PAGE 6 Retrospective I The Warren Record five years ago said: Old fashioned fireplaces in the court house will give way to a modern heating system. In an effort fcO make the town streets safer, the commissioners ruled that there should be no parking on the east side of Main. Warren joins the list of other North Carolina counties that have an eight-month school year for all white children. Rear lights have been fixed, straight-exhausts removed and overloaded trucks have lightened their loads following a visit of the State highway patrol here this week. The Warren Record ten years ago said: Friends of the library are called to the court house this week to discuss the incorporation of the library, the appointment of officers and directors, and to make plans for the official opening which has been tentatively set for Sept. 1. High schools of the county will upen oepieiuuci 1. The Farmers' Union held their annual picnic dinner at Warren Plains Saturday. To curb speeding on the Henderson-Norlina-Warrenton highway, the board of commissioners appointed R. O. Snipes as a special officer to prevent the highway from being used as a speedway. Mr. Robert Broom of Raleigh is spending several days this week with his sister, Mrs. J. Edward Allen. The Warren Record fifteen years ago said: Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strickland are out of town on an extended automobile trip to Roanoke, Va., Bristol and Knoxville, Tenn., Asheville and Salisbury. They are traveling in a Willys-Six driven by the faithful Kelly. Mr. Strickland is making a test run with a special set of tires and keeping an account of the gas and oil consumed. Reports are received and posted daily in the Hunter Drug Co. of his progress. The North Carolina cotton crop shows a prospective condition of 76 per cent of a normal crop. The farmers, their wives, children and babies are to flock to Warrenton on August 14 for a county agricultural picnic. Mr. Forrest Miles left Sunday for Newport News where he will remain until school opens. Mr. George N. Thomas and Miss Bemice Wood of Oxford were married Wednesday in Washington. Mr. William Royster of Suffolk visited his parents here this week. HENDERSON MEN (Continued from page 1) court costs. Lem Robinson, white man charged with assaulting his wife, transporting whiskey, and having home brew for the purpose of sale, will be tried Monday of next week before a jury. BIRTHDAY DINNER Mrs. Sam Rivers entertained her husband at a birthday dinner on Sunday, August 5, in honor of his 45th birthday. There were 70 guests present for the occasion. Mrs. Sam Rivers and children spent Monday night in Greensboro. Mr. Joseph A. Robinson, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Goode Robinson, spent the week end at Robin Dale, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Fishel. The HUN' A Newspaper W1 VOL. ? AUGUST 3, WARRENTON DAIRY PURE C! IjSPE ^SER Our delivery servi( to the point where it is perfect.. In other wor point of efficiency wh us for an order and in they put down the tel io a+nndintr nt tVip Hnm drinks. At any time, day o opportunity to render And allied with t! delicious drinks, good GIVE US A RING. HUNTER DR PRESCRIPTIONS CALL] Warren ton, North Carolina l| BOARD PUTS OFF (Continued from page 1) : tract, 6 acres, reduced to $55; Brown i tract, 426 acres, reduced to $4960; Miles tract, 44 acres, reduced to $300. Warrenton township?Coley tract, 25 acres, reduced to $250; Possum Quarter tract, 207 acres, feduced to $1650; Nathan Young tract, 10 acres, reduced to $150. Hawtree township ? Thornton tract, 30 acres, reduced to $300. Pishing Creek township?Newell tract, 66 acres, reduced to $660; Paschall tract, 115 acres, $1200; Paschall tract, 85 acres, reduced to I $900; Lancaster tract, 137 acres, reduced to $1500; James Taleron tract, 37 acres, reduced to $300, Charles Davis tract, 68 acres, reduced to $680; Capps tract, 25 acres, reduced to $250; C. A. Cook tract, 320 acres, reduced to $2750. Warrenton Rt. I Items Mr. Henry James is visiting friends in Richmond this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sadler of Richmond visited in the home of Mr. C. Edmons over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harkins and children and Mrs. Harkins' mother of Louisburg visited Mrs. L. B. Bowden Sunday afternoon. Mr. Prank and Clarence Ridout are spending this week at the World's Fair in Chicago. Mr. L. B. Bowden was a Baltimore visitor this week. Mr. J. W. Bowden attended services at Providence Sunday night. Miss Mae Weaver was a visitor in Raleigh recently. Palmer Springs