934 advance taxes, Mrs. J. J. Crinkley... 16 0 i Mrs. B. P. Terrell.... 23.3 , Alpheus Jones 41.2 Walter R. White 56.3 Hunter Drug Co 69.0 J. Willie White 95.4 July 3?Dividend of War' renton R. R. Co 1485.0 I July 3?1934 advance taxes, I Carolina P. & L. Co.. 135.8 i July 24?Hotel rent of T. C. Montgomery 175.0 , July 25?Dividend Warrenton R. R. Co., Special 2351.2 J July 26?1934 advance taxes, Mrs. A. A. Williams.. 58.2: r A. A. Williams 97.6! slope Stamp two things are all the you need to bank by Address the envelope lk, affix the stamp, enks endorsed for deposit drop in the nearest mail eaching the bank your immediately credited to nt. % by mail is easy, it's con1 it's safe! When you are our vacation, or when town and find it inconcall at the bank in perk by Mail. ank&Trust I PA XT V I SON, N. C. I Amended Banking- Act of 1933, dp in the FDIC .Temporary in this bank is now insured Warrenton, s, I July 31?Total cash collect;h| ed Water Co., rents.. 706.11 y. July 31?Total cash collect- / ed Water Co., sale of material 4.00 Amt. received from the Special Fund 1005.92 ;r >r Total.... $10551.71 i- Disbursements July 1?F. H. Gibbs, salary $ 30.00 July 1?T. B. Gardner, sal. 30.00 July 1?M. M. Drake, sal.. 110.00 July 1?C. E. Lovell, sal 65.00 July 1?R. L. Wilson, sal... 50.00 d July 1?H. R. Skillman, sal. 125.00 s. July 1?Mary Terrell, sal.. 40.00 il July 3?Rodwell Bros., asphalt, grease, etc 1.55 July 3?Citizens Insurance & Bond Co., Insurance Hotel 32.61 July 3?Mrs. N. M. Moore, if for stamps 4.50 s July 3?Warrenton Water Co., hydrant rental... 50.00 July 3?Pres Pub. Co., for report 9.50 3> July 3?Edwards & Broughd ton, tax abstract e binder .; 6.14 e July 3?Hunter Drug Co., batteries and bulbs.... .40 July 3?Car. P. & L. Co., traffic lights 2.94 July 3?Car. P. & L. Co., street lights 161.74 n . - ? ? - - ? ' j my j?uar. p. & u Co., ' power, N. pump 104.50 July 3?Car. P. & L. Co., d lights, N. pump 9.20 July 3?Car. P. & L. Co., power, S. pump 10.00 July 3?Car. P. & L. Co., lights for office 5.54 r July 3?Allen, Son & Co., e pencils 1.00 ,s July 3?Whites Building & Supplies, Inc., cement 4.50 . July 3?Dillon Supply Co.,, valve leather .50 1- July 3?Warrenton Water k Co., draft of P. P. Pace 1.00 s July 3?Hunter Drug Co., bottle for chemicals.. 1.50 July 3?Carolina Tel. Co., . office phone 6.55 1 July 3?The Texas Co., kerosene 6.60 k July 3?Pittsburg Meter Co. J. meter repairs.. 32.00 n July 3?Empire Match & Mfg. Co., pipe fittings 15.58 July 3?James McGraw Inc. 0 valvue and fittings... 10.05 e July 3?H. R. Skillman, trip to Raleigh 3.75 Tn1?r O TXfnwnnfAn Wotor [ uuij' o vv aixciibuii it ui/ui Co., petty cash 23.94 _ I July 3?Rodwell Bros., tools 1.92 " July 3?The Selig Co., garf bage cans 22.50 July 3?T. W. Hight, refund 1 of taxes 6.25 July 7?M. M. Drake, town payroll 34.90 July 7?Silas Curtis, salary. 