Items Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Robinson of Halifax county were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Read. Mrs. C. W. Duke of Richmond spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Newell. Mr c. B. Scozein of Reidsville visited Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hayes one day last week. Miss Mary P. Davis of Austin, Texas, and Miss Rosa Jackson of Richmond were recent guests in rhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Newell, Mrs. Frank Newell Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Newell and baby of Warremon were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Newell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Henderson of Durham are visiting Mrs. Henderson's mother, Mrs. Pattie Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jeffress spent the week end at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bobbitt of Farmville, North Carolina, were guests of Mrs. E. F. Bobbitt on Sunday. Miss Helen Mae Newell spent several days last week with Miss Nancy Newell in Wilson. Mrs. Sarah Bobbitt of McKearney and little Barbara and Hal Peterson of Lawrenceville are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bobbitt. Lieut, and Mrs. Paul Mitchell of Warrenton, Virginia, are guests of Mrs. Mitchell's mother, Mrs. Robert Tanner. Messrs. John and Dudley Pendleton of Richmond spent the week end with Mr. Billy Newell. Miss Elizabeth Hendrick and guest, Miss MaTigaret Ogburn of Danville, are spending this week at Virginia Beach. Mrs. Ivan Rex of Richmond is spending this week with her father, Mr. E. F. Bobbitt. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Watkins and children and Mr. V. E. Newell of Richmond were the week guests of TERGRAM thin A Newspaper 1934 Number 31 REAM 1-2 pt. 15c; pt. 30c; qt. 80c EDY^ VICE^ :e has been speeded up just about 99.9 per cent ds, we have reached the ere our patrons can call just a minute or so after ephone receiver the boy r with the package or r night, we welcome the this service. his speedy service are drugs and fair prices. UG COMPANY ED FOB AND DELIVERED THI Mrs. Watkins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Newell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burley and children of Durham were guests of Mr. E. F. Bobbitt on Sunday. Miss Catherine Mayfield of Norlina is visiting the Misses Pela and Ruth Read this week. Mrs. Mary Milam of Macon spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Newell. Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Thompson and son of Henderson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hayes on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Newell and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Newell lat weesk. Mr. S. P. Read of Norlina was a visitor here last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Palmer of [Warrenton visited Mr. and Mrs. jPaul Palmer one day last week. Little Mis Peggy Hendrick, who has been in St. Luke's Hospital in Richmond for the past week, returned to her home much improved on Friday. She was accompanied home by her father, Mr. C. B. Hendrick. The Methodist Misionary and Aid Societies will meet in the home of yTrs. Robert on Wednesday afternoon. The ladles of the community gave a miscellaneous shower in the home of Mr. H. P. Read in honor of Mrs. Summerfield, who, before her recent marriage, was Miss Lucy Hayes. Ridgeway Items Mr. Robert Grant and family of Richmond are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Grant this wees. Mrs. Stella Browning of Burlington is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mabry. Mrs. Alton Pridgen visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Scott Thursday. Mrs. H. W. Petar visited in the home of Mrs. Bullock a few days ago. Mrs. Beasley of Colerain is in I Ridgeway in the home of Mr. and i Mrs. Edward Petar. Miss Margaret Scott has returned from a visit to her cousin in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Stephenson and little daughter of Severn and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Stephenson of near Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Grant and family were recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Grant. Mrs. Alice T. Banzet and Mr. Frank Banazet left last week to spend some time at Asheville. Some of the Ridgeway people attended the community picnic at Norlina Thursday. ' Miss Dora Gregory of Georgia, guest of Miss Louise Wyckoff, vis Dairy hardw 1 MILK BOTTLES In Half Pints, Pints an Quart Sizes MILK BOTTLE CA Plain and Easy Pull Cs BOTTLE BRUSHEI MILK STRAINERf CREAM SKIMMER: BLOCK TIN MILK PAILS MILK PANS MILK FUNNELS W. A. Hardw I "If Its Hardwar* jj T_??