10.00 July 9?Eureka Fire Hose 7 Co. 300 ft fire hose.. 308.70 July 11?John S. Plummer, 5 horse board 13.50 g July 11?Hunter Drug Co., 5 batteries etc 1.20 2 July 11?Gillam Auto Co., 8 gas for fire truck .64 0? i&fe aA? tie ; ^ IKun ?KI m 1 1 RnaKmrci X^ \ y^mskm REE SRI ] METB EXTRA VAU1 book, at the teases* ai> I come in and let us expla 89 fafly and yoa wiU seaAtx thing to no# togeryowTI'iwhmi HiciLof^ettiog<sndi extra ieacue Tn|iaodjd>e HnirfrUiiii fi n en the DcLmce Tiilnheim m Carolina P< ishe North Carolina July 11?Boyd-Boyce Motor Co., repairs to car C. H. Drye 2.50 July 14?M. M. Drake, town payroll 37.97 July 14?Silas Curtis, salary 10.00 July 21?Silas Curtis, salary 10.00 July 21?M. M. Drake, town payroll 31.30 July 28?M. M. Drake, town payroll 28.12 July 28?Silas Curtis, salary 10.00 Total.... $1485.69 July 31?By Balance $9066.02 $10551.71 July 31?To Balance $9066.02 Less cash in safe $ 26.33 $9039.69 July 31?Bank Statement.. .$9039.69 SPECIAL FUND Receipts July 1?By balance on hand$ 910.92 July 3?Int. on Water & Sewer bonds 75.00 Julv 3?Rent. Margaret's Beauty Shop 20.00 $1005.92 WARREN THEATRE PROGRAM WEEK AUGUST 12 Monday-Tuesday Jack Oakie and Ben Bernie "Shoot The Works" Wednesday Warner Oland "Charlie Chan's Courage" Bargain Day: Matinee and N&ht, 10c-15c Thursday Shirley Temple - James Dunn "Baby Take A Bow" Fridaay Lew Ayers - Alice Faye "She Learned About Sailors' Saturday John Wayne "West Of The Divide" i"LWa?BM .J?.. K&KfJV*:..WW, 0BBB^ I I Kt I ***** M IES Wlatm "i&r >wc and t4?cn priced irmdrb at j in tbem anJytwocf tfeeiesi : tlrat the vise dhat are within the l0Cllo,r* "fiaine advantage a es* the Thrift Kekfaatoc now?! cg^ataodnced bo eztza cost. Lo f oQ-dte towu aenuB?tr> suit'your)wer & Light Ju,y | Bal- on hand. bond FUND * July 1, 1934-ByBaian hand . . nce on Disbursements ^33 V JUlJ lost 20 LBSTofT^ I IN JUST 4 Vycci. I Mrs. Mae West of <?. , "5 fl 1 writes: "I'm only V\ Louis u? weighed 170 lbs. until.,?3' I of your Kruschen SalNi'1* ??e bS I ago. I now weigh 130 4 ??e2 I more energy and funL1 al? havJ I never had a hungrymnhar??re v* I Fat folks should tak? ent-" I spoonful of Kruschen Saif?'eihi" tea of hot water in the ? ,n a ell. I breakfast-ifs the Stfp'f bffo? H ? way to reduce as tens o? ^ralei! M men and women know """bands ^Hk For your health's salt, get Kruschen at anv i,?'1am cost for a bottle that lafel"r^-th? but a trifle and if ftfter the ?**Vs it M you are not joyfully sathsJ^1WtS ^Hu suits?money back 44 *i'K r, HI i IK! Rev. I. N. Demy says 1 have fotmd nothing tn tin ll" past 20 years that can take tin II-" place of Dr. Miles Anti-Put IIs PiEb. They are a sure relief far IIle my headache* IIU Sufferers from Headaei^ H-" Neuralgia, Toothache, Badcach^ IBoi Sciatica, Rheumatism, Lmh^ II u Neuritis, Muscular Pains, PeiW lit odic Pains, write that they tiavn II t used Dr. Miles Anti-Pain PiQs II with better results than they had II. j even hoped far. ^ 11^ Countless American bouse- II ri | wives would no more think II v. j of keeping house without Di II? ! Males Anti-Pain IfUs than wife- lip cut flour or sugar. Keep a pack- II b age in your medicine cabinet ami II i' gave yourself neelless suffering, At Drag Stores?25c apd fUN || ^ I mJ "?J " " =? it jKll-BUWPIUS |; ym p ^ | *"* I etithacrtt tt qo extra cost. And these are aires of these beautiful models *ach of most famiJres. IK, ( this opportunity. Get your ^K] md enjoy the extra values at w down payment aod O reqoirements. ??<' I ^ Bn Company B 2D|

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