^ A \ WARPF.N RECORD Jited relatives at Henderson last j week. Mrs. Harris and baby of Macon visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mustian Sunday and Monday. Sunday morning at 9 o'clock is the appointed time for services at Good Shepherd Church. Master Jack Grant Jr. of Jackson is visiting in Ridgeway. Mrs. George Tyler of Jackson was in Ridgeway one day recently. Manson Items Messrs. Russell Uzzle Jr. and Percey Dudley of Raleigh visited friends here a while one night last week. Mrs. J. M. Singleton returned to her home here Sunday after visiting relatives in Rockmart, Ga., last week. Mrs. L. N. Kimball spent Monday in Henderson. Little Billie Brack of Middleburg spent Sunday here with his grandmother, Mrs. W. B. Brack. Mr. Kirk and son of Youngsville visited Mr. J. M. Singleton here Sunday. Mr. Bearden Cunningham of Raleigh is spending a few days this week with Mr. Francis Edwards. Miss Margaret Champion spent Tuesday in Richmond, Va. Miss Leta Currie of Norlina spent Saturday hefe with friends. Miss Wilma Singleton spent last week at Norlina with Miss Ida Hawks. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Champion visited Mrs. Fort Smithwick: in Cokesbury community a while Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Larren of Franklin> Va., spent Sunday here with friends. Misses Essie and Bertha Singleton and Mr. Jack Singleton of Rockmart, Ga.( are visiting relatives here this week. Mr. A. T. Edwards and children will leave Wednesday for their home in Raleigh. Mr. Woodrow Singleton of [Bracey, Va., Spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Singleton. Messrs. A. B. Paschall and L. O. Reavis Jr. are sending their trucks to Ocean City, Md., Wednesday to haul produce to northern markets. Drewry Items Miss Nancy Chambers of Blackstone is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Hope Bullock. | Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kimball, Miss Willie Haywood Kimball and |W. W. Kimball Jr. have returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Kimball of Delhi, Canada. | Mr. R. T. Walston spent last; week end in Norfolk. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Walston, who PS ps 5 ZZZZZZZZZil. L_ toMwiiii[iiiii;iiima^?l s k. . IVIilCS | are Co. i - We Have It" i ,, ,hll nl , L ,1 ! ,'n ih n nm a Warren ton, Nc , visited friends in Norfolk recently, and Mrs. Jack Sutton and Jack Waverly Sutton of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. John Cawthorne, Jack Cawthorne and Miss Mary Cawthorne of Warren Plains visited KTIss Nena White Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dorest Nichols of J South Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Williams. Messrs. J. C. Watkins and A. P. Watkins visited Mrs. A. P. Watkins and Miss Lillian Watkins, who is ill at a hospital in Suffolk. Misses Prances Boyd and Ethel Newell of Townsville are visiting friends here this week. Mrs. C. M. White, Mrs. Walter Wilson, Miss Alice White and Mrs. H. B. White attended a shower given Mrs. Herman Davis, a recent bride, by Mrs. W. M. Coffin, Mrs. Sallie Vaughn, Mrs. Harry Whitaker and Miss Sarah Boyd at the home of Miss Boyd near Townsville on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Len Bullock spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bullock. Mrs. G. R. White of Warrenton, Misses Kate May field and Lucy Mayfield of Oine visited friends here Monday. Mrs. N. D. Boyd and Miss Fanthea Boyd of Townsville are spending this week with Mrs. Henry White. Mr. and Mrs. Henry White spent Tuesday in Oxford. COUNTY BOARD (Continued from page 1) to improve the road leading from the hard surface west of Norlina by was of Oine to the Virginia State line. The board ordered that the State Highway Commission be requested to improve the River road from Northampton county line r,o Virginia State line near Ebony, Va., in Roanoke township. Seven reasons for constructing the State highway along Mosby Avenue were set forth in the petition of the Littleton citizens, as follows: 1. The width of Mosby Avenue is approximately seventy (70) feet from curb to curb, and is a straight line for its entire length. Furgerson Street is approximately twenty (20) feet in width, and is both hilly and crooked. 2. Mosby Avenue has a ratio of practically four to one in the value of property adjacent thereto as compared to Furgerson Street. 3. The High School building faces said Avenue and thereon are all the churches of said town except two ii*hfti 4ii< s!v." |KL^4Hm |v ^Hhw!\W(v/ ffl||lljl|l|||j|HMw?B888S8fflM^B^^^H^^^^^^^^^^B I ? T<> effected by Chevrol economy, rugged construction ai dependability has recently been of as much as $50 in the purchase still get the same features that b rolet trucks so popular in ever] the valve-in-head, six-cylinder en bodies?the exceptionally heavy transmission. Your Chevrolet d show you how these Chevrolet f to reduce your hauling costs. CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., DETB Compare Chevrolet's low delivered j G. M. A. C. terms. A General 1 I flAAA At? > SlUWilN WARRENTON, N. C >rth Carolina which are within half a block, or less, and plainly seen from said Avenue. None are in view of Furgerson Street. 4. Mosby Avenue is the principal and most beautiful residential street of said town with 44 white families thereon against ten white families on Furgerson Street; two colored families on Mosby Avenue against 18 colored families of Furgerson Street. The width of Mosby Avenue at its intersection with Route No. 48 as to visability is approximately 100 feet against a width of Furgerson Street, at its intersection with said Route, of about 30 feet. 6. Mosby Avenue has graded and paved sidewalks for its entire length on each side. Furgerson Street has a paved sidewalk for about 1000 feet (about one-seventh of its entire length) on one side, and no side walk at all for the rest of said side; on the other, no paved walk and only a dirt, ungraded path. 7. Furgerson Street runs along the entire length of the play grounds of Littleton High School; students are not allowed to play on the Mosby Avenue side. Shady Grove Items Mrs. B. G. Tharrington left Friday to spend several weeks with her son, Charles Robert Tharrington of Philadelphia, Penn. Little Bennie Mae Tharrington is spending this week with Mrs. E. E. Stainback of Macon. Mrs. Romeo Powell and children spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Wiley Pridgen of Creek. Miss "Pat" Egerton spent Tuesday afternoon with Miss Lucile Tharrington. Mr. Romeo Powell returned Monday after spending a week at the World Fair. Mrs. M. P. Edwards and daughters, Pattie, Florence and Janie, snpnt TVTnnHflv with Mrs "Dnvf* Ayscue. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Allen of Louisburg spent Sunday afternoon In the home of Mrs. B. G. Tharrington. Miss Cary Pridgen is spending some time with Mrs. Romeo ^Powell. Miss Florence Tharrington has returned home after spending three weeks with Mrs. C. D. Cheek. Mr. Lewis Tharrington^ Mr. Williard Haithcock, Miss Lucile Tharrington and Pat Egerton visited Mrs. R. D. Cheek Saturday even-' ing. Mr. Joe Lewis Williams visited ^Z/r MOD et's great w id outstanding I u+H;tv i nr ' added a saving . , Dual Long } pnce. And you Lave made Chev- Utility Chi j fianlrng field? Dual Chas gine?the sturdy Utility Lou frame, axle, and and Cab lealer will gladly Dual Long eatnres can help and Cab Utility Pan OFT, MICHIGAN Dual c?if 3 irices and easy Viators Value Dual Long Stake Bo i ;! ] rn ITOMI MOTOR C H i 0 FRIDAY, AUGUST 10,1J in the home ol Mr. Sam Sunday. Mrs. R. D. Cheek and MissJB cile Tharrington spent the JH Rocky Mount recently. PERSONAL MENTION Miss Helen Reid has relurr^ Atkins, Ga., alter spending ha ,M cation with her parents, Mr. Jl Mrs. H. P. Reid. Miss Betsy Peay cl Columb^^B C. is a guest of the Miss? ? 5,^ *""" ourwell. ^B Mr. John B. LeGwin lea onsv^B urday for his home in Rockir.rtJ after spending some timgTrB home of Miss Susie Overby Mr. and Mrs. A. C. BlalocH y I Mattie Warren Blalock, and C. Blalock Jr. have returned' their home after spending days at Buckroe Beach. " Mrs. W. C. Miles and daughterM Doris, of Buckroe Beach are 2 guests of Mr. and Mrs, a c r9 lock and family for a few davs Mr. John Hen4etson of ciavrnn^H spent the week end here 1 Miss Lala Fitts Paker ol ChaJ Hill is spending her va^ SM her mother, ~~rs. J. p. w. h. boyiPB Registered Engineer Law Building Henderson, N. C. Office Phone 198 Home Phone ttfl M $48,751 WORLD'S FAIR I Travel in Comfort by Train a Air Conditioned from W ashington H All Expanses from Weldon I LEAVE AUGUST 28 M Personally Conducted M 3 full days in CHICAGO I At Palmer House For Complete Details Write SYKES "PERFECT" TOUtS I Jackson, N. C. Telephone 276 REDUCED! J PRICES __ Afl?rt I EL ?' II R?Mfc? I I ig Chassis . 5515 *50 Chassis . . . 535 50 L issis and CaJi 575 50 sis and Cab . 595 50 I ,g Chassis ^5 50 50 I .i . . 750 50 ltd Stake Body 680 5 I 5""nd 710 5? II dy . Above an I subject to out notic&j ompanvI ENDERSON. N. C' l

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